[clang] c710118 - [clang] Implement __attribute__((format_matches)) (#116708)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 24 18:59:02 PST 2025

Author: apple-fcloutier
Date: 2025-02-24T18:58:59-08:00
New Revision: c7101188fb3f17176e9152b1d733da6d7199d317

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c7101188fb3f17176e9152b1d733da6d7199d317
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c7101188fb3f17176e9152b1d733da6d7199d317.diff

LOG: [clang] Implement __attribute__((format_matches)) (#116708)

This implements ``__attribute__((format_matches))``, as described in the

The ``format`` attribute only allows the compiler to check that a format
string matches its arguments. If the format string is passed
independently of its arguments, there is no way to have the compiler
check it. ``format_matches(flavor, fmtidx, example)`` allows the
compiler to check format strings against the ``example`` format string
instead of against format arguments. See the changes to AttrDocs.td in
this diff for more information.

Implementation-wise, this change subclasses CheckPrintfHandler and
CheckScanfHandler to allow them to collect specifiers into arrays, and
implements comparing that two specifiers are equivalent.
`checkFormatStringExpr` gets a new `ReferenceFormatString` argument that
is piped down when calling a function with the `format_matches`
attribute (and is `nullptr` otherwise); this is the string that the
actual format string is compared against.

Although this change does not enable -Wformat-nonliteral by default,
IMO, all the pieces are now in place such that it could be.




diff  --git a/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst b/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
index 699cbb17edca7..657340c170503 100644
--- a/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -132,6 +132,50 @@ Attribute Changes in Clang
   This forces the global to be considered small or large in regards to the
   x86-64 code model, regardless of the code model specified for the compilation.
+- There is a new ``format_matches`` attribute to complement the existing
+  ``format`` attribute. ``format_matches`` allows the compiler to verify that
+  a format string argument is equivalent to a reference format string: it is
+  useful when a function accepts a format string without its accompanying
+  arguments to format. For instance:
+  .. code-block:: c
+    static int status_code;
+    static const char *status_string;
+    void print_status(const char *fmt) {
+      fprintf(stderr, fmt, status_code, status_string);
+      // ^ warning: format string is not a string literal [-Wformat-nonliteral]
+    }
+    void stuff(void) {
+      print_status("%s (%#08x)\n");
+      // order of %s and %x is swapped but there is no diagnostic
+    }
+  Before the introducion of ``format_matches``, this code cannot be verified
+  at compile-time. ``format_matches`` plugs that hole:
+  .. code-block:: c
+    __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%x %s")))
+    void print_status(const char *fmt) {
+      fprintf(stderr, fmt, status_code, status_string);
+      // ^ `fmt` verified as if it was "%x %s" here; no longer triggers
+      //   -Wformat-nonliteral, would warn if arguments did not match "%x %s"
+    }
+    void stuff(void) {
+      print_status("%s (%#08x)\n");
+      // warning: format specifier 's' is incompatible with 'x'
+      // warning: format specifier 'x' is incompatible with 's'
+    }
+  Like with ``format``, the first argument is the format string flavor and the
+  second argument is the index of the format string parameter.
+  ``format_matches`` accepts an example valid format string as its third
+  argument. For more information, see the Clang attributes documentation.
 Improvements to Clang's diagnostics

diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/AST/FormatString.h b/clang/include/clang/AST/FormatString.h
index a074dd23e2ad4..3560766433fe2 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/AST/FormatString.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/AST/FormatString.h
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class ArgType {
-  const Kind K;
+  Kind K;
   QualType T;
   const char *Name = nullptr;
   bool Ptr = false;
@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ class ArgType {
   MatchKind matchesType(ASTContext &C, QualType argTy) const;
+  MatchKind matchesArgType(ASTContext &C, const ArgType &other) const;
   QualType getRepresentativeType(ASTContext &C) const;

diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/Attr.td b/clang/include/clang/Basic/Attr.td
index 65c91ccd75ecc..8bbd096bb1f72 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/Attr.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/Attr.td
@@ -1834,6 +1834,16 @@ def Format : InheritableAttr {
   let Documentation = [FormatDocs];
+def FormatMatches : InheritableAttr {
+  let Spellings = [GCC<"format_matches">];
+  let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"Type">, IntArgument<"FormatIdx">, ExprArgument<"ExpectedFormat">];
+  let AdditionalMembers = [{
+    StringLiteral *getFormatString() const;
+  }];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[ObjCMethod, Block, HasFunctionProto]>;
+  let Documentation = [FormatMatchesDocs];
 def FormatArg : InheritableAttr {
   let Spellings = [GCC<"format_arg">];
   let Args = [ParamIdxArgument<"FormatIdx">];

diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/AttrDocs.td b/clang/include/clang/Basic/AttrDocs.td
index f5362b4d59142..79c615be754c4 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/AttrDocs.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/AttrDocs.td
@@ -3886,6 +3886,132 @@ behavior of the program is undefined.
+def FormatMatchesDocs : Documentation {
+  let Category = DocCatFunction;
+  let Content = [{
+The ``format`` attribute is the basis for the enforcement of diagnostics in the
+``-Wformat`` family, but it only handles the case where the format string is
+passed along with the arguments it is going to format. It cannot handle the case
+where the format string and the format arguments are passed separately from each
+other. For instance:
+.. code-block:: c
+  static const char *first_name;
+  static double todays_temperature;
+  static int wind_speed;
+  void say_hi(const char *fmt) {
+    printf(fmt, first_name, todays_temperature);
+        // ^ warning: format string is not a string literal
+    printf(fmt, first_name, wind_speed);
+        // ^ warning: format string is not a string literal
+  }
+  int main() {
+    say_hi("hello %s, it is %g degrees outside");
+    say_hi("hello %s, it is %d degrees outside!");
+                          // ^ no diagnostic, but %d cannot format doubles
+  }
+In this example, ``fmt`` is expected to format a ``const char *`` and a
+``double``, but these values are not passed to ``say_hi``. Without the
+``format`` attribute (which cannot apply in this case), the -Wformat-nonliteral
+diagnostic unnecessarily triggers in the body of ``say_hi``, and incorrect
+``say_hi`` call sites do not trigger a diagnostic.
+To complement the ``format`` attribute, Clang also defines the
+``format_matches`` attribute. Its syntax is similar to the ``format``
+attribute's, but instead of taking the index of the first formatted value
+argument, it takes a C string literal with the expected specifiers:
+.. code-block:: c
+  static const char *first_name;
+  static double todays_temperature;
+  static int wind_speed;
+  __attribute__((__format_matches__(printf, 1, "%s %g")))
+  void say_hi(const char *fmt) {
+    printf(fmt, first_name, todays_temperature); // no dignostic
+    printf(fmt, first_name, wind_speed); // warning: format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'double'
+  }
+  int main() {
+    say_hi("hello %s, it is %g degrees outside");
+    say_hi("it is %g degrees outside, have a good day %s!");
+    // warning: format specifies 'double' where 'const char *' is required
+    // warning: format specifies 'const char *' where 'double' is required
+  }
+The third argument to ``format_matches`` is expected to evaluate to a **C string
+literal** even when the format string would normally be a 
diff erent type for the
+given flavor, like a ``CFStringRef`` or a ``NSString *``.
+The only requirement on the format string literal is that it has specifiers
+that are compatible with the arguments that will be used. It can contain
+arbitrary non-format characters. For instance, for the purposes of compile-time
+validation, ``"%s scored %g%% on her test"`` and ``"%s%g"`` are interchangeable
+as the format string argument. As a means of self-documentation, users may
+prefer the former when it provides a useful example of an expected format
+In the implementation of a function with the ``format_matches`` attribute,
+format verification works as if the format string was identical to the one
+specified in the attribute.
+.. code-block:: c
+  __attribute__((__format_matches__(printf, 1, "%s %g")))
+  void say_hi(const char *fmt) {
+    printf(fmt, "person", 546);
+                       // ^ warning: format specifies type 'double' but the
+                       //   argument has type 'int'
+    // note: format string is defined here:
+    // __attribute__((__format_matches__(printf, 1, "%s %g")))
+    //                                                  ^~
+  }
+At the call sites of functions with the ``format_matches`` attribute, format
+verification instead compares the two format strings to evaluate their
+equivalence. Each format flavor defines equivalence between format specifiers.
+Generally speaking, two specifiers are equivalent if they format the same type.
+For instance, in the ``printf`` flavor, ``%2i`` and ``%-0.5d`` are compatible.
+When ``-Wformat-signedness`` is disabled, ``%d`` and ``%u`` are compatible. For
+a negative example, ``%ld`` is incompatible with ``%d``.
+Do note the following un-obvious cases:
+* Passing ``NULL`` as the format string does not trigger format diagnostics.
+* When the format string is not NULL, it cannot _miss_ specifiers, even in
+  trailing positions. For instance, ``%d`` is not accepted when the required
+  format is ``%d %d %d``.
+* While checks for the ``format`` attribute tolerate sone size mismatches
+  that standard argument promotion renders immaterial (such as formatting an
+  ``int`` with ``%hhd``, which specifies a ``char``-sized integer), checks for
+  ``format_matches`` require specified argument sizes to match exactly.
+* Format strings expecting a variable modifier (such as ``%*s``) are
+  incompatible with format strings that would itemize the variable modifiers
+  (such as ``%i %s``), even if the two specify ABI-compatible argument lists.
+* All pointer specifiers, modifiers aside, are mutually incompatible. For
+  instance, ``%s`` is not compatible with ``%p``, and ``%p`` is not compatible
+  with ``%n``, and ``%hhn`` is incompatible with ``%s``, even if the pointers
+  are ABI-compatible or identical on the selected platform. However, ``%0.5s``
+  is compatible with ``%s``, since the 
diff erence only exists in modifier flags.
+  This is not overridable with ``-Wformat-pedantic`` or its inverse, which
+  control similar behavior in ``-Wformat``.
+At this time, clang implements ``format_matches`` only for format types in the
+``printf`` family. This includes variants such as Apple's NSString format and
+the FreeBSD ``kprintf``, but excludes ``scanf``. Using a known but unsupported
+format silently fails in order to be compatible with other implementations that
+would support these formats.
+  }];
 def FlagEnumDocs : Documentation {
   let Category = DocCatDecl;
   let Content = [{

diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
index f4f1bc67724a1..51301d95e55b9 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
@@ -7764,6 +7764,7 @@ def warn_format_nonliteral_noargs : Warning<
 def warn_format_nonliteral : Warning<
   "format string is not a string literal">,
   InGroup<FormatNonLiteral>, DefaultIgnore;
+def err_format_nonliteral : Error<"format string is not a string literal">;
 def err_unexpected_interface : Error<
   "unexpected interface name %0: expected expression">;
@@ -10066,6 +10067,8 @@ def note_previous_declaration_as : Note<
 def warn_printf_insufficient_data_args : Warning<
   "more '%%' conversions than data arguments">, InGroup<FormatInsufficientArgs>;
+def warn_format_cmp_specifier_arity : Warning<
+  "%select{fewer|more}0 specifiers in format string than expected">, InGroup<FormatInsufficientArgs>;
 def warn_printf_data_arg_not_used : Warning<
   "data argument not used by format string">, InGroup<FormatExtraArgs>;
 def warn_format_invalid_conversion : Warning<
@@ -10183,6 +10186,27 @@ def note_format_fix_specifier : Note<"did you mean to use '%0'?">;
 def note_printf_c_str: Note<"did you mean to call the %0 method?">;
 def note_format_security_fixit: Note<
   "treat the string as an argument to avoid this">;
+def warn_format_string_type_incompatible : Warning<
+  "passing '%0' format string where '%1' format string is expected">,
+  InGroup<Format>;
+def warn_format_cmp_role_mismatch : Warning<
+  "format argument is %select{a value|an indirect field width|an indirect "
+  "precision|an auxiliary value}0, but it should be %select{a value|an indirect "
+  "field width|an indirect precision|an auxiliary value}1">, InGroup<Format>;
+def warn_format_cmp_modifierfor_mismatch : Warning<
+  "format argument modifies specifier at position %0, but it should modify "
+  "specifier at position %1">, InGroup<Format>;
+def warn_format_cmp_sensitivity_mismatch : Warning<
+  "argument sensitivity is %select{unspecified|private|public|sensitive}0, but "
+  "it should be %select{unspecified|private|public|sensitive}1">, InGroup<Format>;
+def warn_format_cmp_specifier_mismatch : Warning<
+  "format specifier '%0' is incompatible with '%1'">, InGroup<Format>;
+def warn_format_cmp_specifier_sign_mismatch : Warning<
+  "signedness of format specifier '%0' is incompatible with '%1'">, InGroup<Format>;
+def warn_format_cmp_specifier_mismatch_pedantic : Extension<
+  warn_format_cmp_specifier_sign_mismatch.Summary>, InGroup<FormatPedantic>;
+def note_format_cmp_with : Note<
+  "comparing with this %select{specifier|format string}0">;
 def warn_null_arg : Warning<
   "null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument">,

diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h b/clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
index 093e9a06b00ce..476abe86cb2d2 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -2177,6 +2177,7 @@ class Sema final : public SemaBase {
     FAPK_Fixed,    // values to format are fixed (no C-style variadic arguments)
     FAPK_Variadic, // values to format are passed as variadic arguments
     FAPK_VAList,   // values to format are passed in a va_list
+    FAPK_Elsewhere, // values to format are not passed to this function
   // Used to grab the relevant information from a FormatAttr and a
@@ -2187,12 +2188,15 @@ class Sema final : public SemaBase {
     FormatArgumentPassingKind ArgPassingKind;
-  /// Given a FunctionDecl's FormatAttr, attempts to populate the
-  /// FomatStringInfo parameter with the FormatAttr's correct format_idx and
-  /// firstDataArg. Returns true when the format fits the function and the
-  /// FormatStringInfo has been populated.
-  static bool getFormatStringInfo(const FormatAttr *Format, bool IsCXXMember,
-                                  bool IsVariadic, FormatStringInfo *FSI);
+  /// Given a function and its FormatAttr or FormatMatchesAttr info, attempts to
+  /// populate the FomatStringInfo parameter with the attribute's correct
+  /// format_idx and firstDataArg. Returns true when the format fits the
+  /// function and the FormatStringInfo has been populated.
+  static bool getFormatStringInfo(const Decl *Function, unsigned FormatIdx,
+                                  unsigned FirstArg, FormatStringInfo *FSI);
+  static bool getFormatStringInfo(unsigned FormatIdx, unsigned FirstArg,
+                                  bool IsCXXMember, bool IsVariadic,
+                                  FormatStringInfo *FSI);
   // Used by C++ template instantiation.
   ExprResult BuiltinShuffleVector(CallExpr *TheCall);
@@ -2215,7 +2219,10 @@ class Sema final : public SemaBase {
+  static StringRef GetFormatStringTypeName(FormatStringType FST);
+  static FormatStringType GetFormatStringType(StringRef FormatFlavor);
   static FormatStringType GetFormatStringType(const FormatAttr *Format);
+  static FormatStringType GetFormatStringType(const FormatMatchesAttr *Format);
   bool FormatStringHasSArg(const StringLiteral *FExpr);
@@ -2362,6 +2369,25 @@ class Sema final : public SemaBase {
                  bool IsMemberFunction, SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range,
                  VariadicCallType CallType);
+  /// Verify that two format strings (as understood by attribute(format) and
+  /// attribute(format_matches) are compatible. If they are incompatible,
+  /// diagnostics are emitted with the assumption that \c
+  /// AuthoritativeFormatString is correct and
+  /// \c TestedFormatString is wrong. If \c FunctionCallArg is provided,
+  /// diagnostics will point to it and a note will refer to \c
+  /// TestedFormatString or \c AuthoritativeFormatString as appropriate.
+  bool
+  CheckFormatStringsCompatible(FormatStringType FST,
+                               const StringLiteral *AuthoritativeFormatString,
+                               const StringLiteral *TestedFormatString,
+                               const Expr *FunctionCallArg = nullptr);
+  /// Verify that one format string (as understood by attribute(format)) is
+  /// self-consistent; for instance, that it doesn't have multiple positional
+  /// arguments referring to the same argument in incompatible ways. Diagnose
+  /// if it isn't.
+  bool ValidateFormatString(FormatStringType FST, const StringLiteral *Str);
   /// \brief Enforce the bounds of a TCB
   /// CheckTCBEnforcement - Enforces that every function in a named TCB only
   /// directly calls other functions in the same TCB as marked by the
@@ -2577,11 +2603,17 @@ class Sema final : public SemaBase {
                             VariadicCallType CallType, SourceLocation Loc,
                             SourceRange Range,
                             llvm::SmallBitVector &CheckedVarArgs);
+  bool CheckFormatString(const FormatMatchesAttr *Format,
+                         ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args, bool IsCXXMember,
+                         VariadicCallType CallType, SourceLocation Loc,
+                         SourceRange Range,
+                         llvm::SmallBitVector &CheckedVarArgs);
   bool CheckFormatArguments(ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
-                            FormatArgumentPassingKind FAPK, unsigned format_idx,
-                            unsigned firstDataArg, FormatStringType Type,
-                            VariadicCallType CallType, SourceLocation Loc,
-                            SourceRange range,
+                            FormatArgumentPassingKind FAPK,
+                            const StringLiteral *ReferenceFormatString,
+                            unsigned format_idx, unsigned firstDataArg,
+                            FormatStringType Type, VariadicCallType CallType,
+                            SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange range,
                             llvm::SmallBitVector &CheckedVarArgs);
   void CheckInfNaNFunction(const CallExpr *Call, const FunctionDecl *FDecl);
@@ -4576,6 +4608,11 @@ class Sema final : public SemaBase {
   FormatAttr *mergeFormatAttr(Decl *D, const AttributeCommonInfo &CI,
                               IdentifierInfo *Format, int FormatIdx,
                               int FirstArg);
+  FormatMatchesAttr *mergeFormatMatchesAttr(Decl *D,
+                                            const AttributeCommonInfo &CI,
+                                            IdentifierInfo *Format,
+                                            int FormatIdx,
+                                            StringLiteral *FormatStr);
   /// AddAlignedAttr - Adds an aligned attribute to a particular declaration.
   void AddAlignedAttr(Decl *D, const AttributeCommonInfo &CI, Expr *E,

diff  --git a/clang/lib/AST/AttrImpl.cpp b/clang/lib/AST/AttrImpl.cpp
index f198a9acf8481..fefb8f55a9ee2 100644
--- a/clang/lib/AST/AttrImpl.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/AST/AttrImpl.cpp
@@ -270,4 +270,8 @@ unsigned AlignedAttr::getAlignment(ASTContext &Ctx) const {
   return Ctx.getTargetDefaultAlignForAttributeAligned();
+StringLiteral *FormatMatchesAttr::getFormatString() const {
+  return cast<StringLiteral>(getExpectedFormat());
 #include "clang/AST/AttrImpl.inc"

diff  --git a/clang/lib/AST/FormatString.cpp b/clang/lib/AST/FormatString.cpp
index e892c1592df98..5d3b56fc4e713 100644
--- a/clang/lib/AST/FormatString.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/AST/FormatString.cpp
@@ -595,6 +595,97 @@ ArgType::matchesType(ASTContext &C, QualType argTy) const {
   llvm_unreachable("Invalid ArgType Kind!");
+static analyze_format_string::ArgType::MatchKind
+integerTypeMatch(ASTContext &C, QualType A, QualType B, bool CheckSign) {
+  using MK = analyze_format_string::ArgType::MatchKind;
+  uint64_t IntSize = C.getTypeSize(C.IntTy);
+  uint64_t ASize = C.getTypeSize(A);
+  uint64_t BSize = C.getTypeSize(B);
+  if (std::max(ASize, IntSize) != std::max(BSize, IntSize))
+    return MK::NoMatch;
+  if (CheckSign && A->isSignedIntegerType() != B->isSignedIntegerType())
+    return MK::NoMatchSignedness;
+  if (ASize != BSize)
+    return MK::MatchPromotion;
+  return MK::Match;
+ArgType::matchesArgType(ASTContext &C, const ArgType &Other) const {
+  using AK = analyze_format_string::ArgType::Kind;
+  // Per matchesType.
+  if (K == AK::InvalidTy || Other.K == AK::InvalidTy)
+    return NoMatch;
+  if (K == AK::UnknownTy || Other.K == AK::UnknownTy)
+    return Match;
+  // Handle whether either (or both, or neither) sides has Ptr set,
+  // in addition to whether either (or both, or neither) sides is a SpecificTy
+  // that is a pointer.
+  ArgType Left = *this;
+  bool LeftWasPointer = false;
+  ArgType Right = Other;
+  bool RightWasPointer = false;
+  if (Left.Ptr) {
+    Left.Ptr = false;
+    LeftWasPointer = true;
+  } else if (Left.K == AK::SpecificTy && Left.T->isPointerType()) {
+    Left.T = Left.T->getPointeeType();
+    LeftWasPointer = true;
+  }
+  if (Right.Ptr) {
+    Right.Ptr = false;
+    RightWasPointer = true;
+  } else if (Right.K == AK::SpecificTy && Right.T->isPointerType()) {
+    Right.T = Right.T->getPointeeType();
+    RightWasPointer = true;
+  }
+  if (LeftWasPointer != RightWasPointer)
+    return NoMatch;
+  // Ensure that if at least one side is a SpecificTy, then Left is a
+  // SpecificTy.
+  if (Right.K == AK::SpecificTy)
+    std::swap(Left, Right);
+  if (Left.K == AK::SpecificTy) {
+    if (Right.K == AK::SpecificTy) {
+      auto Canon1 = C.getCanonicalType(Left.T);
+      auto Canon2 = C.getCanonicalType(Right.T);
+      if (Canon1 == Canon2)
+        return Match;
+      auto *BT1 = QualType(Canon1)->getAs<BuiltinType>();
+      auto *BT2 = QualType(Canon2)->getAs<BuiltinType>();
+      if (BT1 == nullptr || BT2 == nullptr)
+        return NoMatch;
+      if (BT1 == BT2)
+        return Match;
+      if (!LeftWasPointer && BT1->isInteger() && BT2->isInteger())
+        return integerTypeMatch(C, Canon1, Canon2, true);
+      return NoMatch;
+    } else if (Right.K == AK::AnyCharTy) {
+      if (!LeftWasPointer && Left.T->isIntegerType())
+        return integerTypeMatch(C, Left.T, C.CharTy, false);
+      return NoMatch;
+    } else if (Right.K == AK::WIntTy) {
+      if (!LeftWasPointer && Left.T->isIntegerType())
+        return integerTypeMatch(C, Left.T, C.WIntTy, true);
+      return NoMatch;
+    }
+    // It's hypothetically possible to create an AK::SpecificTy ArgType
+    // that matches another kind of ArgType, but in practice Clang doesn't
+    // do that, so ignore that case.
+    return NoMatch;
+  }
+  return Left.K == Right.K ? Match : NoMatch;
 ArgType ArgType::makeVectorType(ASTContext &C, unsigned NumElts) const {
   // Check for valid vector element types.
   if (T.isNull())

