[clang-tools-extra] [clangd] Find better insertion locations in DefineOutline tweak (PR #128164)

Christian Kandeler via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 21 03:25:09 PST 2025

https://github.com/ckandeler created https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/128164

If possible, put the definition next to the definition of an adjacent declaration. For example:

struct S {
  void f^oo1() {}
  void foo2();
  void f^oo3() {}

// S::foo1() goes here
void S::foo2() {}
// S::foo3() goes here

>From 7285b4a42d87681801dc3c950614d9f9febfe8a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Kandeler <christian.kandeler at qt.io>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 17:39:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [clangd] Find better insertion locations in DefineOutline

If possible, put the definition next to the definition of an adjacent
declaration. For example:

struct S {
  void f^oo1() {}
  void foo2();
  void f^oo3() {}

// S::foo1() goes here
void S::foo2() {}
// S::foo3() goes here
 clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.cpp       |  20 ++
 clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.h         |   3 +
 .../clangd/refactor/tweaks/DefineOutline.cpp  | 290 ++++++++++++++----
 .../unittests/tweaks/DefineOutlineTests.cpp   | 173 +++++++++++
 4 files changed, 432 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.cpp b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.cpp
index 780aaa471dc8b..043d5c4f68c5e 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.cpp
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.cpp
@@ -1217,6 +1217,26 @@ EligibleRegion getEligiblePoints(llvm::StringRef Code,
   return ER;
+std::string getNamespaceAtPosition(StringRef Code, const Position &Pos,
+                                   const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
+  std::vector<std::string> Enclosing = {""};
+  parseNamespaceEvents(Code, LangOpts, [&](NamespaceEvent Event) {
+    if (Pos < Event.Pos)
+      return;
+    if (Event.Trigger == NamespaceEvent::UsingDirective)
+      return;
+    if (!Event.Payload.empty())
+      Event.Payload.append("::");
+    if (Event.Trigger == NamespaceEvent::BeginNamespace) {
+      Enclosing.emplace_back(std::move(Event.Payload));
+    } else {
+      Enclosing.pop_back();
+      assert(Enclosing.back() == Event.Payload);
+    }
+  });
+  return Enclosing.back();
 bool isHeaderFile(llvm::StringRef FileName,
                   std::optional<LangOptions> LangOpts) {
   // Respect the langOpts, for non-file-extension cases, e.g. standard library
diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.h b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.h
index 028549f659d60..78ebc7a7d3b22 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.h
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/SourceCode.h
@@ -309,6 +309,9 @@ EligibleRegion getEligiblePoints(llvm::StringRef Code,
                                  llvm::StringRef FullyQualifiedName,
                                  const LangOptions &LangOpts);
+std::string getNamespaceAtPosition(llvm::StringRef Code, const Position &Pos,
+                                   const LangOptions &LangOpts);
 struct DefinedMacro {
   llvm::StringRef Name;
   const MacroInfo *Info;
diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/DefineOutline.cpp b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/DefineOutline.cpp
index e4eef228b6b99..5ff64aa946004 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/DefineOutline.cpp
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/DefineOutline.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include "AST.h"
+#include "FindSymbols.h"
 #include "FindTarget.h"
 #include "HeaderSourceSwitch.h"
 #include "ParsedAST.h"
@@ -489,8 +490,16 @@ class DefineOutline : public Tweak {
   Expected<Effect> apply(const Selection &Sel) override {
     const SourceManager &SM = Sel.AST->getSourceManager();
-    auto CCFile = SameFile ? Sel.AST->tuPath().str()
-                           : getSourceFile(Sel.AST->tuPath(), Sel);
+    std::optional<Path> CCFile;
+    std::optional<std::pair<Symbol, RelativeInsertPos>> Anchor =
+        getDefinitionOfAdjacentDecl(Sel);
+    if (Anchor) {
+      CCFile = Anchor->first.Definition.FileURI;
+      CCFile->erase(0, 7); // "file://"
+    } else {
+      CCFile = SameFile ? Sel.AST->tuPath().str()
+                        : getSourceFile(Sel.AST->tuPath(), Sel);
+    }
