[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r189959 - Added a "sources.py" which adds a command that can print out the source files contained in one or more modules.

Greg Clayton gclayton at apple.com
Wed Sep 4 10:31:40 PDT 2013

Author: gclayton
Date: Wed Sep  4 12:31:40 2013
New Revision: 189959

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=189959&view=rev
Added a "sources.py" which adds a command that can print out the source files contained in one or more modules.

Added "mach_o.py" which is a mach-o parser that can dump mach-o file contents and also extract sections. It uses the "file_extract" module and the "dict_utils" module.

    lldb/trunk/examples/python/dict_utils.py   (with props)
    lldb/trunk/examples/python/file_extract.py   (with props)
    lldb/trunk/examples/python/mach_o.py   (with props)

Added: lldb/trunk/examples/python/dict_utils.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/examples/python/dict_utils.py?rev=189959&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/examples/python/dict_utils.py (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/examples/python/dict_utils.py Wed Sep  4 12:31:40 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+class LookupDictionary(dict):
+    """
+    a dictionary which can lookup value by key, or keys by value
+    """
+    def __init__(self, items=[]):
+        """items can be a list of pair_lists or a dictionary"""
+        dict.__init__(self, items)
+    def get_keys_for_value(self, value, fail_value = None):
+        """find the key(s) as a list given a value"""
+        list_result = [item[0] for item in self.items() if item[1] == value]
+        if len(list_result) > 0:
+            return list_result
+        return fail_value
+    def get_first_key_for_value(self, value, fail_value = None):
+        """return the first key of this dictionary given the value"""
+        list_result = [item[0] for item in self.items() if item[1] == value]
+        if len(list_result) > 0:
+            return list_result[0]
+        return fail_value
+    def get_value(self, key, fail_value = None):
+        """find the value given a key"""
+        if key in self:
+            return self[key]
+        return fail_value
+class Enum(LookupDictionary):
+    def __init__(self, initial_value=0, items=[]):
+        """items can be a list of pair_lists or a dictionary"""
+        LookupDictionary.__init__(self, items)
+        self.value = initial_value
+    def set_value(self, v):
+        v_typename = typeof(v).__name__
+        if v_typename == 'str':
+            if str in self:
+                v = self[v]
+            else:
+                v = 0
+        else:
+            self.value = v
+    def get_enum_value(self):
+        return self.value
+    def get_enum_name(self):
+        return self.__str__()
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = self.get_first_key_for_value (self.value, None)
+        if s == None:
+            s = "%#8.8x" % self.value
+        return s
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__str__()
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: lldb/trunk/examples/python/dict_utils.py
    svn:executable = *

Added: lldb/trunk/examples/python/file_extract.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/examples/python/file_extract.py?rev=189959&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/examples/python/file_extract.py (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/examples/python/file_extract.py Wed Sep  4 12:31:40 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+import string
+import struct
+import sys
+class FileExtract:
+    '''Decode binary data from a file'''
+    def __init__(self, f, b = '='):
+        '''Initialize with an open binary file and optional byte order'''
+        self.file = f
+        self.byte_order = b
+        self.offsets = list()
+    def set_byte_order(self, b):
+        '''Set the byte order, valid values are "big", "little", "swap", "native", "<", ">", "@", "="'''
+        if b == 'big':
+            self.byte_order = '>'
+        elif b == 'little':
+            self.byte_order = '<'
+        elif b == 'swap':
+            # swap what ever the current byte order is
+            self.byte_order = swap_unpack_char()
+        elif b == 'native':
+            self.byte_order = '='
+        elif b == '<' or b == '>' or b == '@' or b == '=':
+            self.byte_order = b
+        else:
+            print "error: invalid byte order specified: '%s'" % b
+    def is_in_memory(self):
+        return False
+    def seek(self, offset, whence = 0):
+        if self.file:
+            return self.file.seek(offset, whence)
+        raise ValueError    
+    def tell(self):
+        if self.file:
+            return self.file.tell()
+        raise ValueError    
+    def read_size (self, byte_size):
+        s = self.file.read(byte_size)
+        if len(s) != byte_size:
+            return None
+        return s
+    def push_offset_and_seek(self, offset):
+        '''Push the current file offset and seek to "offset"'''
+        self.offsets.append(self.file.tell())
+        self.file.seek(offset, 0)
+    def pop_offset_and_seek(self):
+        '''Pop a previously pushed file offset, or do nothing if there were no previously pushed offsets'''
+        if len(self.offsets) > 0:
+            self.file.seek(self.offsets.pop())
+    def get_sint8(self, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract a single int8_t from the binary file at the current file position, returns a single integer'''
+        s = self.read_size(1)
+        if s:
+            v, = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + 'b', s)
+            return v
+        else:
+            return fail_value
+    def get_uint8(self, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract a single uint8_t from the binary file at the current file position, returns a single integer'''
+        s = self.read_size(1)
+        if s:
+            v, = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + 'B', s)
+            return v
+        else:
+            return fail_value
+    def get_sint16(self, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract a single int16_t from the binary file at the current file position, returns a single integer'''
+        s = self.read_size(2)
+        if s:
+            v, = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + 'h', s)
+            return v
+        else:
+            return fail_value
+    def get_uint16(self, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract a single uint16_t from the binary file at the current file position, returns a single integer'''
+        s = self.read_size(2)
+        if s:
+            v, = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + 'H', s)
+            return v
+        else:
+            return fail_value
+    def get_sint32(self, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract a single int32_t from the binary file at the current file position, returns a single integer'''
+        s = self.read_size(4)
+        if s:
+            v, = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + 'i', s)
+            return v
+        else:
+            return fail_value
+    def get_uint32(self, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract a single uint32_t from the binary file at the current file position, returns a single integer'''
+        s = self.read_size(4)
+        if s:
+            v, = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + 'I', s)
+            return v
+        else:
+            return fail_value
+    def get_sint64(self, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract a single int64_t from the binary file at the current file position, returns a single integer'''
+        s = self.read_size(8)
+        if s:
+            v, = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + 'q', s)
+            return v
+        else:
+            return fail_value
+    def get_uint64(self, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract a single uint64_t from the binary file at the current file position, returns a single integer'''
+        s = self.read_size(8)
+        if s:
+            v, = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + 'Q', s)
+            return v
+        else:
+            return fail_value
+    def get_fixed_length_c_string(self, n, fail_value='', isprint_only_with_space_padding=False):
+        '''Extract a single fixed length C string from the binary file at the current file position, returns a single C string'''
+        s = self.read_size(n)
+        if s:
+            cstr, = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + ("%i" % n) + 's', s)
+            # Strip trialing NULLs
+            cstr = string.strip(cstr, "\0")
+            if isprint_only_with_space_padding:
+                for c in cstr:
+                    if c in string.printable or ord(c) == 0:
+                        continue
+                    return fail_value
+            return cstr
+        else:
+            return fail_value
+    def get_c_string(self):
+        '''Extract a single NULL terminated C string from the binary file at the current file position, returns a single C string'''
+        cstr = ''
+        byte = self.get_uint8()
+        while byte != 0:
+            cstr += "%c" % byte
+            byte = self.get_uint8()
+        return cstr
+    def get_n_sint8(self, n, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract "n" int8_t integers from the binary file at the current file position, returns a list of integers'''
+        s = self.read_size(n)
+        if s:
+            return struct.unpack(self.byte_order + ("%u" % n) + 'b', s)
+        else:
+            return (fail_value,) * n
+    def get_n_uint8(self, n, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract "n" uint8_t integers from the binary file at the current file position, returns a list of integers'''
+        s = self.read_size(n)
+        if s:
+            return struct.unpack(self.byte_order + ("%u" % n) + 'B', s)
+        else:
+            return (fail_value,) * n
+    def get_n_sint16(self, n, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract "n" int16_t integers from the binary file at the current file position, returns a list of integers'''
+        s = self.read_size(2*n)
+        if s:
+            return struct.unpack(self.byte_order + ("%u" % n) + 'h', s)
+        else:
+            return (fail_value,) * n
+    def get_n_uint16(self, n, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract "n" uint16_t integers from the binary file at the current file position, returns a list of integers'''
