[Lldb-commits] [lldb] df05449 - Revert "[lldb][LocateModuleCallback] Call locate module callback"

Shubham Sandeep Rastogi via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jul 14 08:05:11 PDT 2023

Author: Shubham Sandeep Rastogi
Date: 2023-07-14T11:05:01-04:00
New Revision: df054499c35cdda02b196b2ca5c0a326abdc0a29

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/df054499c35cdda02b196b2ca5c0a326abdc0a29
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/df054499c35cdda02b196b2ca5c0a326abdc0a29.diff

LOG: Revert "[lldb][LocateModuleCallback] Call locate module callback"

This reverts commit 7f1028e9df52b4e7246f189a24684b1ca8c9bfbe.

This is because test failures





diff  --git a/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Platform.h b/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Platform.h
index a5a78fe0f86983..35227429b126ae 100644
--- a/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Platform.h
+++ b/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Platform.h
@@ -881,19 +881,6 @@ class Platform : public PluginInterface {
   virtual Args GetExtraStartupCommands();
-  typedef std::function<Status(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                               FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                               FileSpec &symbol_file_spec)>
-      LocateModuleCallback;
-  /// Set locate module callback. This allows users to implement their own
-  /// module cache system. For example, to leverage artifacts of build system,
-  /// to bypass pulling files from remote platform, or to search symbol files
-  /// from symbol servers.
-  void SetLocateModuleCallback(LocateModuleCallback callback);
-  LocateModuleCallback GetLocateModuleCallback() const;
   /// Create a list of ArchSpecs with the given OS and a architectures. The
   /// vendor field is left as an "unspecified unknown".
@@ -941,7 +928,6 @@ class Platform : public PluginInterface {
   std::vector<ConstString> m_trap_handlers;
   bool m_calculated_trap_handlers;
   const std::unique_ptr<ModuleCache> m_module_cache;
-  LocateModuleCallback m_locate_module_callback;
   /// Ask the Platform subclass to fill in the list of trap handler names

diff  --git a/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Target.h b/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Target.h
index d5b4b8e18c2d2d..ed0ecbbddbf814 100644
--- a/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Target.h
+++ b/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Target.h
@@ -1625,12 +1625,6 @@ class Target : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Target>,
   Target(const Target &) = delete;
   const Target &operator=(const Target &) = delete;
-  void CallLocateModuleCallbackIfSet(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                     lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
-                                     FileSpec &symbol_file_spec,
-                                     bool &did_create_module);
 } // namespace lldb_private

diff  --git a/lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp b/lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp
index 11a123fb6d583d..eedf596f1977f3 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp
+++ b/lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp
@@ -1971,14 +1971,6 @@ Args Platform::GetExtraStartupCommands() {
   return {};
-void Platform::SetLocateModuleCallback(LocateModuleCallback callback) {
-  m_locate_module_callback = callback;
-Platform::LocateModuleCallback Platform::GetLocateModuleCallback() const {
-  return m_locate_module_callback;
 PlatformSP PlatformList::GetOrCreate(llvm::StringRef name) {
   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
   for (const PlatformSP &platform_sp : m_platforms) {

