[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D84815: [LLDB] Improve PDB discovery

Adrian McCarthy via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 30 08:06:56 PDT 2020

amccarth added a comment.

Thanks.  Working on a test.

I found a description of how the Windows debuggers look for PDBs, and it's different than what I expected:

1. The directory that contains the binary
2. The build path embedded in the binary
3. (if enabled) The symbol server cache
4. (if enabled) That symbol server

LLDB currently has only step 2.  This patch adds step 1, but it adds it as the _second_ step.  And that's it.  I figured it might also look locally on the PATH or some "well-known" locations, but nope.

(It's buried in a paragraph in this long article by John Robbins:  https://www.wintellect.com/pdb-files-what-every-developer-must-know/)



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