+        s = self.read_size(2*n)
+        if s:
+            return struct.unpack(self.byte_order + ("%u" % n) + 'H', s)
+        else:
+            return (fail_value,) * n
+    def get_n_sint32(self, n, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract "n" int32_t integers from the binary file at the current file position, returns a list of integers'''
+        s = self.read_size(4*n)
+        if s:
+            return struct.unpack(self.byte_order + ("%u" % n) + 'i', s)
+        else:
+            return (fail_value,) * n
+    def get_n_uint32(self, n, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract "n" uint32_t integers from the binary file at the current file position, returns a list of integers'''
+        s = self.read_size(4*n)
+        if s:
+            return struct.unpack(self.byte_order + ("%u" % n) + 'I', s)
+        else:
+            return (fail_value,) * n
+    def get_n_sint64(self, n, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract "n" int64_t integers from the binary file at the current file position, returns a list of integers'''
+        s = self.read_size(8*n)
+        if s:
+            return struct.unpack(self.byte_order + ("%u" % n) + 'q', s)
+        else:
+            return (fail_value,) * n
+    def get_n_uint64(self, n, fail_value=0):
+        '''Extract "n" uint64_t integers from the binary file at the current file position, returns a list of integers'''
+        s = self.read_size(8*n)
+        if s:
+            return struct.unpack(self.byte_order + ("%u" % n) + 'Q', s)
+        else:
+            return (fail_value,) * n

Propchange: lldb/trunk/examples/python/file_extract.py
    svn:executable = *

Added: lldb/trunk/examples/python/mach_o.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/examples/python/mach_o.py?rev=189959&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/examples/python/mach_o.py (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/examples/python/mach_o.py Wed Sep  4 12:31:40 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,1687 @@
+import cmd
+import dict_utils
+import file_extract
+import optparse
+import re
+import struct
+import string
+import StringIO
+import sys
+import uuid
+# Mach header "magic" constants
+MH_MAGIC                    = 0xfeedface
+MH_CIGAM                    = 0xcefaedfe
+MH_MAGIC_64                 = 0xfeedfacf
+MH_CIGAM_64                 = 0xcffaedfe
+FAT_MAGIC                   = 0xcafebabe
+FAT_CIGAM                   = 0xbebafeca
+# Mach haeder "filetype" constants
+MH_OBJECT                   = 0x00000001
+MH_EXECUTE                  = 0x00000002
+MH_FVMLIB                   = 0x00000003
+MH_CORE                     = 0x00000004
+MH_PRELOAD                  = 0x00000005
+MH_DYLIB                    = 0x00000006
+MH_DYLINKER                 = 0x00000007
+MH_BUNDLE                   = 0x00000008
+MH_DYLIB_STUB               = 0x00000009
+MH_DSYM                     = 0x0000000a
+MH_KEXT_BUNDLE              = 0x0000000b
+# Mach haeder "flag" constant bits
+MH_NOUNDEFS                 = 0x00000001
+MH_INCRLINK                 = 0x00000002
+MH_DYLDLINK                 = 0x00000004
+MH_BINDATLOAD               = 0x00000008
+MH_PREBOUND                 = 0x00000010
+MH_SPLIT_SEGS               = 0x00000020
+MH_LAZY_INIT                = 0x00000040
+MH_TWOLEVEL                 = 0x00000080
+MH_FORCE_FLAT               = 0x00000100
+MH_NOMULTIDEFS              = 0x00000200
+MH_NOFIXPREBINDING          = 0x00000400
+MH_PREBINDABLE              = 0x00000800
+MH_ALLMODSBOUND             = 0x00001000
+MH_CANONICAL                = 0x00004000
+MH_WEAK_DEFINES             = 0x00008000
+MH_BINDS_TO_WEAK            = 0x00010000
+MH_ROOT_SAFE                = 0x00040000
+MH_SETUID_SAFE              = 0x00080000
+MH_NO_REEXPORTED_DYLIBS     = 0x00100000
+MH_PIE                      = 0x00200000
+MH_HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS      = 0x00800000
+MH_NO_HEAP_EXECUTION        = 0x01000000
+# Mach load command constants
+LC_REQ_DYLD                 = 0x80000000
+LC_SEGMENT                  = 0x00000001
+LC_SYMTAB                   = 0x00000002
+LC_SYMSEG                   = 0x00000003
+LC_THREAD                   = 0x00000004
+LC_UNIXTHREAD               = 0x00000005
+LC_LOADFVMLIB               = 0x00000006
+LC_IDFVMLIB                 = 0x00000007
+LC_IDENT                    = 0x00000008
+LC_FVMFILE                  = 0x00000009
+LC_PREPAGE                  = 0x0000000a
+LC_DYSYMTAB                 = 0x0000000b
+LC_LOAD_DYLIB               = 0x0000000c
+LC_ID_DYLIB                 = 0x0000000d
+LC_LOAD_DYLINKER            = 0x0000000e
+LC_ID_DYLINKER              = 0x0000000f
+LC_PREBOUND_DYLIB           = 0x00000010
+LC_ROUTINES                 = 0x00000011
+LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK            = 0x00000012
+LC_SUB_UMBRELLA             = 0x00000013
+LC_SUB_CLIENT               = 0x00000014
+LC_SUB_LIBRARY              = 0x00000015
+LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS           = 0x00000016
+LC_PREBIND_CKSUM            = 0x00000017
+LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB          = 0x00000018 | LC_REQ_DYLD
+LC_SEGMENT_64               = 0x00000019
+LC_ROUTINES_64              = 0x0000001a
+LC_UUID                     = 0x0000001b
+LC_RPATH                    = 0x0000001c | LC_REQ_DYLD
+LC_CODE_SIGNATURE           = 0x0000001d
+LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO       = 0x0000001e
+LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB           = 0x0000001f | LC_REQ_DYLD
+LC_LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB          = 0x00000020
+LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO          = 0x00000021
+LC_DYLD_INFO                = 0x00000022
+LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY           = 0x00000022 | LC_REQ_DYLD
+LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB        = 0x00000023 | LC_REQ_DYLD
+LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX       = 0x00000024
+LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS     = 0x00000025
+LC_FUNCTION_STARTS          = 0x00000026
+LC_DYLD_ENVIRONMENT         = 0x00000027
+# Mach CPU constants
+CPU_ARCH_MASK               = 0xff000000
+CPU_ARCH_ABI64              = 0x01000000
+CPU_TYPE_ANY                = 0xffffffff
+CPU_TYPE_VAX                = 1
+CPU_TYPE_MC680x0            = 6
+CPU_TYPE_I386               = 7
+CPU_TYPE_X86_64             = CPU_TYPE_I386 | CPU_ARCH_ABI64
+CPU_TYPE_MIPS               = 8
+CPU_TYPE_MC98000            = 10
+CPU_TYPE_HPPA               = 11
+CPU_TYPE_ARM                = 12
+CPU_TYPE_MC88000            = 13
+CPU_TYPE_SPARC              = 14
+CPU_TYPE_I860               = 15
+CPU_TYPE_ALPHA              = 16
+CPU_TYPE_POWERPC            = 18
+# VM protection constants
+VM_PROT_READ    = 1
+# VM protection constants
+N_STAB          = 0xe0
+N_PEXT          = 0x10
+N_TYPE          = 0x0e
+N_EXT           = 0x01
+# Values for nlist N_TYPE bits of the "Mach.NList.type" field.
+N_UNDF          = 0x0
+N_ABS           = 0x2
+N_SECT          = 0xe
+N_PBUD          = 0xc
+N_INDR          = 0xa
+# Section indexes for the "Mach.NList.sect_idx" fields
+NO_SECT         = 0
+MAX_SECT        = 255
+# Stab defines
+N_GSYM          = 0x20
+N_FNAME         = 0x22
+N_FUN           = 0x24
+N_STSYM         = 0x26
+N_LCSYM         = 0x28
+N_BNSYM         = 0x2e
+N_OPT           = 0x3c
+N_RSYM          = 0x40
+N_SLINE         = 0x44
+N_ENSYM         = 0x4e
+N_SSYM          = 0x60
+N_SO            = 0x64
+N_OSO           = 0x66
+N_LSYM          = 0x80
+N_BINCL         = 0x82
+N_SOL           = 0x84
+N_PARAMS        = 0x86
+N_VERSION       = 0x88
+N_OLEVEL        = 0x8A
+N_PSYM          = 0xa0
+N_EINCL         = 0xa2
+N_ENTRY         = 0xa4
+N_LBRAC         = 0xc0
+N_EXCL          = 0xc2
+N_RBRAC         = 0xe0
+N_BCOMM         = 0xe2
+N_ECOMM         = 0xe4
+N_ECOML         = 0xe8
+N_LENG          = 0xfe
+vm_prot_names = [ '---', 'r--', '-w-', 'rw-', '--x', 'r-x', '-wx', 'rwx' ]
+def dump_memory(base_addr, data, hex_bytes_len, num_per_line):
+    hex_bytes = data.encode('hex')
+    if hex_bytes_len == -1:
+        hex_bytes_len = len(hex_bytes)
+    addr = base_addr
+    ascii_str = ''
+    i = 0
+    while i < hex_bytes_len:
+        if ((i/2) % num_per_line) == 0:
+            if i > 0:
+                print ' %s' % (ascii_str)
+                ascii_str = ''
+            print '0x%8.8x:' % (addr+i),
+        hex_byte = hex_bytes[i:i+2]
+        print hex_byte,
+        int_byte = int (hex_byte, 16)
+        ascii_char = '%c' % (int_byte)
+        if int_byte >= 32 and int_byte < 127:
+            ascii_str += ascii_char
+        else:
+            ascii_str += '.'
+        i = i + 2
+    if ascii_str:
+        if (i/2) % num_per_line:
+            padding = num_per_line - ((i/2) % num_per_line)
+        else:
+            padding = 0
+        print '%*s%s' % (padding*3+1,'',ascii_str)
+    print
+class TerminalColors:
+    '''Simple terminal colors class'''
+    def __init__(self, enabled = True):
+        # TODO: discover terminal type from "file" and disable if
+        # it can't handle the color codes
+        self.enabled = enabled
+    def reset(self):
+        '''Reset all terminal colors and formatting.'''
+        if self.enabled:
+            return "\x1b[0m";
+        return ''
+    def bold(self, on = True):
+        '''Enable or disable bold depending on the "on" paramter.'''
+        if self.enabled:
+            if on:
+                return "\x1b[1m";
+            else:
+                return "\x1b[22m";
+        return ''
+    def italics(self, on = True):
+        '''Enable or disable italics depending on the "on" paramter.'''
+        if self.enabled:
+            if on:
+                return "\x1b[3m";
+            else:
+                return "\x1b[23m";
+        return ''
+    def underline(self, on = True):
+        '''Enable or disable underline depending on the "on" paramter.'''
+        if self.enabled:
+            if on:
+                return "\x1b[4m";
+            else:
+                return "\x1b[24m";
+        return ''
+    def inverse(self, on = True):
+        '''Enable or disable inverse depending on the "on" paramter.'''
+        if self.enabled:
+            if on:
+                return "\x1b[7m";
+            else:
+                return "\x1b[27m";
+        return ''
+    def strike(self, on = True):
+        '''Enable or disable strike through depending on the "on" paramter.'''
