[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r208972 - Initial commit of LLDB Machine Interface Frontend.

Deepak Panickal deepak at codeplay.com
Fri May 16 03:51:03 PDT 2014

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilString.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilString.cpp?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilString.cpp (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilString.cpp Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+//===-- MIUtilString.cpp ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		MIUtilString.h
+// Overview:	CMIUtilString implementation.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+// Third party headers
+#include <memory>		// std::unique_ptr
+#include <stdarg.h>		// va_list, va_start, var_end
+#include <sstream>		// std::stringstream
+#include <string.h>		// for strcpy
+#include <limits.h>		// for ULONG_MAX
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MIUtilString.h"
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilString constructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString::CMIUtilString( void )
+:	std::string()
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilString constructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vpData	- Pointer to UTF8 text data.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString::CMIUtilString( const MIchar * vpData )
+:	std::string( vpData )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilString constructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vpData	- Pointer to UTF8 text data.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString::CMIUtilString( const MIchar * const * vpData )
+:	std::string( (const char *) vpData )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilString destructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString::~CMIUtilString( void )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Perform a snprintf format style on a string data. A new string object is 
+//			created and returned.
+// Type:	Static method.
+// Args:	vrFormat		- (R) Format string data instruction.
+//			vArgs			- (R) Var list args of any type.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - Number of splits found in the string data.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilString::FormatPriv( const CMIUtilString & vrFormat, va_list vArgs )
+	CMIUtilString strResult;
+	MIint nFinal = 0;
+	MIint n = vrFormat.size();
+	// create a copy va_list to reset when we spin
+	va_list argsCpy;
+	va_copy( argsCpy, vArgs );
+	if( n == 0 )
+		return strResult;
+	n = n * 2; // Reserve 2 times as much the length of the vrFormat
+	std::unique_ptr< char[] > pFormatted;
+	while( 1 )
+	{
+		pFormatted.reset( new char[ n ] ); 
+		strncpy( &pFormatted[ 0 ], vrFormat.c_str(), n );
+		// AD fix:
+		//	We need to restore the variable argument list pointer to the start again
+		//	before running vsnprintf() more then once 
+		va_copy( vArgs, argsCpy );
+		nFinal = vsnprintf( &pFormatted[ 0 ], n, vrFormat.c_str(), vArgs );
+		if( (nFinal < 0) || (nFinal >= n) )
+			n += abs( nFinal - n + 1 );
+		else
+			break;
+	}
+	strResult = pFormatted.get();
+	return strResult;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Perform a snprintf format style on a string data. A new string object is 
+//			created and returned.
+// Type:	Static method.
+// Args:	vrFormat		- (R) Format string data instruction.
+//			...				- (R) Var list args of any type.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - Number of splits found in the string data.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilString::Format( const CMIUtilString & vrFormating, ... )
+	va_list args;
+	va_start( args, vrFormating );
+	CMIUtilString strResult = CMIUtilString::FormatPriv( vrFormating, args );
+	va_end( args );
+	return strResult;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Perform a snprintf format style on a string data. A new string object is 
+//			created and returned.
+// Type:	Static method.
+// Args:	vrFormat		- (R) Format string data instruction.
+//			vArgs			- (R) Var list args of any type.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - Number of splits found in the string data.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilString::FormatValist( const CMIUtilString & vrFormating, va_list vArgs )
+	return CMIUtilString::FormatPriv( vrFormating, vArgs );
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Splits string into array of strings using delimiter. If multiple delimiter
+//			are found in sequence then they are not added to the list of splits.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vData		- (R) String data to be split up.
+//			vDelimiter	- (R) Delimiter char or text.
+//			vwVecSplits	- (W) Container of splits found in string data.
+// Return:	MIuint - Number of splits found in the string data.
+// Throws:	None.
+MIuint CMIUtilString::Split( const CMIUtilString & vDelimiter, VecString_t & vwVecSplits ) const
+	vwVecSplits.clear();
+	if( this->empty() || vDelimiter.empty() )
+		return 0;
+	MIint nPos = find( vDelimiter );
+	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
+	{
+		vwVecSplits.push_back( *this );
+		return 1;
+	}
+	const MIint strLen( length() );
+	if( nPos == strLen )
+	{
+		vwVecSplits.push_back( *this );
+		return 1;
+	}
+	MIuint nAdd1( 1 );
+	if( (nPos > 0) && (substr( 0, nPos ) != vDelimiter) )
+	{
+		nPos = 0;
+		nAdd1 = 0;
+	}
+	MIint nPos2 = find( vDelimiter, nPos + 1 );
+	while( nPos2 != (MIint) std::string::npos )
+	{
+		const MIuint len( nPos2 - nPos - nAdd1 );
+		const std::string strSection( substr( nPos + nAdd1, len ) );
+		if( strSection != vDelimiter )
+			vwVecSplits.push_back( strSection.c_str() );
+		nPos += len + 1;
+		nPos2 = find( vDelimiter, nPos + 1 );
+		nAdd1 = 0;
+	}
+	const std::string strSection( substr( nPos, strLen - nPos ) );
+	if( (strSection.length() != 0) && (strSection != vDelimiter) )
+		vwVecSplits.push_back( strSection.c_str() );
+	return vwVecSplits.size();
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Remove '\n' from the end of string if found. It does not alter
+//			*this string.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - New version of the string.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilString::StripCREndOfLine( void ) const
+	const MIint nPos = rfind( '\n' );
+	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
+		return *this;
+	const CMIUtilString strNew( substr( 0, nPos ).c_str() );
+	return strNew;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Remove all '\n' from the string and replace with a space. It does not alter
+//			*this string.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - New version of the string.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilString::StripCRAll( void ) const
+	return FindAndReplace( "\n", " " );
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Find and replace all matches of a sub string with another string. It does not 
+//			alter *this string.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vFind			- (R) The string to look for.
+//			vReplaceWith	- (R) The string to replace the vFind match.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - New version of the string.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilString::FindAndReplace( const CMIUtilString & vFind, const CMIUtilString & vReplaceWith ) const
+	if( vFind.empty() || this->empty() )
+		return *this;
+	MIint nPos = find( vFind );
+	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
+		return *this;
+	CMIUtilString strNew( *this );
