[Lldb-commits] [lldb] f9a663f - Revert "[lldb] Add an example of interactive scripted process debugging (NFC)"

Med Ismail Bennani via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 6 13:18:17 PST 2023

Author: Med Ismail Bennani
Date: 2023-03-06T13:17:46-08:00
New Revision: f9a663f9692f5e5342be0cbb27abc74cdf417434

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/f9a663f9692f5e5342be0cbb27abc74cdf417434
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/f9a663f9692f5e5342be0cbb27abc74cdf417434.diff

LOG: Revert "[lldb] Add an example of interactive scripted process debugging (NFC)"

This reverts commit 70b9822ef3b0774609c72d380504c9abfa717f81.




diff  --git a/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/Makefile b/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f2bee8980e62e..0000000000000
--- a/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-CXXFLAGS=--std=c++17 -g
-all: main
-	rm -rf main *.dSYM

diff  --git a/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/interactive_scripted_process.py b/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/interactive_scripted_process.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d354ea2780e0..0000000000000
--- a/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/interactive_scripted_process.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./bin/lldb $LLVM/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/main \
-#   -o "br set -p 'Break here'" -o "run" \
-#   -o "command script import
-#   $LLVM/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/interactive_scripted_process.py" \
-#   -o "br set -p 'also break here'" -o 'continue'
-import os,json,struct,signal
-from threading import Thread
-from typing import Any, Dict
-import lldb
-from lldb.plugins.scripted_process import ScriptedProcess
-from lldb.plugins.scripted_process import ScriptedThread
-class PassthruScriptedProcess(ScriptedProcess):
-    driving_target = None
-    driving_process = None
-    def __init__(self, exe_ctx: lldb.SBExecutionContext, args : lldb.SBStructuredData):
-        super().__init__(exe_ctx, args)
-        self.driving_target = None
-        self.driving_process = None
-        self.driving_target_idx = args.GetValueForKey("driving_target_idx")
-        if (self.driving_target_idx and self.driving_target_idx.IsValid()):
-            if self.driving_target_idx.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeInteger:
-                idx = self.driving_target_idx.GetIntegerValue(42)
-            if self.driving_target_idx.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeString:
-                idx = int(self.driving_target_idx.GetStringValue(100))
-            self.driving_target = self.target.GetDebugger().GetTargetAtIndex(idx)
-            self.driving_process = self.driving_target.GetProcess()
-            for driving_thread in self.driving_process:
-                structured_data = lldb.SBStructuredData()
-                structured_data.SetFromJSON(json.dumps({
-                    "driving_target_idx" : idx,
-                    "thread_idx" : driving_thread.GetIndexID()
-                }))
-                self.threads[driving_thread.GetThreadID()] = PassthruScriptedThread(self, structured_data)
-            for module in self.driving_target.modules:
-                path = module.file.fullpath
-                load_addr = module.GetObjectFileHeaderAddress().GetLoadAddress(self.driving_target)
-                self.loaded_images.append({"path": path, "load_addr": load_addr})
-    def get_memory_region_containing_address(self, addr: int) -> lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo:
-        mem_region = lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo()
-        error = self.driving_process.GetMemoryRegionInfo(addr, mem_region)
-        if error.Fail():
-            return None
-        return mem_region
-    def read_memory_at_address(self, addr: int, size: int, error: lldb.SBError) -> lldb.SBData:
-        data = lldb.SBData()
-        bytes_read = self.driving_process.ReadMemory(addr, size, error)
-        if error.Fail():
-            return data
-        data.SetDataWithOwnership(error, bytes_read,
-                                  self.driving_target.GetByteOrder(),
-                                  self.driving_target.GetAddressByteSize())
-        return data
-    def write_memory_at_address(self, addr, data, error):
-        return self.driving_process.WriteMemory(addr,
-                                                bytearray(data.uint8.all()),
-                                                error)
-    def get_loaded_images(self):
-        return self.loaded_images
-    def get_process_id(self) -> int:
-        return 42
-    def is_alive(self) -> bool:
-        return True
-    def get_scripted_thread_plugin(self):
-        return PassthruScriptedThread.__module__ + "." + PassthruScriptedThread.__name__
-class MultiplexedScriptedProcess(PassthruScriptedProcess):
-    def __init__(self, exe_ctx: lldb.SBExecutionContext, args : lldb.SBStructuredData):
-        super().__init__(exe_ctx, args)
-        self.multiplexer = None
-        if isinstance(self.driving_process, lldb.SBProcess) and self.driving_process:
-            parity  = args.GetValueForKey("parity")
-            #TODO: Change to Walrus operator (:=) with oneline if assignment
-            # Requires python 3.8
-            val = extract_value_from_structured_data(parity, 0)
-            if val is not None:
-                self.parity = val
-            # Turn PassThruScriptedThread into MultiplexedScriptedThread
-            for thread in self.threads.values():
-                thread.__class__ = MultiplexedScriptedThread
-    def get_process_id(self):
