[flang-commits] [flang] 1b241b9 - [flang] Handle multiple USE statements for the same module

Peter Steinfeld via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 11 12:30:48 PDT 2021

Author: Peter Steinfeld
Date: 2021-06-11T12:27:19-07:00
New Revision: 1b241b9b400bdfc5b8e0d157f0f46436677927b8

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1b241b9b400bdfc5b8e0d157f0f46436677927b8
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1b241b9b400bdfc5b8e0d157f0f46436677927b8.diff

LOG: [flang] Handle multiple USE statements for the same module

It's possible to have several USE statements for the same module that
have different mixes of rename clauses and ONLY clauses.  The presence
of a rename cause has the effect of hiding a previously associated name,
and the presence of an ONLY clause forces the name to be visible even in
the presence of a rename.

I fixed this by keeping track of the names that appear on rename and ONLY
clauses.  Then, when processing the USE association of a name, I check to see
if it previously appeared in a rename clause and not in a USE clause.  If so, I
remove its USE associated symbol.  Also, when USE associating all of the names
in a module, I do not USE associate names that have appeared in rename clauses.

I also added a test.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D104130




diff  --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp
index 3082dc449659..e01b796366fd 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/resolve-names.cpp
@@ -642,6 +642,8 @@ class ModuleVisitor : public virtual ScopeHandler {
   bool BeginSubmodule(const parser::Name &, const parser::ParentIdentifier &);
   void ApplyDefaultAccess();
   void AddGenericUse(GenericDetails &, const SourceName &, const Symbol &);
+  void ClearUseRenames() { useRenames_.clear(); }
+  void ClearUseOnly() { useOnly_.clear(); }
   // The default access spec for this module.
@@ -650,6 +652,10 @@ class ModuleVisitor : public virtual ScopeHandler {
   std::optional<SourceName> prevAccessStmt_;
   // The scope of the module during a UseStmt
   Scope *useModuleScope_{nullptr};
+  // Names that have appeared in a rename clause of a USE statement
+  std::set<std::pair<SourceName, Scope *>> useRenames_;
+  // Names that have appeared in an ONLY clause of a USE statement
+  std::set<std::pair<SourceName, Scope *>> useOnly_;
   Symbol &SetAccess(const SourceName &, Attr attr, Symbol * = nullptr);
   // A rename in a USE statement: local => use
@@ -663,6 +669,22 @@ class ModuleVisitor : public virtual ScopeHandler {
   void DoAddUse(const SourceName &, const SourceName &, Symbol &localSymbol,
       const Symbol &useSymbol);
   void AddUse(const GenericSpecInfo &);
+  // If appropriate, erase a previously USE-associated symbol
+  void EraseRenamedSymbol(const Symbol &);
+  // Record a name appearing in a USE rename clause
+  void AddUseRename(const SourceName &name) {
+    useRenames_.emplace(std::make_pair(name, useModuleScope_));
+  }
+  bool IsUseRenamed(const SourceName &name) const {
+    return useRenames_.find({name, useModuleScope_}) != useRenames_.end();
+  }
+  // Record a name appearing in a USE ONLY clause
+  void AddUseOnly(const SourceName &name) {
+    useOnly_.emplace(std::make_pair(name, useModuleScope_));
+  }
+  bool IsUseOnly(const SourceName &name) const {
+    return useOnly_.find({name, useModuleScope_}) != useOnly_.end();
+  }
   Scope *FindModule(const parser::Name &, Scope *ancestor = nullptr);
@@ -2367,9 +2389,12 @@ void ScopeHandler::MakeExternal(Symbol &symbol) {
 bool ModuleVisitor::Pre(const parser::Only &x) {
                  [&](const Indirection<parser::GenericSpec> &generic) {
-                   AddUse(GenericSpecInfo{generic.value()});
+                   const GenericSpecInfo &genericSpecInfo{generic.value()};
+                   AddUseOnly(genericSpecInfo.symbolName());
+                   AddUse(genericSpecInfo);
                  [&](const parser::Name &name) {
+                   AddUseOnly(name.source);
                    Resolve(name, AddUse(name.source, name.source).use);
                  [&](const parser::Rename &rename) { Walk(rename); },
@@ -2381,7 +2406,11 @@ bool ModuleVisitor::Pre(const parser::Only &x) {
 bool ModuleVisitor::Pre(const parser::Rename::Names &x) {
   const auto &localName{std::get<0>(x.t)};
   const auto &useName{std::get<1>(x.t)};
+  AddUseRename(useName.source);
   SymbolRename rename{AddUse(localName.source, useName.source)};
+  if (rename.use) {
+    EraseRenamedSymbol(*rename.use);
+  }
   Resolve(useName, rename.use);
   Resolve(localName, rename.local);
   return false;
@@ -2399,6 +2428,9 @@ bool ModuleVisitor::Pre(const parser::Rename::Operators &x) {
         "Logical constant '%s' may not be used as a defined operator"_err_en_US);
   } else {
     SymbolRename rename{AddUse(localInfo.symbolName(), useInfo.symbolName())};
+    if (rename.use) {
+      EraseRenamedSymbol(*rename.use);
+    }
@@ -2433,7 +2465,7 @@ void ModuleVisitor::Post(const parser::UseStmt &x) {
     for (const auto &[name, symbol] : *useModuleScope_) {
-      if (symbol->attrs().test(Attr::PUBLIC) &&
+      if (symbol->attrs().test(Attr::PUBLIC) && !IsUseRenamed(symbol->name()) &&
           (!symbol->attrs().test(Attr::INTRINSIC) ||
               symbol->has<UseDetails>()) &&
           !symbol->has<MiscDetails>() && useNames.count(name) == 0) {
@@ -2491,14 +2523,34 @@ static void ConvertToUseError(
       UseErrorDetails{*useDetails}.add_occurrence(location, module));
+// If a symbol has previously been USE-associated and did not appear in a USE
+// ONLY clause, erase it from the current scope.  This is needed when a name
+// appears in a USE rename clause.
+void ModuleVisitor::EraseRenamedSymbol(const Symbol &useSymbol) {
+  const SourceName &name{useSymbol.name()};
+  if (const Symbol * symbol{FindInScope(name)}) {
+    if (auto *useDetails{symbol->detailsIf<UseDetails>()}) {
+      const Symbol &moduleSymbol{useDetails->symbol()};
+      if (moduleSymbol.name() == name &&
+          moduleSymbol.owner() == useSymbol.owner() && IsUseRenamed(name) &&
+          !IsUseOnly(name)) {
+        EraseSymbol(*symbol);
+      }
+    }
+  }
 void ModuleVisitor::DoAddUse(const SourceName &location,
     const SourceName &localName, Symbol &localSymbol, const Symbol &useSymbol) {
+  if (localName != useSymbol.name()) {
+    EraseRenamedSymbol(useSymbol);
+  }
   localSymbol.attrs() = useSymbol.attrs() & ~Attrs{Attr::PUBLIC, Attr::PRIVATE};
   localSymbol.flags() = useSymbol.flags();
   const Symbol &useUltimate{useSymbol.GetUltimate()};
   if (auto *useDetails{localSymbol.detailsIf<UseDetails>()}) {
     const Symbol &localUltimate{localSymbol.GetUltimate()};
-    if (localUltimate == useUltimate) {
+    if (localUltimate.owner() == useUltimate.owner()) {
       // use-associating the same symbol again -- ok
     } else if (localUltimate.has<GenericDetails>() &&
         useUltimate.has<GenericDetails>()) {
@@ -6064,7 +6116,7 @@ void DeclarationVisitor::NonPointerInitialization(
     const parser::Name &name, const parser::ConstantExpr &expr) {
   if (name.symbol) {
     Symbol &ultimate{name.symbol->GetUltimate()};
-    if (!context().HasError(ultimate)) {
+    if (!context().HasError(ultimate) && !context().HasError(name.symbol)) {
       if (IsPointer(ultimate)) {
             "'%s' is a pointer but is not initialized like one"_err_en_US);
@@ -6312,6 +6364,8 @@ bool ResolveNamesVisitor::Pre(const parser::SpecificationPart &x) {
+  ClearUseRenames();
+  ClearUseOnly();
   for (const auto &decl : decls) {

