[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D155905: lldb RFC: Exposing set/get address masks, Fix*Address methods in SBProcess

Greg Clayton via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jul 26 16:03:32 PDT 2023

clayborg added a comment.

In D155905#4536917 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D155905#4536917>, @jasonmolenda wrote:

> Also interesting to consider if there should be an "Any" define.  e.g.
>   enum AddressMaskType {
>     eTypeCode = 0,
>     eTypeData,
>     eTypeHighmemCode,
>     eTypeHighmemData,
>     eTypeAny
>   };
>   lldb::addr_t GetAddressMask(AddressMaskType mask_type);
>   void SetAddressMask(AddressMaskType mask_type, lldb::addr_t mask);
> The patch also adds SBProcess::FixCodeAddress, SBProcess::FixDataAddress, and SBProcess::FixAddress -- FixAddress is always calling FixDataAddress right now, because Data can be at any address on all the targets we support today, whereas CodeAddress may have low bits masked off (e.g. armv7 where the low bit is sometimes used to indicate arm/thub, but it could be for AArch64 as well).  So `GetAddressMask(eTypeAny)` would probably return the data mask, and `SetAddressMask(eTypeAny, mask)` would set all the address masks to the same value.

I like it the above approach with more enums for the high and low code/data. Not sure if eTypeAny makes sense in the GetAddressMask(eTypeAny) scenario, but I can see the use for a eTypeAll in case you wanted to set all of the various address masks to zero though using SetAddressMask(eTypeAll, mask). We would need to document this in the enum header file if we do add a eTypeAny or eTypeAll.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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