+        if self.enabled:
+            if on:
+                return "\x1b[9m";
+            else:                
+                return "\x1b[29m";
+        return ''
+    def black(self, fg = True):        
+        '''Set the foreground or background color to black. 
+        The foreground color will be set if "fg" tests True. The background color will be set if "fg" tests False.'''
+        if self.enabled:         
+            if fg:               
+                return "\x1b[30m";
+            else:
+                return "\x1b[40m";
+        return ''
+    def red(self, fg = True):          
+        '''Set the foreground or background color to red. 
+        The foreground color will be set if "fg" tests True. The background color will be set if "fg" tests False.'''
+        if self.enabled:         
+            if fg:               
+                return "\x1b[31m";
+            else:                
+                return "\x1b[41m";
+        return ''
+    def green(self, fg = True):        
+        '''Set the foreground or background color to green. 
+        The foreground color will be set if "fg" tests True. The background color will be set if "fg" tests False.'''
+        if self.enabled:         
+            if fg:               
+                return "\x1b[32m";
+            else:                
+                return "\x1b[42m";
+        return ''
+    def yellow(self, fg = True):       
+        '''Set the foreground or background color to yellow. 
+        The foreground color will be set if "fg" tests True. The background color will be set if "fg" tests False.'''
+        if self.enabled:         
+            if fg:               
+                return "\x1b[43m";
+            else:                
+                return "\x1b[33m";
+        return ''
+    def blue(self, fg = True):         
+        '''Set the foreground or background color to blue. 
+        The foreground color will be set if "fg" tests True. The background color will be set if "fg" tests False.'''
+        if self.enabled:         
+            if fg:               
+                return "\x1b[34m";
+            else:                
+                return "\x1b[44m";
+        return ''
+    def magenta(self, fg = True):      
+        '''Set the foreground or background color to magenta. 
+        The foreground color will be set if "fg" tests True. The background color will be set if "fg" tests False.'''
+        if self.enabled:         
+            if fg:               
+                return "\x1b[35m";
+            else:                
+                return "\x1b[45m";
+        return ''
+    def cyan(self, fg = True):         
+        '''Set the foreground or background color to cyan. 
+        The foreground color will be set if "fg" tests True. The background color will be set if "fg" tests False.'''
+        if self.enabled:         
+            if fg:               
+                return "\x1b[36m";
+            else:                
+                return "\x1b[46m";
+        return ''
+    def white(self, fg = True):        
+        '''Set the foreground or background color to white. 
+        The foreground color will be set if "fg" tests True. The background color will be set if "fg" tests False.'''
+        if self.enabled:         
+            if fg:               
+                return "\x1b[37m";
+            else:                
+                return "\x1b[47m";
+        return ''
+    def default(self, fg = True):      
+        '''Set the foreground or background color to the default. 
+        The foreground color will be set if "fg" tests True. The background color will be set if "fg" tests False.'''
+        if self.enabled:         
+            if fg:               
+                return "\x1b[39m";
+            else:                
+                return "\x1b[49m";
+        return ''
+def swap_unpack_char():
+    """Returns the unpack prefix that will for non-native endian-ness."""
+    if struct.pack('H', 1).startswith("\x00"):
+        return '<'
+    return '>'    
+def dump_hex_bytes(addr, s, bytes_per_line=16):
+    i = 0
+    line = ''
+    for ch in s:
+        if (i % bytes_per_line) == 0:
+            if line:
+                print line
+            line = '%#8.8x: ' % (addr + i)
+        line += "%02X " % ord(ch)
+        i += 1
+    print line
+def dump_hex_byte_string_diff(addr, a, b, bytes_per_line=16):
+    i = 0
+    line = ''
+    a_len = len(a)
+    b_len = len(b)
+    if a_len < b_len:
+        max_len = b_len
+    else:
+        max_len = a_len
+    tty_colors = TerminalColors (True)
+    for i in range(max_len):
+        ch = None
+        if i < a_len:
+            ch_a = a[i]
+            ch = ch_a
+        else:
+            ch_a = None
+        if i < b_len:
+            ch_b = b[i]
+            if not ch:
+                ch = ch_b
+        else:
+            ch_b = None
+        mismatch = ch_a != ch_b
+        if (i % bytes_per_line) == 0:
+            if line:
+                print line
+            line = '%#8.8x: ' % (addr + i)
+        if mismatch: line += tty_colors.red()
+        line += "%02X " % ord(ch)
+        if mismatch: line += tty_colors.default()
+        i += 1
+    print line
+class Mach:
+    """Class that does everything mach-o related"""
+    class Arch:
+        """Class that implements mach-o architectures"""
+        def __init__(self, c=0, s=0):   
+            self.cpu=c
+            self.sub=s
+        def set_cpu_type(self, c):
+            self.cpu=c
+        def set_cpu_subtype(self, s):
+            self.sub=s
+        def set_arch(self, c, s):
+            self.cpu=c
+            self.sub=s
+        def is_64_bit(self):
+            return (self.cpu & CPU_ARCH_ABI64) != 0
+        cpu_infos = [
+            [ "arm"         , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , CPU_TYPE_ANY ],
+            [ "arm"         , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 0            ],
+            [ "armv4"       , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 5            ],
+            [ "armv6"       , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 6            ],
+            [ "armv5"       , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 7            ],
+            [ "xscale"      , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 8            ],
+            [ "armv7"       , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 9            ],
+            [ "armv7f"      , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 10           ],
+            [ "armv7s"      , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 11           ],
+            [ "armv7k"      , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 12           ],
+            [ "armv7m"      , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 15           ],
+            [ "armv7em"     , CPU_TYPE_ARM       , 16           ],
+            [ "ppc"         , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , CPU_TYPE_ANY ],
+            [ "ppc"         , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 0            ],
+            [ "ppc601"      , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 1            ],
+            [ "ppc602"      , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 2            ],
+            [ "ppc603"      , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 3            ],
+            [ "ppc603e"     , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 4            ],
+            [ "ppc603ev"    , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 5            ],
+            [ "ppc604"      , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 6            ],
+            [ "ppc604e"     , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 7            ],
+            [ "ppc620"      , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 8            ],
+            [ "ppc750"      , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 9            ],
+            [ "ppc7400"     , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 10           ],
+            [ "ppc7450"     , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 11           ],
+            [ "ppc970"      , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC   , 100          ],
+            [ "ppc64"       , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64 , 0            ],
+            [ "ppc970-64"   , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64 , 100          ],
+            [ "i386"        , CPU_TYPE_I386      , 3            ],
+            [ "i486"        , CPU_TYPE_I386      , 4            ],
+            [ "i486sx"      , CPU_TYPE_I386      , 0x84         ],
+            [ "i386"        , CPU_TYPE_I386      , CPU_TYPE_ANY ],
+            [ "x86_64"      , CPU_TYPE_X86_64    , 3            ],
+            [ "x86_64"      , CPU_TYPE_X86_64    , CPU_TYPE_ANY ],
+        ]
+        def __str__(self):
+            for info in self.cpu_infos:
+                if self.cpu == info[1] and (self.sub & 0x00ffffff) == info[2]:
+                    return info[0]
+            return "{0}.{1}".format(self.cpu,self.sub)
+    class Magic(dict_utils.Enum):
+        enum = {
+            'MH_MAGIC'      : MH_MAGIC,
+            'MH_CIGAM'      : MH_CIGAM,
+            'MH_MAGIC_64'   : MH_MAGIC_64,
+            'MH_CIGAM_64'   : MH_CIGAM_64,
+            'FAT_MAGIC'     : FAT_MAGIC,
+            'FAT_CIGAM'     : FAT_CIGAM
+        }
+        def __init__(self, initial_value = 0):
+            dict_utils.Enum.__init__(self, initial_value, self.enum)
+        def is_skinny_mach_file(self):
+            return self.value == MH_MAGIC or self.value == MH_CIGAM or self.value == MH_MAGIC_64 or self.value == MH_CIGAM_64
+        def is_universal_mach_file(self):
+            return self.value == FAT_MAGIC or self.value == FAT_CIGAM
+        def unpack(self, data):
+            data.set_byte_order('native')
+            self.value = data.get_uint32();
+        def get_byte_order(self):
+            if self.value == MH_CIGAM or self.value == MH_CIGAM_64 or self.value == FAT_CIGAM:
+                return swap_unpack_char()
+            else:
+                return '='
+        def is_64_bit(self):
+            return self.value == MH_MAGIC_64 or self.value == MH_CIGAM_64
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.magic = Mach.Magic()
+        self.content = None
+        self.path = None
+    def extract (self, path, extractor):
+        self.path = path;
+        self.unpack(extractor)
+    def parse(self, path):
+        self.path = path;
+        try:
+            f = open(self.path)
+            file_extractor = file_extract.FileExtract(f, '=')
+            self.unpack(file_extractor)
+            #f.close()
+        except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+            print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)
+        except ValueError:
+            print "Could not convert data to an integer."
