[flang-commits] [flang] 8fde6f4 - [Flang][OpenMP] Add lowering from PFT to new MapEntry and Bounds operations and tie them to relevant Target operations

Andrew Gozillon via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 19 06:29:15 PDT 2023

Author: Andrew Gozillon
Date: 2023-09-19T08:26:46-05:00
New Revision: 8fde6f41a0e5a2b280e46521ed2236fab5c03412

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/8fde6f41a0e5a2b280e46521ed2236fab5c03412
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/8fde6f41a0e5a2b280e46521ed2236fab5c03412.diff

LOG: [Flang][OpenMP] Add lowering from PFT to new MapEntry and Bounds operations and tie them to relevant Target operations

This patch builds on top of a prior patch in review which adds a new map
and bounds operation by modifying the OpenMP PFT lowering to support
these operations and generate them from the PFT.

A significant amount of the support for the Bounds operation is borrowed
from OpenACC's own current implementation and lowering, just ported
over to OpenMP.

The patch also adds very preliminary/initial support for lowering to
a new Capture attribute, which is stored on the new Map Operation,
which helps the later lowering from OpenMP -> LLVM IR by indicating
how a map argument should be handled. This capture type will
influence how a map argument is accessed on device and passed by
the host (different load/store handling etc.). It is reflective of a
similar piece of information stored in the Clang AST which performs a
similar role.

As well as some minor adjustments to how the map type (map bitshift
which dictates to the runtime how it should handle an argument) is
generated to further support more use-cases for future patches that
build on this work.

Finally it adds the map entry operation creation and tying it to the relevant
target operations as well as the addition of some new tests and alteration
of previous tests to support the new changes.

Depends on D158732

reviewers: kiranchandramohan, TIFitis, clementval, razvanlupusoru

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D158734




diff  --git a/flang/include/flang/Lower/OpenMP.h b/flang/include/flang/Lower/OpenMP.h
index 3563de7d091e894..c9162761a08d54a 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Lower/OpenMP.h
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Lower/OpenMP.h
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ struct OmpClauseList;
 namespace semantics {
 class Symbol;
+class SemanticsContext;
 } // namespace semantics
 namespace lower {
@@ -51,8 +52,8 @@ struct Variable;
 void genOpenMPTerminator(fir::FirOpBuilder &, mlir::Operation *,
-void genOpenMPConstruct(AbstractConverter &, pft::Evaluation &,
-                        const parser::OpenMPConstruct &);
+void genOpenMPConstruct(AbstractConverter &, semantics::SemanticsContext &,
+                        pft::Evaluation &, const parser::OpenMPConstruct &);
 void genOpenMPDeclarativeConstruct(AbstractConverter &, pft::Evaluation &,
                                    const parser::OpenMPDeclarativeConstruct &);
 int64_t getCollapseValue(const Fortran::parser::OmpClauseList &clauseList);

diff  --git a/flang/lib/Lower/Bridge.cpp b/flang/lib/Lower/Bridge.cpp
index a3329ad5d306567..d068fc447bcfc2b 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Lower/Bridge.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Lower/Bridge.cpp
@@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ class FirConverter : public Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter {
   void genFIR(const Fortran::parser::OpenMPConstruct &omp) {
     mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insertPt = builder->saveInsertionPoint();
-    genOpenMPConstruct(*this, getEval(), omp);
+    genOpenMPConstruct(*this, bridge.getSemanticsContext(), getEval(), omp);
     const Fortran::parser::OpenMPLoopConstruct *ompLoop =

diff  --git a/flang/lib/Lower/DirectivesCommon.h b/flang/lib/Lower/DirectivesCommon.h
index efac311bec83338..662897c9e6c01b4 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Lower/DirectivesCommon.h
+++ b/flang/lib/Lower/DirectivesCommon.h
@@ -12,13 +12,15 @@
 /// A location to place directive utilities shared across multiple lowering
 /// files, e.g. utilities shared in OpenMP and OpenACC. The header file can
-/// be used for both declarations and templated/inline implementations.
+/// be used for both declarations and templated/inline implementations
 #include "flang/Common/idioms.h"
+#include "flang/Evaluate/tools.h"
+#include "flang/Lower/AbstractConverter.h"
 #include "flang/Lower/Bridge.h"
 #include "flang/Lower/ConvertExpr.h"
 #include "flang/Lower/ConvertVariable.h"
@@ -26,6 +28,7 @@
 #include "flang/Lower/OpenMP.h"
 #include "flang/Lower/PFTBuilder.h"
 #include "flang/Lower/StatementContext.h"
+#include "flang/Lower/Support/Utils.h"
 #include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/BoxValue.h"
 #include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/FIRBuilder.h"
 #include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/Todo.h"
@@ -36,7 +39,9 @@
 #include "mlir/Dialect/OpenACC/OpenACC.h"
 #include "mlir/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPDialect.h"
 #include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/IR/SCF.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/Value.h"
 #include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPConstants.h"
+#include <list>
 #include <type_traits>
 namespace Fortran {
@@ -611,6 +616,309 @@ void createEmptyRegionBlocks(
+inline mlir::Value
+getDataOperandBaseAddr(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
+                       fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
+                       Fortran::lower::SymbolRef sym, mlir::Location loc) {
+  mlir::Value symAddr = converter.getSymbolAddress(sym);
+  // TODO: Might need revisiting to handle for non-shared clauses
+  if (!symAddr) {
+    if (const auto *details =
+            sym->detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>())
+      symAddr = converter.getSymbolAddress(details->symbol());
+  }
+  if (!symAddr)
+    llvm::report_fatal_error("could not retrieve symbol address");
+  if (auto boxTy =
+          fir::unwrapRefType(symAddr.getType()).dyn_cast<fir::BaseBoxType>()) {
+    if (boxTy.getEleTy().isa<fir::RecordType>())
+      TODO(loc, "derived type");
+    // Load the box when baseAddr is a `fir.ref<fir.box<T>>` or a
+    // `fir.ref<fir.class<T>>` type.
+    if (symAddr.getType().isa<fir::ReferenceType>())
+      return builder.create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, symAddr);
+  }
+  return symAddr;
+/// Generate the bounds operation from the descriptor information.
+template <typename BoundsOp, typename BoundsType>
+genBoundsOpsFromBox(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder, mlir::Location loc,
+                    Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
+                    fir::ExtendedValue dataExv, mlir::Value box) {
+  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
+  mlir::Type idxTy = builder.getIndexType();
+  mlir::Type boundTy = builder.getType<BoundsType>();
+  mlir::Value one = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 1);
+  assert(box.getType().isa<fir::BaseBoxType>() &&
+         "expect fir.box or fir.class");
+  for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < dataExv.rank(); ++dim) {
+    mlir::Value d = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, dim);
+    mlir::Value baseLb =
+        fir::factory::readLowerBound(builder, loc, dataExv, dim, one);
+    auto dimInfo =
+        builder.create<fir::BoxDimsOp>(loc, idxTy, idxTy, idxTy, box, d);
+    mlir::Value lb = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 0);
+    mlir::Value ub =
+        builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, dimInfo.getExtent(), one);
+    mlir::Value bound =
+        builder.create<BoundsOp>(loc, boundTy, lb, ub, mlir::Value(),
+                                 dimInfo.getByteStride(), true, baseLb);
+    bounds.push_back(bound);
+  }
+  return bounds;
+/// Generate bounds operation for base array without any subscripts
+/// provided.
+template <typename BoundsOp, typename BoundsType>
+genBaseBoundsOps(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder, mlir::Location loc,
+                 Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
+                 fir::ExtendedValue dataExv, mlir::Value baseAddr) {
+  mlir::Type idxTy = builder.getIndexType();
+  mlir::Type boundTy = builder.getType<BoundsType>();
+  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
+  if (dataExv.rank() == 0)
+    return bounds;
+  mlir::Value one = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 1);
+  for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < dataExv.rank(); ++dim) {
+    mlir::Value baseLb =
+        fir::factory::readLowerBound(builder, loc, dataExv, dim, one);
+    mlir::Value ext = fir::factory::readExtent(builder, loc, dataExv, dim);
+    mlir::Value lb = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 0);
+    // ub = extent - 1
+    mlir::Value ub = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, ext, one);
+    mlir::Value bound =
+        builder.create<BoundsOp>(loc, boundTy, lb, ub, ext, one, false, baseLb);
+    bounds.push_back(bound);
+  }
+  return bounds;
+/// Generate bounds operations for an array section when subscripts are
+/// provided.
+template <typename BoundsOp, typename BoundsType>
+genBoundsOps(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder, mlir::Location loc,
+             Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
+             Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx,
+             const std::list<Fortran::parser::SectionSubscript> &subscripts,
+             std::stringstream &asFortran, fir::ExtendedValue &dataExv,
+             mlir::Value baseAddr) {
+  int dimension = 0;
+  mlir::Type idxTy = builder.getIndexType();
+  mlir::Type boundTy = builder.getType<BoundsType>();
+  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
+  mlir::Value zero = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 0);
+  mlir::Value one = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 1);
+  for (const auto &subscript : subscripts) {
+    if (const auto *triplet{
+            std::get_if<Fortran::parser::SubscriptTriplet>(&subscript.u)}) {
+      if (dimension != 0)
+        asFortran << ',';
+      mlir::Value lbound, ubound, extent;
+      std::optional<std::int64_t> lval, uval;
+      mlir::Value baseLb =
+          fir::factory::readLowerBound(builder, loc, dataExv, dimension, one);
+      bool defaultLb = baseLb == one;
+      mlir::Value stride = one;
+      bool strideInBytes = false;
+      if (fir::unwrapRefType(baseAddr.getType()).isa<fir::BaseBoxType>()) {
+        mlir::Value d = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, dimension);
+        auto dimInfo = builder.create<fir::BoxDimsOp>(loc, idxTy, idxTy, idxTy,
+                                                      baseAddr, d);
+        stride = dimInfo.getByteStride();
+        strideInBytes = true;
+      }
+      const auto &lower{std::get<0>(triplet->t)};
+      if (lower) {
+        lval = Fortran::semantics::GetIntValue(lower);
+        if (lval) {
+          if (defaultLb) {
+            lbound = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, *lval - 1);
+          } else {
+            mlir::Value lb = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, *lval);
+            lbound = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, lb, baseLb);
+          }
+          asFortran << *lval;
+        } else {
+          const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *lexpr =
+              Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*lower);
+          mlir::Value lb =
+              fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(loc, *lexpr, stmtCtx));
+          lb = builder.createConvert(loc, baseLb.getType(), lb);
+          lbound = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, lb, baseLb);
+          asFortran << lexpr->AsFortran();
+        }
+      } else {
+        lbound = defaultLb ? zero : baseLb;
+      }
+      asFortran << ':';
+      const auto &upper{std::get<1>(triplet->t)};
+      if (upper) {
+        uval = Fortran::semantics::GetIntValue(upper);
+        if (uval) {
+          if (defaultLb) {
+            ubound = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, *uval - 1);
+          } else {
+            mlir::Value ub = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, *uval);
+            ubound = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, ub, baseLb);
+          }
+          asFortran << *uval;
+        } else {
+          const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *uexpr =
+              Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*upper);
+          mlir::Value ub =
+              fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(loc, *uexpr, stmtCtx));
+          ub = builder.createConvert(loc, baseLb.getType(), ub);
+          ubound = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, ub, baseLb);
+          asFortran << uexpr->AsFortran();
+        }
+      }
+      if (lower && upper) {
+        if (lval && uval && *uval < *lval) {
+          mlir::emitError(loc, "zero sized array section");
+          break;
+        } else if (std::get<2>(triplet->t)) {
+          const auto &strideExpr{std::get<2>(triplet->t)};
+          if (strideExpr) {
+            mlir::emitError(loc, "stride cannot be specified on "
+                                 "an OpenMP array section");
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // ub = baseLb + extent - 1
+      if (!ubound) {
+        mlir::Value ext =
+            fir::factory::readExtent(builder, loc, dataExv, dimension);
+        mlir::Value lbExt =
+            builder.create<mlir::arith::AddIOp>(loc, ext, baseLb);
+        ubound = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, lbExt, one);
+      }
+      mlir::Value bound = builder.create<BoundsOp>(
+          loc, boundTy, lbound, ubound, extent, stride, strideInBytes, baseLb);
+      bounds.push_back(bound);
+      ++dimension;
+    }
+  }
+  return bounds;
+template <typename ObjectType, typename BoundsOp, typename BoundsType>
+mlir::Value gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds(
+    Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter, fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
+    Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
+    Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx, const ObjectType &object,
+    mlir::Location operandLocation, std::stringstream &asFortran,
+    llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> &bounds) {
+  mlir::Value baseAddr;
+  std::visit(
+      Fortran::common::visitors{
+          [&](const Fortran::parser::Designator &designator) {
+            if (auto expr{Fortran::semantics::AnalyzeExpr(semanticsContext,
+                                                          designator)}) {
+              if ((*expr).Rank() > 0 &&
+                  Fortran::parser::Unwrap<Fortran::parser::ArrayElement>(
+                      designator)) {
+                const auto *arrayElement =
+                    Fortran::parser::Unwrap<Fortran::parser::ArrayElement>(
+                        designator);
+                const auto *dataRef =
+                    std::get_if<Fortran::parser::DataRef>(&designator.u);
+                fir::ExtendedValue dataExv;
+                if (Fortran::parser::Unwrap<
+                        Fortran::parser::StructureComponent>(
+                        arrayElement->base)) {
+                  auto exprBase = Fortran::semantics::AnalyzeExpr(
+                      semanticsContext, arrayElement->base);
+                  dataExv = converter.genExprAddr(operandLocation, *exprBase,
+                                                  stmtCtx);
+                  baseAddr = fir::getBase(dataExv);
+                  asFortran << (*exprBase).AsFortran();
+                } else {
+                  const Fortran::parser::Name &name =
+                      Fortran::parser::GetLastName(*dataRef);
+                  baseAddr = getDataOperandBaseAddr(
+                      converter, builder, *name.symbol, operandLocation);
+                  dataExv = converter.getSymbolExtendedValue(*name.symbol);
+                  asFortran << name.ToString();
+                }
+                if (!arrayElement->subscripts.empty()) {
+                  asFortran << '(';
+                  bounds = genBoundsOps<BoundsType, BoundsOp>(
+                      builder, operandLocation, converter, stmtCtx,
+                      arrayElement->subscripts, asFortran, dataExv, baseAddr);
+                }
+                asFortran << ')';
+              } else if (Fortran::parser::Unwrap<
+                             Fortran::parser::StructureComponent>(designator)) {
+                fir::ExtendedValue compExv =
+                    converter.genExprAddr(operandLocation, *expr, stmtCtx);
+                baseAddr = fir::getBase(compExv);
+                if (fir::unwrapRefType(baseAddr.getType())
+                        .isa<fir::SequenceType>())
+                  bounds = genBaseBoundsOps<BoundsType, BoundsOp>(
+                      builder, operandLocation, converter, compExv, baseAddr);
+                asFortran << (*expr).AsFortran();
+                // If the component is an allocatable or pointer the result of
+                // genExprAddr will be the result of a fir.box_addr operation.
+                // Retrieve the box so we handle it like other descriptor.
+                if (auto boxAddrOp = mlir::dyn_cast_or_null<fir::BoxAddrOp>(
+                        baseAddr.getDefiningOp())) {
+                  baseAddr = boxAddrOp.getVal();
+                  bounds = genBoundsOpsFromBox<BoundsType, BoundsOp>(
+                      builder, operandLocation, converter, compExv, baseAddr);
+                }
+              } else {
+                // Scalar or full array.
+                if (const auto *dataRef{
+                        std::get_if<Fortran::parser::DataRef>(&designator.u)}) {
+                  const Fortran::parser::Name &name =
+                      Fortran::parser::GetLastName(*dataRef);
+                  fir::ExtendedValue dataExv =
+                      converter.getSymbolExtendedValue(*name.symbol);
+                  baseAddr = getDataOperandBaseAddr(
+                      converter, builder, *name.symbol, operandLocation);
+                  if (fir::unwrapRefType(baseAddr.getType())
+                          .isa<fir::BaseBoxType>())
+                    bounds = genBoundsOpsFromBox<BoundsType, BoundsOp>(
+                        builder, operandLocation, converter, dataExv, baseAddr);
+                  if (fir::unwrapRefType(baseAddr.getType())
+                          .isa<fir::SequenceType>())
+                    bounds = genBaseBoundsOps<BoundsType, BoundsOp>(
+                        builder, operandLocation, converter, dataExv, baseAddr);
+                  asFortran << name.ToString();
+                } else { // Unsupported
+                  llvm::report_fatal_error(
+                      "Unsupported type of OpenACC operand");
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          [&](const Fortran::parser::Name &name) {
+            baseAddr = getDataOperandBaseAddr(converter, builder, *name.symbol,
+                                              operandLocation);
+            asFortran << name.ToString();
+          }},
+      object.u);
+  return baseAddr;
 } // namespace lower
 } // namespace Fortran

