[cfe-dev] Using qmake and LibTooling

Jens Weller JensWeller at gmx.de
Tue Aug 14 09:34:20 PDT 2012

Update on this one.

Current qmake file:

INCLUDEPATH += C:/cpp/boost_1_49_0
INCLUDEPATH += C:/cpp/llvm/tools/clang/include
INCLUDEPATH += C:/cpp/llvm/include
INCLUDEPATH += C:/cpp/llvm/mybuild/tools/clang/include
INCLUDEPATH += C:/cpp/llvm/mybuild/include

LIBS += C:/cpp/llvm/mybuild/lib/libclangTooling.a

This resolves ALL other Errors, so why is the llvm/Support/DataTypes Header not finding uint64_t in this special case?

//line 73 ff
/* Handle incorrect definition of uint64_t as u_int64_t */
#ifndef HAVE_UINT64_T
#ifdef HAVE_U_INT64_T
typedef u_int64_t uint64_t;
# error "Don't have a definition for uint64_t on this platform"

kind regards,

Jens Weller

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