+        except:
+            print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
+            raise
+    def compare(self, rhs):
+        self.content.compare(rhs.content)
+    def dump(self, options = None):
+        self.content.dump(options)
+    def dump_header(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+        self.content.dump_header(dump_description, options)
+    def dump_load_commands(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+        self.content.dump_load_commands(dump_description, options)
+    def dump_sections(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+        self.content.dump_sections(dump_description, options)
+    def dump_section_contents(self, options):
+        self.content.dump_section_contents(options)
+    def dump_symtab(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+        self.content.dump_symtab(dump_description, options)
+    def dump_symbol_names_matching_regex(self, regex, file=None):
+        self.content.dump_symbol_names_matching_regex(regex, file)
+    def description(self):
+        return self.content.description()
+    def unpack(self, data):
+        self.magic.unpack(data)
+        if self.magic.is_skinny_mach_file():
+            self.content = Mach.Skinny(self.path)
+        elif self.magic.is_universal_mach_file():
+            self.content = Mach.Universal(self.path)
+        else:
+            self.content = None
+        if self.content != None:
+            self.content.unpack(data, self.magic)
+    def is_valid(self):
+        return self.content != None
+    class Universal:
+        def __init__(self, path):   
+            self.path       = path
+            self.type       = 'universal'
+            self.file_off   = 0
+            self.magic      = None
+            self.nfat_arch  = 0
+            self.archs      = list()
+        def description(self):
+            s = '%#8.8x: %s (' % (self.file_off, self.path)
+            archs_string = ''
+            for arch in self.archs:
+                if len(archs_string):
+                    archs_string += ', '
+                archs_string += '%s' % arch.arch
+            s += archs_string
+            s += ')'
+            return s
+        def unpack(self, data, magic = None):
+            self.file_off = data.tell()
+            if magic is None:
+                self.magic = Mach.Magic()
+                self.magic.unpack(data)
+            else:
+                self.magic = magic
+                self.file_off = self.file_off - 4                
+            # Universal headers are always in big endian
+            data.set_byte_order('big')
+            self.nfat_arch = data.get_uint32()
+            for i in range(self.nfat_arch):
+                self.archs.append(Mach.Universal.ArchInfo())
+                self.archs[i].unpack(data)
+            for i in range(self.nfat_arch):
+                self.archs[i].mach = Mach.Skinny(self.path)
+                data.seek (self.archs[i].offset, 0)
+                skinny_magic = Mach.Magic()
+                skinny_magic.unpack (data)
+                self.archs[i].mach.unpack(data, skinny_magic)
+        def compare(self, rhs):
+            print 'error: comparing two universal files is not supported yet'
+            return False
+        def dump(self, options):
+            if options.dump_header:
+                print
+                print "Universal Mach File: magic = %s, nfat_arch = %u" % (self.magic, self.nfat_arch)
+                print
+            if self.nfat_arch > 0:
+                if options.dump_header:
+                    self.archs[0].dump_header(True, options)
+                    for i in range(self.nfat_arch):
+                        self.archs[i].dump_flat(options)
+                if options.dump_header:
+                    print
+                for i in range(self.nfat_arch):
+                    self.archs[i].mach.dump(options)
+        def dump_header(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+            if dump_description:
+                print self.description()
+            for i in range(self.nfat_arch):
+                self.archs[i].mach.dump_header(True, options)
+                print
+        def dump_load_commands(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+            if dump_description:
+                print self.description()
+            for i in range(self.nfat_arch):
+                self.archs[i].mach.dump_load_commands(True, options)
+                print
+        def dump_sections(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+            if dump_description:
+                print self.description()
+            for i in range(self.nfat_arch):
+                self.archs[i].mach.dump_sections(True, options)
+                print
+        def dump_section_contents(self, options):
+            for i in range(self.nfat_arch):
+                self.archs[i].mach.dump_section_contents(options)
+                print
+        def dump_symtab(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+            if dump_description:
+                print self.description()
+            for i in range(self.nfat_arch):
+                self.archs[i].mach.dump_symtab(True, options)
+                print
+        def dump_symbol_names_matching_regex(self, regex, file=None):
+            for i in range(self.nfat_arch):
+                self.archs[i].mach.dump_symbol_names_matching_regex(regex, file)
+        class ArchInfo:
+            def __init__(self):   
+                self.arch   = Mach.Arch(0,0)
+                self.offset = 0
+                self.size   = 0
+                self.align  = 0
+                self.mach   = None
+            def unpack(self, data):
+                # Universal headers are always in big endian
+                data.set_byte_order('big')
+                self.arch.cpu, self.arch.sub, self.offset, self.size, self.align = data.get_n_uint32(5)
+            def dump_header(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+                if options.verbose:
+                    print "CPU        SUBTYPE    OFFSET     SIZE       ALIGN"
+                    print "---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------"
+                else:
+                    print "ARCH       FILEOFFSET FILESIZE   ALIGN"
+                    print "---------- ---------- ---------- ----------"
+            def dump_flat(self, options):
+                if options.verbose:
+                    print "%#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x" % (self.arch.cpu, self.arch.sub, self.offset, self.size, self.align)
+                else:
+                    print "%-10s %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x" % (self.arch, self.offset, self.size, self.align)
+            def dump(self):
+                print "   cputype: %#8.8x" % self.arch.cpu
+                print "cpusubtype: %#8.8x" % self.arch.sub
+                print "    offset: %#8.8x" % self.offset
+                print "      size: %#8.8x" % self.size
+                print "     align: %#8.8x" % self.align
+            def __str__(self):
+                return "Mach.Universal.ArchInfo: %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x" % (self.arch.cpu, self.arch.sub, self.offset, self.size, self.align)
+            def __repr__(self):
+                return "Mach.Universal.ArchInfo: %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x" % (self.arch.cpu, self.arch.sub, self.offset, self.size, self.align)
+    class Flags:
+        def __init__(self, b):
+            self.bits = b
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = ''
+            if self.bits & MH_NOUNDEFS:
+                s += 'MH_NOUNDEFS | '
+            if self.bits & MH_INCRLINK:
+                s += 'MH_INCRLINK | '
+            if self.bits & MH_DYLDLINK:
+                s += 'MH_DYLDLINK | '
+            if self.bits & MH_BINDATLOAD:
+                s += 'MH_BINDATLOAD | '
+            if self.bits & MH_PREBOUND:
+                s += 'MH_PREBOUND | '
+            if self.bits & MH_SPLIT_SEGS:
+                s += 'MH_SPLIT_SEGS | '
+            if self.bits & MH_LAZY_INIT:
+                s += 'MH_LAZY_INIT | '
+            if self.bits & MH_TWOLEVEL:
+                s += 'MH_TWOLEVEL | '
+            if self.bits & MH_FORCE_FLAT:
+                s += 'MH_FORCE_FLAT | '
+            if self.bits & MH_NOMULTIDEFS:
+                s += 'MH_NOMULTIDEFS | '
+            if self.bits & MH_NOFIXPREBINDING:
+                s += 'MH_NOFIXPREBINDING | '
+            if self.bits & MH_PREBINDABLE:
+                s += 'MH_PREBINDABLE | '
+            if self.bits & MH_ALLMODSBOUND:
+                s += 'MH_ALLMODSBOUND | '
+            if self.bits & MH_SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS:
+                s += 'MH_SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS | '
+            if self.bits & MH_CANONICAL:
+                s += 'MH_CANONICAL | '
+            if self.bits & MH_WEAK_DEFINES:
+                s += 'MH_WEAK_DEFINES | '
+            if self.bits & MH_BINDS_TO_WEAK:
+                s += 'MH_BINDS_TO_WEAK | '
+            if self.bits & MH_ALLOW_STACK_EXECUTION:
+                s += 'MH_ALLOW_STACK_EXECUTION | '
+            if self.bits & MH_ROOT_SAFE:
+                s += 'MH_ROOT_SAFE | '
+            if self.bits & MH_SETUID_SAFE:
+                s += 'MH_SETUID_SAFE | '
+            if self.bits & MH_NO_REEXPORTED_DYLIBS:
+                s += 'MH_NO_REEXPORTED_DYLIBS | '
+            if self.bits & MH_PIE:
+                s += 'MH_PIE | '
+            if self.bits & MH_DEAD_STRIPPABLE_DYLIB:
+                s += 'MH_DEAD_STRIPPABLE_DYLIB | '
+            if self.bits & MH_HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS:
+                s += 'MH_HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS | '
+            if self.bits & MH_NO_HEAP_EXECUTION:
+                s += 'MH_NO_HEAP_EXECUTION | '
+            # Strip the trailing " |" if we have any flags
+            if len(s) > 0:
+                s = s[0:-2]
+            return s
+    class FileType(dict_utils.Enum):
+        enum = {
+            'MH_OBJECT'         : MH_OBJECT        ,
+            'MH_EXECUTE'        : MH_EXECUTE       ,
+            'MH_FVMLIB'         : MH_FVMLIB        ,
+            'MH_CORE'           : MH_CORE          ,
+            'MH_PRELOAD'        : MH_PRELOAD       ,
+            'MH_DYLIB'          : MH_DYLIB         ,
+            'MH_DYLINKER'       : MH_DYLINKER      ,
+            'MH_BUNDLE'         : MH_BUNDLE        ,
+            'MH_DYLIB_STUB'     : MH_DYLIB_STUB    ,
+            'MH_DSYM'           : MH_DSYM          ,
+            'MH_KEXT_BUNDLE'    : MH_KEXT_BUNDLE
+        }
+        def __init__(self, initial_value = 0):
+            dict_utils.Enum.__init__(self, initial_value, self.enum)
+    class Skinny:
+        def __init__(self, path): 
+            self.path       = path
+            self.type       = 'skinny'
+            self.data       = None
+            self.file_off   = 0
+            self.magic      = 0
+            self.arch       = Mach.Arch(0,0)
+            self.filetype   = Mach.FileType(0)
+            self.ncmds      = 0
+            self.sizeofcmds = 0
+            self.flags      = Mach.Flags(0)
+            self.uuid       = None
+            self.commands   = list()
+            self.segments   = list()
+            self.sections   = list()
+            self.symbols    = list()