diff  --git a/flang/test/Semantics/modfile41.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/modfile41.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8e058f95ca44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/modfile41.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %flang_fc1
+! Test USE statements that use same module multiple times mixed with rename
+! clauses and ONLY clauses
+module m1
+  integer :: a = 1
+  integer :: b = 2
+end module m1
+module m2
+  integer :: a = 3
+end module m2
+module m3
+  integer :: a = 1
+  type t1
+    real t1_value
+  end type
+  type t2
+    complex t2_value
+  end type
+end module m3
+module m4
+  use m1
+end module m4
+module m5
+  use m1
+  use m1, z=>a
+end module m5
+module m6
+  use m1, only : a
+end module m6
+program testUse1
+  use m1
+  use m1,z=>a ! This prevents the use association of m1's "a" as local "a"
+  use m2 ! m2's version of "a" gets use associated
+  !ERROR: 'a' is use-associated from module 'm2' and cannot be re-declared
+  integer :: a = 2
+program testUse2
+  use m1,only : a ! This forces the use association of m1's "a" as local "a"
+  use m1,z=>a ! This rename doesn't affect the previous forced USE association
+  !ERROR: 'a' is use-associated from module 'm1' and cannot be re-declared
+  integer :: a = 2
+program testUse3
+  use m1 ! By itself, this would use associate m1's "a" with a local "a"
+  use m1,z=>a ! This rename of m1'a "a" removes the previous use association
+  integer :: a = 2
+program testUse4
+  use m1,only : a ! Use associate m1's "a" with local "a"
+  use m1,z=>a ! Also use associate m1's "a" with local "z", also pulls in "b"
+  !ERROR: 'b' is use-associated from module 'm1' and cannot be re-declared
+  integer :: b = 2
+program testUse5
+  use m1,z=>a ! The rename prevents creation of a local "a"
+  use m1 ! Does not create a local "a" because of the previous rename
+  integer :: a = 2
+program testUse6
+  use m1, z => a ! Hides m1's "a"
+  use m1, y => b ! Hides m1's "b"
+  integer :: a = 4 ! OK
+  integer :: b = 5 ! OK
+program testUse7
+  use m3,t1=>t2,t2=>t1 ! Looks weird but all is good
+  type(t1) x
+  type(t2) y
+  x%t2_value = a
+  y%t1_value = z
+program testUse8
+  use m4 ! This USE associates all of m1
+  !ERROR: 'a' is use-associated from module 'm4' and cannot be re-declared
+  integer :: a = 2
+program testUse9
+  use m5
+  integer :: a = 2
+program testUse10
+  use m4
+  use m4, z=>a ! This rename erases the USE assocated "a" from m1
+  integer :: a = 2
+program testUse11
+  use m6
+  use m6, z=>a ! This rename erases the USE assocated "a" from m1
+  integer :: a = 2
+program testUse12
+  use m4 ! This USE associates "a" from m1
+  use m1, z=>a ! This renames the "a" from m1, but not the one through m4
+  !ERROR: 'a' is use-associated from module 'm4' and cannot be re-declared
+  integer :: a = 2


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