[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D121511: [lldb] Report debugger diagnostics as events

Pavel Labath via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 14 03:06:39 PDT 2022

labath added a comment.

It seems to me that it would be better to decentralize the warning tracking. Also due to a central list of all possible warnings not being modular, but mainly because I can imagine that some warnings may want to be reported with different "scopes" -- once per target, thread, module (this is the case of the "dwp missing" warning) or whatever. That won't work if the list is managed centrally in the debugger object. We could define some token `warn_once` type (maybe just a typedef to once_flag or atomic_flag) that would have to be passed to the warning emitting function. The function would handle the actual "once" logic, and the scope of the token variable would determine the frequency of the warning.

My second remark is that this does not help with the warnings that are not tied to a specific debugger instance -- such as those coming from the module parsing code. I don't know if you have a need to display those (I know I don't), but it may be nice to set things up so that we're able to transmit those as well -- I believe we are able to do that for progress events.

Comment at: lldb/include/lldb/Core/DebuggerEvents.h:91
+      : DiagnosticEventData(DiagnosticEventData::Type::Warning, diagnostic,
+                            std::move(message), once){};



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