+            self.sections.append(Mach.Section())
+        def description(self):
+            return '%#8.8x: %s (%s)' % (self.file_off, self.path, self.arch)
+        def unpack(self, data, magic = None):
+            self.data = data
+            self.file_off = data.tell()
+            if magic is None:
+                self.magic = Mach.Magic()
+                self.magic.unpack(data)
+            else:
+                self.magic = magic
+                self.file_off = self.file_off - 4
+            data.set_byte_order(self.magic.get_byte_order())
+            self.arch.cpu, self.arch.sub, self.filetype.value, self.ncmds, self.sizeofcmds, bits = data.get_n_uint32(6)
+            self.flags.bits = bits
+            if self.is_64_bit():
+                data.get_uint32() # Skip reserved word in mach_header_64
+            for i in range(0,self.ncmds):
+                lc = self.unpack_load_command (data)
+                self.commands.append (lc)
+        def get_data(self):
+            if self.data:
+                self.data.set_byte_order(self.magic.get_byte_order())
+                return self.data
+            return None
+        def unpack_load_command (self, data):
+            lc = Mach.LoadCommand()
+            lc.unpack (self, data)
+            lc_command = lc.command.get_enum_value();
+            if (lc_command == LC_SEGMENT or 
+                lc_command == LC_SEGMENT_64):
+                lc = Mach.SegmentLoadCommand(lc)
+                lc.unpack(self, data)
+            elif (lc_command == LC_LOAD_DYLIB or 
+                  lc_command == LC_ID_DYLIB or 
+                  lc_command == LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB or 
+                  lc_command == LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB):
+                lc = Mach.DylibLoadCommand(lc)
+                lc.unpack(self, data)
+            elif (lc_command == LC_LOAD_DYLINKER or
+                  lc_command == LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK or 
+                  lc_command == LC_SUB_CLIENT or 
+                  lc_command == LC_SUB_UMBRELLA or 
+                  lc_command == LC_SUB_LIBRARY or 
+                  lc_command == LC_ID_DYLINKER or 
+                  lc_command == LC_RPATH):            
+                lc = Mach.LoadDYLDLoadCommand(lc)
+                lc.unpack(self, data)
+            elif (lc_command == LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY):
+                lc = Mach.DYLDInfoOnlyLoadCommand(lc)
+                lc.unpack(self, data)
+            elif (lc_command == LC_SYMTAB):
+                lc = Mach.SymtabLoadCommand(lc)
+                lc.unpack(self, data)
+            elif (lc_command == LC_DYSYMTAB):
+                lc = Mach.DYLDSymtabLoadCommand(lc)
+                lc.unpack(self, data)
+            elif (lc_command == LC_UUID):
+                lc = Mach.UUIDLoadCommand(lc)
+                lc.unpack(self, data)
+            elif (lc_command == LC_CODE_SIGNATURE or 
+                  lc_command == LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO or 
+                  lc_command == LC_FUNCTION_STARTS):
+                lc = Mach.DataBlobLoadCommand(lc)
+                lc.unpack(self, data)
+            elif (lc_command == LC_UNIXTHREAD):
+                lc = Mach.UnixThreadLoadCommand(lc)
+                lc.unpack(self, data)
+            elif (lc_command == LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO):
+                lc = Mach.EncryptionInfoLoadCommand(lc)
+                lc.unpack(self, data)
+            lc.skip(data)
+            return lc
+        def compare(self, rhs):
+            print "\nComparing:"
+            print "a) %s %s" % (self.arch, self.path)
+            print "b) %s %s" % (rhs.arch, rhs.path)
+            result = True
+            if self.type == rhs.type:
+                for lhs_section in self.sections[1:]:
+                    rhs_section = rhs.get_section_by_section(lhs_section)
+                    if rhs_section:
+                        print 'comparing %s.%s...' % (lhs_section.segname, lhs_section.sectname),
+                        sys.stdout.flush()
+                        lhs_data = lhs_section.get_contents (self)
+                        rhs_data = rhs_section.get_contents (rhs)
+                        if lhs_data and rhs_data:
+                            if lhs_data == rhs_data:
+                                print 'ok'
+                            else:
+                                lhs_data_len = len(lhs_data)
+                                rhs_data_len = len(rhs_data)
+                                # if lhs_data_len < rhs_data_len:
+                                #     if lhs_data == rhs_data[0:lhs_data_len]:
+                                #         print 'section data for %s matches the first %u bytes' % (lhs_section.sectname, lhs_data_len)
+                                #     else:
+                                #         # TODO: check padding
+                                #         result = False
+                                # elif lhs_data_len > rhs_data_len:
+                                #     if lhs_data[0:rhs_data_len] == rhs_data:
+                                #         print 'section data for %s matches the first %u bytes' % (lhs_section.sectname, lhs_data_len)
+                                #     else:
+                                #         # TODO: check padding
+                                #         result = False
+                                # else:
+                                result = False
+                                print 'error: sections differ'                                
+                                #print 'a) %s' % (lhs_section)
+                                # dump_hex_byte_string_diff(0, lhs_data, rhs_data)
+                                #print 'b) %s' % (rhs_section)
+                                # dump_hex_byte_string_diff(0, rhs_data, lhs_data)
+                        elif lhs_data and not rhs_data:
+                            print 'error: section data missing from b:'
+                            print 'a) %s' % (lhs_section)
+                            print 'b) %s' % (rhs_section)
+                            result = False
+                        elif not lhs_data and rhs_data:
+                            print 'error: section data missing from a:'
+                            print 'a) %s' % (lhs_section)
+                            print 'b) %s' % (rhs_section)
+                            result = False
+                        elif lhs_section.offset or rhs_section.offset:
+                            print 'error: section data missing for both a and b:'
+                            print 'a) %s' % (lhs_section)
+                            print 'b) %s' % (rhs_section)
+                            result = False
+                        else:
+                            print 'ok'
+                    else:
+                        result = False
+                        print 'error: section %s is missing in %s' % (lhs_section.sectname, rhs.path)
+            else:
+                print 'error: comaparing a %s mach-o file with a %s mach-o file is not supported' % (self.type, rhs.type)
+                result = False
+            if not result:
+                print 'error: mach files differ'
+            return result
+        def dump_header(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+            if options.verbose:
+                print "MAGIC      CPU        SUBTYPE    FILETYPE   NUM CMDS SIZE CMDS  FLAGS"
+                print "---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ----------"
+            else:
+                print "MAGIC        ARCH       FILETYPE       NUM CMDS SIZE CMDS  FLAGS"
+                print "------------ ---------- -------------- -------- ---------- ----------"
+        def dump_flat(self, options):
+            if options.verbose:
+                print "%#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8u %#8.8x %#8.8x" % (self.magic, self.arch.cpu , self.arch.sub, self.filetype.value, self.ncmds, self.sizeofcmds, self.flags.bits)
+            else:
+                print "%-12s %-10s %-14s %#8u %#8.8x %s" % (self.magic, self.arch, self.filetype, self.ncmds, self.sizeofcmds, self.flags)
+        def dump(self, options):
+            if options.dump_header:
+                self.dump_header(True, options)
+            if options.dump_load_commands:
+                self.dump_load_commands(False, options)
+            if options.dump_sections:
+                self.dump_sections(False, options)
+            if options.section_names:
+                self.dump_section_contents(options)
+            if options.dump_symtab:
+                self.get_symtab()
+                if len(self.symbols):
+                    self.dump_sections(False, options)
+                else:
+                    print "No symbols"
+            if options.find_mangled:
+                self.dump_symbol_names_matching_regex (re.compile('^_?_Z'))
+        def dump_header(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+            if dump_description:
+                print self.description()
+            print "Mach Header"
+            print "       magic: %#8.8x %s" % (self.magic.value, self.magic)
+            print "     cputype: %#8.8x %s" % (self.arch.cpu, self.arch)
+            print "  cpusubtype: %#8.8x" % self.arch.sub
+            print "    filetype: %#8.8x %s" % (self.filetype.get_enum_value(), self.filetype.get_enum_name())
+            print "       ncmds: %#8.8x %u" % (self.ncmds, self.ncmds)
+            print "  sizeofcmds: %#8.8x" % self.sizeofcmds
+            print "       flags: %#8.8x %s" % (self.flags.bits, self.flags)
+        def dump_load_commands(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+            if dump_description:
+                print self.description()
+            for lc in self.commands:
+                print lc
+        def get_section_by_name (self, name):
+            for section in self.sections:
+                if section.sectname and section.sectname == name:
+                    return section
+            return None
+        def get_section_by_section (self, other_section):
+            for section in self.sections:
+                if section.sectname == other_section.sectname and section.segname == other_section.segname:
+                    return section
+            return None
+        def dump_sections(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+            if dump_description:
+                print self.description()
+            num_sections = len(self.sections)
+            if num_sections > 1:
+                self.sections[1].dump_header()
+                for sect_idx in range(1,num_sections):
+                    print "%s" % self.sections[sect_idx]
+        def dump_section_contents(self, options):
+            saved_section_to_disk = False
+            for sectname in options.section_names:
+                section = self.get_section_by_name(sectname)
+                if section:
+                    sect_bytes = section.get_contents (self)
+                    if options.outfile:
+                        if not saved_section_to_disk:
+                            outfile = open(options.outfile, 'w')
+                            if options.extract_modules:
+                                #print "Extracting modules from mach file..."