diff  --git a/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp b/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp
index 04078d739ea78c4..6d4443ef09ed03e 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp
@@ -35,308 +35,6 @@ static constexpr std::int64_t starCst = -1;
 static unsigned routineCounter = 0;
 static constexpr llvm::StringRef accRoutinePrefix = "acc_routine_";
-/// Generate the acc.bounds operation from the descriptor information.
-static llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value>
-genBoundsOpsFromBox(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder, mlir::Location loc,
-                    Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
-                    fir::ExtendedValue dataExv, mlir::Value box) {
-  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
-  mlir::Type idxTy = builder.getIndexType();
-  mlir::Type boundTy = builder.getType<mlir::acc::DataBoundsType>();
-  mlir::Value one = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 1);
-  assert(box.getType().isa<fir::BaseBoxType>() &&
-         "expect fir.box or fir.class");
-  // Note that with the HLFIR lowering the 'box' is the FIR box
-  // which may not have correct local lbounds. As long as we only
-  // use the extents, it should be okay to read the dimensions
-  // from this box.
-  for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < dataExv.rank(); ++dim) {
-    mlir::Value d = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, dim);
-    mlir::Value baseLb =
-        fir::factory::readLowerBound(builder, loc, dataExv, dim, one);
-    auto dimInfo =
-        builder.create<fir::BoxDimsOp>(loc, idxTy, idxTy, idxTy, box, d);
-    mlir::Value lb = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 0);
-    mlir::Value ub =
-        builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, dimInfo.getExtent(), one);
-    mlir::Value bound = builder.create<mlir::acc::DataBoundsOp>(
-        loc, boundTy, lb, ub, mlir::Value(), dimInfo.getByteStride(), true,
-        baseLb);
-    bounds.push_back(bound);
-  }
-  return bounds;
-/// Generate acc.bounds operation for base array without any subscripts
-/// provided.
-static llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value>
-genBaseBoundsOps(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder, mlir::Location loc,
-                 Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
-                 fir::ExtendedValue dataExv, mlir::Value baseAddr) {
-  mlir::Type idxTy = builder.getIndexType();
-  mlir::Type boundTy = builder.getType<mlir::acc::DataBoundsType>();
-  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
-  if (dataExv.rank() == 0)
-    return bounds;
-  mlir::Value one = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 1);
-  for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < dataExv.rank(); ++dim) {
-    mlir::Value baseLb =
-        fir::factory::readLowerBound(builder, loc, dataExv, dim, one);
-    mlir::Value ext = fir::factory::readExtent(builder, loc, dataExv, dim);
-    mlir::Value lb = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 0);
-    // ub = extent - 1
-    mlir::Value ub = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, ext, one);
-    mlir::Value bound = builder.create<mlir::acc::DataBoundsOp>(
-        loc, boundTy, lb, ub, ext, one, false, baseLb);
-    bounds.push_back(bound);
-  }
-  return bounds;
-/// Generate acc.bounds operations for an array section when subscripts are
-/// provided.
-static llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value>
-genBoundsOps(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder, mlir::Location loc,
-             Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
-             Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx,
-             const std::list<Fortran::parser::SectionSubscript> &subscripts,
-             std::stringstream &asFortran, fir::ExtendedValue &dataExv,
-             mlir::Value baseAddr) {
-  int dimension = 0;
-  mlir::Type idxTy = builder.getIndexType();
-  mlir::Type boundTy = builder.getType<mlir::acc::DataBoundsType>();
-  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
-  mlir::Value zero = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 0);
-  mlir::Value one = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, 1);
-  for (const auto &subscript : subscripts) {
-    if (const auto *triplet{
-            std::get_if<Fortran::parser::SubscriptTriplet>(&subscript.u)}) {
-      if (dimension != 0)
-        asFortran << ',';
-      mlir::Value lbound, ubound, extent;
-      std::optional<std::int64_t> lval, uval;
-      mlir::Value baseLb =
-          fir::factory::readLowerBound(builder, loc, dataExv, dimension, one);
-      bool defaultLb = baseLb == one;
-      mlir::Value stride = one;
-      bool strideInBytes = false;
-      if (fir::unwrapRefType(baseAddr.getType()).isa<fir::BaseBoxType>()) {
-        mlir::Value d = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, dimension);
-        auto dimInfo = builder.create<fir::BoxDimsOp>(loc, idxTy, idxTy, idxTy,
-                                                      baseAddr, d);
-        stride = dimInfo.getByteStride();
-        strideInBytes = true;
-      }
-      const auto &lower{std::get<0>(triplet->t)};
-      if (lower) {
-        lval = Fortran::semantics::GetIntValue(lower);
-        if (lval) {
-          if (defaultLb) {
-            lbound = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, *lval - 1);
-          } else {
-            mlir::Value lb = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, *lval);
-            lbound = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, lb, baseLb);
-          }
-          asFortran << *lval;
-        } else {
-          const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *lexpr =
-              Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*lower);
-          mlir::Value lb =
-              fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(loc, *lexpr, stmtCtx));
-          lb = builder.createConvert(loc, baseLb.getType(), lb);
-          lbound = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, lb, baseLb);
-          asFortran << lexpr->AsFortran();
-        }
-      } else {
-        lbound = defaultLb ? zero : baseLb;
-      }
-      asFortran << ':';
-      const auto &upper{std::get<1>(triplet->t)};
-      if (upper) {
-        uval = Fortran::semantics::GetIntValue(upper);
-        if (uval) {
-          if (defaultLb) {
-            ubound = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, *uval - 1);
-          } else {
-            mlir::Value ub = builder.createIntegerConstant(loc, idxTy, *uval);
-            ubound = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, ub, baseLb);
-          }
-          asFortran << *uval;
-        } else {
-          const Fortran::lower::SomeExpr *uexpr =
-              Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*upper);
-          mlir::Value ub =
-              fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(loc, *uexpr, stmtCtx));
-          ub = builder.createConvert(loc, baseLb.getType(), ub);
-          ubound = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, ub, baseLb);
-          asFortran << uexpr->AsFortran();
-        }
-      }
-      if (lower && upper) {
-        if (lval && uval && *uval < *lval) {
-          mlir::emitError(loc, "zero sized array section");
-          break;
-        } else if (std::get<2>(triplet->t)) {
-          const auto &strideExpr{std::get<2>(triplet->t)};
-          if (strideExpr) {
-            mlir::emitError(loc, "stride cannot be specified on "
-                                 "an OpenACC array section");
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // ub = baseLb + extent - 1
-      if (!ubound) {
-        mlir::Value ext =
-            fir::factory::readExtent(builder, loc, dataExv, dimension);
-        mlir::Value lbExt =
-            builder.create<mlir::arith::AddIOp>(loc, ext, baseLb);
-        ubound = builder.create<mlir::arith::SubIOp>(loc, lbExt, one);
-      }
-      mlir::Value bound = builder.create<mlir::acc::DataBoundsOp>(
-          loc, boundTy, lbound, ubound, extent, stride, strideInBytes, baseLb);
-      bounds.push_back(bound);
-      ++dimension;
-    }
-  }
-  return bounds;
-static mlir::Value
-getDataOperandBaseAddr(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
-                       fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
-                       Fortran::lower::SymbolRef sym, mlir::Location loc) {
-  mlir::Value symAddr = converter.getSymbolAddress(sym);
-  // TODO: Might need revisiting to handle for non-shared clauses
-  if (!symAddr) {
-    if (const auto *details =
-            sym->detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>())
-      symAddr = converter.getSymbolAddress(details->symbol());
-  }
-  if (!symAddr)
-    llvm::report_fatal_error("could not retrieve symbol address");
-  if (auto boxTy =
-          fir::unwrapRefType(symAddr.getType()).dyn_cast<fir::BaseBoxType>()) {
-    if (boxTy.getEleTy().isa<fir::RecordType>())
-      TODO(loc, "derived type");
-    // Load the box when baseAddr is a `fir.ref<fir.box<T>>` or a
-    // `fir.ref<fir.class<T>>` type.
-    if (symAddr.getType().isa<fir::ReferenceType>())
-      return builder.create<fir::LoadOp>(loc, symAddr);
-  }
-  return symAddr;
-static mlir::Value gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds(
-    Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter, fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
-    Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
-    Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx,
-    const Fortran::parser::AccObject &accObject, mlir::Location operandLocation,
-    std::stringstream &asFortran, llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> &bounds) {
-  mlir::Value baseAddr;
-  std::visit(
-      Fortran::common::visitors{
-          [&](const Fortran::parser::Designator &designator) {
-            if (auto expr{Fortran::semantics::AnalyzeExpr(semanticsContext,
-                                                          designator)}) {
-              if ((*expr).Rank() > 0 &&
-                  Fortran::parser::Unwrap<Fortran::parser::ArrayElement>(
-                      designator)) {
-                const auto *arrayElement =
-                    Fortran::parser::Unwrap<Fortran::parser::ArrayElement>(
-                        designator);
-                const auto *dataRef =
-                    std::get_if<Fortran::parser::DataRef>(&designator.u);
-                fir::ExtendedValue dataExv;
-                if (Fortran::parser::Unwrap<
-                        Fortran::parser::StructureComponent>(
-                        arrayElement->base)) {
-                  auto exprBase = Fortran::semantics::AnalyzeExpr(
-                      semanticsContext, arrayElement->base);
-                  dataExv = converter.genExprAddr(operandLocation, *exprBase,
-                                                  stmtCtx);
-                  baseAddr = fir::getBase(dataExv);
-                  asFortran << (*exprBase).AsFortran();
-                } else {
-                  const Fortran::parser::Name &name =
-                      Fortran::parser::GetLastName(*dataRef);
-                  baseAddr = getDataOperandBaseAddr(
-                      converter, builder, *name.symbol, operandLocation);
-                  dataExv = converter.getSymbolExtendedValue(*name.symbol);
-                  asFortran << name.ToString();
-                }
-                if (!arrayElement->subscripts.empty()) {
-                  asFortran << '(';
-                  bounds = genBoundsOps(builder, operandLocation, converter,
-                                        stmtCtx, arrayElement->subscripts,
-                                        asFortran, dataExv, baseAddr);
-                }
-                asFortran << ')';
-              } else if (Fortran::parser::Unwrap<
-                             Fortran::parser::StructureComponent>(designator)) {
-                fir::ExtendedValue compExv =
-                    converter.genExprAddr(operandLocation, *expr, stmtCtx);
-                baseAddr = fir::getBase(compExv);
-                if (fir::unwrapRefType(baseAddr.getType())
-                        .isa<fir::SequenceType>())
-                  bounds = genBaseBoundsOps(builder, operandLocation, converter,
-                                            compExv, baseAddr);
-                asFortran << (*expr).AsFortran();
-                // If the component is an allocatable or pointer the result of
-                // genExprAddr will be the result of a fir.box_addr operation.
-                // Retrieve the box so we handle it like other descriptor.
-                if (auto boxAddrOp = mlir::dyn_cast_or_null<fir::BoxAddrOp>(
-                        baseAddr.getDefiningOp())) {
-                  baseAddr = boxAddrOp.getVal();
-                  bounds = genBoundsOpsFromBox(builder, operandLocation,
-                                               converter, compExv, baseAddr);
-                }
-              } else {
-                // Scalar or full array.
-                if (const auto *dataRef{
-                        std::get_if<Fortran::parser::DataRef>(&designator.u)}) {
-                  const Fortran::parser::Name &name =
-                      Fortran::parser::GetLastName(*dataRef);
-                  fir::ExtendedValue dataExv =
-                      converter.getSymbolExtendedValue(*name.symbol);
-                  baseAddr = getDataOperandBaseAddr(
-                      converter, builder, *name.symbol, operandLocation);
-                  if (fir::unwrapRefType(baseAddr.getType())
-                          .isa<fir::BaseBoxType>())
-                    bounds = genBoundsOpsFromBox(builder, operandLocation,
-                                                 converter, dataExv, baseAddr);
-                  if (fir::unwrapRefType(baseAddr.getType())
-                          .isa<fir::SequenceType>())
-                    bounds = genBaseBoundsOps(builder, operandLocation,
-                                              converter, dataExv, baseAddr);
-                  asFortran << name.ToString();
-                } else { // Unsupported
-                  llvm::report_fatal_error(
-                      "Unsupported type of OpenACC operand");
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          },
-          [&](const Fortran::parser::Name &name) {
-            baseAddr = getDataOperandBaseAddr(converter, builder, *name.symbol,
-                                              operandLocation);
-            asFortran << name.ToString();
-          }},
-      accObject.u);
-  return baseAddr;
 static mlir::Location
 genOperandLocation(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
                    const Fortran::parser::AccObject &accObject) {
@@ -555,9 +253,10 @@ genDataOperandOperations(const Fortran::parser::AccObjectList &objectList,
     llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
     std::stringstream asFortran;
     mlir::Location operandLocation = genOperandLocation(converter, accObject);
-    mlir::Value baseAddr = gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds(
-        converter, builder, semanticsContext, stmtCtx, accObject,
-        operandLocation, asFortran, bounds);
+    mlir::Value baseAddr = Fortran::lower::gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds<
+        Fortran::parser::AccObject, mlir::acc::DataBoundsType,
+        mlir::acc::DataBoundsOp>(converter, builder, semanticsContext, stmtCtx,
+                                 accObject, operandLocation, asFortran, bounds);
     Op op = createDataEntryOp<Op>(builder, operandLocation, baseAddr, asFortran,
                                   bounds, structured, implicit, dataClause,
@@ -578,9 +277,10 @@ static void genDeclareDataOperandOperations(
     llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
     std::stringstream asFortran;
     mlir::Location operandLocation = genOperandLocation(converter, accObject);
-    mlir::Value baseAddr = gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds(
-        converter, builder, semanticsContext, stmtCtx, accObject,
-        operandLocation, asFortran, bounds);
+    mlir::Value baseAddr = Fortran::lower::gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds<
+        Fortran::parser::AccObject, mlir::acc::DataBoundsType,
+        mlir::acc::DataBoundsOp>(converter, builder, semanticsContext, stmtCtx,
+                                 accObject, operandLocation, asFortran, bounds);
     EntryOp op = createDataEntryOp<EntryOp>(
         builder, operandLocation, baseAddr, asFortran, bounds, structured,
         implicit, dataClause, baseAddr.getType());
@@ -796,9 +496,10 @@ genPrivatizations(const Fortran::parser::AccObjectList &objectList,
     llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
     std::stringstream asFortran;
     mlir::Location operandLocation = genOperandLocation(converter, accObject);
-    mlir::Value baseAddr = gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds(
-        converter, builder, semanticsContext, stmtCtx, accObject,
-        operandLocation, asFortran, bounds);
+    mlir::Value baseAddr = Fortran::lower::gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds<
+        Fortran::parser::AccObject, mlir::acc::DataBoundsType,
+        mlir::acc::DataBoundsOp>(converter, builder, semanticsContext, stmtCtx,
+                                 accObject, operandLocation, asFortran, bounds);
     RecipeOp recipe;
     mlir::Type retTy = getTypeFromBounds(bounds, baseAddr.getType());
@@ -1196,9 +897,10 @@ genReductions(const Fortran::parser::AccObjectListWithReduction &objectList,
     llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
     std::stringstream asFortran;
     mlir::Location operandLocation = genOperandLocation(converter, accObject);
-    mlir::Value baseAddr = gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds(
-        converter, builder, semanticsContext, stmtCtx, accObject,
-        operandLocation, asFortran, bounds);
+    mlir::Value baseAddr = Fortran::lower::gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds<
+        Fortran::parser::AccObject, mlir::acc::DataBoundsType,
+        mlir::acc::DataBoundsOp>(converter, builder, semanticsContext, stmtCtx,
+                                 accObject, operandLocation, asFortran, bounds);
     if (hasDynamicShape(bounds))
       TODO(operandLocation, "OpenACC reductions with dynamic shaped array");

