[clang] [-Wunsafe-buffer-usage] Add absl::{Span,string_view} to UnsafeBufferUsage analysis (PR #127698)

Ilya Biryukov via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 24 02:40:25 PST 2025

@@ -891,7 +891,9 @@ AST_MATCHER(CallExpr, hasUnsafeSnprintfBuffer) {
   // Pattern 1:
   static StringRef SizedObjs[] = {"span", "array", "vector",
-                                  "basic_string_view", "basic_string"};
+                                  "basic_string_view", "basic_string",
+                                   // Support absl::Span and absl::string_view
+                                  "Span", "string_view" };
ilya-biryukov wrote:

I am afraid this will not work because of the following check on line 920:

          if (MCEPtr->getRecordDecl()->isInStdNamespace() &&
              MCEPtr->getRecordDecl()->getCanonicalDecl()->getName() ==

You want to change this to take namespace into account somehow. I suggest creating a method `IsInNamedNamespace` that accepts the namespace name and passes it all the way down to this function that current passes a string constant `"std"`. 


That way the `IsInStdNamespace` will be implemented as `return IsInNamedNamespace("std")`

PS a more sophisticated version would allow to follow multiple nested namespaces is probably also useful, but I'd not bother with it for now.


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