+                                data = file_extract.FileExtract(StringIO.StringIO(sect_bytes), self.data.byte_order)
+                                version = data.get_uint32()
+                                num_modules = data.get_uint32()
+                                #print "version = %u, num_modules = %u" % (version, num_modules)
+                                for i in range(num_modules):
+                                    data_offset = data.get_uint64()
+                                    data_size = data.get_uint64()
+                                    name_offset = data.get_uint32()
+                                    language = data.get_uint32()
+                                    flags = data.get_uint32()
+                                    data.seek (name_offset)
+                                    module_name = data.get_c_string()
+                                    #print "module[%u] data_offset = %#16.16x, data_size = %#16.16x, name_offset = %#16.16x (%s), language = %u, flags = %#x" % (i, data_offset, data_size, name_offset, module_name, language, flags)
+                                    data.seek (data_offset)
+                                    outfile.write(data.read_size (data_size))
+                            else:
+                                print "Saving section %s to '%s'" % (sectname, options.outfile)
+                                outfile.write(sect_bytes)
+                            outfile.close()
+                            saved_section_to_disk = True
+                        else:
+                            print "error: you can only save a single section to disk at a time, skipping section '%s'" % (sectname)
+                    else:
+                        print 'section %s:\n' % (sectname)
+                        section.dump_header()
+                        print '%s\n' % (section)
+                        dump_memory (0, sect_bytes, options.max_count, 16)
+                else:
+                    print 'error: no section named "%s" was found' % (sectname)
+        def get_segment(self, segname):
+            if len(self.segments) == 1 and self.segments[0].segname == '':
+                return self.segments[0]
+            for segment in self.segments:
+                if segment.segname == segname:
+                    return segment
+            return None
+        def get_first_load_command(self, lc_enum_value):
+            for lc in self.commands:
+                if lc.command.value == lc_enum_value:
+                    return lc
+            return None
+        def get_symtab(self):
+            if self.data and not self.symbols:
+                lc_symtab = self.get_first_load_command (LC_SYMTAB)
+                if lc_symtab:
+                    symtab_offset = self.file_off
+                    if self.data.is_in_memory():
+                        linkedit_segment = self.get_segment('__LINKEDIT')
+                        if linkedit_segment:
+                            linkedit_vmaddr = linkedit_segment.vmaddr
+                            linkedit_fileoff = linkedit_segment.fileoff
+                            symtab_offset = linkedit_vmaddr + lc_symtab.symoff - linkedit_fileoff
+                            symtab_offset = linkedit_vmaddr + lc_symtab.stroff - linkedit_fileoff
+                    else:
+                        symtab_offset += lc_symtab.symoff
+                    self.data.seek (symtab_offset)
+                    is_64 = self.is_64_bit()
+                    for i in range(lc_symtab.nsyms):
+                        nlist = Mach.NList()
+                        nlist.unpack (self, self.data, lc_symtab)
+                        self.symbols.append(nlist)
+                else:
+                    print "no LC_SYMTAB"                
+        def dump_symtab(self, dump_description = True, options = None):
+            self.get_symtab()
+            if dump_description:
+                print self.description()
+            for i, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols):
+                print '[%5u] %s' % (i, symbol)
+        def dump_symbol_names_matching_regex(self, regex, file=None):
+            self.get_symtab()
+            for symbol in self.symbols:
+                if symbol.name and regex.search (symbol.name):
+                    print symbol.name
+                    if file:
+                        file.write('%s\n' % (symbol.name))
+        def is_64_bit(self):
+            return self.magic.is_64_bit()
+    class LoadCommand:
+        class Command(dict_utils.Enum):
+            enum = {
+                'LC_SEGMENT'                : LC_SEGMENT,
+                'LC_SYMTAB'                 : LC_SYMTAB,
+                'LC_SYMSEG'                 : LC_SYMSEG,
+                'LC_THREAD'                 : LC_THREAD,
+                'LC_UNIXTHREAD'             : LC_UNIXTHREAD,
+                'LC_LOADFVMLIB'             : LC_LOADFVMLIB,
+                'LC_IDFVMLIB'               : LC_IDFVMLIB,
+                'LC_IDENT'                  : LC_IDENT,
+                'LC_FVMFILE'                : LC_FVMFILE,
+                'LC_PREPAGE'                : LC_PREPAGE,
+                'LC_DYSYMTAB'               : LC_DYSYMTAB,
+                'LC_LOAD_DYLIB'             : LC_LOAD_DYLIB,
+                'LC_ID_DYLIB'               : LC_ID_DYLIB,
+                'LC_LOAD_DYLINKER'          : LC_LOAD_DYLINKER,
+                'LC_ID_DYLINKER'            : LC_ID_DYLINKER,
+                'LC_PREBOUND_DYLIB'         : LC_PREBOUND_DYLIB,
+                'LC_ROUTINES'               : LC_ROUTINES,
+                'LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK'          : LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK,
+                'LC_SUB_UMBRELLA'           : LC_SUB_UMBRELLA,
+                'LC_SUB_CLIENT'             : LC_SUB_CLIENT,
+                'LC_SUB_LIBRARY'            : LC_SUB_LIBRARY,
+                'LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS'         : LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS,
+                'LC_PREBIND_CKSUM'          : LC_PREBIND_CKSUM,
+                'LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB'        : LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB,
+                'LC_SEGMENT_64'             : LC_SEGMENT_64,
+                'LC_ROUTINES_64'            : LC_ROUTINES_64,
+                'LC_UUID'                   : LC_UUID,
+                'LC_RPATH'                  : LC_RPATH,
+                'LC_CODE_SIGNATURE'         : LC_CODE_SIGNATURE,
+                'LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB'         : LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB,
+                'LC_LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB'        : LC_LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB,
+                'LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO'        : LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO,
+                'LC_DYLD_INFO'              : LC_DYLD_INFO,
+                'LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY'         : LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY,
+                'LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB'      : LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB,
+                'LC_FUNCTION_STARTS'        : LC_FUNCTION_STARTS,
+            }
+            def __init__(self, initial_value = 0):
+                dict_utils.Enum.__init__(self, initial_value, self.enum)
+        def __init__(self, c=None, l=0,o=0):   
+            if c != None:
+                self.command = c
+            else:
+                self.command = Mach.LoadCommand.Command(0)
+            self.length = l
+            self.file_off = o
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            self.file_off = data.tell()
+            self.command.value, self.length = data.get_n_uint32(2)
+        def skip(self, data):
+            data.seek (self.file_off + self.length, 0)
+        def __str__(self):
+            lc_name = self.command.get_enum_name()
+            return '%#8.8x: <%#4.4x> %-24s' % (self.file_off, self.length, lc_name)
+    class Section:
+        def __init__(self):   
+            self.index = 0
+            self.is_64 = False
+            self.sectname = None
+            self.segname = None
+            self.addr = 0
+            self.size = 0
+            self.offset = 0
+            self.align = 0
+            self.reloff = 0
+            self.nreloc = 0
+            self.flags = 0
+            self.reserved1 = 0
+            self.reserved2 = 0
+            self.reserved3 = 0
+        def unpack(self, is_64, data):
+            self.is_64 = is_64
+            self.sectname = data.get_fixed_length_c_string (16, '', True)
+            self.segname = data.get_fixed_length_c_string (16, '', True)
+            if self.is_64:
+                self.addr, self.size = data.get_n_uint64(2)
+                self.offset, self.align, self.reloff, self.nreloc, self.flags, self.reserved1, self.reserved2, self.reserved3 = data.get_n_uint32(8)
+            else:
+                self.addr, self.size = data.get_n_uint32(2)
+                self.offset, self.align, self.reloff, self.nreloc, self.flags, self.reserved1, self.reserved2 = data.get_n_uint32(7)
+        def dump_header(self):
+            if self.is_64:
+                print "INDEX ADDRESS            SIZE               OFFSET     ALIGN      RELOFF     NRELOC     FLAGS      RESERVED1  RESERVED2  RESERVED3  NAME";
+                print "===== ------------------ ------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------";
+            else:
+                print "INDEX ADDRESS    SIZE       OFFSET     ALIGN      RELOFF     NRELOC     FLAGS      RESERVED1  RESERVED2  NAME";
+                print "===== ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------";
+        def __str__(self):
+            if self.is_64:
+                return "[%3u] %#16.16x %#16.16x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %s.%s" % (self.index, self.addr, self.size, self.offset, self.align, self.reloff, self.nreloc, self.flags, self.reserved1, self.reserved2, self.reserved3, self.segname, self.sectname)
+            else:
+                return "[%3u] %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %s.%s" % (self.index, self.addr, self.size, self.offset, self.align, self.reloff, self.nreloc, self.flags, self.reserved1, self.reserved2, self.segname, self.sectname)
+        def get_contents(self, mach_file):
+            '''Get the section contents as a python string'''
+            if self.size > 0 and mach_file.get_segment(self.segname).filesize > 0:
+                data = mach_file.get_data()
+                if data:
+                    section_data_offset = mach_file.file_off + self.offset
+                    #print '%s.%s is at offset 0x%x with size 0x%x' % (self.segname, self.sectname, section_data_offset, self.size)
+                    data.push_offset_and_seek (section_data_offset)
+                    bytes = data.read_size(self.size)
+                    data.pop_offset_and_seek()
+                    return bytes
+            return None
+    class DylibLoadCommand(LoadCommand):