diff  --git a/flang/lib/Lower/OpenMP.cpp b/flang/lib/Lower/OpenMP.cpp
index bc18898426aa85b..5f5e968eaaa6414 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Lower/OpenMP.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Lower/OpenMP.cpp
@@ -41,16 +41,21 @@ using DeclareTargetCapturePair =
 static Fortran::semantics::Symbol *
 getOmpObjectSymbol(const Fortran::parser::OmpObject &ompObject) {
   Fortran::semantics::Symbol *sym = nullptr;
-  std::visit(Fortran::common::visitors{
-                 [&](const Fortran::parser::Designator &designator) {
-                   if (const Fortran::parser::Name *name =
+  std::visit(
+      Fortran::common::visitors{
+          [&](const Fortran::parser::Designator &designator) {
+            if (auto *arrayEle =
+                    Fortran::parser::Unwrap<Fortran::parser::ArrayElement>(
+                        designator)) {
+              sym = GetFirstName(arrayEle->base).symbol;
+            } else if (const Fortran::parser::Name *name =
                                designator)) {
-                     sym = name->symbol;
-                   }
-                 },
-                 [&](const Fortran::parser::Name &name) { sym = name.symbol; }},
-             ompObject.u);
+              sym = name->symbol;
+            }
+          },
+          [&](const Fortran::parser::Name &name) { sym = name.symbol; }},
+      ompObject.u);
   return sym;
@@ -529,8 +534,11 @@ class ClauseProcessor {
             mlir::Value &result) const;
   processLink(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<DeclareTargetCapturePair> &result) const;
-  bool processMap(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Value> &mapOperands,
-                  llvm::SmallVectorImpl<mlir::IntegerAttr> &mapTypes) const;
+  bool processMap(mlir::Location currentLocation,
+                  const llvm::omp::Directive &directive,
+                  Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
+                  Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx,
+                  llvm::SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Value> &mapOperands) const;
   bool processReduction(
       mlir::Location currentLocation,
       llvm::SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Value> &reductionVars,
@@ -1653,80 +1661,109 @@ bool ClauseProcessor::processLink(
+static mlir::omp::MapInfoOp
+createMapInfoOp(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder, mlir::Location loc,
+                mlir::Value baseAddr, std::stringstream &name,
+                mlir::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds, uint64_t mapType,
+                mlir::omp::VariableCaptureKind mapCaptureType, bool implicit,
+                mlir::Type retTy) {
+  mlir::Value varPtrPtr;
+  if (auto boxTy = baseAddr.getType().dyn_cast<fir::BaseBoxType>()) {
+    baseAddr = builder.create<fir::BoxAddrOp>(loc, baseAddr);
+    retTy = baseAddr.getType();
+  }
+  mlir::omp::MapInfoOp op =
+      builder.create<mlir::omp::MapInfoOp>(loc, retTy, baseAddr);
+  op.setNameAttr(builder.getStringAttr(name.str()));
+  op.setImplicit(implicit);
+  op.setMapType(mapType);
+  op.setMapCaptureType(mapCaptureType);
+  unsigned insPos = 1;
+  if (varPtrPtr)
+    op->insertOperands(insPos++, varPtrPtr);
+  if (bounds.size() > 0)
+    op->insertOperands(insPos, bounds);
+  op->setAttr(mlir::omp::MapInfoOp::getOperandSegmentSizeAttr(),
+              builder.getDenseI32ArrayAttr(
+                  {1, varPtrPtr ? 1 : 0, static_cast<int32_t>(bounds.size())}));
+  return op;
 bool ClauseProcessor::processMap(
-    llvm::SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Value> &mapOperands,
-    llvm::SmallVectorImpl<mlir::IntegerAttr> &mapTypes) const {
+    mlir::Location currentLocation, const llvm::omp::Directive &directive,
+    Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
+    Fortran::lower::StatementContext &stmtCtx,
+    llvm::SmallVectorImpl<mlir::Value> &mapOperands) const {
   fir::FirOpBuilder &firOpBuilder = converter.getFirOpBuilder();
+  return findRepeatableClause<ClauseTy::Map>(
+      [&](const ClauseTy::Map *mapClause,
+          const Fortran::parser::CharBlock &source) {
+        mlir::Location clauseLocation = converter.genLocation(source);
+        const auto &oMapType =
+            std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::OmpMapType>>(
+                mapClause->v.t);
+        llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags mapTypeBits =
+            llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_NONE;
+        // If the map type is specified, then process it else Tofrom is the
+        // default.
+        if (oMapType) {
+          const Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type &mapType =
+              std::get<Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type>(oMapType->t);
+          switch (mapType) {
+          case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::To:
+            mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_TO;
+            break;
+          case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::From:
+            mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_FROM;
+            break;
+          case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::Tofrom:
+            mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_TO |
+                           llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_FROM;
+            break;
+          case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::Alloc:
+          case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::Release:
+            // alloc and release is the default map_type for the Target Data
+            // Ops, i.e. if no bits for map_type is supplied then alloc/release
+            // is implicitly assumed based on the target directive. Default
+            // value for Target Data and Enter Data is alloc and for Exit Data
+            // it is release.
+            break;
+          case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::Delete:
+            mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_DELETE;
+          }
-  return findRepeatableClause<
-      ClauseTy::Map>([&](const ClauseTy::Map *mapClause,
-                         const Fortran::parser::CharBlock &source) {
-    mlir::Location clauseLocation = converter.genLocation(source);
-    const auto &oMapType =
-        std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::OmpMapType>>(mapClause->v.t);
-    llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags mapTypeBits =
-        llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_NONE;
-    // If the map type is specified, then process it else Tofrom is the default.
-    if (oMapType) {
-      const Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type &mapType =
-          std::get<Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type>(oMapType->t);
-      switch (mapType) {
-      case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::To:
-        mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_TO;
-        break;
-      case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::From:
-        mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_FROM;
-        break;
-      case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::Tofrom:
-        mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_TO |
-                       llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_FROM;
-        break;
-      case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::Alloc:
-      case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::Release:
-        // alloc and release is the default map_type for the Target Data Ops,
-        // i.e. if no bits for map_type is supplied then alloc/release is
-        // implicitly assumed based on the target directive. Default value for
-        // Target Data and Enter Data is alloc and for Exit Data it is release.
-        break;
-      case Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Type::Delete:
-        mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_DELETE;
-      }
-      if (std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Always>>(
-              oMapType->t))
-        mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_ALWAYS;
-    } else {
-      mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_TO |
-                     llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_FROM;
-    }
-    // TODO: Add support MapTypeModifiers close, mapper, present, iterator
-    mlir::IntegerAttr mapTypeAttr = firOpBuilder.getIntegerAttr(
-        firOpBuilder.getI64Type(),
-        static_cast<
-            std::underlying_type_t<llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags>>(
-            mapTypeBits));
-    llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> mapOperand;
-    // Check for unsupported map operand types.
-    for (const Fortran::parser::OmpObject &ompObject :
-         std::get<Fortran::parser::OmpObjectList>(mapClause->v.t).v) {
-      if (Fortran::parser::Unwrap<Fortran::parser::ArrayElement>(ompObject) ||
-          Fortran::parser::Unwrap<Fortran::parser::StructureComponent>(
-              ompObject))
-        TODO(clauseLocation,
-             "OMPD_target_data for Array Expressions or Structure Components");
-    }
-    genObjectList(std::get<Fortran::parser::OmpObjectList>(mapClause->v.t),
-                  converter, mapOperand);
+          if (std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::OmpMapType::Always>>(
+                  oMapType->t))
+            mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_ALWAYS;
+        } else {
+          mapTypeBits |= llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_TO |
+                         llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_FROM;
+        }
-    for (mlir::Value mapOp : mapOperand) {
-      checkMapType(mapOp.getLoc(), mapOp.getType());
-      mapOperands.push_back(mapOp);
-      mapTypes.push_back(mapTypeAttr);
-    }
-  });
+        for (const Fortran::parser::OmpObject &ompObject :
+             std::get<Fortran::parser::OmpObjectList>(mapClause->v.t).v) {
+          llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> bounds;
+          std::stringstream asFortran;
+          mlir::Value baseAddr = Fortran::lower::gatherDataOperandAddrAndBounds<
+              Fortran::parser::OmpObject, mlir::omp::DataBoundsType,
+              mlir::omp::DataBoundsOp>(converter, firOpBuilder,
+                                       semanticsContext, stmtCtx, ompObject,
+                                       clauseLocation, asFortran, bounds);
+          // Explicit map captures are captured ByRef by default,
+          // optimisation passes may alter this to ByCopy or other capture
+          // types to optimise
+          mapOperands.push_back(createMapInfoOp(
+              firOpBuilder, clauseLocation, baseAddr, asFortran, bounds,
+              static_cast<
+                  std::underlying_type_t<llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags>>(
+                  mapTypeBits),
+              mlir::omp::VariableCaptureKind::ByRef, false,
+              baseAddr.getType()));
+        }
+      });
 bool ClauseProcessor::processReduction(
@@ -2293,14 +2330,13 @@ genTaskGroupOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
 static mlir::omp::DataOp
 genDataOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
+          Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
           mlir::Location currentLocation,
           const Fortran::parser::OmpClauseList &clauseList) {
-  fir::FirOpBuilder &firOpBuilder = converter.getFirOpBuilder();
   Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
   mlir::Value ifClauseOperand, deviceOperand;
   llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> mapOperands, devicePtrOperands,