+	while( nPos != (MIint) std::string::npos )
+	{
+		strNew.replace( nPos, vFind.length(), vReplaceWith );
+		nPos += vReplaceWith.length();
+		nPos = strNew.find( vFind, nPos );
+	}
+	return strNew;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Check if *this string is a decimal number.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	bool - True = yes number, false not a number.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilString::IsNumber( void ) const
+	if( empty() )
+		return false;
+	if( (at( 0 ) == '-') && (length() == 1) )
+		return false;
+	const MIint nPos = find_first_not_of( "-.0123456789" );
+	if( nPos != (MIint) std::string::npos )
+		return false;
+	return true;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Extract the number from the string. The number can be either a hexadecimal or
+//			natural number. It cannot contain other non-numeric characters.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vwrNumber	- (W) Number exracted from the string.
+// Return:	bool - True = yes number, false not a number.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilString::ExtractNumber( MIint64 & vwrNumber ) const
+	vwrNumber = 0;
+	if( !IsNumber() )
+	{
+		if( ExtractNumberFromHexadecimal( vwrNumber ) )
+			return true;
+		return false;
+	}
+	std::stringstream ss( const_cast< CMIUtilString & >( *this ) );
+	ss >> vwrNumber;
+	return true;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Extract the number from the hexadecimal string..
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vwrNumber	- (W) Number exracted from the string.
+// Return:	bool - True = yes number, false not a number.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilString::ExtractNumberFromHexadecimal( MIint64 & vwrNumber ) const
+	vwrNumber = 0;
+	const MIint nPos = find_first_not_of( "x01234567890ABCDEFabcedf" );
+	if( nPos != (MIint) std::string::npos )
+		return false;
+	const MIint64 nNum = ::strtoul( this->c_str(), nullptr, 16 );
+	if( nNum != ULONG_MAX )
+	{
+		vwrNumber = nNum;
+		return true;
+	}
+	return true;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Determine if the text is all valid alpha numeric characters. Letters can be
+//			either upper or lower case.
+// Type:	Static method.
+// Args:	vrText	- (R) The text data to examine.
+// Return:	bool - True = yes all alpha, false = one or more chars is non alpha.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilString::IsAllValidAlphaAndNumeric( const MIchar & vrText )
+	const MIuint len = ::strlen( &vrText );
+	if( len == 0 )
+		return false;
+	MIchar * pPtr = const_cast< MIchar * >( &vrText );
+	for( MIuint i = 0; i < len; i++, pPtr++ )
+	{
+		const MIchar c = *pPtr;
+		if( ::isalnum( (int) c ) == 0 )
+			return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details: Check if two strings share equal contents.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vrLhs	- (R) String A.
+//			vrRhs	- (R) String B.
+// Return:	bool - True = yes equal, false - different.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilString::Compare( const CMIUtilString & vrLhs, const CMIUtilString & vrRhs )
+	// Check the sizes match
+	if( vrLhs.size() != vrRhs.size() )
+		return false;
+	return (::strncmp( vrLhs.c_str(), vrRhs.c_str(), vrLhs.size() ) == 0);
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details: Remove from either end of *this string the following: " \t\n\v\f\r".
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - Trimmed string.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilString::Trim( void ) const
+	CMIUtilString strNew( *this );
+	const MIchar * pWhiteSpace = " \t\n\v\f\r";
+	const MIint nPos = find_last_not_of( pWhiteSpace );
+	if( nPos != (MIint) std::string::npos )
+	{
+		strNew = substr( 0, nPos + 1 ).c_str();
+	}
+	const MIint nPos2 = strNew.find_first_not_of( pWhiteSpace );
+	if( nPos2 != (MIint) std::string::npos )
+	{
+		strNew = strNew.substr( nPos2 ).c_str();
+	}
+	return strNew;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details: Remove from either end of *this string the specified character.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - Trimmed string.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilString::Trim( const MIchar vChar ) const
+	CMIUtilString strNew( *this );
+	const MIuint nLen = strNew.length();
+	if( nLen > 1 )
+	{
+		if( (strNew[ 0 ] == vChar) && (strNew[ nLen -  1 ] == vChar) )
+			strNew = strNew.substr( 1, nLen - 2 ).c_str();
+	}
+	return strNew;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details: Do a printf equivalent for printing a number in binary i.e. "b%llB".
+// Type:	Static method.
+// Args:	vnDecimal	- (R) The number to represent in binary.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - Binary number in text.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilString::FormatBinary( const MIuint64 vnDecimal )
+	CMIUtilString strBinaryNumber;
+	const MIuint nConstBits = 64;
+	MIuint nRem[ nConstBits + 1 ];
+	MIint i = 0;
+	MIuint nLen = 0;
+	MIuint64 nNum = vnDecimal;
+	while( (nNum > 0) && (nLen < nConstBits) )
+	{
+		nRem[ i++ ] = nNum % 2;
+		nNum = nNum >> 1;
+		nLen++;
+	}
+	MIchar pN[ nConstBits + 1 ];
+	MIuint j = 0;
+	for( i = nLen; i > 0; --i, j++ )
+	{
+		pN[ j ] = '0' + nRem[ i - 1 ];
+	}
+	pN[ j ] = 0; // String NUL termination
+	strBinaryNumber = CMIUtilString::Format( "0b%s", &pN[ 0 ] );
+	return strBinaryNumber;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilString.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilString.h?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilString.h (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilString.h Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+//===-- MIUtilString.h ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		MIUtilString.h
+// Overview:	CMIUtilString interface.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+#pragma once
+// Third party headers:
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MIDataTypes.h"  
+//++ ============================================================================
+// Details:	MI common code utility class. Used to help handle text. 
+//			Derived from std::string
+// Gotchas:	None.
+// Authors:	Illya Rudkin 02/02/2014.
+// Changes:	None.
+class CMIUtilString : public std::string
+// Typdefs:
+	typedef std::vector< CMIUtilString >	VecString_t;
+// Static method:
+	static CMIUtilString	Format( const CMIUtilString & vrFormating, ... );
+	static CMIUtilString	FormatBinary( const MIuint64 vnDecimal );
+	static CMIUtilString	FormatValist( const CMIUtilString & vrFormating, va_list vArgs );
+	static bool				IsAllValidAlphaAndNumeric( const MIchar & vrText );
+	static bool             Compare( const CMIUtilString & vrLhs, const CMIUtilString & vrRhs );
+// Methods:
+	/* ctor */	CMIUtilString( void );
+	/* ctor */	CMIUtilString( const MIchar * vpData );
+	/* ctor */	CMIUtilString( const MIchar * const * vpData );
+	//
+	MIuint			Split( const CMIUtilString & vDelimiter, VecString_t & vwVecSplits ) const;
+	CMIUtilString	Trim( void ) const;
+	CMIUtilString	Trim( const MIchar vChar ) const;
+	CMIUtilString	StripCREndOfLine( void ) const;
+	CMIUtilString	StripCRAll( void ) const;
+	CMIUtilString	FindAndReplace( const CMIUtilString & vFind, const CMIUtilString & vReplaceWith ) const;
+	bool			IsNumber( void ) const;
+	bool			ExtractNumber( MIint64 & vwrNumber ) const;
+// Overrideable:
+	/* dtor */ virtual ~CMIUtilString( void );
+// Static method:
+	static CMIUtilString	FormatPriv( const CMIUtilString & vrFormat, va_list vArgs );
+// Methods:
+	bool	ExtractNumberFromHexadecimal( MIint64 & vwrNumber ) const;