+        def __init__(self, lc):   
+            Mach.LoadCommand.__init__(self, lc.command, lc.length, lc.file_off)
+            self.name = None
+            self.timestamp = 0
+            self.current_version = 0
+            self.compatibility_version = 0
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            byte_order_char = mach_file.magic.get_byte_order()
+            name_offset, self.timestamp, self.current_version, self.compatibility_version = data.get_n_uint32(4)
+            data.seek(self.file_off + name_offset, 0)
+            self.name = data.get_fixed_length_c_string(self.length - 24)
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = Mach.LoadCommand.__str__(self);
+            s += "%#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x " % (self.timestamp, self.current_version, self.compatibility_version)
+            s += self.name
+            return s
+    class LoadDYLDLoadCommand(LoadCommand):
+        def __init__(self, lc):   
+            Mach.LoadCommand.__init__(self, lc.command, lc.length, lc.file_off)
+            self.name = None
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            data.get_uint32()
+            self.name = data.get_fixed_length_c_string(self.length - 12)
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = Mach.LoadCommand.__str__(self);
+            s += "%s" % self.name
+            return s
+    class UnixThreadLoadCommand(LoadCommand):
+        class ThreadState:
+            def __init__(self):   
+                self.flavor = 0
+                self.count = 0
+                self.register_values = list()
+            def unpack(self, data):
+                self.flavor, self.count = data.get_n_uint32(2)
+                self.register_values = data.get_n_uint32(self.count)
+            def __str__(self):
+                s = "flavor = %u, count = %u, regs =" % (self.flavor, self.count)
+                i = 0
+                for register_value in self.register_values:
+                    if i % 8 == 0:
+                        s += "\n                                            "
+                    s += " %#8.8x" % register_value
+                    i += 1
+                return s
+        def __init__(self, lc):   
+            Mach.LoadCommand.__init__(self, lc.command, lc.length, lc.file_off)
+            self.reg_sets = list()
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            reg_set = Mach.UnixThreadLoadCommand.ThreadState()
+            reg_set.unpack (data)
+            self.reg_sets.append(reg_set)
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = Mach.LoadCommand.__str__(self);
+            for reg_set in self.reg_sets:
+                s += "%s" % reg_set
+            return s
+    class DYLDInfoOnlyLoadCommand(LoadCommand):
+        def __init__(self, lc):   
+            Mach.LoadCommand.__init__(self, lc.command, lc.length, lc.file_off)
+            self.rebase_off = 0
+            self.rebase_size = 0
+            self.bind_off = 0
+            self.bind_size = 0
+            self.weak_bind_off = 0
+            self.weak_bind_size = 0
+            self.lazy_bind_off = 0
+            self.lazy_bind_size = 0
+            self.export_off = 0
+            self.export_size = 0
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            byte_order_char = mach_file.magic.get_byte_order()
+            self.rebase_off, self.rebase_size, self.bind_off, self.bind_size, self.weak_bind_off, self.weak_bind_size, self.lazy_bind_off, self.lazy_bind_size, self.export_off, self.export_size = data.get_n_uint32(10)
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = Mach.LoadCommand.__str__(self);
+            s += "rebase_off = %#8.8x, rebase_size = %u, " % (self.rebase_off, self.rebase_size)
+            s += "bind_off = %#8.8x, bind_size = %u, " % (self.bind_off, self.bind_size)
+            s += "weak_bind_off = %#8.8x, weak_bind_size = %u, " % (self.weak_bind_off, self.weak_bind_size)
+            s += "lazy_bind_off = %#8.8x, lazy_bind_size = %u, " % (self.lazy_bind_off, self.lazy_bind_size)
+            s += "export_off = %#8.8x, export_size = %u, " % (self.export_off, self.export_size)
+            return s
+    class DYLDSymtabLoadCommand(LoadCommand):
+        def __init__(self, lc):   
+            Mach.LoadCommand.__init__(self, lc.command, lc.length, lc.file_off)
+            self.ilocalsym = 0
+            self.nlocalsym = 0
+            self.iextdefsym = 0
+            self.nextdefsym = 0
+            self.iundefsym = 0
+            self.nundefsym = 0
+            self.tocoff = 0
+            self.ntoc = 0
+            self.modtaboff = 0
+            self.nmodtab = 0
+            self.extrefsymoff = 0
+            self.nextrefsyms = 0
+            self.indirectsymoff = 0
+            self.nindirectsyms = 0
+            self.extreloff = 0
+            self.nextrel = 0
+            self.locreloff = 0
+            self.nlocrel = 0
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            byte_order_char = mach_file.magic.get_byte_order()
+            self.ilocalsym, self.nlocalsym, self.iextdefsym, self.nextdefsym, self.iundefsym, self.nundefsym, self.tocoff, self.ntoc, self.modtaboff, self.nmodtab, self.extrefsymoff, self.nextrefsyms, self.indirectsymoff, self.nindirectsyms, self.extreloff, self.nextrel, self.locreloff, self.nlocrel = data.get_n_uint32(18)
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = Mach.LoadCommand.__str__(self);
+            # s += "ilocalsym = %u, nlocalsym = %u, " % (self.ilocalsym, self.nlocalsym)
+            # s += "iextdefsym = %u, nextdefsym = %u, " % (self.iextdefsym, self.nextdefsym)
+            # s += "iundefsym %u, nundefsym = %u, " % (self.iundefsym, self.nundefsym)
+            # s += "tocoff = %#8.8x, ntoc = %u, " % (self.tocoff, self.ntoc)
+            # s += "modtaboff = %#8.8x, nmodtab = %u, " % (self.modtaboff, self.nmodtab)
+            # s += "extrefsymoff = %#8.8x, nextrefsyms = %u, " % (self.extrefsymoff, self.nextrefsyms)
+            # s += "indirectsymoff = %#8.8x, nindirectsyms = %u, " % (self.indirectsymoff, self.nindirectsyms)
+            # s += "extreloff = %#8.8x, nextrel = %u, " % (self.extreloff, self.nextrel)
+            # s += "locreloff = %#8.8x, nlocrel = %u" % (self.locreloff, self.nlocrel)
+            s += "ilocalsym      = %-10u, nlocalsym     = %u\n" % (self.ilocalsym, self.nlocalsym)
+            s += "                                             iextdefsym     = %-10u, nextdefsym    = %u\n" % (self.iextdefsym, self.nextdefsym)
+            s += "                                             iundefsym      = %-10u, nundefsym     = %u\n" % (self.iundefsym, self.nundefsym)
+            s += "                                             tocoff         = %#8.8x, ntoc          = %u\n" % (self.tocoff, self.ntoc)
+            s += "                                             modtaboff      = %#8.8x, nmodtab       = %u\n" % (self.modtaboff, self.nmodtab)
+            s += "                                             extrefsymoff   = %#8.8x, nextrefsyms   = %u\n" % (self.extrefsymoff, self.nextrefsyms)
+            s += "                                             indirectsymoff = %#8.8x, nindirectsyms = %u\n" % (self.indirectsymoff, self.nindirectsyms)
+            s += "                                             extreloff      = %#8.8x, nextrel       = %u\n" % (self.extreloff, self.nextrel)
+            s += "                                             locreloff      = %#8.8x, nlocrel       = %u" % (self.locreloff, self.nlocrel)
+            return s
+    class SymtabLoadCommand(LoadCommand):                
+        def __init__(self, lc):   
+            Mach.LoadCommand.__init__(self, lc.command, lc.length, lc.file_off)
+            self.symoff = 0
+            self.nsyms = 0
+            self.stroff = 0
+            self.strsize = 0
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            byte_order_char = mach_file.magic.get_byte_order()
+            self.symoff, self.nsyms, self.stroff, self.strsize = data.get_n_uint32(4)
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = Mach.LoadCommand.__str__(self);
+            s += "symoff = %#8.8x, nsyms = %u, stroff = %#8.8x, strsize = %u" % (self.symoff, self.nsyms, self.stroff, self.strsize)
+            return s
+    class UUIDLoadCommand(LoadCommand):
+        def __init__(self, lc):   
+            Mach.LoadCommand.__init__(self, lc.command, lc.length, lc.file_off)
+            self.uuid = None
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            uuid_data = data.get_n_uint8(16)
+            uuid_str = ''
+            for byte in uuid_data:
+                uuid_str += '%2.2x' % byte
+            self.uuid = uuid.UUID(uuid_str)
+            mach_file.uuid = self.uuid
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = Mach.LoadCommand.__str__(self);
+            s += self.uuid.__str__()
+            return s
+    class DataBlobLoadCommand(LoadCommand):
+        def __init__(self, lc):   
+            Mach.LoadCommand.__init__(self, lc.command, lc.length, lc.file_off)
+            self.dataoff = 0
+            self.datasize = 0
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            byte_order_char = mach_file.magic.get_byte_order()
+            self.dataoff, self.datasize = data.get_n_uint32(2)
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = Mach.LoadCommand.__str__(self);
+            s += "dataoff = %#8.8x, datasize = %u" % (self.dataoff, self.datasize)
+            return s
+    class EncryptionInfoLoadCommand(LoadCommand):
+        def __init__(self, lc):   
+            Mach.LoadCommand.__init__(self, lc.command, lc.length, lc.file_off)
+            self.cryptoff = 0
+            self.cryptsize = 0
+            self.cryptid = 0
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            byte_order_char = mach_file.magic.get_byte_order()
+            self.cryptoff, self.cryptsize, self.cryptid = data.get_n_uint32(3)
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = Mach.LoadCommand.__str__(self);
+            s += "file-range = [%#8.8x - %#8.8x), cryptsize = %u, cryptid = %u" % (self.cryptoff, self.cryptoff + self.cryptsize, self.cryptsize, self.cryptid)
+            return s
+    class SegmentLoadCommand(LoadCommand):
+        def __init__(self, lc):   
+            Mach.LoadCommand.__init__(self, lc.command, lc.length, lc.file_off)
+            self.segname = None
+            self.vmaddr = 0
+            self.vmsize = 0
+            self.fileoff = 0
+            self.filesize = 0
+            self.maxprot = 0
+            self.initprot = 0
+            self.nsects = 0
+            self.flags = 0
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data):
+            is_64 = self.command.get_enum_value() == LC_SEGMENT_64;
+            self.segname = data.get_fixed_length_c_string (16, '', True)
+            if is_64:
+                self.vmaddr, self.vmsize, self.fileoff, self.filesize = data.get_n_uint64(4)
+            else:
+                self.vmaddr, self.vmsize, self.fileoff, self.filesize = data.get_n_uint32(4)
+            self.maxprot, self.initprot, self.nsects, self.flags = data.get_n_uint32(4)
+            mach_file.segments.append(self)
+            for i in range(self.nsects):
+                section = Mach.Section()