-  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::IntegerAttr> mapTypes;
   llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Type> useDeviceTypes;
   llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Location> useDeviceLocs;
   llvm::SmallVector<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *> useDeviceSymbols;
@@ -2314,16 +2350,12 @@ genDataOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
   cp.processUseDeviceAddr(deviceAddrOperands, useDeviceTypes, useDeviceLocs,
-  cp.processMap(mapOperands, mapTypes);
-  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Attribute> mapTypesAttr(mapTypes.begin(),
-                                                  mapTypes.end());
-  mlir::ArrayAttr mapTypesArrayAttr =
-      mlir::ArrayAttr::get(firOpBuilder.getContext(), mapTypesAttr);
+  cp.processMap(currentLocation, llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_target_data,
+                semanticsContext, stmtCtx, mapOperands);
   auto dataOp = converter.getFirOpBuilder().create<mlir::omp::DataOp>(
       currentLocation, ifClauseOperand, deviceOperand, devicePtrOperands,
-      deviceAddrOperands, mapOperands, mapTypesArrayAttr);
+      deviceAddrOperands, mapOperands);
   createBodyOfTargetDataOp(converter, dataOp, useDeviceTypes, useDeviceLocs,
                            useDeviceSymbols, currentLocation);
   return dataOp;
@@ -2332,6 +2364,7 @@ genDataOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
 template <typename OpTy>
 static OpTy
 genEnterExitDataOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
+                   Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
                    mlir::Location currentLocation,
                    const Fortran::parser::OmpClauseList &clauseList) {
   fir::FirOpBuilder &firOpBuilder = converter.getFirOpBuilder();
@@ -2339,7 +2372,6 @@ genEnterExitDataOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
   mlir::Value ifClauseOperand, deviceOperand;
   mlir::UnitAttr nowaitAttr;
   llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> mapOperands;
-  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::IntegerAttr> mapTypes;
   Fortran::parser::OmpIfClause::DirectiveNameModifier directiveName;
   llvm::omp::Directive directive;
@@ -2359,32 +2391,26 @@ genEnterExitDataOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
   cp.processIf(stmtCtx, directiveName, ifClauseOperand);
   cp.processDevice(stmtCtx, deviceOperand);
-  cp.processMap(mapOperands, mapTypes);
+  cp.processMap(currentLocation, directive, semanticsContext, stmtCtx,
+                mapOperands);
-  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Attribute> mapTypesAttr(mapTypes.begin(),
-                                                  mapTypes.end());
-  mlir::ArrayAttr mapTypesArrayAttr =
-      mlir::ArrayAttr::get(firOpBuilder.getContext(), mapTypesAttr);
   return firOpBuilder.create<OpTy>(currentLocation, ifClauseOperand,
-                                   deviceOperand, nowaitAttr, mapOperands,
-                                   mapTypesArrayAttr);
+                                   deviceOperand, nowaitAttr, mapOperands);
 static mlir::omp::TargetOp
 genTargetOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
             Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
+            Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
             mlir::Location currentLocation,
             const Fortran::parser::OmpClauseList &clauseList,
-            bool outerCombined = false) {
-  fir::FirOpBuilder &firOpBuilder = converter.getFirOpBuilder();
+            llvm::omp::Directive directive, bool outerCombined = false) {
   Fortran::lower::StatementContext stmtCtx;
   mlir::Value ifClauseOperand, deviceOperand, threadLimitOperand;
   mlir::UnitAttr nowaitAttr;
   llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> mapOperands;
-  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::IntegerAttr> mapTypes;
   ClauseProcessor cp(converter, clauseList);
@@ -2393,7 +2419,8 @@ genTargetOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
   cp.processDevice(stmtCtx, deviceOperand);
   cp.processThreadLimit(stmtCtx, threadLimitOperand);
-  cp.processMap(mapOperands, mapTypes);
+  cp.processMap(currentLocation, directive, semanticsContext, stmtCtx,
+                mapOperands);
@@ -2406,15 +2433,10 @@ genTargetOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
       currentLocation, llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_target);
-  llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Attribute> mapTypesAttr(mapTypes.begin(),
-                                                  mapTypes.end());
-  mlir::ArrayAttr mapTypesArrayAttr =
-      mlir::ArrayAttr::get(firOpBuilder.getContext(), mapTypesAttr);
   return genOpWithBody<mlir::omp::TargetOp>(
       converter, eval, currentLocation, outerCombined, &clauseList,
       ifClauseOperand, deviceOperand, threadLimitOperand, nowaitAttr,
-      mapOperands, mapTypesArrayAttr);
+      mapOperands);
 static mlir::omp::TeamsOp
@@ -2523,6 +2545,7 @@ getDeclareTargetFunctionDevice(
 static void
 genOmpSimpleStandalone(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
                        Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
+                       Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
                        const Fortran::parser::OpenMPSimpleStandaloneConstruct
                            &simpleStandaloneConstruct) {
   const auto &directive =
@@ -2550,15 +2573,15 @@ genOmpSimpleStandalone(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
   case llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_target_data:
-    genDataOp(converter, currentLocation, opClauseList);
+    genDataOp(converter, semanticsContext, currentLocation, opClauseList);
   case llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_target_enter_data:
-    genEnterExitDataOp<mlir::omp::EnterDataOp>(converter, currentLocation,
-                                               opClauseList);
+    genEnterExitDataOp<mlir::omp::EnterDataOp>(converter, semanticsContext,
+                                               currentLocation, opClauseList);
   case llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_target_exit_data:
-    genEnterExitDataOp<mlir::omp::ExitDataOp>(converter, currentLocation,
-                                              opClauseList);
+    genEnterExitDataOp<mlir::omp::ExitDataOp>(converter, semanticsContext,
+                                              currentLocation, opClauseList);
   case llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_target_update:
     TODO(currentLocation, "OMPD_target_update");
@@ -2588,12 +2611,14 @@ genOmpFlush(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
 static void
 genOMP(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
        Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
+       Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
        const Fortran::parser::OpenMPStandaloneConstruct &standaloneConstruct) {
           [&](const Fortran::parser::OpenMPSimpleStandaloneConstruct
                   &simpleStandaloneConstruct) {
-            genOmpSimpleStandalone(converter, eval, simpleStandaloneConstruct);
+            genOmpSimpleStandalone(converter, eval, semanticsContext,
+                                   simpleStandaloneConstruct);
           [&](const Fortran::parser::OpenMPFlushConstruct &flushConstruct) {
             genOmpFlush(converter, eval, flushConstruct);
@@ -2611,6 +2636,7 @@ genOMP(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
 static void genOMP(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
                    Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
+                   Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
                    const Fortran::parser::OpenMPLoopConstruct &loopConstruct) {
   fir::FirOpBuilder &firOpBuilder = converter.getFirOpBuilder();
   llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> lowerBound, upperBound, step, linearVars,
@@ -2644,8 +2670,8 @@ static void genOMP(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
     if ((llvm::omp::allTargetSet & llvm::omp::loopConstructSet)
             .test(ompDirective)) {
       validDirective = true;
-      genTargetOp(converter, eval, currentLocation, loopOpClauseList,
-                  /*outerCombined=*/true);
+      genTargetOp(converter, eval, semanticsContext, currentLocation,
+                  loopOpClauseList, ompDirective, /*outerCombined=*/true);
     if ((llvm::omp::allTeamsSet & llvm::omp::loopConstructSet)
             .test(ompDirective)) {
@@ -2770,6 +2796,7 @@ static void genOMP(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
 static void
 genOMP(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
        Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
+       Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
        const Fortran::parser::OpenMPBlockConstruct &blockConstruct) {
   const auto &beginBlockDirective =
@@ -2831,10 +2858,11 @@ genOMP(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
   case llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_target:
-    genTargetOp(converter, eval, currentLocation, beginClauseList);
+    genTargetOp(converter, eval, semanticsContext, currentLocation,
+                beginClauseList, directive.v);
   case llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_target_data:
-    genDataOp(converter, currentLocation, beginClauseList);
+    genDataOp(converter, semanticsContext, currentLocation, beginClauseList);
   case llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_task:
     genTaskOp(converter, eval, currentLocation, beginClauseList);
@@ -2854,8 +2882,8 @@ genOMP(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
     bool combinedDirective = false;
     if ((llvm::omp::allTargetSet & llvm::omp::blockConstructSet)
             .test(directive.v)) {
-      genTargetOp(converter, eval, currentLocation, beginClauseList,
-                  /*outerCombined=*/true);
+      genTargetOp(converter, eval, semanticsContext, currentLocation,
+                  beginClauseList, directive.v, /*outerCombined=*/true);
       combinedDirective = true;
     if ((llvm::omp::allTeamsSet & llvm::omp::blockConstructSet)
@@ -3097,13 +3125,14 @@ void Fortran::lower::genOpenMPTerminator(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
 void Fortran::lower::genOpenMPConstruct(
     Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
+    Fortran::semantics::SemanticsContext &semanticsContext,
     Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation &eval,
     const Fortran::parser::OpenMPConstruct &ompConstruct) {
           [&](const Fortran::parser::OpenMPStandaloneConstruct
                   &standaloneConstruct) {
-            genOMP(converter, eval, standaloneConstruct);
+            genOMP(converter, eval, semanticsContext, standaloneConstruct);
           [&](const Fortran::parser::OpenMPSectionsConstruct
                   &sectionsConstruct) {
@@ -3113,7 +3142,7 @@ void Fortran::lower::genOpenMPConstruct(
             genOMP(converter, eval, sectionConstruct);
           [&](const Fortran::parser::OpenMPLoopConstruct &loopConstruct) {
-            genOMP(converter, eval, loopConstruct);
+            genOMP(converter, eval, semanticsContext, loopConstruct);
           [&](const Fortran::parser::OpenMPDeclarativeAllocate
                   &execAllocConstruct) {
@@ -3128,7 +3157,7 @@ void Fortran::lower::genOpenMPConstruct(
             TODO(converter.getCurrentLocation(), "OpenMPAllocatorsConstruct");
           [&](const Fortran::parser::OpenMPBlockConstruct &blockConstruct) {
-            genOMP(converter, eval, blockConstruct);
+            genOMP(converter, eval, semanticsContext, blockConstruct);
           [&](const Fortran::parser::OpenMPAtomicConstruct &atomicConstruct) {
             genOMP(converter, eval, atomicConstruct);