diff  --git a/lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp b/lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp
index f0c57ef83c4a14..06867d359a3c0f 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp
+++ b/lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp
@@ -2129,46 +2129,19 @@ ModuleSP Target::GetOrCreateModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec, bool notify,
                      // of the library
     bool did_create_module = false;
     FileSpecList search_paths = GetExecutableSearchPaths();
-    FileSpec symbol_file_spec;
-    // Call locate module callback if set. This allows users to implement their
-    // own module cache system. For example, to leverage build system artifacts,
-    // to bypass pulling files from remote platform, or to search symbol files
-    // from symbol servers.
-    CallLocateModuleCallbackIfSet(module_spec, module_sp, symbol_file_spec,
-                                  did_create_module);
-    // The result of this CallLocateModuleCallbackIfSet is one of the following.
-    // 1. module_sp:loaded, symbol_file_spec:set
-    //      The callback found a module file and a symbol file for the
-    //      module_spec. We will call module_sp->SetSymbolFileFileSpec with
-    //      the symbol_file_spec later.
-    // 2. module_sp:loaded, symbol_file_spec:empty
-    //      The callback only found a module file for the module_spec.
-    // 3. module_sp:empty, symbol_file_spec:set
-    //      The callback only found a symbol file for the module. We continue
-    //      to find a module file for this module_spec and we will call
-    //      module_sp->SetSymbolFileFileSpec with the symbol_file_spec later.
-    // 4. module_sp:empty, symbol_file_spec:empty
-    //      The callback is not set. Or the callback did not find any module
-    //      files nor any symbol files. Or the callback failed, or something
-    //      went wrong. We continue to find a module file for this module_spec.
-    if (!module_sp) {
-      // If there are image search path entries, try to use them to acquire a
-      // suitable image.
-      if (m_image_search_paths.GetSize()) {
-        ModuleSpec transformed_spec(module_spec);
-        ConstString transformed_dir;
-        if (m_image_search_paths.RemapPath(
-                module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetDirectory(), transformed_dir)) {
-          transformed_spec.GetFileSpec().SetDirectory(transformed_dir);
-          transformed_spec.GetFileSpec().SetFilename(
-                module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetFilename());
-          error = ModuleList::GetSharedModule(transformed_spec, module_sp,
-                                              &search_paths, &old_modules,
-                                              &did_create_module);
-        }
+    // If there are image search path entries, try to use them first to acquire
+    // a suitable image.
+    if (m_image_search_paths.GetSize()) {
+      ModuleSpec transformed_spec(module_spec);
+      ConstString transformed_dir;
+      if (m_image_search_paths.RemapPath(
+              module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetDirectory(), transformed_dir)) {
+        transformed_spec.GetFileSpec().SetDirectory(transformed_dir);
+        transformed_spec.GetFileSpec().SetFilename(
+              module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetFilename());
+        error = ModuleList::GetSharedModule(transformed_spec, module_sp,
+                                            &search_paths, &old_modules,
+                                            &did_create_module);
@@ -2259,11 +2232,6 @@ ModuleSP Target::GetOrCreateModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec, bool notify,
-        // If the locate module callback had found a symbol file, set it to the
-        // module_sp before preloading symbols.
-        if (symbol_file_spec)
-          module_sp->SetSymbolFileFileSpec(symbol_file_spec);
         // Preload symbols outside of any lock, so hopefully we can do this for
         // each library in parallel.
         if (GetPreloadSymbols())
@@ -2338,113 +2306,6 @@ ModuleSP Target::GetOrCreateModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec, bool notify,
   return module_sp;
-void Target::CallLocateModuleCallbackIfSet(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                           lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
-                                           FileSpec &symbol_file_spec,