+                section.unpack(is_64, data)
+                section.index = len (mach_file.sections)
+                mach_file.sections.append(section)
+        def __str__(self):
+            s = Mach.LoadCommand.__str__(self);
+            if self.command.get_enum_value() == LC_SEGMENT:
+                s += "%#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x %#8.8x " % (self.vmaddr, self.vmsize, self.fileoff, self.filesize)
+            else:
+                s += "%#16.16x %#16.16x %#16.16x %#16.16x " % (self.vmaddr, self.vmsize, self.fileoff, self.filesize)
+            s += "%s %s %3u %#8.8x" % (vm_prot_names[self.maxprot], vm_prot_names[self.initprot], self.nsects, self.flags)
+            s += ' ' + self.segname
+            return s
+    class NList:                
+        class Type:
+            class Stab(dict_utils.Enum):
+                enum = {
+                    'N_GSYM'    : N_GSYM    ,
+                    'N_FNAME'   : N_FNAME   ,
+                    'N_FUN'     : N_FUN     ,
+                    'N_STSYM'   : N_STSYM   ,
+                    'N_LCSYM'   : N_LCSYM   ,
+                    'N_BNSYM'   : N_BNSYM   ,
+                    'N_OPT'     : N_OPT     ,
+                    'N_RSYM'    : N_RSYM    ,
+                    'N_SLINE'   : N_SLINE   ,
+                    'N_ENSYM'   : N_ENSYM   ,
+                    'N_SSYM'    : N_SSYM    ,
+                    'N_SO'      : N_SO      ,
+                    'N_OSO'     : N_OSO     ,
+                    'N_LSYM'    : N_LSYM    ,
+                    'N_BINCL'   : N_BINCL   ,
+                    'N_SOL'     : N_SOL     ,
+                    'N_PARAMS'  : N_PARAMS  ,
+                    'N_VERSION' : N_VERSION ,
+                    'N_OLEVEL'  : N_OLEVEL  ,
+                    'N_PSYM'    : N_PSYM    ,
+                    'N_EINCL'   : N_EINCL   ,
+                    'N_ENTRY'   : N_ENTRY   ,
+                    'N_LBRAC'   : N_LBRAC   ,
+                    'N_EXCL'    : N_EXCL    ,
+                    'N_RBRAC'   : N_RBRAC   ,
+                    'N_BCOMM'   : N_BCOMM   ,
+                    'N_ECOMM'   : N_ECOMM   ,
+                    'N_ECOML'   : N_ECOML   ,
+                    'N_LENG'    : N_LENG
+                }
+                def __init__(self, magic = 0):
+                    dict_utils.Enum.__init__(self, magic, self.enum)
+            def __init__(self, t = 0):
+                self.value = t
+            def __str__(self):
+                n_type = self.value
+                if n_type & N_STAB:
+                    stab = Mach.NList.Type.Stab(self.value)
+                    return '%s' % stab
+                else:
+                    type = self.value & N_TYPE
+                    type_str = ''
+                    if type == N_UNDF:
+                        type_str = 'N_UNDF'
+                    elif type == N_ABS:
+                        type_str = 'N_ABS '
+                    elif type == N_SECT:
+                        type_str = 'N_SECT'
+                    elif type == N_PBUD:
+                        type_str = 'N_PBUD'
+                    elif type == N_INDR:
+                        type_str = 'N_INDR'
+                    else:
+                        type_str = "??? (%#2.2x)" % type
+                    if n_type & N_PEXT:
+                        type_str += ' | PEXT'
+                    if n_type & N_EXT:
+                        type_str += ' | EXT '
+                    return type_str
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.index = 0
+            self.name_offset = 0
+            self.name = 0
+            self.type = Mach.NList.Type()
+            self.sect_idx = 0
+            self.desc = 0
+            self.value = 0
+        def unpack(self, mach_file, data, symtab_lc):
+            self.index = len(mach_file.symbols)
+            self.name_offset = data.get_uint32()
+            self.type.value, self.sect_idx = data.get_n_uint8(2)
+            self.desc = data.get_uint16()
+            if mach_file.is_64_bit():
+                self.value = data.get_uint64()
+            else:
+                self.value = data.get_uint32()
+            data.push_offset_and_seek (mach_file.file_off + symtab_lc.stroff + self.name_offset)
+            #print "get string for symbol[%u]" % self.index
+            self.name = data.get_c_string()
+            data.pop_offset_and_seek()
+        def __str__(self):
+            name_display = ''
+            if len(self.name):
+                name_display = ' "%s"' % self.name
+            return '%#8.8x %#2.2x (%-20s) %#2.2x %#4.4x %16.16x%s' % (self.name_offset, self.type.value, self.type, self.sect_idx, self.desc, self.value, name_display)
+    class Interactive(cmd.Cmd):
+        '''Interactive command interpreter to mach-o files.'''
+        def __init__(self, mach, options):
+            cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
+            self.intro = 'Interactive mach-o command interpreter'
+            self.prompt = 'mach-o: %s %% ' % mach.path
+            self.mach = mach
+            self.options = options
+        def default(self, line):
+            '''Catch all for unknown command, which will exit the interpreter.'''
+            print "uknown command: %s" % line
+            return True
+        def do_q(self, line):
+            '''Quit command'''
+            return True
+        def do_quit(self, line):
+            '''Quit command'''
+            return True
+        def do_header(self, line):
+            '''Dump mach-o file headers'''
+            self.mach.dump_header(True, self.options)
+            return False
+        def do_load(self, line):
+            '''Dump all mach-o load commands'''
+            self.mach.dump_load_commands(True, self.options)
+            return False
+        def do_sections(self, line):
+            '''Dump all mach-o sections'''
+            self.mach.dump_sections(True, self.options)
+            return False
+        def do_symtab(self, line):
+            '''Dump all mach-o symbols in the symbol table'''
+            self.mach.dump_symtab(True, self.options)
+            return False
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser(description='A script that parses skinny and universal mach-o files.')
+    parser.add_option('--arch', '-a', type='string', metavar='arch', dest='archs', action='append', help='specify one or more architectures by name')
+    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='display verbose debug info', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('-H', '--header', action='store_true', dest='dump_header', help='dump the mach-o file header', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('-l', '--load-commands', action='store_true', dest='dump_load_commands', help='dump the mach-o load commands', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('-s', '--symtab', action='store_true', dest='dump_symtab', help='dump the mach-o symbol table', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('-S', '--sections', action='store_true', dest='dump_sections', help='dump the mach-o sections', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('--section', type='string', metavar='sectname', dest='section_names', action='append', help='Specify one or more section names to dump', default=[])
+    parser.add_option('-o', '--out', type='string', dest='outfile', help='Used in conjunction with the --section=NAME option to save a single section\'s data to disk.', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true', dest='interactive', help='enable interactive mode', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('-m', '--mangled', action='store_true', dest='find_mangled', help='dump all mangled names in a mach file', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('-c', '--compare', action='store_true', dest='compare', help='compare two mach files', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('-M', '--extract-modules', action='store_true', dest='extract_modules', help='Extract modules from file', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('-C', '--count', type='int', dest='max_count', help='Sets the max byte count when dumping section data', default=-1)
+    (options, mach_files) = parser.parse_args()
+    if options.extract_modules:
+        if options.section_names:
+            print "error: can't use --section option with the --extract-modules option"
+            exit(1)
+        if not options.outfile:
+            print "error: the --output=FILE option must be specified with the --extract-modules option"
+            exit(1)
+        options.section_names.append("__apple_ast")
+    if options.compare:
+        if len(mach_files) == 2:
+            mach_a = Mach()
+            mach_b = Mach()
+            mach_a.parse(mach_files[0])
+            mach_b.parse(mach_files[1])
+            mach_a.compare(mach_b)
+        else:
+            print 'error: --compare takes two mach files as arguments'
+    else:
+        if not (options.dump_header or options.dump_load_commands or options.dump_symtab or options.dump_sections or options.find_mangled or options.section_names):
+            options.dump_header = True
+            options.dump_load_commands = True
+        if options.verbose:
+            print 'options', options
+            print 'mach_files', mach_files
+        for path in mach_files:
+            mach = Mach()
+            mach.parse(path)
+            if options.interactive:
+                interpreter = Mach.Interactive(mach, options)
+                interpreter.cmdloop()
+            else:
+                mach.dump(options)            

Propchange: lldb/trunk/examples/python/mach_o.py
    svn:executable = *

Added: lldb/trunk/examples/python/sources.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/examples/python/sources.py?rev=189959&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/examples/python/sources.py (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/examples/python/sources.py Wed Sep  4 12:31:40 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import lldb
+import shlex
+def dump_module_sources(module, result):
+    if module:
+        print >> result, "Module: %s" % (module.file)
+        for compile_unit in module.compile_units:
+            if compile_unit.file:
+                print >> result, "  %s" % (compile_unit.file)
+def info_sources(debugger, command, result, dict):
+    description='''This command will dump all compile units in any modules that are listed as arguments, or for all modules if no arguments are supplied.'''
+    module_names = shlex.split(command)
+    target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
+    if module_names:
+        for module_name in module_names:
+            dump_module_sources(target.module[module_name], result)
+    else:
+        for module in target.modules:
+            dump_module_sources(module, result)
+def __lldb_init_module (debugger, dict):
+    # Add any commands contained in this module to LLDB
+    debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f sources.info_sources info_sources')
+    print 'The "info_sources" command has been installed, type "help info_sources" or "info_sources --help" for detailed help.'

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