[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r220894 - Start adopting the StringPrinter API. The StringPrinter API is the new blessed way of printing strings that supports escaping non-printables, and has better handling of different UTF encodings

Enrico Granata egranata at apple.com
Thu Oct 30 10:45:31 PDT 2014

> On Oct 30, 2014, at 8:56 AM, Ed Maste <emaste at freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 29 October 2014 21:45, Enrico Granata <egranata at apple.com> wrote:
>> Start adopting the StringPrinter API. The StringPrinter API is the new blessed way of printing strings that supports escaping non-printables, and has better handling of different UTF encodings
> Hi Enrico,
> It looks like after this change the hex character number is no longer
> emitted when printing wchar_t, which made
> TestCxxWCharT.CxxWCharTTestCase fail.
> (lldb) expression L'a'
> (wchar_t) $1 = 61 L'a'    # old
> (wchar_t) $1 = L'a'       # new
> The new behaviour seems preferable to me anyway, so unless there's
> some reason we have to print it I'll update the test case to match
> what happens now.
> FWIW it seems GDB does print the character number, but in decimal.

Yes that’s most likely the best fix - just removing the value
Sorry for the disruption - I had this work going on on an internal branch mixed with other stuff, and am essentially backporting it to trunk now

- Enrico
📩 egranata@.com ☎️ 27683

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