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
index 74f425d32648f..81209f2242f59 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
@@ -3021,17 +3021,33 @@ bool Sema::ValueIsRunOfOnes(CallExpr *TheCall, unsigned ArgNum) {
          << ArgNum << Arg->getSourceRange();
-bool Sema::getFormatStringInfo(const FormatAttr *Format, bool IsCXXMember,
-                               bool IsVariadic, FormatStringInfo *FSI) {
-  if (Format->getFirstArg() == 0)
+bool Sema::getFormatStringInfo(const Decl *D, unsigned FormatIdx,
+                               unsigned FirstArg, FormatStringInfo *FSI) {
+  bool IsCXXMember = false;
+  if (const auto *MD = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(D))
+    IsCXXMember = MD->isInstance();
+  bool IsVariadic = false;
+  if (const FunctionType *FnTy = D->getFunctionType())
+    IsVariadic = cast<FunctionProtoType>(FnTy)->isVariadic();
+  else if (const auto *BD = dyn_cast<BlockDecl>(D))
+    IsVariadic = BD->isVariadic();
+  else if (const auto *OMD = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(D))
+    IsVariadic = OMD->isVariadic();
+  return getFormatStringInfo(FormatIdx, FirstArg, IsCXXMember, IsVariadic, FSI);
+bool Sema::getFormatStringInfo(unsigned FormatIdx, unsigned FirstArg,
+                               bool IsCXXMember, bool IsVariadic,
+                               FormatStringInfo *FSI) {
+  if (FirstArg == 0)
     FSI->ArgPassingKind = FAPK_VAList;
   else if (IsVariadic)
     FSI->ArgPassingKind = FAPK_Variadic;
     FSI->ArgPassingKind = FAPK_Fixed;
-  FSI->FormatIdx = Format->getFormatIdx() - 1;
-  FSI->FirstDataArg =
-      FSI->ArgPassingKind == FAPK_VAList ? 0 : Format->getFirstArg() - 1;
+  FSI->FormatIdx = FormatIdx - 1;
+  FSI->FirstDataArg = FSI->ArgPassingKind == FAPK_VAList ? 0 : FirstArg - 1;
   // The way the format attribute works in GCC, the implicit this argument
   // of member functions is counted. However, it doesn't appear in our own
@@ -3285,10 +3301,15 @@ void Sema::checkCall(NamedDecl *FDecl, const FunctionProtoType *Proto,
   // Printf and scanf checking.
   llvm::SmallBitVector CheckedVarArgs;
   if (FDecl) {
-    for (const auto *I : FDecl->specific_attrs<FormatAttr>()) {
+    for (const auto *I : FDecl->specific_attrs<FormatMatchesAttr>()) {
       // Only create vector if there are format attributes.
+      CheckFormatString(I, Args, IsMemberFunction, CallType, Loc, Range,
+                        CheckedVarArgs);
+    }
+    for (const auto *I : FDecl->specific_attrs<FormatAttr>()) {
+      CheckedVarArgs.resize(Args.size());
       CheckFormatArguments(I, Args, IsMemberFunction, CallType, Loc, Range,
@@ -5460,7 +5481,7 @@ bool Sema::BuiltinOSLogFormat(CallExpr *TheCall) {
     llvm::SmallBitVector CheckedVarArgs(NumArgs, false);
     ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args(TheCall->getArgs(), TheCall->getNumArgs());
     bool Success = CheckFormatArguments(
-        Args, FAPK_Variadic, FormatIdx, FirstDataArg, FST_OSLog,
+        Args, FAPK_Variadic, nullptr, FormatIdx, FirstDataArg, FST_OSLog,
         VariadicFunction, TheCall->getBeginLoc(), SourceRange(),
     if (!Success)
@@ -5856,13 +5877,13 @@ class FormatStringLiteral {
   const StringLiteral *FExpr;
   int64_t Offset;
- public:
   FormatStringLiteral(const StringLiteral *fexpr, int64_t Offset = 0)
       : FExpr(fexpr), Offset(Offset) {}
-  StringRef getString() const {
-    return FExpr->getString().drop_front(Offset);
-  }
+  const StringLiteral *getFormatString() const { return FExpr; }
+  StringRef getString() const { return FExpr->getString().drop_front(Offset); }
   unsigned getByteLength() const {
     return FExpr->getByteLength() - getCharByteWidth() * Offset;
@@ -5900,7 +5921,8 @@ class FormatStringLiteral {
 } // namespace
 static void CheckFormatString(
-    Sema &S, const FormatStringLiteral *FExpr, const Expr *OrigFormatExpr,
+    Sema &S, const FormatStringLiteral *FExpr,
+    const StringLiteral *ReferenceFormatString, const Expr *OrigFormatExpr,
     ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args, Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind APK,
     unsigned format_idx, unsigned firstDataArg, Sema::FormatStringType Type,
     bool inFunctionCall, Sema::VariadicCallType CallType,
@@ -5914,14 +5936,13 @@ static const Expr *maybeConstEvalStringLiteral(ASTContext &Context,
 // If this function returns false on the arguments to a function expecting a
 // format string, we will usually need to emit a warning.
 // True string literals are then checked by CheckFormatString.
-static StringLiteralCheckType
-checkFormatStringExpr(Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
-                      Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind APK, unsigned format_idx,
-                      unsigned firstDataArg, Sema::FormatStringType Type,
-                      Sema::VariadicCallType CallType, bool InFunctionCall,
-                      llvm::SmallBitVector &CheckedVarArgs,
-                      UncoveredArgHandler &UncoveredArg, llvm::APSInt Offset,
-                      bool IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers = false) {
+static StringLiteralCheckType checkFormatStringExpr(
+    Sema &S, const StringLiteral *ReferenceFormatString, const Expr *E,
+    ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args, Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind APK,
+    unsigned format_idx, unsigned firstDataArg, Sema::FormatStringType Type,
+    Sema::VariadicCallType CallType, bool InFunctionCall,
+    llvm::SmallBitVector &CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArgHandler &UncoveredArg,
+    llvm::APSInt Offset, bool IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers = false) {
   if (S.isConstantEvaluatedContext())
     return SLCT_NotALiteral;
@@ -5943,10 +5964,10 @@ checkFormatStringExpr(Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
   case Stmt::InitListExprClass:
     // Handle expressions like {"foobar"}.
     if (const clang::Expr *SLE = maybeConstEvalStringLiteral(S.Context, E)) {
-      return checkFormatStringExpr(S, SLE, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg,
-                                   Type, CallType, /*InFunctionCall*/ false,
-                                   CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg, Offset,
-                                   IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
+      return checkFormatStringExpr(
+          S, ReferenceFormatString, SLE, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg,
+          Type, CallType, /*InFunctionCall*/ false, CheckedVarArgs,
+          UncoveredArg, Offset, IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
     return SLCT_NotALiteral;
   case Stmt::BinaryConditionalOperatorClass:
@@ -5978,19 +5999,19 @@ checkFormatStringExpr(Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
     if (!CheckLeft)
       Left = SLCT_UncheckedLiteral;
     else {
-      Left = checkFormatStringExpr(S, C->getTrueExpr(), Args, APK, format_idx,
-                                   firstDataArg, Type, CallType, InFunctionCall,
-                                   CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg, Offset,
-                                   IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
+      Left = checkFormatStringExpr(
+          S, ReferenceFormatString, C->getTrueExpr(), Args, APK, format_idx,
+          firstDataArg, Type, CallType, InFunctionCall, CheckedVarArgs,
+          UncoveredArg, Offset, IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
       if (Left == SLCT_NotALiteral || !CheckRight) {
         return Left;
     StringLiteralCheckType Right = checkFormatStringExpr(
-        S, C->getFalseExpr(), Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg, Type,
-        CallType, InFunctionCall, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg, Offset,
-        IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
+        S, ReferenceFormatString, C->getFalseExpr(), Args, APK, format_idx,
+        firstDataArg, Type, CallType, InFunctionCall, CheckedVarArgs,
+        UncoveredArg, Offset, IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
     return (CheckLeft && Left < Right) ? Left : Right;
@@ -6040,7 +6061,8 @@ checkFormatStringExpr(Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
               Init = InitList->getInit(0)->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
           return checkFormatStringExpr(
-              S, Init, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg, Type, CallType,
+              S, ReferenceFormatString, Init, Args, APK, format_idx,
+              firstDataArg, Type, CallType,
               /*InFunctionCall*/ false, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg, Offset);
@@ -6061,7 +6083,17 @@ checkFormatStringExpr(Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
       //    ...
       // }
-      // Another interaction that we need to support is calling a variadic
+      // Another interaction that we need to support is using a format string
+      // specified by the format_matches attribute:
+      //
+      //  __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s %d")))
+      //  void logmessage(char const *fmt, const char *a, int b) {
+      //    printf(fmt, a, b); /* do not emit a warning about "fmt" */
+      //    printf(fmt, 123.4); /* emit warnings that "%s %d" is incompatible */
+      //    ...
+      // }
+      //
+      // Yet another interaction that we need to support is calling a variadic
       // format function from a format function that has fixed arguments. For
       // instance:
@@ -6084,39 +6116,63 @@ checkFormatStringExpr(Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
       if (const auto *PV = dyn_cast<ParmVarDecl>(VD)) {
         if (const auto *D = dyn_cast<Decl>(PV->getDeclContext())) {
-          for (const auto *PVFormat : D->specific_attrs<FormatAttr>()) {
-            bool IsCXXMember = false;
-            if (const auto *MD = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(D))
-              IsCXXMember = MD->isInstance();
-            bool IsVariadic = false;
-            if (const FunctionType *FnTy = D->getFunctionType())
-              IsVariadic = cast<FunctionProtoType>(FnTy)->isVariadic();
-            else if (const auto *BD = dyn_cast<BlockDecl>(D))
-              IsVariadic = BD->isVariadic();
-            else if (const auto *OMD = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(D))
-              IsVariadic = OMD->isVariadic();
+          for (const auto *PVFormatMatches :
+               D->specific_attrs<FormatMatchesAttr>()) {
+            Sema::FormatStringInfo CalleeFSI;
+            if (!Sema::getFormatStringInfo(D, PVFormatMatches->getFormatIdx(),
+                                           0, &CalleeFSI))
+              continue;
+            if (PV->getFunctionScopeIndex() == CalleeFSI.FormatIdx) {
+              // If using the wrong type of format string, emit a diagnostic
+              // here and stop checking to avoid irrelevant diagnostics.
+              if (Type != S.GetFormatStringType(PVFormatMatches)) {
+                S.Diag(Args[format_idx]->getBeginLoc(),
+                       diag::warn_format_string_type_incompatible)
+                    << PVFormatMatches->getType()->getName()
+                    << S.GetFormatStringTypeName(Type);
+                if (!InFunctionCall) {
+                  S.Diag(PVFormatMatches->getFormatString()->getBeginLoc(),
+                         diag::note_format_string_defined);
+                }
+                return SLCT_UncheckedLiteral;
+              }
+              return checkFormatStringExpr(
+                  S, ReferenceFormatString, PVFormatMatches->getFormatString(),
+                  Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg, Type, CallType,
+                  /*InFunctionCall*/ false, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg,
+                  Offset, IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
+            }
+          }
+          for (const auto *PVFormat : D->specific_attrs<FormatAttr>()) {
             Sema::FormatStringInfo CallerFSI;
-            if (Sema::getFormatStringInfo(PVFormat, IsCXXMember, IsVariadic,
-                                          &CallerFSI)) {
-              // We also check if the formats are compatible.
-              // We can't pass a 'scanf' string to a 'printf' function.
-              if (PV->getFunctionScopeIndex() == CallerFSI.FormatIdx &&
-                  Type == S.GetFormatStringType(PVFormat)) {
-                // Lastly, check that argument passing kinds transition in a
-                // way that makes sense:
-                // from a caller with FAPK_VAList, allow FAPK_VAList