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemLinux.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemLinux.cpp?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemLinux.cpp (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemLinux.cpp Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+//===-- MIUtilSystemLinux.cpp -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		MIUtilSystemLinux.cpp
+// Overview:	CMIUtilSystemLinux implementation.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+// Include compiler configuration
+#include "MICmnConfig.h"
+#if defined( __linux )
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MIUtilSystemLinux.h"
+#include "MICmnResources.h"
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilSystemLinux constructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilSystemLinux::CMIUtilSystemLinux( void )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilSystemLinux destructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilSystemLinux::~CMIUtilSystemLinux( void )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieve the OS system error message for the given system error code. 
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vError		- (R) OS error code value.
+//			vrwErrorMsg	- (W) The error message.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilSystemLinux::GetOSErrorMsg( const MIint vError, CMIUtilString & vrwErrorMsg  ) const
+	// Reset
+	vrwErrorMsg.clear();
+	bool bOk = MIstatus::failure;
+	// ToDo: Implement LINUX version
+	return bOk;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieve if possible the OS last error description.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - Error description.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilSystemLinux::GetOSLastError( void ) const
+	CMIUtilString errorMsg( "Error fn not implemented " );
+	// ToDo: Implement LINUX version
+	return errorMsg;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieves the fully qualified path for the this application. If the function
+//			fails the string is filled with the error message.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vrwFileNamePath	- (W) The excutable's name and path or last error description.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilSystemLinux::GetExecutablesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const
+	vrwFileNamePath = CMIUtilString( "." );
+	return MIstatus::success;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieves the fully qualified path for the Log file for this application. 
+//			If the function fails the string is filled with the error message.
+//			Append a dummy file name on the end of the path. This will be stripped off
+//			later and the real log file name replaces it.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vrwFileNamePath	- (W) The Log file's name and path or last error description.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilSystemLinux::GetLogFilesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const
+	vrwFileNamePath = CMIUtilString( "." );
+	return MIstatus::success;
+#endif // #if defined( __linux )