-                                           bool &did_create_module) {
-  if (!m_platform_sp)
-    return;
-  Platform::LocateModuleCallback locate_module_callback =
-      m_platform_sp->GetLocateModuleCallback();
-  if (!locate_module_callback)
-    return;
-  FileSpec module_file_spec;
-  Status error =
-      locate_module_callback(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-  // Locate module callback is set and called. Check the error.
-  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Target);
-  if (error.Fail()) {
-    LLDB_LOGF(log, "%s: locate module callback failed: %s",
-              LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION, error.AsCString());
-    return;
-  }
-  // The locate module callback was succeeded. It should returned
-  // 1. a combination of a module file and a symbol file.
-  // 2. or only a module file.
-  // 3. or only a symbol file. For example, a breakpad symbol text file.
-  //
-  // Check the module_file_spec and symbol_file_spec values.
-  // 1. module:empty  symbol:empty  -> Invalid
-  // 2. module:exists symbol:exists -> Success
-  // 3. module:exists symbol:empty  -> Success
-  // 4. module:empty  symbol:exists -> Success
-  if (!module_file_spec && !symbol_file_spec) {
-    // This is '1. module:empty symbol:empty -> Invalid'.
-    LLDB_LOGF(log,
-              "%s: locate module callback did not set both "
-              "module_file_spec and symbol_file_spec",
-              LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION);
-    return;
-  }
-  // The module file should exist.
-  if (module_file_spec && !FileSystem::Instance().Exists(module_file_spec)) {
-    LLDB_LOGF(log,
-              "%s: locate module callback set a non-existent file to "
-              "module_file_spec: %s",
-              LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION, module_file_spec.GetPath().c_str());
-    // Clear symbol_file_spec for the error.
-    symbol_file_spec.Clear();
-    return;
-  }
-  // The symbol file should exist.
-  if (symbol_file_spec && !FileSystem::Instance().Exists(symbol_file_spec)) {
-    LLDB_LOGF(log,
-              "%s: locate module callback set a non-existent file to "
-              "symbol_file_spec: %s",
-              LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION, symbol_file_spec.GetPath().c_str());
-    // Clear symbol_file_spec for the error.
-    symbol_file_spec.Clear();
-    return;
-  }
-  if (!module_file_spec && symbol_file_spec) {
-    // This is '4. module:empty symbol:exists -> Success'.
-    // The locate module callback returned only a symbol file. For example,
-    // a breakpad symbol text file. GetOrCreateModule will use this returned
-    // symbol_file_spec.
-    LLDB_LOGF(log, "%s: locate module callback succeeded: symbol=%s",
-              LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION, symbol_file_spec.GetPath().c_str());
-    return;
-  }
-  // The locate module callback returned
-  // - '2. module:exists symbol:exists -> Success'
-  //   - a combination of a module file and a symbol file.
-  // - Or '3. module:exists symbol:empty -> Success'
-  //   - only a module file.
-  // Load the module file.
-  auto cached_module_spec(module_spec);
-  cached_module_spec.GetUUID().Clear(); // Clear UUID since it may contain md5
-                                        // content hash instead of real UUID.
-  cached_module_spec.GetFileSpec() = module_file_spec;
-  cached_module_spec.GetPlatformFileSpec() = module_spec.GetFileSpec();
-  cached_module_spec.SetObjectOffset(0);
-  error = ModuleList::GetSharedModule(cached_module_spec, module_sp, nullptr,
-                                      nullptr, &did_create_module, false);
-  if (error.Success() && module_sp) {
-    // Succeeded to load the module file.
-    LLDB_LOGF(log, "%s: locate module callback succeeded: module=%s symbol=%s",
-              LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION, module_file_spec.GetPath().c_str(),
-              symbol_file_spec.GetPath().c_str());
-  } else {
-    LLDB_LOGF(log,
-              "%s: locate module callback succeeded but failed to load: "
-              "module=%s symbol=%s",
-              LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION, module_file_spec.GetPath().c_str(),
-              symbol_file_spec.GetPath().c_str());
-    // Clear module_sp and symbol_file_spec for the error.
-    module_sp.reset();
-    symbol_file_spec.Clear();
-  }
 TargetSP Target::CalculateTarget() { return shared_from_this(); }
 ProcessSP Target::CalculateProcess() { return m_process_sp; }

