[libcxx-commits] [PATCH] D135180: [NFC][libc++] Moves transitive includes location.

Louis Dionne via Phabricator via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Oct 4 14:57:27 PDT 2022

ldionne added a comment.

In D135180#3834327 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D135180#3834327>, @Mordante wrote:

> In D135180#3834249 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D135180#3834249>, @philnik wrote:
>> Why would we want to do this? We don't include the normal headers outside the include guard, and AFAICT the only thing this changes is that the compiler potentially has to load the files more often just to do nothing. That shouldn't be a problem, since the compiler optimizes that AFAIK, but why even open the possibility?
> I have a slight preference for the current location. But @ldionne preferred to have them completely at the end.
> The compiler indeed has ways include optimizations, which we discovered while working on the transitive includes.

Reasons for doing it this way:

1. Less chance of depending on transitive includes without realizing it
2. This can solve circular dependency issues. For example, if `<vector>` uses `std::copy` via `<algorithm>` but `<algorithm>` also uses `std::vector` via `<vector>` (to implement something unrelated to `std::copy`), including `<algorithm>` at the top of `<vector>` will cause an error, because you'll parse the top of `<vector>`, then all of `<algorithm>`, and you'll fail to find a declaration of `std::vector`. If you do it this way, you'll parse all of `<vector>`, and then at the end you'll include `<algorithm>`, which will try to include `<vector>` again without success, but you'll have already defined `std::vector` so it's fine.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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