[clang] [lld] [llvm] Integrated Distributed ThinLTO (DTLTO): Initial support (PR #126654)

Katya Romanova via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 26 03:15:35 PST 2025

romanova-ekaterina wrote:

> In a couple of days, we will submit an alternative PR with "no DTLTO backend" implementation. Though from the first sight it seems logical to use a separate DTLTO backend, we thought that "no DTLTO backend" implementation will be simpler, cleaner and more importantly, will leave a solid foundation for future important performance enhancements that are planning to add in the future. These performance enhancements will be impossible to implement within DTLTO backend.

Actually, we don't have any data to determine whether or not these ideas for performance enhancements translate into real world gains. So, let's perhaps revisit these in subsequent PRs, assuming we get something landed for starters, here.


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