diff  --git a/flang/test/Fir/convert-to-llvm-openmp-and-fir.fir b/flang/test/Fir/convert-to-llvm-openmp-and-fir.fir
index 28b89838a68046f..501a2bee29321a3 100644
--- a/flang/test/Fir/convert-to-llvm-openmp-and-fir.fir
+++ b/flang/test/Fir/convert-to-llvm-openmp-and-fir.fir
@@ -220,35 +220,119 @@ func.func @_QPsimd1(%arg0: !fir.ref<i32> {fir.bindc_name = "n"}, %arg1: !fir.ref
 // -----
 func.func @_QPomp_target_data() {
+  %c1024 = arith.constant 1024 : index
   %0 = fir.alloca !fir.array<1024xi32> {bindc_name = "a", uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEa"}
+  %c1024_0 = arith.constant 1024 : index
   %1 = fir.alloca !fir.array<1024xi32> {bindc_name = "b", uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEb"}
+  %c1024_1 = arith.constant 1024 : index
   %2 = fir.alloca !fir.array<1024xi32> {bindc_name = "c", uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEc"}
+  %c1024_2 = arith.constant 1024 : index
   %3 = fir.alloca !fir.array<1024xi32> {bindc_name = "d", uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEd"}
-  omp.target_enter_data   map((to -> %0 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (to -> %1 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (always, alloc -> %2 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
-  omp.target_exit_data   map((from -> %0 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (from -> %1 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (release -> %2 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (always, delete -> %3 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %4 = arith.subi %c1024, %c1 : index
+  %5 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%c0 : index) upper_bound(%4 : index) extent(%c1024 : index) stride(%c1 : index) start_idx(%c1 : index)
+  %6 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%0 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%5) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+  %c1_3 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %c0_4 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %7 = arith.subi %c1024_0, %c1_3 : index
+  %8 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%c0_4 : index) upper_bound(%7 : index) extent(%c1024_0 : index) stride(%c1_3 : index) start_idx(%c1_3 : index)
+  %9 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%1 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%8) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "b"}
+  %c1_5 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %c0_6 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %10 = arith.subi %c1024_1, %c1_5 : index
+  %11 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%c0_6 : index) upper_bound(%10 : index) extent(%c1024_1 : index) stride(%c1_5 : index) start_idx(%c1_5 : index)
+  %12 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%2 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(always, exit_release_or_enter_alloc) capture(ByRef) bounds(%11) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "c"}
+  omp.target_enter_data   map_entries(%6, %9, %12 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)
+  %c1_7 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %c0_8 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %13 = arith.subi %c1024, %c1_7 : index
+  %14 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%c0_8 : index) upper_bound(%13 : index) extent(%c1024 : index) stride(%c1_7 : index) start_idx(%c1_7 : index)
+  %15 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%0 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) bounds(%14) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+  %c1_9 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %c0_10 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %16 = arith.subi %c1024_0, %c1_9 : index
+  %17 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%c0_10 : index) upper_bound(%16 : index) extent(%c1024_0 : index) stride(%c1_9 : index) start_idx(%c1_9 : index)
+  %18 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%1 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) bounds(%17) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "b"}
+  %c1_11 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %c0_12 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %19 = arith.subi %c1024_1, %c1_11 : index
+  %20 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%c0_12 : index) upper_bound(%19 : index) extent(%c1024_1 : index) stride(%c1_11 : index) start_idx(%c1_11 : index)
+  %21 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%2 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(exit_release_or_enter_alloc) capture(ByRef) bounds(%20) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "c"}
+  %c1_13 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %c0_14 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %22 = arith.subi %c1024_2, %c1_13 : index
+  %23 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%c0_14 : index) upper_bound(%22 : index) extent(%c1024_2 : index) stride(%c1_13 : index) start_idx(%c1_13 : index)
+  %24 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%3 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(always, delete) capture(ByRef) bounds(%23) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "d"}
+  omp.target_exit_data   map_entries(%15, %18, %21, %24 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)
-// CHECK-LABEL:   llvm.func @_QPomp_target_data() {
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_0:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_1:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_0]] x !llvm.array<1024 x i32> {bindc_name = "a", in_type = !fir.array<1024xi32>, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEa"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_2:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_2]] x !llvm.array<1024 x i32> {bindc_name = "b", in_type = !fir.array<1024xi32>, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEb"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_4]] x !llvm.array<1024 x i32> {bindc_name = "c", in_type = !fir.array<1024xi32>, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEc"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_6]] x !llvm.array<1024 x i32> {bindc_name = "d", in_type = !fir.array<1024xi32>, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEd"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>
-// CHECK:           omp.target_enter_data   map((to -> %[[VAL_1]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>), (to -> %[[VAL_3]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>), (always, alloc -> %[[VAL_5]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>))
-// CHECK:           omp.target_exit_data   map((from -> %[[VAL_1]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>), (from -> %[[VAL_3]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>), (release -> %[[VAL_5]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>), (always, delete -> %[[VAL_7]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>))
-// CHECK:           llvm.return
-// CHECK:         }
+ // CHECK-LABEL:  llvm.func @_QPomp_target_data() {
+ // CHECK:    %0 = llvm.mlir.constant(1024 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %[[VAL_0:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %[[VAL_1:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_0]] x !llvm.array<1024 x i32> {bindc_name = "a", in_type = !fir.array<1024xi32>, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEa"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>
+ // CHECK:    %3 = llvm.mlir.constant(1024 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %[[VAL_2:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %[[VAL_3:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_2]] x !llvm.array<1024 x i32> {bindc_name = "b", in_type = !fir.array<1024xi32>, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEb"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>
+ // CHECK:    %6 = llvm.mlir.constant(1024 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %[[VAL_4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %[[VAL_5:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_4]] x !llvm.array<1024 x i32> {bindc_name = "c", in_type = !fir.array<1024xi32>, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEc"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>
+ // CHECK:    %9 = llvm.mlir.constant(1024 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %[[VAL_6:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %[[VAL_7:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_6]] x !llvm.array<1024 x i32> {bindc_name = "d", in_type = !fir.array<1024xi32>, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEd"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>
+ // CHECK:    %12 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %13 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %14 = llvm.mlir.constant(1023 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %15 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%13 : i64) upper_bound(%14 : i64) extent(%0 : i64) stride(%12 : i64) start_idx(%12 : i64)
+ // CHECK:    %16 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_1]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)   map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%15) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>> {name = "a"}
+ // CHECK:    %17 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %18 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %19 = llvm.mlir.constant(1023 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %20 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%18 : i64) upper_bound(%19 : i64) extent(%3 : i64) stride(%17 : i64) start_idx(%17 : i64)
+ // CHECK:    %21 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_3]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)   map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%20) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>> {name = "b"}
+ // CHECK:    %22 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %23 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %24 = llvm.mlir.constant(1023 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %25 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%23 : i64) upper_bound(%24 : i64) extent(%6 : i64) stride(%22 : i64) start_idx(%22 : i64)
+ // CHECK:    %26 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_5]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)   map_clauses(always, exit_release_or_enter_alloc) capture(ByRef) bounds(%25) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>> {name = "c"}
+ // CHECK:    omp.target_enter_data   map_entries(%16, %21, %26 : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>, !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>, !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)
+ // CHECK:    %27 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %28 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %29 = llvm.mlir.constant(1023 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %30 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%28 : i64) upper_bound(%29 : i64) extent(%0 : i64) stride(%27 : i64) start_idx(%27 : i64)
+ // CHECK:    %31 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_1]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)   map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) bounds(%30) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>> {name = "a"}
+ // CHECK:    %32 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %33 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %34 = llvm.mlir.constant(1023 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %35 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%33 : i64) upper_bound(%34 : i64) extent(%3 : i64) stride(%32 : i64) start_idx(%32 : i64)
+ // CHECK:    %36 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_3]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)   map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) bounds(%35) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>> {name = "b"}
+ // CHECK:    %37 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %38 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %39 = llvm.mlir.constant(1023 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %40 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%38 : i64) upper_bound(%39 : i64) extent(%6 : i64) stride(%37 : i64) start_idx(%37 : i64)
+ // CHECK:    %41 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_5]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)   map_clauses(exit_release_or_enter_alloc) capture(ByRef) bounds(%40) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>> {name = "c"}
+ // CHECK:    %42 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %43 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %44 = llvm.mlir.constant(1023 : index) : i64
+ // CHECK:    %45 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%43 : i64) upper_bound(%44 : i64) extent(%9 : i64) stride(%42 : i64) start_idx(%42 : i64)
+ // CHECK:    %46 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_7]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)   map_clauses(always, delete) capture(ByRef) bounds(%45) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>> {name = "d"}
+ // CHECK:    omp.target_exit_data   map_entries(%31, %36, %41, %46 : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>, !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>, !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>, !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)
+ // CHECK:    llvm.return
+ // CHECK: }
 // -----
 func.func @_QPopenmp_target_data_region() {
   %0 = fir.alloca !fir.array<1024xi32> {bindc_name = "a", uniq_name = "_QFopenmp_target_data_regionEa"}
   %1 = fir.alloca i32 {bindc_name = "i", uniq_name = "_QFopenmp_target_data_regionEi"}
-  omp.target_data   map((tofrom -> %0 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)) {
+  %c1024 = arith.constant 1024 : index
+  %c3 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %c2 = arith.subi %c1024, %c3 : index
+  %bound = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%c0 : index) upper_bound(%c2 : index) extent(%c1024 : index) stride(%c3 : index) start_idx(%c3 : index)
+  %entry = omp.map_info var_ptr(%0 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%bound) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+  omp.target_data   map_entries(%entry : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>) {
     %c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
     %2 = fir.convert %c1_i32 : (i32) -> index
     %c1024_i32 = arith.constant 1024 : i32
@@ -281,7 +365,13 @@ func.func @_QPopenmp_target_data_region() {
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_1:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_0]] x !llvm.array<1024 x i32> {bindc_name = "a", in_type = !fir.array<1024xi32>, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFopenmp_target_data_regionEa"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_2:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_2]] x i32 {bindc_name = "i", in_type = i32, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFopenmp_target_data_regionEi"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<i32>
-// CHECK:           omp.target_data   map((tofrom -> %[[VAL_1]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)) {
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_MAX:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1024 : index) : i64
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_ONE:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_ZERO:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_UPPER:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1023 : index) : i64
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[VAL_ZERO]] : i64) upper_bound(%[[VAL_UPPER]] : i64) extent(%[[VAL_MAX]] : i64) stride(%[[VAL_ONE]] : i64) start_idx(%[[VAL_ONE]] : i64)
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_1]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>)  map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[VAL_BOUNDS]]) -> !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>> {name = "a"}
+// CHECK:           omp.target_data   map_entries(%[[VAL_MAP]] : !llvm.ptr<array<1024 x i32>>) {
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i32) : i32
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_5:.*]] = llvm.sext %[[VAL_4]] : i32 to i64
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_6:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1024 : i32) : i32
@@ -335,25 +425,37 @@ func.func @_QPomp_target_data_empty() {
 // -----
 func.func @_QPomp_target() {
+  %c512 = arith.constant 512 : index
   %0 = fir.alloca !fir.array<512xi32> {bindc_name = "a", uniq_name = "_QFomp_targetEa"}
   %c64_i32 = arith.constant 64 : i32
-  omp.target   thread_limit(%c64_i32 : i32) map((tofrom -> %0 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<512xi32>>)) {
+  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %1 = arith.subi %c512, %c1 : index
+  %2 = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%c0 : index) upper_bound(%1 : index) extent(%c512 : index) stride(%c1 : index) start_idx(%c1 : index)
+  %3 = omp.map_info var_ptr(%0 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<512xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%2) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<512xi32>> {name = "a"}
+  omp.target   thread_limit(%c64_i32 : i32) map_entries(%3 : !fir.ref<!fir.array<512xi32>>) {
     %c10_i32 = arith.constant 10 : i32
     %c1_i64 = arith.constant 1 : i64
     %c1_i64_0 = arith.constant 1 : i64
-    %1 = arith.subi %c1_i64, %c1_i64_0 : i64
-    %2 = fir.coordinate_of %0, %1 : (!fir.ref<!fir.array<512xi32>>, i64) -> !fir.ref<i32>
-    fir.store %c10_i32 to %2 : !fir.ref<i32>
+    %4 = arith.subi %c1_i64, %c1_i64_0 : i64
+    %5 = fir.coordinate_of %0, %4 : (!fir.ref<!fir.array<512xi32>>, i64) -> !fir.ref<i32>
+    fir.store %c10_i32 to %5 : !fir.ref<i32>
 // CHECK-LABEL:   llvm.func @_QPomp_target() {
+// CHECK:           %[[EXTENT:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(512 : index) : i64
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_0:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_1:.*]] = llvm.alloca %[[VAL_0]] x !llvm.array<512 x i32> {bindc_name = "a", in_type = !fir.array<512xi32>, operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFomp_targetEa"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<array<512 x i32>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_2:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(64 : i32) : i32
-// CHECK:           omp.target   thread_limit(%[[VAL_2]] : i32) map((tofrom -> %[[VAL_1]] : !llvm.ptr<array<512 x i32>>)) {
+// CHECK:           %[[STRIDE:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
+// CHECK:           %[[LOWER:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
+// CHECK:           %[[UPPER:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(511 : index) : i64
+// CHECK:           %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[LOWER]] : i64) upper_bound(%[[UPPER]] : i64) extent(%[[EXTENT]] : i64) stride(%[[STRIDE]] : i64) start_idx(%[[STRIDE]] : i64)
+// CHECK:           %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%2 : !llvm.ptr<array<512 x i32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !llvm.ptr<array<512 x i32>> {name = "a"}
+// CHECK:           omp.target   thread_limit(%[[VAL_2]] : i32) map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !llvm.ptr<array<512 x i32>>) {
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_3:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(10 : i32) : i32
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_5:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64

