[clang] b256302 - [-Wunsafe-buffer-usage] Add alloc_size knowledge to the 2-param span constructor warning (#114894)
via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Mar 7 15:05:23 PST 2025
Author: Ziqing Luo
Date: 2025-03-07T15:05:20-08:00
New Revision: b2563028cf8285f1e77f6bdba9268cd92cd9355e
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b2563028cf8285f1e77f6bdba9268cd92cd9355e
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b2563028cf8285f1e77f6bdba9268cd92cd9355e.diff
LOG: [-Wunsafe-buffer-usage] Add alloc_size knowledge to the 2-param span constructor warning (#114894)
We can take advantage of the attribute `alloc_size`. For example,
void * malloc(size_t size) __attribute__((alloc_size(1)));
std::span<char>{(char *)malloc(x), x}; // this is safe
diff --git a/clang/lib/Analysis/UnsafeBufferUsage.cpp b/clang/lib/Analysis/UnsafeBufferUsage.cpp
index 12e99143cb148..89b16c9c3179a 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Analysis/UnsafeBufferUsage.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Analysis/UnsafeBufferUsage.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/UnsafeBufferUsage.h"
+#include "clang/AST/APValue.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DynamicRecursiveASTVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
@@ -353,23 +355,90 @@ isInUnspecifiedUntypedContext(internal::Matcher<Stmt> InnerMatcher) {
return stmt(anyOf(CompStmt, IfStmtThen, IfStmtElse));
+// Returns true iff integer E1 is equivalent to integer E2.
+// For now we only support such expressions:
+// expr := DRE | const-value | expr BO expr
+// BO := '*' | '+'
+// FIXME: We can reuse the expression comparator of the interop analysis after
+// it has been upstreamed.
+static bool areEqualIntegers(const Expr *E1, const Expr *E2, ASTContext &Ctx);
+static bool areEqualIntegralBinaryOperators(const BinaryOperator *E1,
+ const Expr *E2_LHS,
+ BinaryOperatorKind BOP,
+ const Expr *E2_RHS,
+ ASTContext &Ctx) {
+ if (E1->getOpcode() == BOP) {
+ switch (BOP) {
+ // Commutative operators:
+ case BO_Mul:
+ case BO_Add:
+ return (areEqualIntegers(E1->getLHS(), E2_LHS, Ctx) &&
+ areEqualIntegers(E1->getRHS(), E2_RHS, Ctx)) ||
+ (areEqualIntegers(E1->getLHS(), E2_RHS, Ctx) &&
+ areEqualIntegers(E1->getRHS(), E2_LHS, Ctx));
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static bool areEqualIntegers(const Expr *E1, const Expr *E2, ASTContext &Ctx) {
+ E1 = E1->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
+ E2 = E2->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
+ if (!E1->getType()->isIntegerType() || E1->getType() != E2->getType())
+ return false;
+ Expr::EvalResult ER1, ER2;
+ // If both are constants:
+ if (E1->EvaluateAsInt(ER1, Ctx) &&
+ E2->EvaluateAsInt(ER2, Ctx))
+ return ER1.Val.getInt() == ER2.Val.getInt();
+ // Otherwise, they should have identical stmt kind:
+ if (E1->getStmtClass() != E2->getStmtClass())
+ return false;
+ switch (E1->getStmtClass()) {
+ case Stmt::DeclRefExprClass:
+ return cast<DeclRefExpr>(E1)->getDecl() == cast<DeclRefExpr>(E2)->getDecl();
+ case Stmt::BinaryOperatorClass: {
+ auto BO2 = cast<BinaryOperator>(E2);
+ return areEqualIntegralBinaryOperators(cast<BinaryOperator>(E1),
+ BO2->getLHS(), BO2->getOpcode(),
+ BO2->getRHS(), Ctx);
+ }
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
// Given a two-param std::span construct call, matches iff the call has the
// following forms:
// 1. `std::span<T>{new T[n], n}`, where `n` is a literal or a DRE
// 2. `std::span<T>{new T, 1}`
-// 3. `std::span<T>{&var, 1}`
+// 3. `std::span<T>{&var, 1}` or `std::span<T>{std::addressof(...), 1}`
// 4. `std::span<T>{a, n}`, where `a` is of an array-of-T with constant size
// `n`
// 5. `std::span<T>{any, 0}`
-// 6. `std::span<T>{std::addressof(...), 1}`
+// 6. `std::span<T>{ (char *)f(args), args[N] * arg*[M]}`, where
+// `f` is a function with attribute `alloc_size(N, M)`;
+// `args` represents the list of arguments;
+// `N, M` are parameter indexes to the allocating element number and size.
