[cfe-dev] Using Alpha taint checker in Clang static analyzer

Artem Dergachev via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Fri Apr 1 06:41:32 PDT 2016


The checker reports nothing on taint-tester.c because there are truly no 
errors in this file. The taint-tester.c test contains tests based on the 
internal debugging facility - the debug.TaintTest checker. The tests for 
alpha.security.taint.TaintPropagation checker are mostly in the 
taint-generic.c file. You can grep through the test run-lines by the 
checker name to find more tests that rely on this checker. The code you 
provide in the stack-overflow question doesn't have any security issues 
either, so the checker is intentionally silent.

Best regards,

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