diff  --git a/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/array-bounds.f90 b/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/array-bounds.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000000..697ff44176b3f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/array-bounds.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+!RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-fir -fopenmp %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes HOST
+!RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-fir -fopenmp -fopenmp-is-target-device %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes DEVICE
+!DEVICE-LABEL: func.func @_QPread_write_section_omp_outline_0(
+!DEVICE-SAME: %[[ARG0:.*]]: !fir.ref<i32>, %[[ARG1:.*]]: !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>, %[[ARG2:.*]]: !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>) attributes {omp.declare_target = #omp.declaretarget<device_type = (host), capture_clause = (to)>, omp.outline_parent_name = "_QPread_write_section"} {
+!DEVICE:  %[[C1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE:  %[[C2:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : index
+!DEVICE:  %[[C3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE:  %[[C4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE:  %[[BOUNDS0:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[C1]] : index) upper_bound(%[[C2]] : index) stride(%[[C4]] : index) start_idx(%[[C4]] : index)
+!DEVICE:  %[[MAP0:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[ARG1]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS0]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>> {name = "sp_read(2:5)"}
+!DEVICE:  %[[C5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE:  %[[C6:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : index
+!DEVICE:  %[[C7:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE:  %[[C8:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE:  %[[BOUNDS1:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[C5]] : index) upper_bound(%[[C6]] : index) stride(%[[C8]] : index) start_idx(%[[C8]] : index)
+!DEVICE:  %[[MAP1:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[ARG2]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS1]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>> {name = "sp_write(2:5)"}
+!DEVICE:  omp.target   map_entries(%[[MAP0]], %[[MAP1]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>) {
+!HOST-LABEL:  func.func @_QPread_write_section() {
+!HOST:  %0 = fir.alloca i32 {bindc_name = "i", uniq_name = "_QFread_write_sectionEi"}
+!HOST:  %[[READ:.*]] = fir.address_of(@_QFread_write_sectionEsp_read) : !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>
+!HOST:  %[[WRITE:.*]] = fir.address_of(@_QFread_write_sectionEsp_write) : !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>
+!HOST:  %[[C1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!HOST:  %[[C2:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!HOST:  %[[C3:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : index
+!HOST:  %[[BOUNDS0:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[C2]] : index) upper_bound(%[[C3]] : index) stride(%[[C1]] : index) start_idx(%[[C1]] : index)
+!HOST:  %[[MAP0:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[READ]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS0]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>> {name = "sp_read(2:5)"}
+!HOST:  %[[C4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!HOST:  %[[C5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!HOST:  %[[C6:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : index
+!HOST:  %[[BOUNDS1:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[C5]] : index) upper_bound(%[[C6]] : index) stride(%[[C4]] : index) start_idx(%[[C4]] : index)
+!HOST:  %[[MAP1:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[WRITE]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS1]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>> {name = "sp_write(2:5)"}
+!HOST:  omp.target   map_entries(%[[MAP0]], %[[MAP1]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>) {
+subroutine read_write_section()
+    integer :: sp_read(10) = (/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/)
+    integer :: sp_write(10) = (/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/)
+!$omp target map(tofrom:sp_read(2:5)) map(tofrom:sp_write(2:5))
+    do i = 2, 5
+        sp_write(i) = sp_read(i)
+    end do
+!$omp end target
+end subroutine read_write_section
+module assumed_array_routines
+    contains
+!DEVICE-LABEL: func.func @_QMassumed_array_routinesPassumed_shape_array_omp_outline_0(
+!DEVICE-SAME: %[[ARG0:.*]]: !fir.ref<i32>, %[[ARG1:.*]]: !fir.box<!fir.array<?xi32>>) attributes {omp.declare_target = #omp.declaretarget<device_type = (host), capture_clause = (to)>, omp.outline_parent_name = "_QMassumed_array_routinesPassumed_shape_array"} {
+!DEVICE: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE: %[[C1:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : index
+!DEVICE: %[[C2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+!DEVICE: %[[C3:.*]]:3 = fir.box_dims %[[ARG1]], %[[C2]] : (!fir.box<!fir.array<?xi32>>, index) -> (index, index, index)
+!DEVICE: %[[C4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[C0]] : index) upper_bound(%[[C1]] : index) stride(%[[C3]]#2 : index) start_idx(%[[C4]] : index) {stride_in_bytes = true}
+!DEVICE: %[[ARGADDR:.*]] = fir.box_addr %[[ARG1]] : (!fir.box<!fir.array<?xi32>>) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>
+!DEVICE: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[ARGADDR]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>> {name = "arr_read_write(2:5)"}
+!DEVICE: omp.target   map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>) {
+!HOST-LABEL: func.func @_QMassumed_array_routinesPassumed_shape_array(
+!HOST-SAME: %[[ARG0:.*]]: !fir.box<!fir.array<?xi32>> {fir.bindc_name = "arr_read_write"}) {
+!HOST: %[[ALLOCA:.*]] = fir.alloca i32 {bindc_name = "i", uniq_name = "_QMassumed_array_routinesFassumed_shape_arrayEi"}
+!HOST: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!HOST: %[[C1:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+!HOST: %[[C2:.*]]:3 = fir.box_dims %arg0, %[[C1]] : (!fir.box<!fir.array<?xi32>>, index) -> (index, index, index)
+!HOST: %[[C3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!HOST: %[[C4:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : index
+!HOST: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[C3]] : index) upper_bound(%[[C4]] : index) stride(%[[C2]]#2 : index) start_idx(%[[C0]] : index) {stride_in_bytes = true}
+!HOST: %[[ADDROF:.*]] = fir.box_addr %arg0 : (!fir.box<!fir.array<?xi32>>) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>
+!HOST: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[ADDROF]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>> {name = "arr_read_write(2:5)"}
+!HOST: omp.target   map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>) {
+    subroutine assumed_shape_array(arr_read_write)
+            integer, intent(inout) :: arr_read_write(:)
+        !$omp target map(tofrom:arr_read_write(2:5))
+            do i = 2, 5
+                arr_read_write(i) = i
+            end do
+        !$omp end target
+        end subroutine assumed_shape_array
+!DEVICE-LABEL:   func.func @_QMassumed_array_routinesPassumed_size_array_omp_outline_0(
+!DEVICE-SAME:    %[[ARG0:.*]]: !fir.ref<i32>, %[[ARG1:.*]]: !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>) attributes {omp.declare_target = #omp.declaretarget<device_type = (host), capture_clause = (to)>, omp.outline_parent_name = "_QMassumed_array_routinesPassumed_size_array"} {
+!DEVICE: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE: %[[C1:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : index
+!DEVICE: %[[C2:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE: %[[C3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!DEVICE: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[C0]] : index) upper_bound(%[[C1]] : index) stride(%[[C3]] : index) start_idx(%[[C3]] : index)
+!DEVICE: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[ARG1]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>> {name = "arr_read_write(2:5)"}
+!DEVICE: omp.target   map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>) {
+!HOST-LABEL: func.func @_QMassumed_array_routinesPassumed_size_array(
+!HOST-SAME: %[[ARG0:.*]]: !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>> {fir.bindc_name = "arr_read_write"}) {
+!HOST: %[[ALLOCA:.*]] = fir.alloca i32 {bindc_name = "i", uniq_name = "_QMassumed_array_routinesFassumed_size_arrayEi"}
+!HOST: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!HOST: %[[C1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!HOST: %[[C2:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : index
+!HOST: %[[BOUNDS:.*]]  = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[C1]] : index) upper_bound(%[[C2]] : index) stride(%[[C0]] : index) start_idx(%[[C0]] : index)
+!HOST: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[ARG0]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>> {name = "arr_read_write(2:5)"}
+!HOST: omp.target   map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>) {
+        subroutine assumed_size_array(arr_read_write)
+            integer, intent(inout) :: arr_read_write(*)
+        !$omp target map(tofrom:arr_read_write(2:5))
+            do i = 2, 5
+                arr_read_write(i) = i
+            end do
+        !$omp end target
+        end subroutine assumed_size_array
+    end module assumed_array_routines
+!HOST-LABEL:func.func @_QPcall_assumed_shape_and_size_array() {
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = arith.constant 20 : index
+!HOST:%[[ALLOCA:.*]] = fir.alloca !fir.array<20xi32> {bindc_name = "arr_read_write", uniq_name = "_QFcall_assumed_shape_and_size_arrayEarr_read_write"}
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = arith.constant 1 : i64
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = fir.convert %{{.*}} : (i64) -> index
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = arith.constant 1 : i64
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = fir.convert %{{.*}} : (i64) -> index
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = arith.constant 10 : i64
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = fir.convert %{{.*}} : (i64) -> index
+!HOST:%[[SHAPE0:.*]] = fir.shape %{{.*}} : (index) -> !fir.shape<1>
+!HOST:%[[SLICE0:.*]] = fir.slice %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : (index, index, index) -> !fir.slice<1>
+!HOST:%[[ARG0EMB:.*]] = fir.embox %[[ALLOCA]](%[[SHAPE0]]) [%[[SLICE0]]] : (!fir.ref<!fir.array<20xi32>>, !fir.shape<1>, !fir.slice<1>) -> !fir.box<!fir.array<10xi32>>
+!HOST:%[[ARG0:.*]] = fir.convert %[[ARG0EMB]] : (!fir.box<!fir.array<10xi32>>) -> !fir.box<!fir.array<?xi32>>
+!HOST:fir.call @_QMassumed_array_routinesPassumed_shape_array(%[[ARG0]]) fastmath<contract> : (!fir.box<!fir.array<?xi32>>) -> ()
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = arith.constant 10 : i64
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = fir.convert %{{.*}} : (i64) -> index
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = arith.constant 1 : i64
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = fir.convert %{{.*}} : (i64) -> index
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = arith.constant 20 : i64
+!HOST:%{{.*}} = fir.convert %{{.*}} : (i64) -> index
+!HOST:%[[SHAPE1:.*]] = fir.shape %{{.*}} : (index) -> !fir.shape<1>
+!HOST:%[[SLICE1:.*]] = fir.slice %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : (index, index, index) -> !fir.slice<1>
+!HOST:%[[ARG1EMB:.*]] = fir.embox %[[ALLOCA]](%[[SHAPE1]]) [%[[SLICE1]]] : (!fir.ref<!fir.array<20xi32>>, !fir.shape<1>, !fir.slice<1>) -> !fir.box<!fir.array<11xi32>>
+!HOST:%[[ADDROF:.*]] = fir.box_addr %[[ARG1EMB]] : (!fir.box<!fir.array<11xi32>>) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<11xi32>>
+!HOST:%[[ARG1:.*]] = fir.convert %[[ADDROF]] : (!fir.ref<!fir.array<11xi32>>) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>
+!HOST:fir.call @_QMassumed_array_routinesPassumed_size_array(%[[ARG1]]) fastmath<contract> : (!fir.ref<!fir.array<?xi32>>) -> ()
+subroutine call_assumed_shape_and_size_array
+    use assumed_array_routines
+    integer :: arr_read_write(20)
+    call assumed_shape_array(arr_read_write(1:10))
+    call assumed_size_array(arr_read_write(10:20))
+end subroutine call_assumed_shape_and_size_array

