[libc-commits] [PATCH] D148797: [libc] Start to refactor riscv platform abstraction to support both 32 and 64 bits versions

Michael Jones via Phabricator via libc-commits libc-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 5 12:35:18 PDT 2023

michaelrj added a comment.

Every platform we support gets broken occasionally by patches that forget to take it into account. Without buildbots telling us when the platform is broken, then we can't fix it. An example for this would be the arm32 failing to update for several months and our strtol tests breaking on it, leading to this patch: https://reviews.llvm.org/D151935.
For this reason we require anyone adding a new platform to demonstrate their plan for supporting that platform through CI. You can look at the "CI Builders" section on this page for more details: https://libc.llvm.org/porting.html

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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