[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D94063: lldb: Add support for DW_AT_ranges on DW_TAG_subprograms

David Blaikie via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 19 14:23:05 PST 2021

On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 1:12 AM Pavel Labath <pavel at labath.sk> wrote:
> (sorry for inactivity -- I mostly tuned out of this discussion as I
> couldn't keep up with its pace)

No worries - sorry for the noise/thanks for taking the time!

> On 08/01/2021 01:55, Jim Ingham via lldb-commits wrote:
>  > 3) However, we try to push as many tests as possible all the way
>  > through the compiler, since the lldb test suite is also one of the
>  > significant test harnesses for compiler debug output.  .s files are
>  > exposed to much less of the compiler, and so don't catch new compiler
>  > debug output bugs as well.  So unless you have a good reason to use a
>  > .s file, you shouldn't.
> On 11/01/2021 02:37, David Blaikie via lldb-commits wrote:
> > Thanks for all the context - so sounds like mostly based on (3) the
> > recommendation would be for this to be an API test
> Well... as Jim said, there are different takes on this :), and I would
> not be so quick to convert this to an API test. While that does make
> sure that the compiler part is tested, it also introduces the opposite
> problem -- symmetric bugs in clang & lldb cancelling each other out,
> which can lead to lldb only being able to debug binaries built by a
> matching compiler.

Oh, if Clang's output regressed/changed in a way that lldb didn't
notice, then lldb could regress without failing the test.

Yeah - I have mixed feelings about debugger testing here - it is nice
to have end-to-end tests which makes for handy debugger testing
(though I guess in theory, debuginfo-tests is the place for
intentional end-to-end testing), though also being able to test
different features (DWARF version, split DWARF, dsym V object
debugging, etc) when they're written as end-to-end tests.

Can we write non-end-to-end API tests, then? So the API/Shell
differentiation aren't conflated with end-to-end/assembly-to-debugging

> While this can be mitigated by running the tests
> against an older compiler (API tests can do that, shell tests cannot),
> that requires that:
> a) someone actually runs the tests this way
> b) those tests work with the older compiler -- unstable/experimental
> flags, or relying on very specific details of the compiler output make
> that tricky

Yep, the internal flag nature here is a bit limiting for sure.

> This is why I was saying (way back) that, if anything, we should have
> two tests, one that would be very explicit about what input it is
> testing, and a second one, which tests the integration with the compiler.

Fair enough - thanks for explaining. For now I'm pretty much ready to
give up on the API testing given my inability to reproduce the
behavior problems in an API test.

> I am not saying that every patch should have two kinds of test (most of
> the time, I am happy that a patch has _any_ test). However, I am not
> sure that the second test is really useful (except as a learning
> exercise) in this case -- that's because the -mllvm switch is
> (deliberately) very targeted, so it's hard to see what else would be
> tested by it (the codegen is presumably already tested by an llvm test).
> Also, now that you already have written the assembly test, I'd be sad to
> see it thrown away.
> What would make the second test really interesting (to me) is if could
> be phrased in a way that's as independent as possible from specific
> clang flags, and ideally even DWARF. Like, if it was phrased as "test
> that we can (break, step, view variables) in discontinuous functions",
> then we could run the same tests against gcc or msvc (pdb) and check
> that we do something reasonable.

Yeah, that's much harder - especially for the feature I'm working on
("ranges everywhere"), it's a very DWARF-specific feature.
Discontiguous ranges is a bit more of an explicit feature, but seem to
be used pretty differently (different compiler flags at least - not
sure if there's common source code that could be compiled with
different flags).

> (Note that the msvc part is just a pipe dream, as we currently don't
> have any infrastructure to compile test inferiors with msvc, and even if
> we did, I expect most of them would fail.)
> Also note that, I am not saying that we should never use -mllvm options
> in API tests. However, doing that lowers their value in my mind. The
> reason why it's not possible to make a clear cut (-mllvm does not go
> into API tests, only Shell ones), is that there are also other competing
> criteria at play here -- some things just cannot be tested with a Shell
> test due to their non-interactivity, even though they are testing a very
> specific aspect of debug info (or they are not even testing debug info
> at all).
> cheers,
> pl
> PS: I don't know if you've seen this, but we also have an "official"
> description of the various test types here:
> <https://lldb.llvm.org/resources/test.html>.

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