diff  --git a/lldb/unittests/Target/CMakeLists.txt b/lldb/unittests/Target/CMakeLists.txt
index d10e93ca6336d6..99431435d29363 100644
--- a/lldb/unittests/Target/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/lldb/unittests/Target/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ add_lldb_unittest(TargetTests
-  LocateModuleCallbackTest.cpp
@@ -16,12 +15,9 @@ add_lldb_unittest(TargetTests
-      lldbPluginObjectFileBreakpad
-      lldbPluginPlatformAndroid
-      lldbPluginSymbolFileBreakpad
@@ -31,10 +27,4 @@ add_lldb_unittest(TargetTests
-  AndroidModule.so
-  AndroidModule.so.sym
-  AndroidModule.unstripped.so
-  TestModule.so
-  )
-add_unittest_inputs(TargetTests "${test_inputs}")
+add_unittest_inputs(TargetTests TestModule.so)

diff  --git a/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.c b/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a898be84522d4d..00000000000000
--- a/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// aarch64-linux-android29-clang -shared -Os -glldb -g3 -Wl,--build-id=sha1 \
-//     AndroidModule.c -o AndroidModule.so
-// dump_syms AndroidModule.so > AndroidModule.so.sym
-// cp AndroidModule.so AndroidModule.unstripped.so
-// llvm-strip --strip-unneeded AndroidModule.so
-int boom(void) {
-  return 47;
-__attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) int boom_hidden(void) {
-  return 48;

diff  --git a/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.so b/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 89b357dc0360a9..00000000000000
Binary files a/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.so and /dev/null 
diff er

diff  --git a/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.so.sym b/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.so.sym
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f23c4df9b275..00000000000000
--- a/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.so.sym
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-MODULE Linux arm64 38830080A082E5515922C905D23890DA0 AndroidModule.so
-INFO CODE_ID 8000833882A051E55922C905D23890DABDDEFECC
-FILE 0 /private/tmp/test/AndroidModule.c
-FUNC 162c 8 0 boom
-162c 8 8 0
-FUNC 1634 8 0 boom_hidden
-1634 8 12 0
-PUBLIC 15cc 0 __on_dlclose
-PUBLIC 15dc 0 __emutls_unregister_key
-PUBLIC 15e4 0 __on_dlclose_late
-PUBLIC 15ec 0 __atexit_handler_wrapper
-PUBLIC 1600 0 atexit
-PUBLIC 161c 0 pthread_atfork
-STACK CFI INIT 15cc 10 .cfa: sp 0 + .ra: x30
-STACK CFI INIT 15dc 8 .cfa: sp 0 + .ra: x30
-STACK CFI INIT 15e4 8 .cfa: sp 0 + .ra: x30
-STACK CFI INIT 15ec 14 .cfa: sp 0 + .ra: x30
-STACK CFI INIT 1600 1c .cfa: sp 0 + .ra: x30
-STACK CFI INIT 161c 10 .cfa: sp 0 + .ra: x30
-STACK CFI INIT 162c 8 .cfa: sp 0 + .ra: x30
-STACK CFI INIT 1634 8 .cfa: sp 0 + .ra: x30

diff  --git a/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.unstripped.so b/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.unstripped.so
deleted file mode 100644
index 459910ca2cdb6e..00000000000000
Binary files a/lldb/unittests/Target/Inputs/AndroidModule.unstripped.so and /dev/null 
diff er