-                // from a caller with FAPK_Fixed, allow FAPK_Fixed
-                // from a caller with FAPK_Fixed, allow FAPK_Variadic
-                // from a caller with FAPK_Variadic, allow FAPK_VAList
-                switch (combineFAPK(CallerFSI.ArgPassingKind, APK)) {
-                case combineFAPK(Sema::FAPK_VAList, Sema::FAPK_VAList):
-                case combineFAPK(Sema::FAPK_Fixed, Sema::FAPK_Fixed):
-                case combineFAPK(Sema::FAPK_Fixed, Sema::FAPK_Variadic):
-                case combineFAPK(Sema::FAPK_Variadic, Sema::FAPK_VAList):
-                  return SLCT_UncheckedLiteral;
-                }
+            if (!Sema::getFormatStringInfo(D, PVFormat->getFormatIdx(),
+                                           PVFormat->getFirstArg(), &CallerFSI))
+              continue;
+            // We also check if the formats are compatible.
+            // We can't pass a 'scanf' string to a 'printf' function.
+            if (Type != S.GetFormatStringType(PVFormat)) {
+              S.Diag(Args[format_idx]->getBeginLoc(),
+                     diag::warn_format_string_type_incompatible)
+                  << PVFormat->getType()->getName()
+                  << S.GetFormatStringTypeName(Type);
+              if (!InFunctionCall) {
+                S.Diag(E->getBeginLoc(), diag::note_format_string_defined);
+              }
+              return SLCT_UncheckedLiteral;
+            } else if (PV->getFunctionScopeIndex() == CallerFSI.FormatIdx) {
+              // Lastly, check that argument passing kinds transition in a
+              // way that makes sense:
+              // from a caller with FAPK_VAList, allow FAPK_VAList
+              // from a caller with FAPK_Fixed, allow FAPK_Fixed
+              // from a caller with FAPK_Fixed, allow FAPK_Variadic
+              // from a caller with FAPK_Variadic, allow FAPK_VAList
+              switch (combineFAPK(CallerFSI.ArgPassingKind, APK)) {
+              case combineFAPK(Sema::FAPK_VAList, Sema::FAPK_VAList):
+              case combineFAPK(Sema::FAPK_Fixed, Sema::FAPK_Fixed):
+              case combineFAPK(Sema::FAPK_Fixed, Sema::FAPK_Variadic):
+              case combineFAPK(Sema::FAPK_Variadic, Sema::FAPK_VAList):
+                return SLCT_UncheckedLiteral;
@@ -6136,9 +6192,9 @@ checkFormatStringExpr(Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
       for (const auto *FA : ND->specific_attrs<FormatArgAttr>()) {
         const Expr *Arg = CE->getArg(FA->getFormatIdx().getASTIndex());
         StringLiteralCheckType Result = checkFormatStringExpr(
-            S, Arg, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg, Type, CallType,
-            InFunctionCall, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg, Offset,
-            IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
+            S, ReferenceFormatString, Arg, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg,
+            Type, CallType, InFunctionCall, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg,
+            Offset, IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
         if (IsFirst) {
           CommonResult = Result;
           IsFirst = false;
@@ -6153,17 +6209,17 @@ checkFormatStringExpr(Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
             BuiltinID == Builtin::BI__builtin___NSStringMakeConstantString) {
           const Expr *Arg = CE->getArg(0);
           return checkFormatStringExpr(
-              S, Arg, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg, Type, CallType,
-              InFunctionCall, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg, Offset,
-              IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
+              S, ReferenceFormatString, Arg, Args, APK, format_idx,
+              firstDataArg, Type, CallType, InFunctionCall, CheckedVarArgs,
+              UncoveredArg, Offset, IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
     if (const Expr *SLE = maybeConstEvalStringLiteral(S.Context, E))
-      return checkFormatStringExpr(S, SLE, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg,
-                                   Type, CallType, /*InFunctionCall*/ false,
-                                   CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg, Offset,
-                                   IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
+      return checkFormatStringExpr(
+          S, ReferenceFormatString, SLE, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg,
+          Type, CallType, /*InFunctionCall*/ false, CheckedVarArgs,
+          UncoveredArg, Offset, IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
     return SLCT_NotALiteral;
   case Stmt::ObjCMessageExprClass: {
@@ -6187,9 +6243,9 @@ checkFormatStringExpr(Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
         const Expr *Arg = ME->getArg(FA->getFormatIdx().getASTIndex());
         return checkFormatStringExpr(
-            S, Arg, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg, Type, CallType,
-            InFunctionCall, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg, Offset,
-            IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
+            S, ReferenceFormatString, Arg, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg,
+            Type, CallType, InFunctionCall, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg,
+            Offset, IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers);
@@ -6211,8 +6267,9 @@ checkFormatStringExpr(Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
         return SLCT_NotALiteral;
       FormatStringLiteral FStr(StrE, Offset.sextOrTrunc(64).getSExtValue());
-      CheckFormatString(S, &FStr, E, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg, Type,
-                        InFunctionCall, CallType, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg,
+      CheckFormatString(S, &FStr, ReferenceFormatString, E, Args, APK,
+                        format_idx, firstDataArg, Type, InFunctionCall,
+                        CallType, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg,
       return SLCT_CheckedLiteral;
@@ -6289,8 +6346,31 @@ static const Expr *maybeConstEvalStringLiteral(ASTContext &Context,
   return nullptr;
-Sema::FormatStringType Sema::GetFormatStringType(const FormatAttr *Format) {
-  return llvm::StringSwitch<FormatStringType>(Format->getType()->getName())
+StringRef Sema::GetFormatStringTypeName(Sema::FormatStringType FST) {
+  switch (FST) {
+  case FST_Scanf:
+    return "scanf";
+  case FST_Printf:
+    return "printf";
+  case FST_NSString:
+    return "NSString";
+  case FST_Strftime:
+    return "strftime";
+  case FST_Strfmon:
+    return "strfmon";
+  case FST_Kprintf:
+    return "kprintf";
+  case FST_FreeBSDKPrintf:
+    return "freebsd_kprintf";
+  case FST_OSLog:
+    return "os_log";
+  default:
+    return "<unknown>";
+  }
+Sema::FormatStringType Sema::GetFormatStringType(StringRef Flavor) {
+  return llvm::StringSwitch<FormatStringType>(Flavor)
       .Case("scanf", FST_Scanf)
       .Cases("printf", "printf0", "syslog", FST_Printf)
       .Cases("NSString", "CFString", FST_NSString)
@@ -6303,22 +6383,49 @@ Sema::FormatStringType Sema::GetFormatStringType(const FormatAttr *Format) {
+Sema::FormatStringType Sema::GetFormatStringType(const FormatAttr *Format) {
+  return GetFormatStringType(Format->getType()->getName());
+Sema::GetFormatStringType(const FormatMatchesAttr *Format) {
+  return GetFormatStringType(Format->getType()->getName());
 bool Sema::CheckFormatArguments(const FormatAttr *Format,
                                 ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args, bool IsCXXMember,
                                 VariadicCallType CallType, SourceLocation Loc,
                                 SourceRange Range,
                                 llvm::SmallBitVector &CheckedVarArgs) {
   FormatStringInfo FSI;
-  if (getFormatStringInfo(Format, IsCXXMember, CallType != VariadicDoesNotApply,
-                          &FSI))
-    return CheckFormatArguments(Args, FSI.ArgPassingKind, FSI.FormatIdx,
+  if (getFormatStringInfo(Format->getFormatIdx(), Format->getFirstArg(),
+                          IsCXXMember, CallType != VariadicDoesNotApply, &FSI))
+    return CheckFormatArguments(
+        Args, FSI.ArgPassingKind, nullptr, FSI.FormatIdx, FSI.FirstDataArg,
+        GetFormatStringType(Format), CallType, Loc, Range, CheckedVarArgs);
+  return false;
+bool Sema::CheckFormatString(const FormatMatchesAttr *Format,
+                             ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args, bool IsCXXMember,
+                             VariadicCallType CallType, SourceLocation Loc,
+                             SourceRange Range,
+                             llvm::SmallBitVector &CheckedVarArgs) {
+  FormatStringInfo FSI;
+  if (getFormatStringInfo(Format->getFormatIdx(), 0, IsCXXMember, false,
+                          &FSI)) {
+    FSI.ArgPassingKind = Sema::FAPK_Elsewhere;
+    return CheckFormatArguments(Args, FSI.ArgPassingKind,
+                                Format->getFormatString(), FSI.FormatIdx,
                                 FSI.FirstDataArg, GetFormatStringType(Format),
                                 CallType, Loc, Range, CheckedVarArgs);
+  }
   return false;
 bool Sema::CheckFormatArguments(ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
                                 Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind APK,
+                                const StringLiteral *ReferenceFormatString,
                                 unsigned format_idx, unsigned firstDataArg,
                                 FormatStringType Type,
                                 VariadicCallType CallType, SourceLocation Loc,
@@ -6346,8 +6453,8 @@ bool Sema::CheckFormatArguments(ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
   // the same format string checking logic for both ObjC and C strings.
   UncoveredArgHandler UncoveredArg;
   StringLiteralCheckType CT = checkFormatStringExpr(
-      *this, OrigFormatExpr, Args, APK, format_idx, firstDataArg, Type,
-      CallType,
+      *this, ReferenceFormatString, OrigFormatExpr, Args, APK, format_idx,
+      firstDataArg, Type, CallType,
       /*IsFunctionCall*/ true, CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArg,
       /*no string offset*/ llvm::APSInt(64, false) = 0);
@@ -6443,6 +6550,11 @@ class CheckFormatHandler : public analyze_format_string::FormatStringHandler {
+  bool HasFormatArguments() const {
+    return ArgPassingKind == Sema::FAPK_Fixed ||
+           ArgPassingKind == Sema::FAPK_Variadic;
+  }
   void DoneProcessing();
   void HandleIncompleteSpecifier(const char *startSpecifier,
@@ -6678,7 +6790,7 @@ const Expr *CheckFormatHandler::getDataArg(unsigned i) const {
 void CheckFormatHandler::DoneProcessing() {
   // Does the number of data arguments exceed the number of
   // format conversions in the format string?
-  if (ArgPassingKind != Sema::FAPK_VAList) {
+  if (HasFormatArguments()) {
     // Find any arguments that weren't covered.
     signed notCoveredArg = CoveredArgs.find_first();
@@ -6787,7 +6899,7 @@ CheckFormatHandler::CheckNumArgs(
   const analyze_format_string::ConversionSpecifier &CS,
   const char *startSpecifier, unsigned specifierLen, unsigned argIndex) {
-  if (argIndex >= NumDataArgs) {
+  if (HasFormatArguments() && argIndex >= NumDataArgs) {
     PartialDiagnostic PDiag = FS.usesPositionalArg()
       ? (S.PDiag(diag::warn_printf_positional_arg_exceeds_data_args)
            << (argIndex+1) << NumDataArgs)
@@ -6928,18 +7040,112 @@ class CheckPrintfHandler : public CheckFormatHandler {
   void HandleInvalidObjCModifierFlag(const char *startFlag,
                                             unsigned flagLen) override;
-  void HandleObjCFlagsWithNonObjCConversion(const char *flagsStart,
-                                           const char *flagsEnd,
-                                           const char *conversionPosition)
-                                             override;
+  void
+  HandleObjCFlagsWithNonObjCConversion(const char *flagsStart,
+                                       const char *flagsEnd,
+                                       const char *conversionPosition) override;
+/// Keeps around the information needed to verify that two specifiers are
+/// compatible.
+class EquatableFormatArgument {
+  enum SpecifierSensitivity : unsigned {
+    SS_None,
+    SS_Private,
+    SS_Public,
+    SS_Sensitive
+  };
+  enum FormatArgumentRole : unsigned {
+    FAR_Data,
+    FAR_FieldWidth,
+    FAR_Precision,
+    FAR_Auxiliary, // FreeBSD kernel %b and %D
+  };
+  analyze_format_string::ArgType ArgType;
+  analyze_format_string::LengthModifier::Kind LengthMod;
+  StringRef SpecifierLetter;
