[clang] Add clang atomic control options and attribute (PR #114841)
Yaxun Liu via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Feb 23 17:05:35 PST 2025
@@ -1101,6 +1107,187 @@ inline void FPOptions::applyChanges(FPOptionsOverride FPO) {
*this = FPO.applyOverrides(*this);
+// The three atomic code-generation options.
+// The canonical (positive) names are:
+// "remote_memory", "fine_grained_memory", and "ignore_denormal_mode".
+// In attribute or command-line parsing, a token prefixed with "no_" inverts its
+// value.
+enum class AtomicOptionKind {
+ RemoteMemory, // true means remote memory is enabled.
+ FineGrainedMemory, // true means fine-grained memory is enabled.
+ IgnoreDenormalMode, // true means ignore floating-point denormals.
+struct AtomicOptions {
+ // Bitfields for each option.
+ unsigned remote_memory : 1;
+ unsigned fine_grained_memory : 1;
+ unsigned ignore_denormal_mode : 1;
+ AtomicOptions()
+ : remote_memory(0), fine_grained_memory(0), ignore_denormal_mode(0) {}
+ bool getOption(AtomicOptionKind Kind) const {
+ switch (Kind) {
+ case AtomicOptionKind::RemoteMemory:
+ return remote_memory;
+ case AtomicOptionKind::FineGrainedMemory:
+ return fine_grained_memory;
+ case AtomicOptionKind::IgnoreDenormalMode:
+ return ignore_denormal_mode;
+ default:
+ llvm_unreachable("Invalid AtomicOptionKind");
+ }
+ }
+ void setOption(AtomicOptionKind Kind, bool Value) {
+ switch (Kind) {
+ case AtomicOptionKind::RemoteMemory:
+ remote_memory = Value;
+ break;
+ case AtomicOptionKind::FineGrainedMemory:
+ fine_grained_memory = Value;
+ break;
+ case AtomicOptionKind::IgnoreDenormalMode:
+ ignore_denormal_mode = Value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ llvm_unreachable("Invalid AtomicOptionKind");
+ }
+ }
+ LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const {
+ llvm::errs() << "\n remote_memory: " << remote_memory
+ << "\n fine_grained_memory: " << fine_grained_memory
+ << "\n ignore_denormal_mode: " << ignore_denormal_mode << "\n";
+ }
+ // The canonical names for each option.
+ static constexpr const char *OptionNames[] = {
+ "remote_memory", // canonical name for RemoteMemory option.
+ "fine_grained_memory", // canonical name for FineGrainedMemory option.
+ "ignore_denormal_mode" // canonical name for IgnoreDenormalMode option.
+ };
+/// Represents overrides for atomic options.
+class AtomicOptionsOverride {
+ AtomicOptions Options;
+ // Bitmask for active overrides.
+ unsigned OverrideMask;
+ static constexpr unsigned getMask(AtomicOptionKind Kind) {
+ return 1u << static_cast<unsigned>(Kind);
+ }
+ template <typename Func> static void forEachOption(Func &&func) {
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < static_cast<unsigned>(
+ ++I)
+ func(static_cast<AtomicOptionKind>(I));
+ }
+ static constexpr unsigned DefaultMask =
+ (1u << static_cast<unsigned>(
+ 1;
+ AtomicOptionsOverride() : Options(), OverrideMask(0) {}
+ AtomicOptionsOverride(AtomicOptions AO)
+ : Options(AO), OverrideMask(DefaultMask) {}
+ AtomicOptionsOverride(AtomicOptions AO, unsigned Mask)
+ : Options(AO), OverrideMask(Mask) {}
+ AtomicOptionsOverride(const LangOptions &LO) : Options(), OverrideMask(0) {
+ setAtomicOverride(AtomicOptionKind::RemoteMemory, LO.AtomicRemoteMemory);
+ setAtomicOverride(AtomicOptionKind::FineGrainedMemory,
+ LO.AtomicFineGrainedMemory);
+ setAtomicOverride(AtomicOptionKind::IgnoreDenormalMode,
+ LO.AtomicIgnoreDenormalMode);
+ }
+ // Parses a token (e.g. "fine_grained_memory" or "no_fine_grained_memory").
+ // If the token begins with "no_", the prefix is stripped and the resulting
+ // string is compared against the canonical name. If it matches, Value is set
+ // to false. Otherwise, if the token exactly matches the canonical name, Value
+ // is true.
+ static std::optional<AtomicOptionKind>
+ parseAtomicOverrideKey(llvm::StringRef Key, bool &Value) {
yxsamliu wrote:
You mean VariadicEnumArgument? Yes using that can avoid the parsing function. will do
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