diff  --git a/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/location.f90 b/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/location.f90
index 442ca44c93da2a1..0e36e09b19e1942 100644
--- a/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/location.f90
+++ b/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/location.f90
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ subroutine sub_parallel()
 !CHECK-LABEL: sub_target
 subroutine sub_target()
   print *, x
-!CHECK: omp.target {{.*}}  {
+!CHECK: omp.target  {
   !$omp target
     print *, x
 !CHECK:   omp.terminator loc(#[[TAR_LOC:.*]])

diff  --git a/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/omp-target-early-outlining.f90 b/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/omp-target-early-outlining.f90
index d162566222fb161..eac19f889f433cd 100644
--- a/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/omp-target-early-outlining.f90
+++ b/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/omp-target-early-outlining.f90
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 !CHECK: func.func @_QPtarget_function
 !CHECK:  func.func @_QPwrite_index_omp_outline_0(%[[ARG0:.*]]: !fir.ref<i32>) attributes {omp.declare_target = #omp.declaretarget<device_type = (host), capture_clause = (to)>, omp.outline_parent_name = "_QPwrite_index"} {
-!CHECK-NEXT: omp.target  {{.*}} {
+!CHECK-NEXT: %[[map_info0:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[ARG0]]{{.*}}
+!CHECK-NEXT: omp.target  map_entries(%[[map_info0]]{{.*}} {
 !CHECK: %[[CONSTANT_VALUE_10:.*]] = arith.constant 10 : i32
 !CHECK: fir.store %[[CONSTANT_VALUE_10]] to %[[ARG0]] : !fir.ref<i32>
 !CHECK: omp.terminator
@@ -16,7 +17,8 @@
 !CHECK-NEXT: return
 !CHECK:  func.func @_QPwrite_index_omp_outline_1(%[[ARG1:.*]]: !fir.ref<i32>) attributes {omp.declare_target = #omp.declaretarget<device_type = (host), capture_clause = (to)>, omp.outline_parent_name = "_QPwrite_index"} {
-!CHECK-NEXT: omp.target  {{.*}} {
+!CHECK-NEXT: %[[map_info1:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[ARG1]]{{.*}}
+!CHECK-NEXT: omp.target  map_entries(%[[map_info1]]{{.*}} {
 !CHECK: %[[CONSTANT_VALUE_20:.*]] = arith.constant 20 : i32
 !CHECK: fir.store %[[CONSTANT_VALUE_20]] to %[[ARG1]] : !fir.ref<i32>
 !CHECK: omp.terminator
@@ -41,3 +43,47 @@ end subroutine WRITE_INDEX
 !$omp declare target
+!CHECK: func.func @_QParray_bounds_omp_outline_0(%[[ARG0:.*]]: !fir.ref<i32>, %[[ARG1:.*]]: !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>) attributes {omp.declare_target = #omp.declaretarget<device_type = (host), capture_clause = (to)>, omp.outline_parent_name = "_QParray_bounds"} {
+!CHECK: %[[C1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!CHECK: %[[C4:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : index
+!CHECK: %[[C1_0:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!CHECK: %[[C1_1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+!CHECK: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[C1]] : index) upper_bound(%[[C4]] : index) stride(%[[C1_1]] : index) start_idx(%[[C1_1]] : index)
+!CHECK: %[[ENTRY:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[ARG1]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>> {name = "sp_write(2:5)"}
+!CHECK: omp.target   map_entries(%[[ENTRY]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>) {
+!CHECK:  %c2_i32 = arith.constant 2 : i32
+!CHECK:  %2 = fir.convert %c2_i32 : (i32) -> index
+!CHECK:  %c5_i32 = arith.constant 5 : i32
+!CHECK:  %3 = fir.convert %c5_i32 : (i32) -> index
+!CHECK:  %c1_2 = arith.constant 1 : index
+!CHECK:  %4 = fir.convert %2 : (index) -> i32
+!CHECK:  %5:2 = fir.do_loop %arg2 = %2 to %3 step %c1_2 iter_args(%arg3 = %4) -> (index, i32) {
+!CHECK:    fir.store %arg3 to %[[ARG0]] : !fir.ref<i32>
+!CHECK:    %6 = fir.load %[[ARG0]] : !fir.ref<i32>
+!CHECK:    %7 = fir.load %[[ARG0]] : !fir.ref<i32>
+!CHECK:    %8 = fir.convert %7 : (i32) -> i64
+!CHECK:    %c1_i64 = arith.constant 1 : i64
+!CHECK:    %9 = arith.subi %8, %c1_i64 : i64
+!CHECK:    %10 = fir.coordinate_of %[[ARG1]], %9 : (!fir.ref<!fir.array<10xi32>>, i64) -> !fir.ref<i32>
+!CHECK:    fir.store %6 to %10 : !fir.ref<i32>
+!CHECK:    %11 = arith.addi %arg2, %c1_2 : index
+!CHECK:    %12 = fir.convert %c1_2 : (index) -> i32
+!CHECK:    %13 = fir.load %[[ARG0]] : !fir.ref<i32>
+!CHECK:    %14 = arith.addi %13, %12 : i32
+!CHECK:    fir.result %11, %14 : index, i32
+!CHECK:  }
+!CHECK: fir.store %5#1 to %[[ARG0]] : !fir.ref<i32>
+!CHECK:  omp.terminator
+!CHECK: }
+        INTEGER :: sp_write(10) = (/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/)
+!$omp target map(tofrom:sp_write(2:5))
+        do i = 2, 5
+                sp_write(i) = i
+        end do
+!$omp end target
+end subroutine ARRAY_BOUNDS

