[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r220894 - Start adopting the StringPrinter API. The StringPrinter API is the new blessed way of printing strings that supports escaping non-printables, and has better handling of different UTF encodings

Ed Maste emaste at freebsd.org
Thu Oct 30 08:56:08 PDT 2014

On 29 October 2014 21:45, Enrico Granata <egranata at apple.com> wrote:
> Start adopting the StringPrinter API. The StringPrinter API is the new blessed way of printing strings that supports escaping non-printables, and has better handling of different UTF encodings

Hi Enrico,

It looks like after this change the hex character number is no longer
emitted when printing wchar_t, which made
TestCxxWCharT.CxxWCharTTestCase fail.

(lldb) expression L'a'
(wchar_t) $1 = 61 L'a'    # old
(wchar_t) $1 = L'a'       # new

The new behaviour seems preferable to me anyway, so unless there's
some reason we have to print it I'll update the test case to match
what happens now.

FWIW it seems GDB does print the character number, but in decimal.

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