-        return self.parity + 420
-    def launch(self):
-        self.first_launch = True
-        return lldb.SBError()
-    def resume(self, should_stop):
-        if self.first_launch:
-            self.first_launch = False
-            return super().resume()
-        else:
-            if not self.multiplexer:
-                error = lldb.SBError()
-                error.SetErrorString("Multiplexer is not set.")
-                return error
-            return self.multiplexer.resume(pid=self.get_process_id())
-    def get_threads_info(self):
-        if not self.multiplexer:
-            return super().get_threads_info()
-        return self.multiplexer.get_threads_info(pid=self.get_process_id())
-    def get_scripted_thread_plugin(self):
-        return MultiplexedScriptedThread.__module__ + "." + MultiplexedScriptedThread.__name__
-class PassthruScriptedThread(ScriptedThread):
-    def __init__(self, process, args):
-        super().__init__(process, args)
-        driving_target_idx = args.GetValueForKey("driving_target_idx")
-        thread_idx = args.GetValueForKey("thread_idx")
-        #TODO: Change to Walrus operator (:=) with oneline if assignment
-        # Requires python 3.8
-        val = extract_value_from_structured_data(thread_idx, 0)
-        if val is not None:
-            self.idx = val
-        self.driving_target = None
-        self.driving_process = None
-        self.driving_thread = None
-        #TODO: Change to Walrus operator (:=) with oneline if assignment
-        # Requires python 3.8
-        val = extract_value_from_structured_data(driving_target_idx, 42)
-        if val is not None:
-            self.driving_target = self.target.GetDebugger().GetTargetAtIndex(val)
-            self.driving_process = self.driving_target.GetProcess()
-            self.driving_thread = self.driving_process.GetThreadByIndexID(self.idx)
-        if self.driving_thread:
-            self.id = self.driving_thread.GetThreadID()
-    def get_thread_id(self) -> int:
-        return self.id
-    def get_name(self) -> str:
-        return PassthruScriptedThread.__name__ + ".thread-" + str(self.idx)
-    def get_stop_reason(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        stop_reason = { "type": lldb.eStopReasonInvalid, "data": {  }}
-        if self.driving_thread and self.driving_thread.IsValid() \
-                and self.get_thread_id() == self.driving_thread.GetThreadID():
-            stop_reason["type"] = lldb.eStopReasonNone
-            if self.driving_thread.GetStopReason() != lldb.eStopReasonNone:
-                if 'arm64' in self.scripted_process.arch:
-                    stop_reason["type"] = lldb.eStopReasonException
-                    stop_reason["data"]["desc"] = self.driving_thread.GetStopDescription(100)
-                elif self.scripted_process.arch == 'x86_64':
-                    stop_reason["type"] = lldb.eStopReasonSignal
-                    stop_reason["data"]["signal"] = signal.SIGTRAP
-                else:
-                    stop_reason["type"] = self.driving_thread.GetStopReason()
-        return stop_reason
-    def get_register_context(self) -> str:
-        if not self.driving_thread or self.driving_thread.GetNumFrames() == 0:
-            return None
-        frame = self.driving_thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)
-        GPRs = None
-        registerSet = frame.registers # Returns an SBValueList.
-        for regs in registerSet:
-            if 'general purpose' in regs.name.lower():
-                GPRs = regs
-                break
-        if not GPRs:
-            return None
-        for reg in GPRs:
-            self.register_ctx[reg.name] = int(reg.value, base=16)
-        return struct.pack("{}Q".format(len(self.register_ctx)), *self.register_ctx.values())
-class MultiplexedScriptedThread(PassthruScriptedThread):
-    def get_name(self) -> str:
-        parity = "Odd" if self.scripted_process.parity % 2 else "Even"
-        return parity + MultiplexedScriptedThread.__name__ + ".thread-" + str(self.idx)
-class MultiplexerScriptedProcess(PassthruScriptedProcess):
-    listener = None
-    multiplexed_processes = None
-    def wait_for_driving_process_to_stop(self, originator_pid, stop_event_mask):
-        event = lldb.SBEvent()
-        done = False
-        while not done:
-            if self.listener.WaitForEvent(5, event):
-                event_mask = event.GetType();
-                if event.BroadcasterMatchesRef(self.driving_process.GetBroadcaster()):
-                    if event_mask & lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitStateChanged:
-                        done = True;
-            continue
-        self.listener.StopListeningForEvents(self.driving_process.GetBroadcaster(),
-                                             stop_event_mask)
-        # Stop multiplexer process
-        mux_process = self.target.GetProcess()
-        mux_process.ForceScriptedState(lldb.eStateRunning);
-        mux_process.ForceScriptedState(lldb.eStateStopped);
-        child_process = self.multiplexed_processes[originator_pid]
-        child_process.ForceScriptedState(lldb.eStateRunning);
-        child_process.ForceScriptedState(lldb.eStateStopped);
-    def __init__(self, exe_ctx: lldb.SBExecutionContext, args : lldb.SBStructuredData):
-        super().__init__(exe_ctx, args)
-        if isinstance(self.driving_process, lldb.SBProcess) and self.driving_process:
-            self.listener = lldb.SBListener("lldb.listener.multiplexer-scripted-process")
-            self.multiplexed_processes = {}
-    def resume(self, should_stop=True, pid=None):
-        if not pid or pid not in self.multiplexed_processes.keys():
