[clang] [CUDA][HIP] fix virtual dtor host/device attr (PR #128926)

Artem Belevich via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 28 12:13:31 PST 2025

@@ -32,22 +32,24 @@ public:
 template class B<float>;
-// The implicit host/device attrs of virtual dtor B<float>::~B() is inferred to
-// have implicit device attr since dtors of its members and parent classes can
-// be executed on device. This causes a diagnostic since B<float>::~B() must
-// be emitted, and it eventually causes host_fun() called on device side.
+// The implicit host/device attrs of virtual dtor ~B() should be
+// conservatively inferred, where constexpr member dtor's should
+// not be considered device since they may call host functions.
+// Therefore B<float>::~B() should not have implicit device attr.
+// However C<float>::~C() should have implicit device attr since
+// it is trivial.
 namespace ExplicitInstantiationDtorNoAttr {
-void host_fun() // dev-note {{'host_fun' declared here}}
+void host_fun()
 template <unsigned>
 constexpr void hd_fun() {
-  host_fun(); // dev-error{{reference to __host__ function 'host_fun' in __host__ __device__ function}}
Artem-B wrote:

For some reason I can not reproduce any of the errors in this test on godbolt, even with older clang: https://godbolt.org/z/4fMh5jxKd

What am I missing?


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