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemLinux.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemLinux.h?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemLinux.h (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemLinux.h Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+//===-- CMIUtilSystemLinux.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		CMIUtilSystemLinux.h
+// Overview:	CMIUtilSystemLinux interface.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+#pragma once
+// Include compiler configuration
+#include "MICmnConfig.h"
+#if defined( __linux )
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MIUtilString.h"  
+//++ ============================================================================
+// Details:	MI common code utility class. Used to set or retrieve information
+//			about the current system or user.
+//			*** If you change, remove or add functionality it must be replicated
+//			*** for the all platforms supported; Windows, OSX, LINUX 
+// Gotchas:	None.
+// Authors:	Illya Rudkin 29/01/2014.
+// Changes:	None.
+class CMIUtilSystemLinux
+// Methods:
+	/* ctor */	CMIUtilSystemLinux( void );
+	bool			GetOSErrorMsg( const MIint vError, CMIUtilString & vrwErrorMsg ) const;
+	CMIUtilString	GetOSLastError( void ) const;
+	bool			GetExecutablesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const;
+	bool			GetLogFilesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const;
+// Overrideable:
+	// From CMICmnBase
+	/* dtor */ virtual ~CMIUtilSystemLinux( void );
+typedef CMIUtilSystemLinux CMIUtilSystem;
+#endif // #if defined( __linux )

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemOsx.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemOsx.cpp?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemOsx.cpp (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemOsx.cpp Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+//===-- MIUtilSystemOsx.cpp -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		MIUtilSystemOsx.cpp
+// Overview:	CMIUtilSystemOsx implementation.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+// Include compiler configuration
+#include "MICmnConfig.h"
+#if defined( __APPLE__ )
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MIUtilSystemOsx.h"
+#include "MICmnResources.h"
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilSystemOsx constructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilSystemOsx::CMIUtilSystemOsx( void )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilSystemOsx destructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilSystemOsx::~CMIUtilSystemOsx( void )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieve the OS system error message for the given system error code. 
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vError		- (R) OS error code value.
+//			vrwErrorMsg	- (W) The error message.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilSystemOsx::GetOSErrorMsg( const MIint vError, CMIUtilString & vrwErrorMsg  ) const
+	// Reset
+	vrwErrorMsg.clear();
+	bool bOk = MIstatus::failure;
+	// ToDo: Implement LINUX version
+	return bOk;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieve if possible the OS last error description.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - Error description.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilSystemOsx::GetOSLastError( void ) const
+	CMIUtilString errorMsg( "Error fn not implemented" );
+	// ToDo: Implement LINUX version
+	return errorMsg;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieves the fully qualified path for the this application. If the function
+//			fails the string is filled with the error message.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vrwFileNamePath	- (W) The excutable's name and path or last error description.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilSystemOsx::GetExecutablesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const
+	bool bOk = MIstatus::failure;
+	// ToDo: Implement OSX version
+	return bOk;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieves the fully qualified path for the Log file for this application. 
+//			If the function fails the string is filled with the error message.
+//			Append a dummy file name on the end of the path. This will be stripped off
+//			later and the real log file name replaces it.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vrwFileNamePath	- (W) The Log file's name and path or last error description.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilSystemOsx::GetLogFilesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const
+	bool bOk = MIstatus::failure;
+	// ToDo: Implement OSX version
+	return bOk;
+#endif // #if defined( __APPLE__ )

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemOsx.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemOsx.h?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemOsx.h (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemOsx.h Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+//===-- MICmnConfig.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		CMIUtilSystemOsx.h
+// Overview:	CMIUtilSystemOsx interface.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+#pragma once
+// Include compiler configuration
+#include "MICmnConfig.h"
+#if defined( __APPLE__ )
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MIUtilString.h"  
+//++ ============================================================================
+// Details:	MI common code utility class. Used to set or retrieve information
+//			about the current system or user.
+//			*** If you change, remove or add functionality it must be replicated
+//			*** for the all platforms supported; Windows, OSX, LINUX 
+// Gotchas:	None.
+// Authors:	Illya Rudkin 29/01/2014.
+// Changes:	None.
+class CMIUtilSystemOsx
+// Methods:
+	/* ctor */	CMIUtilSystemOsx( void );
+	bool			GetOSErrorMsg( const MIint vError, CMIUtilString & vrwErrorMsg ) const;
+	CMIUtilString	GetOSLastError( void ) const;
+	bool			GetExecutablesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const;
+	bool			GetLogFilesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const;
+// Overrideable:
+	// From CMICmnBase
+	/* dtor */ virtual ~CMIUtilSystemOsx( void );
+typedef CMIUtilSystemOsx CMIUtilSystem;
+#endif // #if defined( __APPLE__ )