+// Sometimes, there is only one parameter index representing the total
+// size.
AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructExpr, isSafeSpanTwoParamConstruct) {
assert(Node.getNumArgs() == 2 &&
"expecting a two-parameter std::span constructor");
- const Expr *Arg0 = Node.getArg(0)->IgnoreImplicit();
- const Expr *Arg1 = Node.getArg(1)->IgnoreImplicit();
- auto HaveEqualConstantValues = [&Finder](const Expr *E0, const Expr *E1) {
- if (auto E0CV = E0->getIntegerConstantExpr(Finder->getASTContext()))
- if (auto E1CV = E1->getIntegerConstantExpr(Finder->getASTContext())) {
+ const Expr *Arg0 = Node.getArg(0)->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
+ const Expr *Arg1 = Node.getArg(1)->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
+ ASTContext &Ctx = Finder->getASTContext();
+ auto HaveEqualConstantValues = [&Ctx](const Expr *E0, const Expr *E1) {
+ if (auto E0CV = E0->getIntegerConstantExpr(Ctx))
+ if (auto E1CV = E1->getIntegerConstantExpr(Ctx)) {
return APSInt::compareValues(*E0CV, *E1CV) == 0;
return false;
@@ -381,13 +450,14 @@ AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructExpr, isSafeSpanTwoParamConstruct) {
return false;
- std::optional<APSInt> Arg1CV =
- Arg1->getIntegerConstantExpr(Finder->getASTContext());
+ std::optional<APSInt> Arg1CV = Arg1->getIntegerConstantExpr(Ctx);
if (Arg1CV && Arg1CV->isZero())
// Check form 5:
return true;
- switch (Arg0->IgnoreImplicit()->getStmtClass()) {
+ // Check forms 1-3:
+ switch (Arg0->getStmtClass()) {
case Stmt::CXXNewExprClass:
if (auto Size = cast<CXXNewExpr>(Arg0)->getArraySize()) {
// Check form 1:
@@ -407,6 +477,7 @@ AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructExpr, isSafeSpanTwoParamConstruct) {
return Arg1CV && Arg1CV->isOne();
case Stmt::CallExprClass:
+ // Check form 3:
if (const auto *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(Arg0)) {
const auto FnDecl = CE->getDirectCallee();
if (FnDecl && FnDecl->getNameAsString() == "addressof" &&
@@ -421,13 +492,41 @@ AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructExpr, isSafeSpanTwoParamConstruct) {
QualType Arg0Ty = Arg0->IgnoreImplicit()->getType();
- if (auto *ConstArrTy =
- Finder->getASTContext().getAsConstantArrayType(Arg0Ty)) {
+ if (auto *ConstArrTy = Ctx.getAsConstantArrayType(Arg0Ty)) {
const APSInt ConstArrSize = APSInt(ConstArrTy->getSize());
// Check form 4:
return Arg1CV && APSInt::compareValues(ConstArrSize, *Arg1CV) == 0;
+ // Check form 6:
+ if (auto CCast = dyn_cast<CStyleCastExpr>(Arg0)) {
+ if (!CCast->getType()->isPointerType())
+ return false;
+ QualType PteTy = CCast->getType()->getPointeeType();
+ if (!(PteTy->isConstantSizeType() && Ctx.getTypeSizeInChars(PteTy).isOne()))
+ return false;
+ if (const auto *Call = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(CCast->getSubExpr())) {
+ if (const FunctionDecl *FD = Call->getDirectCallee())
+ if (auto *AllocAttr = FD->getAttr<AllocSizeAttr>()) {
+ const Expr *EleSizeExpr =
+ Call->getArg(AllocAttr->getElemSizeParam().getASTIndex());
+ // NumElemIdx is invalid if AllocSizeAttr has 1 argument:
+ ParamIdx NumElemIdx = AllocAttr->getNumElemsParam();
+ if (!NumElemIdx.isValid())
+ return areEqualIntegers(Arg1, EleSizeExpr, Ctx);
+ const Expr *NumElesExpr = Call->getArg(NumElemIdx.getASTIndex());
+ if (auto BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Arg1))
+ return areEqualIntegralBinaryOperators(BO, NumElesExpr, BO_Mul,
+ EleSizeExpr, Ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
return false;
diff --git a/clang/test/SemaCXX/warn-unsafe-buffer-usage-in-container-span-construct.cpp b/clang/test/SemaCXX/warn-unsafe-buffer-usage-in-container-span-construct.cpp
index 30b6d4ba9fb90..e287f00a5453b 100644