-            return super().resume()
-        stop_event_mask = lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitInterrupt | lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitStateChanged
-        self.listener.StartListeningForEvents(self.driving_process.GetBroadcaster(),
-                                              stop_event_mask)
-        listener_thread = Thread(target=self.wait_for_driving_process_to_stop,
-                                 args=[pid, stop_event_mask])
-        listener_thread.start()
-        # Resume the driving process
-        self.driving_process.Continue()
-        # Update the scripted process state.
-        return lldb.SBError()
-    def get_threads_info(self, pid=None):
-        # if not pid or pid not in self.multiplexed_processes.keys():
-        if not pid:
-            return super().get_threads_info()
-        parity = pid % 2
-        return dict(filter(lambda pair: pair[0] % 2 == parity, self.threads.items()))
-def multiplex(mux_process, muxed_process):
-    muxed_process.GetScriptedImplementation().multiplexer = mux_process.GetScriptedImplementation()
-    mux_process.GetScriptedImplementation().multiplexed_processes[muxed_process.GetProcessID()] = muxed_process
-def launch_scripted_process(target, class_name, dictionary):
-    structured_data = lldb.SBStructuredData()
-    structured_data.SetFromJSON(json.dumps(dictionary))
-    launch_info = lldb.SBLaunchInfo(None)
-    launch_info.SetProcessPluginName("ScriptedProcess")
-    launch_info.SetScriptedProcessClassName(class_name)
-    launch_info.SetScriptedProcessDictionary(structured_data)
-    error = lldb.SBError()
-    return target.Launch(launch_info, error)
-def duplicate_target(driving_target):
-    error = lldb.SBError()
-    exe = driving_target.executable.fullpath
-    triple = driving_target.triple
-    debugger = driving_target.GetDebugger()
-    return debugger.CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple(exe, triple)
-def extract_value_from_structured_data(data, default_val):
-    if data and data.IsValid():
-        if data.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeInteger:
-            return data.GetIntegerValue(default_val)
-        if data.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeString:
-            return int(data.GetStringValue(100))
-    return None
-def __lldb_init_module(debugger, dict):
-    def error_out(message):
-        print(message)
-        return
-    if not debugger.GetNumTargets() > 0:
-        return error_out("Interactive scripted processes requires one non scripted process.")
-    debugger.SetAsync(True)
-    driving_target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
-    if not driving_target:
-        return error_out("Driving target is invalid")
-    driving_process = driving_target.GetProcess()
-    if not driving_process:
-        return error_out("Driving process is invalid")
-    # Check that the driving process is stopped somewhere.
-    if not driving_process.state == lldb.eStateStopped:
-        return error_out("Driving process isn't stopped")
-    # Create a seconde target for the multiplexer scripted process
-    mux_target = duplicate_target(driving_target)
-    if not mux_target:
-        return error_out("Couldn't duplicate driving target to launch multiplexer scripted process")
-    class_name = __name__ + "." + MultiplexerScriptedProcess.__name__
-    dictionary = {'driving_target_idx': debugger.GetIndexOfTarget(driving_target)}
-    mux_process = launch_scripted_process(mux_target, class_name, dictionary)
-    if not mux_process:
-        return error_out("Couldn't launch multiplexer scripted process")
-    # Create a target for the multiplexed even scripted process
-    even_target = duplicate_target(driving_target)
-    if not even_target:
-        return error_out("Couldn't duplicate driving target to launch multiplexed even scripted process")
-    class_name = __name__ + "." + MultiplexedScriptedProcess.__name__
-    dictionary['parity'] = 0
-    even_process = launch_scripted_process(even_target, class_name, dictionary)
-    if not even_process:
-        return error_out("Couldn't launch multiplexed even scripted process")
-    multiplex(mux_process, even_process)
-    # Create a target for the multiplexed odd scripted process
-    odd_target = duplicate_target(driving_target)
-    if not odd_target:
-        return error_out("Couldn't duplicate driving target to launch multiplexed odd scripted process")
-    dictionary['parity'] = 1
-    odd_process = launch_scripted_process(odd_target, class_name, dictionary)
-    if not odd_process:
-        return error_out("Couldn't launch multiplexed odd scripted process")
-    multiplex(mux_process, odd_process)

diff  --git a/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/main.cpp b/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 397a154c9c5e2..0000000000000
--- a/lldb/test/API/functionalities/interactive_scripted_process/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <string>
-#include <thread>
-#include <vector>
-void spawn_thread(int index) {
-  std::string name = "I'm thread " + std::to_string(index) + " !";
-  bool done = false;
-  std::string state = "Started execution!";
-  while (true) {
-    if (done) // also break here
-      break;
-  }
-  state = "Stopped execution!";
-int main() {
-  size_t num_threads = 10;
-  std::vector<std::thread> threads;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
-    threads.push_back(std::thread(spawn_thread, i));
-  }
-  std::cout << "Spawned " << threads.size() << " threads!"; // Break here
-  for (auto &t : threads) {
-    if (t.joinable())
-      t.join();
-  }
-  return 0;


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