diff  --git a/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/target.f90 b/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/target.f90
index 19618c98913d794..9b1fb5c15ac1d2d 100644
--- a/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/target.f90
+++ b/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/target.f90
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
 !CHECK-LABEL: func.func @_QPomp_target_enter_simple() {
 subroutine omp_target_enter_simple
    integer :: a(1024)
-   !CHECK: omp.target_enter_data   map((to -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_enter_data   map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)
    !$omp target enter data map(to: a)
 end subroutine omp_target_enter_simple
@@ -21,7 +23,15 @@ subroutine omp_target_enter_mt
    integer :: b(1024)
    integer :: c(1024)
    integer :: d(1024)
-   !CHECK: omp.target_enter_data   map((to -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (to -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (always, alloc -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (to -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_0:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_0:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_0]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_1:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_1:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%{{.*}})  map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_1]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "b"}
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_2:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_2:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(always, exit_release_or_enter_alloc) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_2]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "c"}
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_3:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_3:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_3]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "d"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_enter_data   map_entries(%[[MAP_0]], %[[MAP_1]], %[[MAP_2]], %[[MAP_3]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)
    !$omp target enter data map(to: a, b) map(always, alloc: c) map(to: d)
 end subroutine omp_target_enter_mt
@@ -32,7 +42,9 @@ end subroutine omp_target_enter_mt
 !CHECK-LABEL: func.func @_QPomp_target_enter_nowait() {
 subroutine omp_target_enter_nowait
    integer :: a(1024)
-   !CHECK: omp.target_enter_data   nowait map((to -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_enter_data  nowait map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)
    !$omp target enter data map(to: a) nowait
 end subroutine omp_target_enter_nowait
@@ -48,7 +60,9 @@ subroutine omp_target_enter_if
    !CHECK: %[[VAL_3:.*]] = fir.load %[[VAL_1:.*]] : !fir.ref<i32>
    !CHECK: %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 10 : i32
    !CHECK: %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.cmpi slt, %[[VAL_3]], %[[VAL_4]] : i32
-   !CHECK: omp.target_enter_data   if(%[[VAL_5]] : i1) map((to -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_enter_data   if(%[[VAL_5]] : i1) map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)
    !$omp target enter data if(i<10) map(to: a)
 end subroutine omp_target_enter_if
@@ -60,7 +74,9 @@ end subroutine omp_target_enter_if
 subroutine omp_target_enter_device
    integer :: a(1024)
    !CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : i32
-   !CHECK: omp.target_enter_data   device(%[[VAL_1]] : i32) map((to -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_enter_data   device(%[[VAL_1]] : i32) map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)
    !$omp target enter data map(to: a) device(2)
 end subroutine omp_target_enter_device
@@ -71,7 +87,9 @@ end subroutine omp_target_enter_device
 !CHECK-LABEL: func.func @_QPomp_target_exit_simple() {
 subroutine omp_target_exit_simple
    integer :: a(1024)
-   !CHECK: omp.target_exit_data   map((from -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_exit_data   map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)
    !$omp target exit data map(from: a)
 end subroutine omp_target_exit_simple
@@ -86,7 +104,17 @@ subroutine omp_target_exit_mt
    integer :: c(1024)
    integer :: d(1024)
    integer :: e(1024)
-   !CHECK: omp.target_exit_data   map((from -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (from -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (release -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (always, delete -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>), (from -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_0:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_0:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_0]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_1:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_1:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_1]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "b"}
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_2:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_2:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(exit_release_or_enter_alloc) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_2]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "c"}
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_3:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_3:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(always, delete) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_3]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "d"}
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_4:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_4:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_4]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "e"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_exit_data map_entries(%[[MAP_0]], %[[MAP_1]], %[[MAP_2]], %[[MAP_3]], %[[MAP_4]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>, !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)
    !$omp target exit data map(from: a,b) map(release: c) map(always, delete: d) map(from: e)
 end subroutine omp_target_exit_mt
@@ -99,7 +127,9 @@ subroutine omp_target_exit_device
    integer :: a(1024)
    integer :: d
    !CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = fir.load %[[VAL_1:.*]] : !fir.ref<i32>
-   !CHECK: omp.target_exit_data   device(%[[VAL_2]] : i32) map((from -> {{.*}} : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_exit_data   device(%[[VAL_2]] : i32) map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)
    !$omp target exit data map(from: a) device(d)
 end subroutine omp_target_exit_device
@@ -111,7 +141,9 @@ end subroutine omp_target_exit_device
 subroutine omp_target_data
    !CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = fir.alloca !fir.array<1024xi32> {bindc_name = "a", uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_dataEa"}
    integer :: a(1024)
-   !CHECK: omp.target_data   map((tofrom -> %[[VAL_0]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)) {
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_0]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_data   map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>) {
    !$omp target data map(tofrom: a)
       !CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = arith.constant 10 : i32
       !CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : i64
@@ -131,12 +163,16 @@ subroutine omp_target_data_mt
    integer :: b(1024)
    !CHECK: %[[VAR_A:.*]] = fir.alloca !fir.array<1024xi32> {bindc_name = "a", uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_data_mtEa"}
    !CHECK: %[[VAR_B:.*]] = fir.alloca !fir.array<1024xi32> {bindc_name = "b", uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_data_mtEb"}
-   !CHECK: omp.target_data   map((tofrom -> %[[VAR_A]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_A:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_A:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAR_A]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_A]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_data   map_entries(%[[MAP_A]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>) {
    !$omp target data map(a)
    !CHECK: omp.terminator
    !$omp end target data
    !CHECK: }
-   !CHECK: omp.target_data   map((always, from -> %[[VAR_B]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>))
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS_B:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP_B:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAR_B]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(always, from) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS_B]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "b"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_data   map_entries(%[[MAP_B]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>) {
    !$omp target data map(always, from : b)
    !CHECK: omp.terminator
    !$omp end target data
@@ -151,7 +187,9 @@ end subroutine omp_target_data_mt
 subroutine omp_target
    !CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = fir.alloca !fir.array<1024xi32> {bindc_name = "a", uniq_name = "_QFomp_targetEa"}
    integer :: a(1024)
-   !CHECK: omp.target   map((tofrom -> %[[VAL_0]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)) {
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound({{.*}}) upper_bound({{.*}}) extent({{.*}}) stride({{.*}}) start_idx({{.*}})
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_0]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target   map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>) {
    !$omp target map(tofrom: a)
       !CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = arith.constant 10 : i32
       !CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : i64
@@ -173,7 +211,8 @@ end subroutine omp_target
 subroutine omp_target_thread_limit
    integer :: a
    !CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = arith.constant 64 : i32
-   !CHECK: omp.target   thread_limit(%[[VAL_1]] : i32) map((tofrom -> %[[VAL_0]] : !fir.ref<i32>)) {
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) -> !fir.ref<i32> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target   thread_limit(%[[VAL_1]] : i32) map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<i32>) {
    !$omp target map(tofrom: a) thread_limit(64)
       a = 10
    !CHECK: omp.terminator
@@ -190,7 +229,8 @@ subroutine omp_target_device_ptr
    use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr, c_loc
    type(c_ptr) :: a
    integer, target :: b
-   !CHECK: omp.target_data map((tofrom -> %[[VAL_0:.*]] : !fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_ptr{__address:i64}>>)) use_device_ptr(%[[VAL_0]] : !fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_ptr{__address:i64}>>)
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) -> {{.*}} {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_data map_entries(%[[MAP]]{{.*}}
    !$omp target data map(tofrom: a) use_device_ptr(a)
    !CHECK: ^bb0(%[[VAL_1:.*]]: !fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_ptr{__address:i64}>>):
    !CHECK: {{.*}} = fir.coordinate_of %[[VAL_1:.*]], {{.*}} : (!fir.ref<!fir.type<_QM__fortran_builtinsT__builtin_c_ptr{__address:i64}>>, !fir.field) -> !fir.ref<i64>
@@ -207,7 +247,9 @@ end subroutine omp_target_device_ptr
  !CHECK-LABEL: func.func @_QPomp_target_device_addr() {
  subroutine omp_target_device_addr
    integer, pointer :: a
-   !CHECK:   omp.target_data map((tofrom -> %[[VAL_0:.*]] : !fir.ref<!fir.box<!fir.ptr<i32>>>)) use_device_addr(%[[VAL_0]] : !fir.ref<!fir.box<!fir.ptr<i32>>>)
+   !CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = fir.alloca !fir.box<!fir.ptr<i32>> {bindc_name = "a", uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_device_addrEa"}
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr({{.*}})   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) -> {{.*}} {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target_data map_entries(%[[MAP]] : {{.*}}) use_device_addr(%[[VAL_0]] : !fir.ref<!fir.box<!fir.ptr<i32>>>) {
    !$omp target data map(tofrom: a) use_device_addr(a)
    !CHECK: ^bb0(%[[VAL_1:.*]]: !fir.ref<!fir.box<!fir.ptr<i32>>>):
    !CHECK: {{.*}} = fir.load %[[VAL_1]] : !fir.ref<!fir.box<!fir.ptr<i32>>>
@@ -223,11 +265,17 @@ end subroutine omp_target_device_addr
 !CHECK-LABEL: func.func @_QPomp_target_parallel_do() {
 subroutine omp_target_parallel_do
+   !CHECK: %[[C1024:.*]] = arith.constant 1024 : index
    !CHECK: %[[VAL_0:.*]] = fir.alloca !fir.array<1024xi32> {bindc_name = "a", uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_parallel_doEa"}
    integer :: a(1024)
    !CHECK: %[[VAL_1:.*]] = fir.alloca i32 {bindc_name = "i", uniq_name = "_QFomp_target_parallel_doEi"}
    integer :: i
-   !CHECK: omp.target   map((tofrom -> %[[VAL_0]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)) {
+   !CHECK: %[[C1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+   !CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+   !CHECK: %[[SUB:.*]] = arith.subi %[[C1024]], %[[C1]] : index
+   !CHECK: %[[BOUNDS:.*]] = omp.bounds   lower_bound(%[[C0]] : index) upper_bound(%[[SUB]] : index) extent(%[[C1024]] : index) stride(%[[C1]] : index) start_idx(%[[C1]] : index)
+   !CHECK: %[[MAP:.*]] = omp.map_info var_ptr(%[[VAL_0]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>)   map_clauses(tofrom) capture(ByRef) bounds(%[[BOUNDS]]) -> !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>> {name = "a"}
+   !CHECK: omp.target   map_entries(%[[MAP]] : !fir.ref<!fir.array<1024xi32>>) {
       !CHECK-NEXT: omp.parallel
       !$omp target parallel do map(tofrom: a)
          !CHECK: %[[VAL_2:.*]] = fir.alloca i32 {adapt.valuebyref, pinned}
@@ -237,7 +285,7 @@ subroutine omp_target_parallel_do
          !CHECK: omp.wsloop   for  (%[[VAL_6:.*]]) : i32 = (%[[VAL_3]]) to (%[[VAL_4]]) inclusive step (%[[VAL_5]]) {
          !CHECK: fir.store %[[VAL_6]] to %[[VAL_2]] : !fir.ref<i32>
          !CHECK: %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 10 : i32
-         !CHECK: %[[VAL_8:.*]] = fir.load %2 : !fir.ref<i32>
+         !CHECK: %[[VAL_8:.*]] = fir.load %[[VAL_2]] : !fir.ref<i32>
          !CHECK: %[[VAL_9:.*]] = fir.convert %[[VAL_8]] : (i32) -> i64
          !CHECK: %[[VAL_10:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : i64
          !CHECK: %[[VAL_11:.*]] = arith.subi %[[VAL_9]], %[[VAL_10]] : i64


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