--- a/clang/test/SemaCXX/warn-unsafe-buffer-usage-in-container-span-construct.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/SemaCXX/warn-unsafe-buffer-usage-in-container-span-construct.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace std {
_Tp* addressof(_Tp& __x) {
return &__x;
namespace irrelevant_constructors {
@@ -154,6 +154,44 @@ namespace construct_wt_begin_end {
} // namespace construct_wt_begin_end
+namespace test_alloc_size_attr {
+ void * my_alloc(unsigned size) __attribute__((alloc_size(1)));
+ void * my_alloc2(unsigned count, unsigned size) __attribute__((alloc_size(1,2)));
+ void safe(int x, unsigned y) {
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc(10), 10};
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc(x), x};
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc(x * y), x * y};
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc(x * y), y * x};
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc(x * y + x), x * y + x};
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc(x * y + x), x + y * x};
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc2(x, y), x * y};
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc2(x, y), y * x};
+ //foo(std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc2(x, sizeof(char)), x}); // lets not worry about this case for now
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc2(x, sizeof(char)), x * sizeof(char)};
+ //foo(std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc2(10, sizeof(char)), 10});
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc2(10, sizeof(char)), 10 * sizeof(char)};
+ }
+ void unsafe(int x, int y) {
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc(10), 11}; // expected-warning{{the two-parameter std::span construction is unsafe as it can introduce mismatch between buffer size and the bound information}}
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc(x * y), x + y}; // expected-warning{{the two-parameter std::span construction is unsafe as it can introduce mismatch between buffer size and the bound information}}
+ std::span<int>{(int *)my_alloc(x), x}; // expected-warning{{the two-parameter std::span construction is unsafe as it can introduce mismatch between buffer size and the bound information}}
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc2(x, y), x + y}; // expected-warning{{the two-parameter std::span construction is unsafe as it can introduce mismatch between buffer size and the bound information}}
+ }
+ void unsupport(int x, int y, int z) {
+ // Casting to `T*` where sizeof(T) > 1 is not supported yet:
+ std::span<int>{(int *)my_alloc2(x, y), x * y}; // expected-warning{{the two-parameter std::span construction is unsafe as it can introduce mismatch between buffer size and the bound information}}
+ std::span<long>{(long *)my_alloc(10 * sizeof(long)), 10}; // expected-warning{{the two-parameter std::span construction is unsafe as it can introduce mismatch between buffer size and the bound information}}
+ std::span<long>{(long *)my_alloc2(x, sizeof(long)), x}; // expected-warning{{the two-parameter std::span construction is unsafe as it can introduce mismatch between buffer size and the bound information}}
+ std::span<long>{(long *)my_alloc2(x, sizeof(long)), x}; // expected-warning{{the two-parameter std::span construction is unsafe as it can introduce mismatch between buffer size and the bound information}}
+ // The expression is too complicated:
+ std::span<char>{(char *)my_alloc(x + y + z), z + y + x}; // expected-warning{{the two-parameter std::span construction is unsafe as it can introduce mismatch between buffer size and the bound information}}
+ }
namespace test_flag {
void f(int *p) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
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