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemWindows.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemWindows.cpp?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemWindows.cpp (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemWindows.cpp Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+//===-- MIUtilSystemWindows.cpp ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		MIUtilSystemWindows.cpp
+// Overview:	CMIUtilSystemWindows implementation.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+// Include compiler configuration
+#include "MICmnConfig.h"
+#if defined( _MSC_VER )
+// Third party headers
+#include <memory>		// std::unique_ptr
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include <WinBase.h>	// ::FormatMessage()
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MIUtilSystemWindows.h"
+#include "MICmnResources.h"
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilSystemWindows constructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilSystemWindows::CMIUtilSystemWindows( void )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilSystemWindows destructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilSystemWindows::~CMIUtilSystemWindows( void )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieve the OS system error message for the given system error code. 
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vError		- (R) OS error code value.
+//			vrwErrorMsg	- (W) The error message.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilSystemWindows::GetOSErrorMsg( const MIint vError, CMIUtilString & vrwErrorMsg  ) const
+	// Reset
+	vrwErrorMsg.clear();
+	const MIuint nBufLen = 1024;
+	std::unique_ptr< char[] > pBuffer;
+	pBuffer.reset( new char[ nBufLen ] ); 
+	// CMIUtilString Format is not used as cannot replicate the behavior of ::FormatMessage which
+	// can take into account locality while retrieving the error message from the system.
+										reinterpret_cast< LPTSTR >( &pBuffer[ 0 ] ),
+										nBufLen, nullptr );
+	bool bOk = MIstatus::success;
+	if( nLength != 0 )
+		vrwErrorMsg = &pBuffer[ 0 ];
+	else
+		bOk = MIstatus::failure;
+	return bOk;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieve if possible the OS last error description.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	CMIUtilString - Error description.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilString CMIUtilSystemWindows::GetOSLastError( void ) const
+	CMIUtilString errorMsg;
+	const DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError();
+	if( dwLastError != 0 )
+	{
+		if( !GetOSErrorMsg( dwLastError, errorMsg ) )
+	}
+	else
+	return errorMsg;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieves the fully qualified path for the this application. If the function
+//			fails the string is filled with the error message.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vrwFileNamePath	- (W) The excutable's name and path or last error description.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilSystemWindows::GetExecutablesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const
+	bool bOk = MIstatus::success;
+	HMODULE hModule = ::GetModuleHandle( nullptr );
+	char pPath[ MAX_PATH ];
+	const DWORD nLen = ::GetModuleFileName( hModule, &pPath[ 0 ], MAX_PATH );
+	const CMIUtilString strLastErr( GetOSLastError() );
+	if( (nLen != 0) && (strLastErr == "Unknown OS error") )
+		vrwFileNamePath = &pPath[ 0 ];
+	else
+	{
+		bOk = MIstatus::failure;
+		vrwFileNamePath = strLastErr;
+	}
+	return bOk;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Retrieves the fully qualified path for the Log file for this application. 
+//			If the function fails the string is filled with the error message.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vrwFileNamePath	- (W) The Log file's name and path or last error description.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilSystemWindows::GetLogFilesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const
+	return GetExecutablesPath( vrwFileNamePath );
+#endif // #if defined( _MSC_VER )

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemWindows.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemWindows.h?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemWindows.h (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilSystemWindows.h Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+//===-- MIUtilSystemWindows.h -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		MIUtilSystemWindows.h
+// Overview:	CMIUtilSystemWindows interface.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+#pragma once
+// Include compiler configuration
+#include "MICmnConfig.h"
+#if defined( _MSC_VER )
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MIUtilString.h"  
+//++ ============================================================================
+// Details:	MI common code utility class. Used to set or retrieve information
+//			about the current system or user.
+//			*** If you change, remove or add functionality it must be replicated
+//			*** for the all platforms supported; Windows, OSX, LINUX 
+// Gotchas:	None.
+// Authors:	Illya Rudkin 29/01/2014.
+// Changes:	None.
+class CMIUtilSystemWindows
+// Methods:
+	/* ctor */	CMIUtilSystemWindows( void );
+	bool			GetOSErrorMsg( const MIint vError, CMIUtilString & vrwErrorMsg ) const;
+	CMIUtilString	GetOSLastError( void ) const;
+	bool			GetExecutablesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const;
+	bool			GetLogFilesPath( CMIUtilString & vrwFileNamePath ) const;
+// Overrideable:
+	// From CMICmnBase
+	/* dtor */ virtual ~CMIUtilSystemWindows( void );
+typedef CMIUtilSystemWindows CMIUtilSystem;
+#endif // #if defined( _MSC_VER )

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilTermios.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilTermios.cpp?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilTermios.cpp (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilTermios.cpp Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+//===-- MIUtilTermios.cpp ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		MIUtilTermios.cpp
+// Overview:	Terminal setting termios functions.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+// Third party headers:
+#include <stdlib.h>
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MIUtilTermios.h"
+#include "Platform.h"
+namespace MIUtilTermios
+// Instantiations:
+static bool				g_bOldStdinTermiosIsValid = false;	// True = yes valid, false = no valid
+static struct termios	g_sOldStdinTermios;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Reset the terminal settings. This function is added as an ::atexit handler
+//			to make sure we clean up. See StdinTerminosSet().
+// Type:	Global function.
+// Args:	None.	
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+void StdinTermiosReset( void )
+	if( g_bOldStdinTermiosIsValid )
+    {
+        g_bOldStdinTermiosIsValid = false;
+        ::tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &g_sOldStdinTermios );
+    }
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Set the terminal settings function. StdinTermiosReset() is called when to
+//			reset to this to before and application exit.
+// Type:	Global function.
+// Args:	None.	
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+void StdinTermiosSet( void )
+	if( ::tcgetattr( STDIN_FILENO, &g_sOldStdinTermios ) == 0 )
+    {
+        g_bOldStdinTermiosIsValid = true;
+        ::atexit( StdinTermiosReset );
+    }
+} // namespace MIUtilTermios

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilTermios.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilTermios.h?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilTermios.h (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilTermios.h Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//===-- MIUtilTermios.h -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		MIUtilTermios.h
+// Overview:	Terminal setting termios functions.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+#pragma once
+namespace MIUtilTermios
+extern void StdinTermiosReset( void );
+extern void StdinTermiosSet( void );
+} // MIUtilTermios

