[clang] [CIR] Upstream initial support for CIR flattening (PR #130648)

Erich Keane via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 10 11:15:30 PDT 2025

@@ -603,6 +606,64 @@ static void prepareTypeConverter(mlir::LLVMTypeConverter &converter,
+// The unreachable code is not lowered by applyPartialConversion function
+// since it traverses blocks in the dominance order. At the same time we
+// do need to lower such code - otherwise verification errors occur.
+// For instance, the next CIR code:
+//    cir.func @foo(%arg0: !s32i) -> !s32i {
+//      %4 = cir.cast(int_to_bool, %arg0 : !s32i), !cir.bool
+//      cir.if %4 {
+//        %5 = cir.const #cir.int<1> : !s32i
+//        cir.return %5 : !s32i
+//      } else {
+//        %5 = cir.const #cir.int<0> : !s32i
+//       cir.return %5 : !s32i
+//      }
+//     cir.return %arg0 : !s32i
+//    }
+// contains an unreachable return operation (the last one). After the flattening
+// pass it will be placed into the unreachable block. And the possible error
erichkeane wrote:

// pass it will be placed into the unreachable block. The possible error


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