[cfe-dev] Explicit template instantiation, function template specialization, and diagnoses...

Douglas Gregor dgregor at apple.com
Mon May 9 09:00:37 PDT 2011

On May 9, 2011, at 6:13 AM, Larisse Voufo wrote:

> The current code base, under Sema::ActOnExplicitInstantiation and Sema::CheckFunctionTemplateSpecialization (in SemaTemplate.cpp), looses information about why a given template argument deduction fails. 
> I need that to not be the case for better diagnoses in concepts-enabled programs. 
> I was wondering what the best approach would be at the moment, depending on when the Clang community intends to review that part of the implementation.
> Should I go ahead and modify my off-main-branch concepts implementation, or 
> should I make the change directly into clang's main branch, or 
> should I simply give it a moment until that part is reviewed? If so, about how long should I wait. 
> I find it'd be more beneficial, if I were to do it myself, if I made the changes as globally as possible rather than just within my concepts  implementation. 

I suggest implementing it for inclusion in Clang's main branch, and submitting a patch to cfe-commits. That way, everyone can benefit from this work immediately, and it'll just be That Much Cooler when concepts are involved.

	- Doug

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