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilThreadBaseStd.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilThreadBaseStd.cpp?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilThreadBaseStd.cpp (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilThreadBaseStd.cpp Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+//===-- MIUtilThreadBaseStd.cpp ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		MIUtilThreadBaseStd.cpp
+// Overview:	CMIUtilThread implementation.
+//				CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase implementation.
+//				CMIUtilThreadMutex implementation.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+// Include compiler configuration
+#include "MICmnConfig.h"
+// Third Party Headers:
+#include <assert.h>
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MIUtilThreadBaseStd.h"
+#include "MICmnThreadMgrStd.h"
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Constructor.
+// Type:	None.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase::CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase( void )
+:	m_references( 0 )
+,	m_bHasBeenKilled( false )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Destructor.
+// Type:	None.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase::~CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase( void )
+	// Make sure our thread is not alive before we die
+	m_thread.Join();
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Check if an object is already running.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase::ThreadIsActive( void )
+	// Create a new thread to occupy this threads Run() function
+	return m_thread.IsActive();
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Set up *this thread.
+// Type:	Mrthod.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase::ThreadExecute( void )
+	// Create a new thread to occupy this threads Run() function
+	return m_thread.Start( ThreadEntry, this );
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Aquire a reference to CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase::Acquire( void )
+	// Access to this function is serial
+	CMIUtilThreadLock serial( m_mutex );
+	// >0 == *this thread is alive
+	m_references++;
+	return MIstatus::success;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Release a reference to CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase::Release( void )
+	// Access to this function is serial
+	CMIUtilThreadLock serial( m_mutex );
+	// 0 == kill off *this thread
+	m_references--;
+	return MIstatus::success;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Force this thread to stop, regardless of references
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.			
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase::ThreadKill( void )
+	// Access to this function is serial
+	CMIUtilThreadLock serial( m_mutex );
+	// Set this thread to killed status
+	m_bHasBeenKilled = true;
+	return MIstatus::success;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details: Proxy to thread join.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase::ThreadJoin( void )
+	return m_thread.Join();
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	This function is the entry point of this object thread.
+//			It is a trampoline to an instances operation manager.
+// Type:	Static method.
+// Args:	vpThisClass	- (R) From the system (our CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase from the ctor).
+// Return:	MIuint - 0 = success.
+// Throws:	None.
+MIuint CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase::ThreadEntry( void * vpThisClass )
+	// The argument is a pointer to a CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase class
+	// as passed from the initialize function, so we can safely cast it.
+	assert( vpThisClass != nullptr );
+	CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase * pActive = reinterpret_cast< CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase * >( vpThisClass );
+	// Start the management routine of this object
+	pActive->ThreadManage();
+	// Thread death
+    return 0;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	This function forms a small management routine, to handle the thread's running.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+void CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase::ThreadManage( void )
+	bool bAlive = true;
+	// Infinite loop
+	while( bAlive )
+	{
+		// Scope the lock while we access m_isDying
+		{
+			// Lock down access to the interface
+			CMIUtilThreadLock serial( m_mutex );
+			// Quit the run loop if we are dying
+			if( m_references == 0 )
+				break;
+		}
+		// Execute the run routine
+		if( !ThreadRun( bAlive ) )
+			// Thread's run function failed (MIstatus::failure)
+			break;
+		// We will die if we have been signaled to die
+		bAlive &= !m_bHasBeenKilled;
+	}
+	// Execute the finish routine just before we die
+	// to give the object a chance to clean up
+	ThreadFinish();
+CMIUtilThread::CMIUtilThread( void )
+:	m_pThread( nullptr )
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	CMIUtilThread destructor.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+CMIUtilThread::~CMIUtilThread( void )
+	Join();
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Wait for thread to stop.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilThread::Join( void )
+	if( m_pThread != nullptr )
+	{
+		// Wait for this thread to die
+		m_pThread->join();
+		// Scope the thread lock while we modify the pointer
+		{
+			CMIUtilThreadLock _lock( m_mutex );
+			delete m_pThread;
+			m_pThread = nullptr;
+		}
+	}
+	return MIstatus::success;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Is the thread doing work.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	bool - True = Yes active, false = not active.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilThread::IsActive( void )
+	// Lock while we access the thread pointer
+	CMIUtilThreadLock _lock( m_mutex );
+	if( m_pThread == nullptr )
+		return false;
+	else
+		return true;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Set up *this thread.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	vpFn	(R)	- Function pointer to thread's main function.
+//			vpArg	(R) - Pointer arguments to pass to the thread.
+// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
+//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilThread::Start( FnThreadProc vpFn, void * vpArg )
+	// Create the std thread, which starts immediately
+	m_pThread = new std::thread( vpFn, vpArg );
+	// We expect to always be able to create one
+	assert( m_pThread != nullptr );
+	return MIstatus::success;
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Take resource.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+void CMIUtilThreadMutex::Lock( void )
+	m_mutex.lock();
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Release resource.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	None.
+// Throws:	None.
+void CMIUtilThreadMutex::Unlock( void )
+	m_mutex.unlock();
+//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Details:	Take resource if available. Immediately return in either case.
+// Type:	Method.
+// Args:	None.
+// Return:	True	- mutex has been locked. 
+//			False	- mutex could not be locked.
+// Throws:	None.
+bool CMIUtilThreadMutex::TryLock( void )
+	return m_mutex.try_lock();