diff  --git a/lldb/unittests/Target/LocateModuleCallbackTest.cpp b/lldb/unittests/Target/LocateModuleCallbackTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cd5eb4473473bb..00000000000000
--- a/lldb/unittests/Target/LocateModuleCallbackTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
-//===-- LocateModuleCallbackTest.cpp --------------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "Plugins/ObjectFile/Breakpad/ObjectFileBreakpad.h"
-#include "Plugins/ObjectFile/ELF/ObjectFileELF.h"
-#include "Plugins/Platform/Android/PlatformAndroid.h"
-#include "Plugins/SymbolFile/Breakpad/SymbolFileBreakpad.h"
-#include "Plugins/SymbolFile/Symtab/SymbolFileSymtab.h"
-#include "TestingSupport/SubsystemRAII.h"
-#include "TestingSupport/TestUtilities.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
-#include "lldb/Host/HostInfo.h"
-#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-using namespace lldb;
-using namespace lldb_private;
-using namespace lldb_private::platform_android;
-using namespace lldb_private::breakpad;
-using namespace testing;
-namespace {
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral k_process_plugin("mock-process-plugin");
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral k_platform_dir("remote-android");
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral k_cache_dir(".cache");
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral k_module_file("AndroidModule.so");
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral k_symbol_file("AndroidModule.unstripped.so");
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral k_breakpad_symbol_file("AndroidModule.so.sym");
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral k_arch("aarch64-none-linux");
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral
-    k_module_uuid("80008338-82A0-51E5-5922-C905D23890DA-BDDEFECC");
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral k_function_symbol("boom");
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral k_hidden_function_symbol("boom_hidden");
-const size_t k_module_size = 3784;
-ModuleSpec GetTestModuleSpec();
-class MockProcess : public Process {
-  MockProcess(TargetSP target_sp, ListenerSP listener_sp)
-      : Process(target_sp, listener_sp) {}
-  llvm::StringRef GetPluginName() override { return k_process_plugin; };
-  bool CanDebug(TargetSP target, bool plugin_specified_by_name) override {
-    return true;
-  }
-  Status DoDestroy() override { return Status(); }
-  void RefreshStateAfterStop() override {}
-  bool DoUpdateThreadList(ThreadList &old_thread_list,
-                          ThreadList &new_thread_list) override {
-    return false;
-  }
-  size_t DoReadMemory(addr_t vm_addr, void *buf, size_t size,
-                      Status &error) override {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  bool GetModuleSpec(const FileSpec &module_file_spec, const ArchSpec &arch,
-                     ModuleSpec &module_spec) override {
-    module_spec = GetTestModuleSpec();
-    return true;
-  }
-FileSpec GetTestDir() {
-  const auto *info = UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info();
-  FileSpec test_dir = HostInfo::GetProcessTempDir();
-  test_dir.AppendPathComponent(std::string(info->test_case_name()) + "-" +
-                               info->name());
-  std::error_code ec = llvm::sys::fs::create_directory(test_dir.GetPath());
-  return test_dir;
-FileSpec GetRemotePath() {
-  FileSpec fs("/", FileSpec::Style::posix);
-  fs.AppendPathComponent("bin");
-  fs.AppendPathComponent(k_module_file);
-  return fs;
-FileSpec GetUuidView(FileSpec spec) {
-  spec.AppendPathComponent(k_platform_dir);
-  spec.AppendPathComponent(k_cache_dir);
-  spec.AppendPathComponent(k_module_uuid);
-  spec.AppendPathComponent(k_module_file);
-  return spec;
-void BuildEmptyCacheDir(const FileSpec &test_dir) {
-  FileSpec cache_dir(test_dir);
-  cache_dir.AppendPathComponent(k_platform_dir);
-  cache_dir.AppendPathComponent(k_cache_dir);
-  std::error_code ec = llvm::sys::fs::create_directories(cache_dir.GetPath());
-FileSpec BuildCacheDir(const FileSpec &test_dir) {
-  FileSpec uuid_view = GetUuidView(test_dir);
-  std::error_code ec =
-      llvm::sys::fs::create_directories(uuid_view.GetDirectory().GetCString());
-  ec = llvm::sys::fs::copy_file(GetInputFilePath(k_module_file),
-                                uuid_view.GetPath().c_str());
-  return uuid_view;
-FileSpec GetSymFileSpec(const FileSpec &uuid_view) {
-  return FileSpec(uuid_view.GetPath() + ".sym");
-FileSpec BuildCacheDirWithSymbol(const FileSpec &test_dir) {
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDir(test_dir);
-  std::error_code ec =
-      llvm::sys::fs::copy_file(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file),
-                               GetSymFileSpec(uuid_view).GetPath().c_str());
-  return uuid_view;
-FileSpec BuildCacheDirWithBreakpadSymbol(const FileSpec &test_dir) {
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDir(test_dir);
-  std::error_code ec =
-      llvm::sys::fs::copy_file(GetInputFilePath(k_breakpad_symbol_file),
-                               GetSymFileSpec(uuid_view).GetPath().c_str());
-  return uuid_view;
-ModuleSpec GetTestModuleSpec() {
-  ModuleSpec module_spec(GetRemotePath(), ArchSpec(k_arch));
-  module_spec.GetUUID().SetFromStringRef(k_module_uuid);
-  module_spec.SetObjectSize(k_module_size);
