[cfe-dev] Clang open projects status for StringRefize API and XML Rep of ASTs

Matthieu Monrocq matthieu.monrocq at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 11:56:35 PDT 2012

Le 28 mars 2012 03:49, Hongjun Zheng <nelson_han at yahoo.com> a écrit :

> Hi Clang dev,
> It's advised to ask cfe-dev to verify that some specific Clang open
> projects has not been completed.
> I wonder the status of the following open projects' at
> http://clang.llvm.org/OpenProjects.html.
> Are they not started, ongoing, or completed? I'd like pick one of them to
> start with.
>    - *StringRef'ize APIs*: A thankless but incredibly useful project is
>    StringRef'izing (converting to use llvm::StringRef instead of const
>    char * or std::string) various clang interfaces. This generally
>    simplifies the code and makes it more efficient.
>    - *XML Representation of ASTs*: Clang maintains a rich Abstract Syntax
>    Tree that describes the program. Clang could emit an XML document that
>    describes the program, which others tools could consume rather than being
>    tied directly to the Clang binary.The XML representation needs to meet
>    several requirements:
>       - *General*, so that it's able to represent C/C++/Objective-C
>       abstractly, and isn't tied to the specific internal ASTs that Clang uses.
>       - *Documented*, with appropriate Schema against which the output of
>       Clang's XML formatter can be verified.
>       - *Stable* across Clang versions.
> Thanks,
> NH
Hi Hongjun,

StringRef-ization and ArrayRef-ization are ongoing cleanup tasks, they are
not particularly tied to anyone and probably a good way to get your feet

I believe that the XML representations of ASTs nodes would require a higher
degree of expertise on the Standard because of the translation phase (ie
not tying the representation in XML to the classes used).

-- Matthieu
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