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilThreadBaseStd.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilThreadBaseStd.h?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilThreadBaseStd.h (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/MIUtilThreadBaseStd.h Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+//===-- MIUtilThreadBaseStd.h -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// File:		MIUtilThreadBaseStd.h
+// Overview:	CMIUtilThread interface.
+//				CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase interface.
+//				CMIUtilThreadMutex interface.
+//				CMIUtilThreadLock interface.
+// Environment:	Compilers:	Visual C++ 12.
+//							gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
+//				Libraries:	See MIReadmetxt. 
+// Copyright:	None.
+#pragma once
+// Third party headers:
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#include <eh.h>
+#include <thread>
+#include <mutex>
+// In-house headers:
+#include "MICmnConfig.h"
+#include "MIDataTypes.h"
+#include "MIUtilString.h"
+//++ ============================================================================
+// Details:	MI common code utility class. Handle thread mutual exclusion.
+//			Embed Mutexes in your Active Object and then use them through Locks.
+// Gotchas:	None.
+// Authors:	Aidan Dodds 10/03/2014.
+// Changes:	None.
+class CMIUtilThreadMutex
+ // Methods:
+	/* ctor */	 CMIUtilThreadMutex( void ) { };
+	//
+	void Lock( void );		// Wait until mutex can be obtained
+    void Unlock( void );	// Release the mutex
+	bool TryLock( void );	// Gain the lock if available
+// Overrideable:
+	// From CMICmnBase
+	/* dtor */ virtual ~CMIUtilThreadMutex( void ) { };
+// Attributes:
+	std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
+//++ ============================================================================
+// Details:	MI common code utility class. Thread object.
+// Gotchas:	None.
+// Authors:	Aidan Dodds 10/03/2014.
+// Changes:	None.
+class CMIUtilThread
+// Typedef:
+	typedef MIuint (* FnThreadProc) (void * vpThisClass);
+// Methods:
+	/* ctor */	CMIUtilThread( void );
+	//
+	bool Start( FnThreadProc vpFn, void * vpArg );	// Start execution of this thread
+	bool Join( void );								// Wait for this thread to stop
+	bool IsActive( void );							// Returns true if this thread is running
+// Overrideable:
+	/* dtor */ virtual ~CMIUtilThread( void );
+// Methods:
+	CMIUtilThreadMutex	m_mutex;
+	std::thread *		m_pThread;
+//++ ============================================================================
+// Details:	MI common code utility class. Base class for a worker thread active 
+//			object. Runs an 'captive thread'.
+// Gotchas:	None.
+// Authors:	Aidan Dodds 10/03/2014..
+// Changes:	None.
+class CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase
+// Methods:
+	/* ctor */	CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase( void );
+	//
+	bool Acquire( void );			// Obtain a reference to this object
+	bool Release( void );			// Release a reference to this object
+	bool ThreadIsActive( void );	// Return true if this object is running
+	bool ThreadJoin( void );		// Wait for this thread to stop running
+	bool ThreadKill( void );		// Force this thread to stop, regardless of references
+	bool ThreadExecute( void );		// Start this objects execution in another thread
+	void ThreadManage( void );
+// Overrideable:
+	/* dtor */ virtual ~CMIUtilThreadActiveObjBase( void );
+	//	
+	// Each thread object must supple a unique name that can be used to locate it
+	virtual const CMIUtilString & ThreadGetName( void ) const = 0;
+// Statics:
+	static MIuint ThreadEntry( void * vpThisClass );	// Thread entry point
+// Overrideable:
+	virtual bool ThreadRun( bool &vrIsAlive ) = 0;	// Call the main worker method
+	virtual bool ThreadFinish( void ) = 0;			// Finish of what you were doing
+// Attributes:
+	volatile MIuint		m_references;		// Stores the current lifetime state of this thread, 0 = running, > 0 = shutting down
+	volatile bool		m_bHasBeenKilled;	// Set to true when this thread has been killed
+	CMIUtilThread		m_thread;			// The execution thread
+	CMIUtilThreadMutex	m_mutex;			// This mutex allows us to safely communicate with this thread object across the interface from multiple threads
+//++ ============================================================================
+// Details:	MI common code utility class. Handle thread resource locking.
+//			Put Locks inside all the methods of your Active Object that access 
+//			data shared with the captive thread.
+// Gotchas:	None.
+// Authors:	Aidan Dodds 10/03/2014.
+// Changes:	None.
+class CMIUtilThreadLock
+// Methods:
+	/* ctor */
+	CMIUtilThreadLock( CMIUtilThreadMutex & vMutex )
+	:	m_rMutex( vMutex )
+	{
+		m_rMutex.Lock();
+	}
+// Overrideable:
+	/* dtor */
+	virtual ~CMIUtilThreadLock( void )
+	{
+		m_rMutex.Unlock();
+	}
+// Attributes:
+    CMIUtilThreadMutex & m_rMutex;

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Makefile
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Makefile?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Makefile (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Makefile Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+##===- tools/lldb-mi/Makefile -------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+LLDB_LEVEL := ../..
+TOOLNAME = lldb-mi
+LLVMLibsOptions += -ledit -llldb -llldbUtility
+include $(LLDB_LEVEL)/Makefile
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),Darwin)
+	LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,-rpath, at loader_path/../lib/
+	LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,-sectcreate -Wl,__TEXT -Wl,__info_plist -Wl,"$(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/lldb-Info.plist"
+ifneq (,$(filter $(HOST_OS), Linux GNU/kFreeBSD))
+	LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,-rpath,$(LibDir)
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),FreeBSD)
+	CPP.Flags += -I/usr/include/edit #-v
+	LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,-rpath,$(LibDir)

