[cfe-dev] CLang compiling windows.h from the Windows SDK

Dimitry Andric dimitry at andric.com
Mon Aug 9 01:32:16 PDT 2010

On 2010-08-09 00:52, Jesse Towner wrote:
> interface is just a preprocessor macro, should be something like #define
> interface struct nested in one the internal COM headers ComBase.h or
> BaseTyps.h.

Yes, it's in BaseTyps.h:

  #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
  //#define interface               struct FAR
  #define __STRUCT__ struct
  #define interface __STRUCT__

  #define interface               struct

So there should be no need to do special magic for IUnknown, and it
looks like even the __declspec(novtable) and __declspec(uuid(x))
attributes are supported with -fms-extensions. :)

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