+  CharSourceRange Range;
+  SourceLocation ElementLoc;
+  FormatArgumentRole Role : 2;
+  SpecifierSensitivity Sensitivity : 2; // only set for FAR_Data
+  unsigned Position : 14;
+  unsigned ModifierFor : 14; // not set for FAR_Data
+  void EmitDiagnostic(Sema &S, PartialDiagnostic PDiag, const Expr *FmtExpr,
+                      bool InFunctionCall) const;
+  EquatableFormatArgument(CharSourceRange Range, SourceLocation ElementLoc,
+                          analyze_format_string::LengthModifier::Kind LengthMod,
+                          StringRef SpecifierLetter,
+                          analyze_format_string::ArgType ArgType,
+                          FormatArgumentRole Role,
+                          SpecifierSensitivity Sensitivity, unsigned Position,
+                          unsigned ModifierFor)
+      : ArgType(ArgType), LengthMod(LengthMod),
+        SpecifierLetter(SpecifierLetter), Range(Range), ElementLoc(ElementLoc),
+        Role(Role), Sensitivity(Sensitivity), Position(Position),
+        ModifierFor(ModifierFor) {}
+  unsigned getPosition() const { return Position; }
+  SourceLocation getSourceLocation() const { return ElementLoc; }
+  CharSourceRange getSourceRange() const { return Range; }
+  analyze_format_string::LengthModifier getLengthModifier() const {
+    return analyze_format_string::LengthModifier(nullptr, LengthMod);
+  }
+  void setModifierFor(unsigned V) { ModifierFor = V; }
+  std::string buildFormatSpecifier() const {
+    std::string result;
+    llvm::raw_string_ostream(result)
+        << getLengthModifier().toString() << SpecifierLetter;
+    return result;
+  }
+  bool VerifyCompatible(Sema &S, const EquatableFormatArgument &Other,
+                        const Expr *FmtExpr, bool InFunctionCall) const;
+/// Turns format strings into lists of EquatableSpecifier objects.
+class DecomposePrintfHandler : public CheckPrintfHandler {
+  llvm::SmallVectorImpl<EquatableFormatArgument> &Specs;
+  bool HadError;
+  DecomposePrintfHandler(
+      Sema &s, const FormatStringLiteral *fexpr, const Expr *origFormatExpr,
+      const Sema::FormatStringType type, unsigned firstDataArg,
+      unsigned numDataArgs, bool isObjC, const char *beg,
+      Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind APK, ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args,
+      unsigned formatIdx, bool inFunctionCall, Sema::VariadicCallType CallType,
+      llvm::SmallBitVector &CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArgHandler &UncoveredArg,
+      llvm::SmallVectorImpl<EquatableFormatArgument> &Specs)
+      : CheckPrintfHandler(s, fexpr, origFormatExpr, type, firstDataArg,
+                           numDataArgs, isObjC, beg, APK, Args, formatIdx,
+                           inFunctionCall, CallType, CheckedVarArgs,
+                           UncoveredArg),
+        Specs(Specs), HadError(false) {}
+  static bool
+  GetSpecifiers(Sema &S, const FormatStringLiteral *FSL, const Expr *FmtExpr,
+                Sema::FormatStringType type, bool IsObjC, bool InFunctionCall,
+                llvm::SmallVectorImpl<EquatableFormatArgument> &Args);
+  virtual bool HandlePrintfSpecifier(const analyze_printf::PrintfSpecifier &FS,
+                                     const char *startSpecifier,
+                                     unsigned specifierLen,
+                                     const TargetInfo &Target) override;
 } // namespace
 bool CheckPrintfHandler::HandleInvalidPrintfConversionSpecifier(
-                                      const analyze_printf::PrintfSpecifier &FS,
-                                      const char *startSpecifier,
-                                      unsigned specifierLen) {
+    const analyze_printf::PrintfSpecifier &FS, const char *startSpecifier,
+    unsigned specifierLen) {
   const analyze_printf::PrintfConversionSpecifier &CS =
@@ -6957,7 +7163,7 @@ bool CheckPrintfHandler::HandleAmount(
     const analyze_format_string::OptionalAmount &Amt, unsigned k,
     const char *startSpecifier, unsigned specifierLen) {
   if (Amt.hasDataArgument()) {
-    if (ArgPassingKind != Sema::FAPK_VAList) {
+    if (HasFormatArguments()) {
       unsigned argIndex = Amt.getArgIndex();
       if (argIndex >= NumDataArgs) {
@@ -7082,8 +7288,216 @@ void CheckPrintfHandler::HandleObjCFlagsWithNonObjCConversion(
     auto diag = diag::warn_printf_ObjCflags_without_ObjCConversion;
     EmitFormatDiagnostic(S.PDiag(diag) << StringRef(conversionPosition, 1),
-                         /*IsStringLocation*/true,
-                         Range, FixItHint::CreateRemoval(Range));
+                         /*IsStringLocation*/ true, Range,
+                         FixItHint::CreateRemoval(Range));
+void EquatableFormatArgument::EmitDiagnostic(Sema &S, PartialDiagnostic PDiag,
+                                             const Expr *FmtExpr,
+                                             bool InFunctionCall) const {
+  CheckFormatHandler::EmitFormatDiagnostic(S, InFunctionCall, FmtExpr, PDiag,
+                                           ElementLoc, true, Range);
+bool EquatableFormatArgument::VerifyCompatible(
+    Sema &S, const EquatableFormatArgument &Other, const Expr *FmtExpr,
+    bool InFunctionCall) const {
+  using MK = analyze_format_string::ArgType::MatchKind;
+  if (Role != Other.Role) {
+    // diagnose and stop
+    EmitDiagnostic(
+        S, S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_cmp_role_mismatch) << Role << Other.Role,
+        FmtExpr, InFunctionCall);
+    S.Diag(Other.ElementLoc, diag::note_format_cmp_with) << 0 << Other.Range;
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (Role != FAR_Data) {
+    if (ModifierFor != Other.ModifierFor) {
+      // diagnose and stop
+      EmitDiagnostic(S,
+                     S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_cmp_modifierfor_mismatch)
+                         << (ModifierFor + 1) << (Other.ModifierFor + 1),
+                     FmtExpr, InFunctionCall);
+      S.Diag(Other.ElementLoc, diag::note_format_cmp_with) << 0 << Other.Range;
+      return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool HadError = false;
+  if (Sensitivity != Other.Sensitivity) {
+    // diagnose and continue
+    EmitDiagnostic(S,
+                   S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_cmp_sensitivity_mismatch)
+                       << Sensitivity << Other.Sensitivity,
+                   FmtExpr, InFunctionCall);
+    HadError = S.Diag(Other.ElementLoc, diag::note_format_cmp_with)
+               << 0 << Other.Range;
+  }
+  switch (ArgType.matchesArgType(S.Context, Other.ArgType)) {
+  case MK::Match:
+    break;
+  case MK::MatchPromotion:
+    // Per consensus reached at https://discourse.llvm.org/t/-/83076/12,
+    // MatchPromotion is treated as a failure by format_matches.
+  case MK::NoMatch:
+  case MK::NoMatchTypeConfusion:
+  case MK::NoMatchPromotionTypeConfusion:
+    EmitDiagnostic(S,
+                   S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_cmp_specifier_mismatch)
+                       << buildFormatSpecifier()
+                       << Other.buildFormatSpecifier(),
+                   FmtExpr, InFunctionCall);
+    HadError = S.Diag(Other.ElementLoc, diag::note_format_cmp_with)
+               << 0 << Other.Range;
+    break;
+  case MK::NoMatchPedantic:
+    EmitDiagnostic(S,
+                   S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_cmp_specifier_mismatch_pedantic)
+                       << buildFormatSpecifier()
+                       << Other.buildFormatSpecifier(),
+                   FmtExpr, InFunctionCall);
+    HadError = S.Diag(Other.ElementLoc, diag::note_format_cmp_with)
+               << 0 << Other.Range;
+    break;
+  case MK::NoMatchSignedness:
+    if (!S.getDiagnostics().isIgnored(
+            diag::warn_format_conversion_argument_type_mismatch_signedness,
+            ElementLoc)) {
+      EmitDiagnostic(S,
+                     S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_cmp_specifier_sign_mismatch)
+                         << buildFormatSpecifier()
+                         << Other.buildFormatSpecifier(),
+                     FmtExpr, InFunctionCall);
+      HadError = S.Diag(Other.ElementLoc, diag::note_format_cmp_with)
+                 << 0 << Other.Range;
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  return !HadError;
+bool DecomposePrintfHandler::GetSpecifiers(
+    Sema &S, const FormatStringLiteral *FSL, const Expr *FmtExpr,
+    Sema::FormatStringType Type, bool IsObjC, bool InFunctionCall,
+    llvm::SmallVectorImpl<EquatableFormatArgument> &Args) {
+  StringRef Data = FSL->getString();
+  const char *Str = Data.data();
+  llvm::SmallBitVector BV;
+  UncoveredArgHandler UA;
+  DecomposePrintfHandler H(S, FSL, FSL->getFormatString(), Type, 0, 0, IsObjC,
+                           Str, Sema::FAPK_Elsewhere, {FSL->getFormatString()},
+                           0, InFunctionCall, Sema::VariadicDoesNotApply, BV,
+                           UA, Args);
+  if (!analyze_format_string::ParsePrintfString(
+          H, Str, Str + Data.size(), S.getLangOpts(), S.Context.getTargetInfo(),
+          Type == Sema::FST_FreeBSDKPrintf))
+    H.DoneProcessing();
+  if (H.HadError)
+    return false;
+  std::sort(
+      Args.begin(), Args.end(),
+      [](const EquatableFormatArgument &A, const EquatableFormatArgument &B) {
+        return A.getPosition() < B.getPosition();
+      });
+  return true;
+bool DecomposePrintfHandler::HandlePrintfSpecifier(
+    const analyze_printf::PrintfSpecifier &FS, const char *startSpecifier,
+    unsigned specifierLen, const TargetInfo &Target) {
+  if (!CheckPrintfHandler::HandlePrintfSpecifier(FS, startSpecifier,
+                                                 specifierLen, Target)) {
+    HadError = true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Do not add any specifiers to the list for %%. This is possibly incorrect
+  // if using a precision/width with a data argument, but that combination is
+  // meaningless and we wouldn't know which format to attach the
+  // precision/width to.
+  const auto &CS = FS.getConversionSpecifier();
+  if (CS.getKind() == analyze_format_string::ConversionSpecifier::PercentArg)
+    return true;
+  // have to patch these to have the right ModifierFor if they are used
+  const unsigned Unset = ~0;
+  unsigned FieldWidthIndex = Unset;
+  unsigned PrecisionIndex = Unset;
+  // field width?
+  const auto &FieldWidth = FS.getFieldWidth();
+  if (!FieldWidth.isInvalid() && FieldWidth.hasDataArgument()) {
+    FieldWidthIndex = Specs.size();
+    Specs.emplace_back(getSpecifierRange(startSpecifier, specifierLen),
+                       getLocationOfByte(FieldWidth.getStart()),
+                       analyze_format_string::LengthModifier::None, "*",
+                       FieldWidth.getArgType(S.Context),
+                       EquatableFormatArgument::FAR_FieldWidth,
+                       EquatableFormatArgument::SS_None,
+                       FieldWidth.usesPositionalArg()
+                           ? FieldWidth.getPositionalArgIndex() - 1
+                           : FieldWidthIndex,
+                       0);
+  }
+  // precision?
+  const auto &Precision = FS.getPrecision();
+  if (!Precision.isInvalid() && Precision.hasDataArgument()) {
+    PrecisionIndex = Specs.size();
+    Specs.emplace_back(
+        getSpecifierRange(startSpecifier, specifierLen),
+        getLocationOfByte(Precision.getStart()),
+        analyze_format_string::LengthModifier::None, ".*",
+        Precision.getArgType(S.Context), EquatableFormatArgument::FAR_Precision,
+        EquatableFormatArgument::SS_None,
+        Precision.usesPositionalArg() ? Precision.getPositionalArgIndex() - 1
+                                      : PrecisionIndex,
+        0);
+  }
+  // this specifier
+  unsigned SpecIndex =
+      FS.usesPositionalArg() ? FS.getPositionalArgIndex() - 1 : Specs.size();
+  if (FieldWidthIndex != Unset)
+    Specs[FieldWidthIndex].setModifierFor(SpecIndex);
+  if (PrecisionIndex != Unset)
+    Specs[PrecisionIndex].setModifierFor(SpecIndex);
+  EquatableFormatArgument::SpecifierSensitivity Sensitivity;
+  if (FS.isPrivate())
+    Sensitivity = EquatableFormatArgument::SS_Private;
+  else if (FS.isPublic())
+    Sensitivity = EquatableFormatArgument::SS_Public;
+  else if (FS.isSensitive())
+    Sensitivity = EquatableFormatArgument::SS_Sensitive;
+  else
+    Sensitivity = EquatableFormatArgument::SS_None;
+  Specs.emplace_back(
+      getSpecifierRange(startSpecifier, specifierLen),
+      getLocationOfByte(CS.getStart()), FS.getLengthModifier().getKind(),
+      CS.getCharacters(), FS.getArgType(S.Context, isObjCContext()),
+      EquatableFormatArgument::FAR_Data, Sensitivity, SpecIndex, 0);
+  // auxiliary argument?