-  return module_spec;
-void CheckModule(const ModuleSP &module_sp) {
-  ASSERT_TRUE(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetUUID().GetAsString(), k_module_uuid);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetObjectOffset(), 0U);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec(), GetRemotePath());
-SymbolContextList FindFunctions(const ModuleSP &module_sp,
-                                const llvm::StringRef &name) {
-  SymbolContextList sc_list;
-  ModuleFunctionSearchOptions function_options;
-  function_options.include_symbols = true;
-  function_options.include_inlines = true;
-  FunctionNameType type = static_cast<FunctionNameType>(eSymbolTypeCode);
-  module_sp->FindFunctions(ConstString(name), CompilerDeclContext(), type,
-                           function_options, sc_list);
-  return sc_list;
-void CheckStrippedSymbol(const ModuleSP &module_sp) {
-  SymbolContextList sc_list = FindFunctions(module_sp, k_function_symbol);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1U, sc_list.GetSize());
-  sc_list = FindFunctions(module_sp, k_hidden_function_symbol);
-  EXPECT_EQ(0U, sc_list.GetSize());
-void CheckUnstrippedSymbol(const ModuleSP &module_sp) {
-  SymbolContextList sc_list = FindFunctions(module_sp, k_function_symbol);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1U, sc_list.GetSize());
-  sc_list = FindFunctions(module_sp, k_hidden_function_symbol);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1U, sc_list.GetSize());
-ProcessSP MockProcessCreateInstance(TargetSP target_sp, ListenerSP listener_sp,
-                                    const FileSpec *crash_file_path,
-                                    bool can_connect) {
-  return std::make_shared<MockProcess>(target_sp, listener_sp);
-class LocateModuleCallbackTest : public testing::Test {
-  SubsystemRAII<FileSystem, HostInfo, ObjectFileBreakpad, ObjectFileELF,
-                PlatformAndroid, SymbolFileBreakpad, SymbolFileSymtab>
-      subsystems;
-  void SetUp() override {
-    m_test_dir = GetTestDir();
-    // Set module cache directory for PlatformAndroid.
-    PlatformAndroid::GetGlobalPlatformProperties().SetModuleCacheDirectory(
-        m_test_dir);
-    // Create Debugger.
-    m_debugger_sp = Debugger::CreateInstance();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(m_debugger_sp);
-    // Create PlatformAndroid.
-    ArchSpec arch(k_arch);
-    m_platform_sp = PlatformAndroid::CreateInstance(true, &arch);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(m_platform_sp);
-    // Create Target.
-    m_debugger_sp->GetTargetList().CreateTarget(*m_debugger_sp, "", arch,
-                                                eLoadDependentsNo,
-                                                m_platform_sp, m_target_sp);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(m_target_sp);
-    // Create MockProcess.
-    PluginManager::RegisterPlugin(k_process_plugin, "",
-                                  MockProcessCreateInstance);
-    m_process_sp =
-        m_target_sp->CreateProcess(Listener::MakeListener("test-listener"),
-                                   k_process_plugin, /*crash_file=*/nullptr,
-                                   /*can_connect=*/true);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(m_process_sp);
-    m_module_spec = GetTestModuleSpec();
-  }
-  void CheckNoCallback() {
-    EXPECT_FALSE(m_platform_sp->GetLocateModuleCallback());
-    EXPECT_EQ(m_callback_call_count, 0);
-  }
-  void CheckCallbackArgs(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                         FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                         FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    EXPECT_TRUE(m_module_spec.Matches(module_spec,
-                                      /*exact_arch_match=*/true));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(module_file_spec);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(symbol_file_spec);
-    EXPECT_EQ(m_callback_call_count, 0);
-    m_callback_call_count++;
-  }
-  FileSpec m_test_dir;
-  DebuggerSP m_debugger_sp;
-  PlatformSP m_platform_sp;
-  TargetSP m_target_sp;
-  ProcessSP m_process_sp;
-  ModuleSpec m_module_spec;
-  int m_callback_call_count = 0;
-} // namespace
-TEST_F(LocateModuleCallbackTest, GetOrCreateModuleWithCachedModule) {
-  // The module file is cached, and the locate module callback is not set.
-  // GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return the module from the cache.
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  CheckNoCallback();
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(), uuid_view);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec());
-  CheckStrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-TEST_F(LocateModuleCallbackTest, GetOrCreateModuleWithCachedModuleAndSymbol) {
-  // The module and symbol files are cached, and the locate module callback is
-  // not set. GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return the module from the
-  // cache with the symbol.
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDirWithSymbol(m_test_dir);
-  CheckNoCallback();
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(), uuid_view);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec(), GetSymFileSpec(uuid_view));