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Platform.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Platform.cpp?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Platform.cpp (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Platform.cpp Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+//===-- Platform.cpp --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// this file is only relevant for Visual C++
+#if defined( _MSC_VER )
+#include <process.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "Platform.h"
+// the control handler or SIGINT handler
+static sighandler_t _ctrlHandler = NULL;
+// the default console control handler
+WINAPI CtrlHandler (DWORD ctrlType)
+    if ( _ctrlHandler != NULL )
+    {
+        _ctrlHandler( 0 );
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+ioctl (int d, int request, ...)
+    switch ( request )
+    {
+    // request the console windows size
+    case ( TIOCGWINSZ ):
+        {
+            va_list vl;
+            va_start(vl,request);
+	    // locate the window size structure on stack
+	    winsize *ws = va_arg(vl, winsize*);
+            // get screen buffer information
+            if ( GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), &info ) == TRUE )
+                // fill in the columns
+                ws->ws_col = info.dwMaximumWindowSize.X;
+            va_end(vl);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        assert( !"Not implemented!" );
+    }
+    return -1;
+kill (pid_t pid, int sig)
+    // is the app trying to kill itself
+    if ( pid == getpid( ) )
+        exit( sig );
+    //
+    assert( !"Not implemented!" );
+    return -1;
+tcsetattr (int fd, int optional_actions, const struct termios *termios_p)
+    assert( !"Not implemented!" );
+    return -1;
+tcgetattr (int fildes, struct termios *termios_p)
+//  assert( !"Not implemented!" );
+    // error return value (0=success)
+    return -1;
+signal (int sig, sighandler_t sigFunc)
+    switch ( sig )
+    {
+    case ( SIGINT ):
+        {
+            _ctrlHandler = sigFunc;
+            SetConsoleCtrlHandler( CtrlHandler, TRUE );
+        }
+        break;
+    case ( SIGPIPE  ):
+    case ( SIGWINCH ):
+    case ( SIGTSTP  ):
+    case ( SIGCONT  ):
+        // ignore these for now
+        break;
+    default:
+        assert( !"Not implemented!" );
+    }
+    return 0;

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Platform.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Platform.h?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Platform.h (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/Platform.h Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+//===-- Platform.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#pragma once
+#if defined( _MSC_VER )
+    // this will stop signal.h being included
+    #define _INC_SIGNAL
+    #include <io.h>
+    #include <eh.h>
+    #include <inttypes.h>
+    #include <lldb/Host/windows/Windows.h>
+    #include <lldb/Host/HostGetOpt.h>
+	// This is not used by MI
+    struct timeval
+    {
+        long tv_sec;
+        long tv_usec;
+    };
+    struct winsize
+    {
+        long ws_col;
+    };
+    typedef unsigned char   cc_t;
+    typedef unsigned int    speed_t;
+    typedef unsigned int    tcflag_t;
+    // fcntl.h // This is not used by MI
+    #define O_NOCTTY 0400
+    // ioctls.h
+    #define TIOCGWINSZ 0x5413
+    // tcsetattr arguments
+    #define TCSANOW 0
+    #define NCCS 32
+    struct termios
+    {
+        tcflag_t c_iflag;  // input mode flags
+        tcflag_t c_oflag;  // output mode flags
+        tcflag_t c_cflag;  // control mode flags
+        tcflag_t c_lflag;  // local mode flags
+        cc_t c_line;       // line discipline
+        cc_t c_cc[NCCS];   // control characters
+        speed_t c_ispeed;  // input speed
+        speed_t c_ospeed;  // output speed
+    };
+	typedef long pid_t;
+    #define STDIN_FILENO 0
+    #define snprintf _snprintf
+    extern int  ioctl( int d, int request, ... );
+    extern int  kill ( pid_t pid, int sig      );
+    extern int  tcsetattr( int fd, int optional_actions, const struct termios *termios_p );
+    extern int  tcgetattr( int fildes, struct termios *termios_p );
+    // signal handler function pointer type
+    typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);
+    // signal.h
+    #define SIGINT		2						// Terminal interrupt signal
+	#define SIGQUIT		3						// Terminal quit signal	
+	#define	SIGKILL		9						// Kill (cannot be caught or ignored)
+	#define SIGPIPE		13						// Write on a pipe with no one to read it
+    #define SIGCONT		18						// Continue executing, if stopped.
+    #define SIGTSTP		20						// Terminal stop signal
+    #define SIGSTOP		23						// Stop executing (cannot be caught or ignored)
+    #define SIGWINCH	28						// (== SIGVTALRM)
+    #define SIG_DFL		( (sighandler_t) -1 )	// Default handler
+    #define SIG_IGN		( (sighandler_t) -2 )	// Ignored
+	extern sighandler_t signal( int sig, sighandler_t );
+    #include <inttypes.h>
+    #include <getopt.h>
+    #include <libgen.h>
+    #include <sys/ioctl.h>
+    #include <termios.h>
+    #include <unistd.h>
+    #include <histedit.h>
+    #include <pthread.h>
+    #include <sys/time.h>
+    #if defined(__FreeBSD__)
+        #include <readline/readline.h>
+    #else
+        #include <editline/readline.h>
+    #endif

Added: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/lldb-Info.plist
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/lldb-Info.plist?rev=208972&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/lldb-Info.plist (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-mi/lldb-Info.plist Fri May 16 05:51:01 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+	<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
+	<string>English</string>
+	<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
+	<string>com.apple.lldb</string>
+	<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
+	<string>6.0</string>
+	<key>CFBundleName</key>
+	<string>lldb-mi</string>
+	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>
+	<string>2</string>
+	<key>SecTaskAccess</key>
+	<array>
+		<string>allowed</string>
+		<string>debug</string>
+	</array>

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