+  if (CS.getKind() == analyze_format_string::ConversionSpecifier::FreeBSDbArg ||
+      CS.getKind() == analyze_format_string::ConversionSpecifier::FreeBSDDArg) {
+    Specs.emplace_back(getSpecifierRange(startSpecifier, specifierLen),
+                       getLocationOfByte(CS.getStart()),
+                       analyze_format_string::LengthModifier::None,
+                       CS.getCharacters(),
+                       analyze_format_string::ArgType::CStrTy,
+                       EquatableFormatArgument::FAR_Auxiliary, Sensitivity,
+                       SpecIndex + 1, SpecIndex);
+  }
+  return true;
 // Determines if the specified is a C++ class or struct containing
@@ -7212,34 +7626,36 @@ bool CheckPrintfHandler::HandlePrintfSpecifier(
     if (!CheckNumArgs(FS, CS, startSpecifier, specifierLen, argIndex + 1))
       return false;
-    // Claim the second argument.
-    CoveredArgs.set(argIndex + 1);
-    // Type check the first argument (int for %b, pointer for %D)
-    const Expr *Ex = getDataArg(argIndex);
-    const analyze_printf::ArgType &AT =
-      (CS.getKind() == ConversionSpecifier::FreeBSDbArg) ?
-        ArgType(S.Context.IntTy) : ArgType::CPointerTy;
-    if (AT.isValid() && !AT.matchesType(S.Context, Ex->getType()))
-      EmitFormatDiagnostic(
-          S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_conversion_argument_type_mismatch)
-              << AT.getRepresentativeTypeName(S.Context) << Ex->getType()
-              << false << Ex->getSourceRange(),
-          Ex->getBeginLoc(), /*IsStringLocation*/ false,
-          getSpecifierRange(startSpecifier, specifierLen));
-    // Type check the second argument (char * for both %b and %D)
-    Ex = getDataArg(argIndex + 1);
-    const analyze_printf::ArgType &AT2 = ArgType::CStrTy;
-    if (AT2.isValid() && !AT2.matchesType(S.Context, Ex->getType()))
-      EmitFormatDiagnostic(
-          S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_conversion_argument_type_mismatch)
-              << AT2.getRepresentativeTypeName(S.Context) << Ex->getType()
-              << false << Ex->getSourceRange(),
-          Ex->getBeginLoc(), /*IsStringLocation*/ false,
-          getSpecifierRange(startSpecifier, specifierLen));
-     return true;
+    if (HasFormatArguments()) {
+      // Claim the second argument.
+      CoveredArgs.set(argIndex + 1);
+      // Type check the first argument (int for %b, pointer for %D)
+      const Expr *Ex = getDataArg(argIndex);
+      const analyze_printf::ArgType &AT =
+          (CS.getKind() == ConversionSpecifier::FreeBSDbArg)
+              ? ArgType(S.Context.IntTy)
+              : ArgType::CPointerTy;
+      if (AT.isValid() && !AT.matchesType(S.Context, Ex->getType()))
+        EmitFormatDiagnostic(
+            S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_conversion_argument_type_mismatch)
+                << AT.getRepresentativeTypeName(S.Context) << Ex->getType()
+                << false << Ex->getSourceRange(),
+            Ex->getBeginLoc(), /*IsStringLocation*/ false,
+            getSpecifierRange(startSpecifier, specifierLen));
+      // Type check the second argument (char * for both %b and %D)
+      Ex = getDataArg(argIndex + 1);
+      const analyze_printf::ArgType &AT2 = ArgType::CStrTy;
+      if (AT2.isValid() && !AT2.matchesType(S.Context, Ex->getType()))
+        EmitFormatDiagnostic(
+            S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_conversion_argument_type_mismatch)
+                << AT2.getRepresentativeTypeName(S.Context) << Ex->getType()
+                << false << Ex->getSourceRange(),
+            Ex->getBeginLoc(), /*IsStringLocation*/ false,
+            getSpecifierRange(startSpecifier, specifierLen));
+    }
+    return true;
   // Check for using an Objective-C specific conversion specifier
@@ -7359,7 +7775,7 @@ bool CheckPrintfHandler::HandlePrintfSpecifier(
     HandleNonStandardConversionSpecifier(CS, startSpecifier, specifierLen);
   // The remaining checks depend on the data arguments.
-  if (ArgPassingKind == Sema::FAPK_VAList)
+  if (!HasFormatArguments())
     return true;
   if (!CheckNumArgs(FS, CS, startSpecifier, specifierLen, argIndex))
@@ -8016,7 +8432,7 @@ bool CheckScanfHandler::HandleScanfSpecifier(
     HandleNonStandardConversionSpecifier(CS, startSpecifier, specifierLen);
   // The remaining checks depend on the data arguments.
-  if (ArgPassingKind == Sema::FAPK_VAList)
+  if (!HasFormatArguments())
     return true;
   if (!CheckNumArgs(FS, CS, startSpecifier, specifierLen, argIndex))
@@ -8074,8 +8490,67 @@ bool CheckScanfHandler::HandleScanfSpecifier(
   return true;
+static bool CompareFormatSpecifiers(Sema &S, const StringLiteral *Ref,
+                                    ArrayRef<EquatableFormatArgument> RefArgs,
+                                    const StringLiteral *Fmt,
+                                    ArrayRef<EquatableFormatArgument> FmtArgs,
+                                    const Expr *FmtExpr, bool InFunctionCall) {
+  bool HadError = false;
+  auto FmtIter = FmtArgs.begin(), FmtEnd = FmtArgs.end();
+  auto RefIter = RefArgs.begin(), RefEnd = RefArgs.end();
+  while (FmtIter < FmtEnd && RefIter < RefEnd) {
+    // In positional-style format strings, the same specifier can appear
+    // multiple times (like %2$i %2$d). Specifiers in both RefArgs and FmtArgs
+    // are sorted by getPosition(), and we process each range of equal
+    // getPosition() values as one group.
+    // RefArgs are taken from a string literal that was given to
+    // attribute(format_matches), and if we got this far, we have already
+    // verified that if it has positional specifiers that appear in multiple
+    // locations, then they are all mutually compatible. What's left for us to
+    // do is verify that all specifiers with the same position in FmtArgs are
+    // compatible with the RefArgs specifiers. We check each specifier from
+    // FmtArgs against the first member of the RefArgs group.
+    for (; FmtIter < FmtEnd; ++FmtIter) {
+      // Clang does not diagnose missing format specifiers in positional-style
+      // strings (TODO: which it probably should do, as it is UB to skip over a
+      // format argument). Skip specifiers if needed.
+      if (FmtIter->getPosition() < RefIter->getPosition())
+        continue;
+      // Delimits a new getPosition() value.
+      if (FmtIter->getPosition() > RefIter->getPosition())
+        break;
+      HadError |=
+          !FmtIter->VerifyCompatible(S, *RefIter, FmtExpr, InFunctionCall);
+    }
+    // Jump RefIter to the start of the next group.
+    RefIter = std::find_if(RefIter + 1, RefEnd, [=](const auto &Arg) {
+      return Arg.getPosition() != RefIter->getPosition();
+    });
+  }
+  if (FmtIter < FmtEnd) {
+    CheckFormatHandler::EmitFormatDiagnostic(
+        S, InFunctionCall, FmtExpr,
+        S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_cmp_specifier_arity) << 1,
+        FmtExpr->getBeginLoc(), false, FmtIter->getSourceRange());
+    HadError = S.Diag(Ref->getBeginLoc(), diag::note_format_cmp_with) << 1;
+  } else if (RefIter < RefEnd) {
+    CheckFormatHandler::EmitFormatDiagnostic(
+        S, InFunctionCall, FmtExpr,
+        S.PDiag(diag::warn_format_cmp_specifier_arity) << 0,
+        FmtExpr->getBeginLoc(), false, Fmt->getSourceRange());
+    HadError = S.Diag(Ref->getBeginLoc(), diag::note_format_cmp_with)
+               << 1 << RefIter->getSourceRange();
+  }
+  return !HadError;
 static void CheckFormatString(
-    Sema &S, const FormatStringLiteral *FExpr, const Expr *OrigFormatExpr,
+    Sema &S, const FormatStringLiteral *FExpr,
+    const StringLiteral *ReferenceFormatString, const Expr *OrigFormatExpr,
     ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args, Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind APK,
     unsigned format_idx, unsigned firstDataArg, Sema::FormatStringType Type,
     bool inFunctionCall, Sema::VariadicCallType CallType,
@@ -8130,16 +8605,22 @@ static void CheckFormatString(
       Type == Sema::FST_Kprintf || Type == Sema::FST_FreeBSDKPrintf ||
       Type == Sema::FST_OSLog || Type == Sema::FST_OSTrace ||
       Type == Sema::FST_Syslog) {
-    CheckPrintfHandler H(
-        S, FExpr, OrigFormatExpr, Type, firstDataArg, numDataArgs,
-        (Type == Sema::FST_NSString || Type == Sema::FST_OSTrace), Str, APK,
-        Args, format_idx, inFunctionCall, CallType, CheckedVarArgs,
-        UncoveredArg);
-    if (!analyze_format_string::ParsePrintfString(
-            H, Str, Str + StrLen, S.getLangOpts(), S.Context.getTargetInfo(),
-            Type == Sema::FST_Kprintf || Type == Sema::FST_FreeBSDKPrintf))
-      H.DoneProcessing();
+    bool IsObjC = Type == Sema::FST_NSString || Type == Sema::FST_OSTrace;
+    if (ReferenceFormatString == nullptr) {
+      CheckPrintfHandler H(S, FExpr, OrigFormatExpr, Type, firstDataArg,
+                           numDataArgs, IsObjC, Str, APK, Args, format_idx,
+                           inFunctionCall, CallType, CheckedVarArgs,
+                           UncoveredArg);
+      if (!analyze_format_string::ParsePrintfString(
+              H, Str, Str + StrLen, S.getLangOpts(), S.Context.getTargetInfo(),
+              Type == Sema::FST_Kprintf || Type == Sema::FST_FreeBSDKPrintf))
+        H.DoneProcessing();
+    } else {
+      S.CheckFormatStringsCompatible(
+          Type, ReferenceFormatString, FExpr->getFormatString(),
+          inFunctionCall ? nullptr : Args[format_idx]);
+    }
   } else if (Type == Sema::FST_Scanf) {
     CheckScanfHandler H(S, FExpr, OrigFormatExpr, Type, firstDataArg,
                         numDataArgs, Str, APK, Args, format_idx, inFunctionCall,
@@ -8151,6 +8632,74 @@ static void CheckFormatString(
   } // TODO: handle other formats
+bool Sema::CheckFormatStringsCompatible(
+    FormatStringType Type, const StringLiteral *AuthoritativeFormatString,
+    const StringLiteral *TestedFormatString, const Expr *FunctionCallArg) {
+  if (Type != Sema::FST_Printf && Type != Sema::FST_NSString &&
+      Type != Sema::FST_Kprintf && Type != Sema::FST_FreeBSDKPrintf &&
+      Type != Sema::FST_OSLog && Type != Sema::FST_OSTrace &&
+      Type != Sema::FST_Syslog)
+    return true;
+  bool IsObjC = Type == Sema::FST_NSString || Type == Sema::FST_OSTrace;
+  llvm::SmallVector<EquatableFormatArgument, 9> RefArgs, FmtArgs;
+  FormatStringLiteral RefLit = AuthoritativeFormatString;
+  FormatStringLiteral TestLit = TestedFormatString;
+  const Expr *Arg;
+  bool DiagAtStringLiteral;
+  if (FunctionCallArg) {
+    Arg = FunctionCallArg;
+    DiagAtStringLiteral = false;
+  } else {
+    Arg = TestedFormatString;
+    DiagAtStringLiteral = true;
+  }
+  if (DecomposePrintfHandler::GetSpecifiers(*this, &RefLit,
+                                            AuthoritativeFormatString, Type,
+                                            IsObjC, true, RefArgs) &&
+      DecomposePrintfHandler::GetSpecifiers(*this, &TestLit, Arg, Type, IsObjC,
+                                            DiagAtStringLiteral, FmtArgs)) {
+    return CompareFormatSpecifiers(*this, AuthoritativeFormatString, RefArgs,
+                                   TestedFormatString, FmtArgs, Arg,
+                                   DiagAtStringLiteral);
+  }
+  return false;
+bool Sema::ValidateFormatString(FormatStringType Type,
+                                const StringLiteral *Str) {
+  if (Type != Sema::FST_Printf && Type != Sema::FST_NSString &&
+      Type != Sema::FST_Kprintf && Type != Sema::FST_FreeBSDKPrintf &&
+      Type != Sema::FST_OSLog && Type != Sema::FST_OSTrace &&
+      Type != Sema::FST_Syslog)
+    return true;
+  FormatStringLiteral RefLit = Str;
+  llvm::SmallVector<EquatableFormatArgument, 9> Args;
+  bool IsObjC = Type == Sema::FST_NSString || Type == Sema::FST_OSTrace;
+  if (!DecomposePrintfHandler::GetSpecifiers(*this, &RefLit, Str, Type, IsObjC,
+                                             true, Args))
+    return false;
+  // Group arguments by getPosition() value, and check that each member of the
+  // group is compatible with the first member. This verifies that when
+  // positional arguments are used multiple times (such as %2$i %2$d), all uses
+  // are mutually compatible. As an optimization, don't test the first member
+  // against itself.
+  bool HadError = false;
+  auto Iter = Args.begin();
+  auto End = Args.end();
+  while (Iter != End) {
+    const auto &FirstInGroup = *Iter;
+    for (++Iter;
+         Iter != End && Iter->getPosition() == FirstInGroup.getPosition();
+         ++Iter) {
+      HadError |= !Iter->VerifyCompatible(*this, FirstInGroup, Str, true);
+    }
+  }
+  return !HadError;
 bool Sema::FormatStringHasSArg(const StringLiteral *FExpr) {
   // Str - The format string.  NOTE: this is NOT null-terminated!
   StringRef StrRef = FExpr->getString();