-  CheckUnstrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-       GetOrCreateModuleWithCachedModuleAndBreakpadSymbol) {
-  // The module file and breakpad symbol file are cached, and the locate module
-  // callback is not set. GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return the module
-  // from the cache with the symbol.
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDirWithBreakpadSymbol(m_test_dir);
-  CheckNoCallback();
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(), uuid_view);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec(), GetSymFileSpec(uuid_view));
-  CheckUnstrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-TEST_F(LocateModuleCallbackTest, GetOrCreateModuleFailure) {
-  // The cache dir is empty, and the locate module callback is not set.
-  // GetOrCreateModule should fail because PlatformAndroid tries to download the
-  // module and fails.
-  BuildEmptyCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  CheckNoCallback();
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(module_sp);
-TEST_F(LocateModuleCallbackTest, GetOrCreateModuleCallbackFailureNoCache) {
-  // The cache dir is empty, also the locate module callback fails for some
-  // reason. GetOrCreateModule should fail because PlatformAndroid tries to
-  // download the module and fails.
-  BuildEmptyCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    return Status("The locate module callback failed");
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(module_sp);
-TEST_F(LocateModuleCallbackTest, GetOrCreateModuleCallbackFailureCached) {
-  // The module file is cached, so GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return
-  // the module from the cache even though the locate module callback fails for
-  // some reason.
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    return Status("The locate module callback failed");
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(), uuid_view);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec());
-  CheckStrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-TEST_F(LocateModuleCallbackTest, GetOrCreateModuleCallbackNoFiles) {
-  // The module file is cached, so GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return
-  // the module from the cache even though the locate module callback returns
-  // no files.
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    // The locate module callback succeeds but it does not set
-    // module_file_spec nor symbol_file_spec.
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(), uuid_view);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec());
-  CheckStrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-TEST_F(LocateModuleCallbackTest, GetOrCreateModuleCallbackNonExistentModule) {
-  // The module file is cached, so GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return
-  // the module from the cache even though the locate module callback returns
-  // non-existent module file.
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    module_file_spec.SetPath("/this path does not exist");
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(), uuid_view);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec());
-  CheckStrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-TEST_F(LocateModuleCallbackTest, GetOrCreateModuleCallbackNonExistentSymbol) {
-  // The module file is cached, so GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return
-  // the module from the cache even though the locate module callback returns
-  // non-existent symbol file.
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    // The locate module callback returns a right module file.
-    module_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_module_file));
-    // But it returns non-existent symbols file.
-    symbol_file_spec.SetPath("/this path does not exist");
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(), uuid_view);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec().GetPath().empty());
-  CheckStrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-TEST_F(LocateModuleCallbackTest, GetOrCreateModuleCallbackSuccessWithModule) {
-  // The locate module callback returns a module file, GetOrCreateModule should
-  // succeed to return the module from the Inputs directory.
-  BuildEmptyCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    module_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_module_file));
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(),
-            FileSpec(GetInputFilePath(k_module_file)));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec());
-  CheckStrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-       GetOrCreateModuleCallbackSuccessWithSymbolAsModule) {
-  // The locate module callback returns the symbol file as a module file. It
-  // should work since the sections and UUID of the symbol file are the exact
-  // same with the module file, GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return the
-  // module with the symbol file from Inputs directory.
-  BuildEmptyCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    module_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file));
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(),
-            FileSpec(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file)));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec());
