[clang] [Clang] Optimize -Wunsafe-buffer-usage. (PR #125492)
Ilya Biryukov via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 28 06:55:29 PST 2025
@@ -1986,112 +2360,119 @@ class DerefSimplePtrArithFixableGadget : public FixableGadget {
-/// Scan the function and return a list of gadgets found with provided kits.
-static void findGadgets(const Stmt *S, ASTContext &Ctx,
- const UnsafeBufferUsageHandler &Handler,
- bool EmitSuggestions, FixableGadgetList &FixableGadgets,
- WarningGadgetList &WarningGadgets,
- DeclUseTracker &Tracker) {
+class EvaluatedStmtMatcher : public FastMatcher {
- struct GadgetFinderCallback : MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
- GadgetFinderCallback(FixableGadgetList &FixableGadgets,
- WarningGadgetList &WarningGadgets,
- DeclUseTracker &Tracker)
- : FixableGadgets(FixableGadgets), WarningGadgets(WarningGadgets),
- Tracker(Tracker) {}
- void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) override {
- // In debug mode, assert that we've found exactly one gadget.
- // This helps us avoid conflicts in .bind() tags.
-#define NEXT return
- [[maybe_unused]] int numFound = 0;
-#define NEXT ++numFound
- if (const auto *DRE = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<DeclRefExpr>("any_dre")) {
- Tracker.discoverUse(DRE);
- }
+ EvaluatedStmtMatcher(WarningGadgetList &WarningGadgets)
+ : WarningGadgets(WarningGadgets) {}
- if (const auto *DS = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<DeclStmt>("any_ds")) {
- Tracker.discoverDecl(DS);
- }
+ bool matches(const DynTypedNode &DynNode, ASTContext &Ctx,
+ const UnsafeBufferUsageHandler &Handler) override {
+ const Stmt *S = DynNode.get<Stmt>();
+ if (!S)
+ return false;
- // Figure out which matcher we've found, and call the appropriate
- // subclass constructor.
- // FIXME: Can we do this more logarithmically?
-#define FIXABLE_GADGET(name) \
- if (Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Stmt>(#name)) { \
- FixableGadgets.push_back(std::make_unique<name##Gadget>(Result)); \
- NEXT; \
- }
-#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/UnsafeBufferUsageGadgets.def"
+ MatchResult Result;
#define WARNING_GADGET(name) \
- if (Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Stmt>(#name)) { \
+ if (name##Gadget::matches(S, Ctx, Result) && \
+ notInSafeBufferOptOut(*S, &Handler)) { \
+ WarningGadgets.push_back(std::make_unique<name##Gadget>(Result)); \
+ return true; \
+ }
+ if (name##Gadget::matches(S, Ctx, &Handler, Result) && \
+ notInSafeBufferOptOut(*S, &Handler)) { \
WarningGadgets.push_back(std::make_unique<name##Gadget>(Result)); \
- NEXT; \
+ return true; \
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/UnsafeBufferUsageGadgets.def"
+ return false;
+ }
- assert(numFound >= 1 && "Gadgets not found in match result!");
- assert(numFound <= 1 && "Conflicting bind tags in gadgets!");
- }
+ WarningGadgetList &WarningGadgets;
- FixableGadgetList &FixableGadgets;
- WarningGadgetList &WarningGadgets;
- DeclUseTracker &Tracker;
- };
+class StmtMatcher : public FastMatcher {
- MatchFinder M;
- GadgetFinderCallback CB{FixableGadgets, WarningGadgets, Tracker};
- // clang-format off
- M.addMatcher(
- stmt(
- forEachDescendantEvaluatedStmt(stmt(anyOf(
- // Add Gadget::matcher() for every gadget in the registry.
-#define WARNING_GADGET(x) \
- allOf(x ## Gadget::matcher().bind(#x), \
- notInSafeBufferOptOut(&Handler)),
- allOf(x ## Gadget::matcher(&Handler).bind(#x), \
- notInSafeBufferOptOut(&Handler)),
-#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/UnsafeBufferUsageGadgets.def"
- // Avoid a hanging comma.
- unless(stmt())
- )))
- ),
- &CB
- );
- // clang-format on
+ StmtMatcher(FixableGadgetList &FixableGadgets, DeclUseTracker &Tracker)
+ : FixableGadgets(FixableGadgets), Tracker(Tracker) {}
+ // Match all DeclRefExprs so that to find out
+ // whether there are any uncovered by gadgets.
+ bool matchDeclRefExprs(const Stmt *S, MatchResult &Result) {
+ const auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(S);
+ if (!DRE || (!hasPointerType(*DRE) && !hasArrayType(*DRE)))
+ return false;
+ const Decl *D = DRE->getDecl();
+ if (!D || (!isa<VarDecl>(D) && !isa<BindingDecl>(D)))
+ return false;
+ Result.addNode("any_dre", DynTypedNode::create(*DRE));
+ return true;
+ }
- if (EmitSuggestions) {
- // clang-format off
- M.addMatcher(
- stmt(
- forEachDescendantStmt(stmt(eachOf(
-#define FIXABLE_GADGET(x) \
- x ## Gadget::matcher().bind(#x),
+ // Also match DeclStmts because we'll need them when fixing
+ // their underlying VarDecls that otherwise don't have
+ // any backreferences to DeclStmts.
+ bool matchDeclStmt(const Stmt *S, MatchResult &Result) {
+ const auto *DS = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(S);
+ if (!DS)
+ return false;
+ Result.addNode("any_ds", DynTypedNode::create(*DS));
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool matches(const DynTypedNode &DynNode, ASTContext &Ctx,
+ const UnsafeBufferUsageHandler &Handler) override {
+ bool matchFound = false;
+ const Stmt *S = DynNode.get<Stmt>();
+ if (!S) {
+ return matchFound;
+ }
+ llvm::SmallVector<MatchResult> Results;
+#define FIXABLE_GADGET(name) \
+ if (name##Gadget::matches(S, Results)) { \
+ for (const auto &R : Results) { \
+ FixableGadgets.push_back(std::make_unique<name##Gadget>(R)); \
+ matchFound = true; \
+ } \
+ Results = {}; \
+ }
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/UnsafeBufferUsageGadgets.def"
- // In parallel, match all DeclRefExprs so that to find out
ilya-biryukov wrote:
Could we bring these comments back to the call sites?
They allow to understand the code a little easier. I think they are not as necessary on the declarations.
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