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
index 4b5351410f459..285bd27a35a76 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
@@ -2818,6 +2818,9 @@ static bool mergeDeclAttribute(Sema &S, NamedDecl *D,
   else if (const auto *FA = dyn_cast<FormatAttr>(Attr))
     NewAttr = S.mergeFormatAttr(D, *FA, FA->getType(), FA->getFormatIdx(),
+  else if (const auto *FMA = dyn_cast<FormatMatchesAttr>(Attr))
+    NewAttr = S.mergeFormatMatchesAttr(
+        D, *FMA, FMA->getType(), FMA->getFormatIdx(), FMA->getFormatString());
   else if (const auto *SA = dyn_cast<SectionAttr>(Attr))
     NewAttr = S.mergeSectionAttr(D, *SA, SA->getName());
   else if (const auto *CSA = dyn_cast<CodeSegAttr>(Attr))

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
index 620290af9509f..fdf3b9c636127 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
@@ -3701,61 +3701,95 @@ FormatAttr *Sema::mergeFormatAttr(Decl *D, const AttributeCommonInfo &CI,
   return ::new (Context) FormatAttr(Context, CI, Format, FormatIdx, FirstArg);
+FormatMatchesAttr *Sema::mergeFormatMatchesAttr(Decl *D,
+                                                const AttributeCommonInfo &CI,
+                                                IdentifierInfo *Format,
+                                                int FormatIdx,
+                                                StringLiteral *FormatStr) {
+  // Check whether we already have an equivalent FormatMatches attribute.
+  for (auto *F : D->specific_attrs<FormatMatchesAttr>()) {
+    if (F->getType() == Format && F->getFormatIdx() == FormatIdx) {
+      if (!CheckFormatStringsCompatible(GetFormatStringType(Format->getName()),
+                                        F->getFormatString(), FormatStr))
+        return nullptr;
+      // If we don't have a valid location for this attribute, adopt the
+      // location.
+      if (F->getLocation().isInvalid())
+        F->setRange(CI.getRange());
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  return ::new (Context)
+      FormatMatchesAttr(Context, CI, Format, FormatIdx, FormatStr);
+struct FormatAttrCommon {
+  FormatAttrKind Kind;
+  IdentifierInfo *Identifier;
+  unsigned NumArgs;
+  unsigned FormatStringIdx;
 /// Handle __attribute__((format(type,idx,firstarg))) attributes based on
 /// http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Function-Attributes.html
-static void handleFormatAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) {
+static bool handleFormatAttrCommon(Sema &S, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL,
+                                   FormatAttrCommon *Info) {
+  // Checks the first two arguments of the attribute; this is shared between
+  // Format and FormatMatches attributes.
   if (!AL.isArgIdent(0)) {
     S.Diag(AL.getLoc(), diag::err_attribute_argument_n_type)
         << AL << 1 << AANT_ArgumentIdentifier;
-    return;
+    return false;
   // In C++ the implicit 'this' function parameter also counts, and they are
   // counted from one.
   bool HasImplicitThisParam = isInstanceMethod(D);
-  unsigned NumArgs = getFunctionOrMethodNumParams(D) + HasImplicitThisParam;
+  Info->NumArgs = getFunctionOrMethodNumParams(D) + HasImplicitThisParam;
-  IdentifierInfo *II = AL.getArgAsIdent(0)->Ident;
-  StringRef Format = II->getName();
+  Info->Identifier = AL.getArgAsIdent(0)->Ident;
+  StringRef Format = Info->Identifier->getName();
   if (normalizeName(Format)) {
     // If we've modified the string name, we need a new identifier for it.
-    II = &S.Context.Idents.get(Format);
+    Info->Identifier = &S.Context.Idents.get(Format);
   // Check for supported formats.
-  FormatAttrKind Kind = getFormatAttrKind(Format);
+  Info->Kind = getFormatAttrKind(Format);
-  if (Kind == IgnoredFormat)
-    return;
+  if (Info->Kind == IgnoredFormat)
+    return false;
-  if (Kind == InvalidFormat) {
+  if (Info->Kind == InvalidFormat) {
     S.Diag(AL.getLoc(), diag::warn_attribute_type_not_supported)
-        << AL << II->getName();
-    return;
+        << AL << Info->Identifier->getName();
+    return false;
   // checks for the 2nd argument
   Expr *IdxExpr = AL.getArgAsExpr(1);
-  uint32_t Idx;
-  if (!S.checkUInt32Argument(AL, IdxExpr, Idx, 2))
-    return;
+  if (!S.checkUInt32Argument(AL, IdxExpr, Info->FormatStringIdx, 2))
+    return false;
-  if (Idx < 1 || Idx > NumArgs) {
+  if (Info->FormatStringIdx < 1 || Info->FormatStringIdx > Info->NumArgs) {
     S.Diag(AL.getLoc(), diag::err_attribute_argument_out_of_bounds)
         << AL << 2 << IdxExpr->getSourceRange();
-    return;
+    return false;
   // FIXME: Do we need to bounds check?
-  unsigned ArgIdx = Idx - 1;
+  unsigned ArgIdx = Info->FormatStringIdx - 1;
   if (HasImplicitThisParam) {
     if (ArgIdx == 0) {
-        << IdxExpr->getSourceRange();
-      return;
+          << IdxExpr->getSourceRange();
+      return false;
@@ -3767,10 +3801,19 @@ static void handleFormatAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) {
       (!Ty->isPointerType() ||
        !Ty->castAs<PointerType>()->getPointeeType()->isCharType())) {
     S.Diag(AL.getLoc(), diag::err_format_attribute_not)
-      << IdxExpr->getSourceRange() << getFunctionOrMethodParamRange(D, ArgIdx);
-    return;
+        << IdxExpr->getSourceRange()
+        << getFunctionOrMethodParamRange(D, ArgIdx);
+    return false;
+  return true;
+static void handleFormatAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) {
+  FormatAttrCommon Info;
+  if (!handleFormatAttrCommon(S, D, AL, &Info))
+    return;
   // check the 3rd argument
   Expr *FirstArgExpr = AL.getArgAsExpr(2);
   uint32_t FirstArg;
@@ -3779,7 +3822,7 @@ static void handleFormatAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) {
   // FirstArg == 0 is is always valid.
   if (FirstArg != 0) {
-    if (Kind == StrftimeFormat) {
+    if (Info.Kind == StrftimeFormat) {
       // If the kind is strftime, FirstArg must be 0 because strftime does not
       // use any variadic arguments.
       S.Diag(AL.getLoc(), diag::err_format_strftime_third_parameter)
@@ -3790,17 +3833,17 @@ static void handleFormatAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) {
       // Else, if the function is variadic, then FirstArg must be 0 or the
       // "position" of the ... parameter. It's unusual to use 0 with variadic
       // functions, so the fixit proposes the latter.
-      if (FirstArg != NumArgs + 1) {
+      if (FirstArg != Info.NumArgs + 1) {
         S.Diag(AL.getLoc(), diag::err_attribute_argument_out_of_bounds)
             << AL << 3 << FirstArgExpr->getSourceRange()
             << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(FirstArgExpr->getSourceRange(),
-                                            std::to_string(NumArgs + 1));
+                                            std::to_string(Info.NumArgs + 1));
     } else {
       // Inescapable GCC compatibility diagnostic.
       S.Diag(D->getLocation(), diag::warn_gcc_requires_variadic_function) << AL;
-      if (FirstArg <= Idx) {
+      if (FirstArg <= Info.FormatStringIdx) {
         // Else, the function is not variadic, and FirstArg must be 0 or any
         // parameter after the format parameter. We don't offer a fixit because
         // there are too many possible good values.
@@ -3811,11 +3854,33 @@ static void handleFormatAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) {
-  FormatAttr *NewAttr = S.mergeFormatAttr(D, AL, II, Idx, FirstArg);
+  FormatAttr *NewAttr =
+      S.mergeFormatAttr(D, AL, Info.Identifier, Info.FormatStringIdx, FirstArg);
   if (NewAttr)
+static void handleFormatMatchesAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) {
+  FormatAttrCommon Info;
+  if (!handleFormatAttrCommon(S, D, AL, &Info))
+    return;
+  Expr *FormatStrExpr = AL.getArgAsExpr(2)->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
+  if (auto *SL = dyn_cast<StringLiteral>(FormatStrExpr)) {
+    Sema::FormatStringType FST =
+        S.GetFormatStringType(Info.Identifier->getName());
+    if (S.ValidateFormatString(FST, SL))
+      if (auto *NewAttr = S.mergeFormatMatchesAttr(D, AL, Info.Identifier,
+                                                   Info.FormatStringIdx, SL))
+        D->addAttr(NewAttr);
+    return;
+  }
+  S.Diag(AL.getLoc(), diag::err_format_nonliteral)
+      << FormatStrExpr->getSourceRange();
+  return;
 /// Handle __attribute__((callback(CalleeIdx, PayloadIdx0, ...))) attributes.
 static void handleCallbackAttr(Sema &S, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) {
   // The index that identifies the callback callee is mandatory.
@@ -6850,6 +6915,9 @@ ProcessDeclAttribute(Sema &S, Scope *scope, Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL,
   case ParsedAttr::AT_Format:
     handleFormatAttr(S, D, AL);
+  case ParsedAttr::AT_FormatMatches:
+    handleFormatMatchesAttr(S, D, AL);
+    break;
   case ParsedAttr::AT_FormatArg:
     handleFormatArgAttr(S, D, AL);

