[cfe-dev] similar clang options for : -mno-80387 -mno-fp-ret-in-387

Jan-Simon Möller dl9pf at gmx.de
Wed Apr 23 02:37:00 PDT 2014

Hi !

Are there options similar to:


           On machines where a function returns floating-point results in the 
           register stack, some floating-point opcodes may be emitted even if
           -msoft-float is used.

           Do not use the FPU registers for return values of functions.

           The usual calling convention has functions return values of types 
           and "double" in an FPU register, even if there is no FPU.  The idea 
           is that
           the operating system should emulate an FPU.

           The option -mno-fp-ret-in-387 causes such values to be returned in           
           CPU registers instead. 

Or what combination of flags makes sure we won't hit these quirks in the first 
place ?



Jan-Simon Möller

jansimon.moeller at gmx.de

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