-  CheckUnstrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-       GetOrCreateModuleCallbackSuccessWithSymbolAsModuleAndSymbol) {
-  // The locate module callback returns a symbol file as both a module file and
-  // a symbol file. It should work since the sections and UUID of the symbol
-  // file are the exact same with the module file, GetOrCreateModule should
-  // succeed to return the module with the symbol file from Inputs directory.
-  BuildEmptyCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    module_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file));
-    symbol_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file));
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(),
-            FileSpec(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file)));
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec(),
-            FileSpec(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file)));
-  CheckUnstrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-       GetOrCreateModuleCallbackSuccessWithModuleAndSymbol) {
-  // The locate module callback returns a module file and a symbol file,
-  // GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return the module from Inputs
-  // directory, along with the symbol file.
-  BuildEmptyCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    module_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_module_file));
-    symbol_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file));
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(),
-            FileSpec(GetInputFilePath(k_module_file)));
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec(),
-            FileSpec(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file)));
-  CheckUnstrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-       GetOrCreateModuleCallbackSuccessWithModuleAndBreakpadSymbol) {
-  // The locate module callback returns a module file and a breakpad symbol
-  // file, GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return the module with the symbol
-  // file from Inputs directory.
-  BuildEmptyCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    module_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_module_file));
-    symbol_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_breakpad_symbol_file));
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(),
-            FileSpec(GetInputFilePath(k_module_file)));
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec(),
-            FileSpec(GetInputFilePath(k_breakpad_symbol_file)));
-  CheckUnstrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-       GetOrCreateModuleCallbackSuccessWithOnlySymbol) {
-  // The get callback returns only a symbol file, and the module is cached,
-  // GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return the module from the cache
-  // along with the symbol file from the Inputs directory.
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    symbol_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file));
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(), uuid_view);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec(),
-            FileSpec(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file)));
-  CheckUnstrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-       GetOrCreateModuleCallbackSuccessWithOnlyBreakpadSymbol) {
-  // The get callback returns only a breakpad symbol file, and the module is
-  // cached, GetOrCreateModule should succeed to return the module from the
-  // cache along with the symbol file from the Inputs directory.
-  FileSpec uuid_view = BuildCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    symbol_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_breakpad_symbol_file));
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  CheckModule(module_sp);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetFileSpec(), uuid_view);
-  ASSERT_EQ(module_sp->GetSymbolFileFileSpec(),
-            FileSpec(GetInputFilePath(k_breakpad_symbol_file)));
-  CheckUnstrippedSymbol(module_sp);
-       GetOrCreateModuleNoCacheWithCallbackOnlySymbol) {
-  // The get callback returns only a symbol file, but the module is not
-  // cached, GetOrCreateModule should fail because of the missing module.
-  BuildEmptyCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    symbol_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_symbol_file));
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(module_sp);
-       GetOrCreateModuleNoCacheWithCallbackOnlyBreakpadSymbol) {
-  // The get callback returns only a breakpad symbol file, but the module is not
-  // cached, GetOrCreateModule should fail because of the missing module.
-  BuildEmptyCacheDir(m_test_dir);
-  m_platform_sp->SetLocateModuleCallback([this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &module_file_spec,
-                                                FileSpec &symbol_file_spec) {
-    CheckCallbackArgs(module_spec, module_file_spec, symbol_file_spec);
-    symbol_file_spec.SetPath(GetInputFilePath(k_breakpad_symbol_file));
-    return Status();
-  });
-  ModuleSP module_sp =
-      m_target_sp->GetOrCreateModule(m_module_spec, /*notify=*/false);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(module_sp);


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