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaObjC.cpp b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaObjC.cpp
index 57eda18c2d8e1..073d9791d037b 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaObjC.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaObjC.cpp
@@ -2259,7 +2259,8 @@ void SemaObjC::handleExternallyRetainedAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) {
 bool SemaObjC::GetFormatNSStringIdx(const FormatAttr *Format, unsigned &Idx) {
   Sema::FormatStringInfo FSI;
   if ((SemaRef.GetFormatStringType(Format) == Sema::FST_NSString) &&
-      SemaRef.getFormatStringInfo(Format, false, true, &FSI)) {
+      SemaRef.getFormatStringInfo(Format->getFormatIdx(), Format->getFirstArg(),
+                                  false, true, &FSI)) {
     Idx = FSI.FormatIdx;
     return true;

diff  --git a/clang/test/Sema/format-string-matches.c b/clang/test/Sema/format-string-matches.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..9a6e591659589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/Sema/format-string-matches.c
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fblocks -fsyntax-only -Wformat-nonliteral -Wformat-signedness -isystem %S/Inputs %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fblocks -fsyntax-only -Wformat-nonliteral -Wformat-signedness -isystem %S/Inputs -fno-signed-char %s
+#include <stdarg.h>
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, -1, "%s"))) // expected-error{{'format_matches' attribute parameter 2 is out of bounds}}
+int test_out_of_bounds(void);
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 0, "%s"))) // expected-error{{'format_matches' attribute parameter 2 is out of bounds}}
+int test_out_of_bounds(void);
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s"))) // expected-error{{'format_matches' attribute parameter 2 is out of bounds}}
+int test_out_of_bounds(void);
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s"))) // expected-error{{format argument not a string type}}
+int test_out_of_bounds_int(int x);
+// MARK: -
+// Calling printf with a format from format_matches(printf) diagnoses with
+// that format string
+__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
+int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
+__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 0)))
+int vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list);
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s %1.5s")))
+void format_str_str0(const char *fmt) {
+    printf(fmt, "hello", "world");
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s" "%1.5s")))
+void format_str_str1(const char *fmt) {
+    printf(fmt, "hello", "world");
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, ("%s" "%1.5s") + 5))) // expected-error{{format string is not a string literal}}
+void format_str_str2(const char *fmt);
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s %g"))) // expected-note{{format string is defined here}}
+void format_str_double_warn(const char *fmt) {
+    printf(fmt, "hello", "world"); // expected-warning{{format specifies type 'double' but the argument has type 'char *'}}
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s %g")))
+void vformat(const char *fmt, ...) {
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    vprintf(fmt, ap); // XXX: ideally this would be a diagnostic
+    va_end(ap);
+// MARK: -
+// Calling a function with format_matches diagnoses for incompatible formats.
+void cvt_percent(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%%"))); // expected-note 2{{comparing with this format string}}
+void cvt_at(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(NSString, 1, "%@")));  // \
+    expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}} \
+    expected-note 3{{comparing with this format string}}
+void cvt_c(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%c"))); // expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void cvt_u(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%u"))); // expected-note 2{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void cvt_hhi(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%hhi")));  // expected-note 3{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void cvt_i(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%i"))); // expected-note 5{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void cvt_p(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%p")));
+void cvt_s(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s"))); // expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void cvt_n(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%n"))); // expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void test_compatibility(void) {
+    cvt_c("%i");
+    const char *const fmt_i = "%i";
+    cvt_c(fmt_i);
+    cvt_i("%c");
+    cvt_c("%u"); // expected-warning{{signedness of format specifier 'u' is incompatible with 'c'}}
+    cvt_u("%c"); // expected-warning{{signedness of format specifier 'c' is incompatible with 'u'}}
+    const char *const fmt_c = "%c"; // expected-note{{format string is defined here}}
+    cvt_u(fmt_c); // expected-warning{{signedness of format specifier 'c' is incompatible with 'u'}}
+    cvt_i("%hi"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 'hi' is incompatible with 'i'}}
+    cvt_i("%hhi"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 'hhi' is incompatible with 'i'}}
+    cvt_i("%lli"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 'lli' is incompatible with 'i'}}
+    cvt_i("%p"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 'p' is incompatible with 'i'}}
+    cvt_hhi("%hhi");
+    cvt_hhi("%hi"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 'hi' is incompatible with 'hhi'}} 
+    cvt_hhi("%i"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 'i' is incompatible with 'hhi'}} 
+    cvt_hhi("%li"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 'li' is incompatible with 'hhi'}} 
+    cvt_n("%s"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 's' is incompatible with 'n'}}
+    cvt_s("%hhn"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 'hhn' is incompatible with 's'}}
+    cvt_p("%@"); // expected-warning{{invalid conversion specifier '@'}}
+    cvt_at("%p"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 'p' is incompatible with '@'}}
+    cvt_percent("hello");
+    cvt_percent("%c"); // expected-warning{{more specifiers in format string than expected}}
+    const char *const too_many = "%c"; // expected-note{{format string is defined here}}
+    cvt_percent(too_many); // expected-warning{{more specifiers in format string than expected}}
+void test_too_few_args(void) {
+    cvt_at("a"); // expected-warning{{fewer specifiers in format string than expected}}
+    cvt_at("%@ %@"); // expected-warning{{more specifiers in format string than expected}}
+    const char *const too_few = "a"; // expected-note{{format string is defined here}}
+    cvt_at(too_few); // expected-warning{{fewer specifiers in format string than expected}}
+void cvt_several(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%f %i %s"))); // expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void test_moving_args_around(void) {
+    cvt_several("%1g %-d %1.5s"); 
+    cvt_several("%3$s %1$g %2$i");
+    cvt_several("%f %*s"); // expected-warning{{format argument is an indirect field width, but it should be a value}}
+void cvt_freebsd_D(const char *c) __attribute__((format_matches(freebsd_kprintf, 1, "%D"))); // expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void test_freebsd_specifiers(void) {
+    cvt_freebsd_D("%D");
+    cvt_freebsd_D("%b");
+    cvt_freebsd_D("%s %i"); // expected-warning{{format argument is a value, but it should be an auxiliary value}}
+// passing the wrong kind of string literal
+void takes_printf_string(const char *fmt) __attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s")));
+__attribute__((format_matches(freebsd_kprintf, 1, "%s"))) // expected-note{{format string is defined here}}
+void takes_freebsd_kprintf_string(const char *fmt) {
+    takes_printf_string(fmt); // expected-warning{{passing 'freebsd_kprintf' format string where 'printf' format string is expected}}
+    const char *const fmt2 = fmt;
+    takes_printf_string(fmt2); // expected-warning{{passing 'freebsd_kprintf' format string where 'printf' format string is expected}}
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s"))) // expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+__attribute__((format_matches(os_log, 2, "%i"))) // expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void test_recv_multiple_format_strings(const char *fmt1, const char *fmt2);
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s")))
+__attribute__((format_matches(os_log, 2, "%i")))
+void test_multiple_format_strings(const char *fmt1, const char *fmt2) {
+    test_recv_multiple_format_strings("%s", "%i");
+    test_recv_multiple_format_strings("%s", "%s"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 's' is incompatible with 'i'}}
+    test_recv_multiple_format_strings("%i", "%i"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 'i' is incompatible with 's'}}
+    test_recv_multiple_format_strings(fmt1, fmt2);
+    test_recv_multiple_format_strings("%.5s", fmt2);
+    test_recv_multiple_format_strings(fmt1, "%04d");
+    test_recv_multiple_format_strings("%s", fmt1); // expected-warning{{passing 'printf' format string where 'os_log' format string is expected}}
+    test_recv_multiple_format_strings(fmt2, "%d"); // expected-warning{{passing 'os_log' format string where 'printf' format string is expected}}
+    test_recv_multiple_format_strings(fmt2, fmt1); // \
+        expected-warning{{passing 'printf' format string where 'os_log' format string is expected}} \
+        expected-warning{{passing 'os_log' format string where 'printf' format string is expected}}
+__attribute__((format_matches(os_log, 1, "%{public}s"))) // expected-note 4{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void call_oslog_public(const char *fmt);
+__attribute__((format_matches(os_log, 1, "%{sensitive}s"))) // expected-note 2{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void call_oslog_sensitive(const char *fmt);
+__attribute__((format_matches(os_log, 1, "%{private}s"))) // expected-note 2{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void call_oslog_private(const char *fmt);
+void test_oslog(void) {
+    call_oslog_public("%{public}s");
+    call_oslog_public("%{private}s"); // expected-warning{{argument sensitivity is private, but it should be public}}
+    call_oslog_public("%{sensitive}s"); // expected-warning{{argument sensitivity is sensitive, but it should be public}}
+    call_oslog_sensitive("%{public}s"); // expected-warning{{argument sensitivity is public, but it should be sensitive}}
+    call_oslog_sensitive("%{private}s"); // expected-warning{{argument sensitivity is private, but it should be sensitive}}
+    call_oslog_sensitive("%{sensitive}s");
+    call_oslog_private("%{public}s"); // expected-warning{{argument sensitivity is public, but it should be private}}
+    call_oslog_private("%{private}s");
+    call_oslog_private("%{sensitive}s"); // expected-warning{{argument sensitivity is sensitive, but it should be private}}
+    // expected-warning at +2{{argument sensitivity is private, but it should be public}}
+    // expected-warning at +1{{format specifier 'i' is incompatible with 's'}}
+    call_oslog_public("%{private}i");
+// MARK: - 
+void accept_value(const char *f) __attribute__((format_matches(freebsd_kprintf, 1, "%s%i%i"))); // \
+    expected-note 3{{comparing with this specifier}} \
+    expected-note 3{{format string is defined here}}
+void accept_indirect_field_width(const char *f) __attribute__((format_matches(freebsd_kprintf, 1, "%s%*i"))); // \
+    expected-note 3{{comparing with this specifier}} \
+    expected-note 3{{format string is defined here}}
+void accept_indirect_field_precision(const char *f) __attribute__((format_matches(freebsd_kprintf, 1, "%s%.*i"))); // \
+    expected-note 3{{comparing with this specifier}} \
+    expected-note 3{{format string is defined here}}
+void accept_aux_value(const char *f) __attribute__((format_matches(freebsd_kprintf, 1, "%D%i"))); // \
+    expected-note 3{{comparing with this specifier}} \
+    expected-note 3{{format string is defined here}}
+void accept_value(const char *f) {
+    accept_indirect_field_width(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is a value, but it should be an indirect field width}}
+    accept_indirect_field_precision(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is a value, but it should be an indirect precision}}
+    accept_aux_value(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is a value, but it should be an auxiliary value}}
+void accept_indirect_field_width(const char *f) {
+    accept_value(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is an indirect field width, but it should be a value}}
+    accept_indirect_field_precision(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is an indirect field width, but it should be an indirect precision}}
+    accept_aux_value(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is an indirect field width, but it should be an auxiliary value}}
+void accept_indirect_field_precision(const char *f) {
+    accept_value(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is an indirect precision, but it should be a value}}
+    accept_indirect_field_width(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is an indirect precision, but it should be an indirect field width}}
+    accept_aux_value(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is an indirect precision, but it should be an auxiliary value}}
+void accept_aux_value(const char *f) {
+    accept_value(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is an auxiliary value, but it should be a value}}
+    accept_indirect_field_width(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is an auxiliary value, but it should be an indirect field width}}
+    accept_indirect_field_precision(f); // expected-warning{{format argument is an auxiliary value, but it should be an indirect precision}}
+// MARK: - Merging format attributes
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%i")))
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%d")))
+void test_merge_self(const char *f);
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%i"))) // expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s"))) // expected-warning{{format specifier 's' is incompatible with 'i'}}
+void test_merge_self_warn(const char *f);
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%i")))
+void test_merge_redecl(const char *f);
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%d")))
+void test_merge_redecl(const char *f);
+// XXX: ideally the warning and note would be swapped, but this is entirely
+// reliant on which decl clang considers to be the "true one", and it might
+// upset something else more important if we tried to change it.
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%i"))) // expected-warning{{format specifier 'i' is incompatible with 's'}}
+void test_merge_redecl_warn(const char *f);
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%s"))) // expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void test_merge_redecl_warn(const char *f);
+// MARK: -
+// Positional madness
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%1$s %1$d")))  // \
+    expected-warning{{format specifier 'd' is incompatible with 's'}} \
+    expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void test_positional_incompatible(const char *f);
+void call_positional_incompatible(void) {
+    // expect the attribute was dropped and that there is no diagnostic here
+    test_positional_incompatible("%d %d %d %d %d");
+void test_many_i(void) {
+    cvt_i("%1$d %1$i");
+    cvt_i("%1$d %1$s"); // expected-warning{{format specifier 's' is incompatible with 'i'}}
+__attribute__((format_matches(printf, 1, "%*d %*d"))) // expected-note{{comparing with this specifier}}
+void accept_modifiers(const char *f);
+void test_modifiers(void) {
+    accept_modifiers("%2$*1$d %4$*3$d");
+    accept_modifiers("%2$*3$d %4$*3$d"); // expected-warning{{format argument modifies specifier at position 2, but it should modify specifier at position 4}}

diff  --git a/clang/test/Sema/format-strings.c b/clang/test/Sema/format-strings.c
index 04bad1f13c8cd..efd88d5c18e66 100644
--- a/clang/test/Sema/format-strings.c
+++ b/clang/test/Sema/format-strings.c
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void check_string_literal2( FILE* fp, const char* s, char *buf, ... ) {
   // expected-note at -1{{treat the string as an argument to avoid this}}
   __builtin___vsnprintf_chk(buf,2,0,-1,s,ap); // no-warning
-  vscanf(s, ap); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string literal}}
+  vscanf(s, ap); // expected-warning {{passing 'printf' format string where 'scanf' format string is expected}}
 void check_conditional_literal(const char* s, int i) {


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