[cfe-dev] clang-test failures under Visual Studio

Alistair Low alistair at codeplay.com
Wed Oct 20 09:37:20 PDT 2010


I'm having some problems with clang-test running under Visual Studio 
2008 on Windows 7 (I'm not sure if the failures are specific to these 

The test results I get are:
1>  Expected Passes    : 2449
1>  Expected Failures  : 27
1>  Unsupported Tests  : 3
1>  Unexpected Failures: 46

Within the 46 unexpected failures, there are two distinct problems. The 
first is not finding standard header files:

:  fatal error: 'stdio.h' file not found
1>#include <stdio.h>

Running this test case manually on the command line with the command 
from the output window works without error, so I assume this is related 
to running inside Visual Studio, but my include directories seem to be 
set up correctly.

The second problem category concerns redirecting the stdout stream:

1>fatal error: error invoking C:\prog\llvm28\bin\bin\Debug\clang.exe 
-ccc-clang-cxx -fsyntax-only -Xclang -code-completion-at -Xclang 
-Xclang -no-code-completion-debug-printer -Xclang 
-code-completion-macros -fdiagnostics-binary 
C:\prog\llvm28\tools\clang\test\Index\code-complete-errors.c -pedantic : 
can't redirect stdoutAccess is denied.

Has anyone else experienced these problems? Any help would be much 

Best regards,
Alistair Low

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