     if (!CCFile)
       return error("Couldn't find a suitable implementation file.");
     assert(Sel.FS && "FS Must be set in apply");
@@ -499,21 +508,62 @@ class DefineOutline : public Tweak {
     // doesn't exist?
     if (!Buffer)
       return llvm::errorCodeToError(Buffer.getError());
+    std::optional<Position> InsertionPos;
+    if (Anchor) {
+      if (auto P = getInsertionPointFromExistingDefinition(
+              **Buffer, Anchor->first, Anchor->second, Sel.AST)) {
+        InsertionPos = *P;
+      }
+    }
     auto Contents = Buffer->get()->getBuffer();
-    auto InsertionPoint = getInsertionPoint(Contents, Sel);
-    if (!InsertionPoint)
-      return InsertionPoint.takeError();
+    std::size_t Offset = -1;
+    const DeclContext *EnclosingNamespace = nullptr;
+    std::string EnclosingNamespaceName;
+    if (InsertionPos) {
+      EnclosingNamespaceName = getNamespaceAtPosition(Contents, *InsertionPos,
+                                                      Sel.AST->getLangOpts());
+    } else if (SameFile) {
+      auto P = getInsertionPointInMainFile(Sel.AST);
+      if (!P)
+        return P.takeError();
+      Offset = P->Offset;
+      EnclosingNamespace = P->EnclosingNamespace;
+    } else {
+      auto Region = getEligiblePoints(
+          Contents, Source->getQualifiedNameAsString(), Sel.AST->getLangOpts());
+      assert(!Region.EligiblePoints.empty());
+      EnclosingNamespaceName = Region.EnclosingNamespace;
+      InsertionPos = Region.EligiblePoints.back();
+    }
+    if (InsertionPos) {
+      auto O = positionToOffset(Contents, *InsertionPos);
+      if (!O)
+        return O.takeError();
+      Offset = *O;
+      auto TargetContext =
+          findContextForNS(EnclosingNamespaceName, Source->getDeclContext());
+      if (!TargetContext)
+        return error("define outline: couldn't find a context for target");
+      EnclosingNamespace = *TargetContext;
+    }
+    assert(Offset >= 0);
+    assert(EnclosingNamespace);
     auto FuncDef = getFunctionSourceCode(
-        Source, InsertionPoint->EnclosingNamespace, Sel.AST->getTokens(),
+        Source, EnclosingNamespace, Sel.AST->getTokens(),
         SameFile && isHeaderFile(Sel.AST->tuPath(), Sel.AST->getLangOpts()));
     if (!FuncDef)
       return FuncDef.takeError();
     SourceManagerForFile SMFF(*CCFile, Contents);
-    const tooling::Replacement InsertFunctionDef(
-        *CCFile, InsertionPoint->Offset, 0, *FuncDef);
+    const tooling::Replacement InsertFunctionDef(*CCFile, Offset, 0, *FuncDef);
     auto Effect = Effect::mainFileEdit(
         SMFF.get(), tooling::Replacements(InsertFunctionDef));
     if (!Effect)
@@ -548,59 +598,191 @@ class DefineOutline : public Tweak {
     return std::move(*Effect);
-  // Returns the most natural insertion point for \p QualifiedName in \p
-  // Contents. This currently cares about only the namespace proximity, but in
-  // feature it should also try to follow ordering of declarations. For example,
-  // if decls come in order `foo, bar, baz` then this function should return
-  // some point between foo and baz for inserting bar.
-  // FIXME: The selection can be made smarter by looking at the definition
-  // locations for adjacent decls to Source. Unfortunately pseudo parsing in
-  // getEligibleRegions only knows about namespace begin/end events so we
-  // can't match function start/end positions yet.
-  llvm::Expected<InsertionPoint> getInsertionPoint(llvm::StringRef Contents,
-                                                   const Selection &Sel) {
-    // If the definition goes to the same file and there is a namespace,
-    // we should (and, in the case of anonymous namespaces, need to)
-    // put the definition into the original namespace block.
-    if (SameFile) {
-      auto *Klass = Source->getDeclContext()->getOuterLexicalRecordContext();
-      if (!Klass)
-        return error("moving to same file not supported for free functions");
-      const SourceLocation EndLoc = Klass->getBraceRange().getEnd();
-      const auto &TokBuf = Sel.AST->getTokens();
-      auto Tokens = TokBuf.expandedTokens();
-      auto It = llvm::lower_bound(
-          Tokens, EndLoc, [](const syntax::Token &Tok, SourceLocation EndLoc) {
-            return Tok.location() < EndLoc;
-          });
-      while (It != Tokens.end()) {
-        if (It->kind() != tok::semi) {
-          ++It;
-          continue;
+  enum class RelativeInsertPos { Before, After };
+  std::optional<std::pair<Symbol, RelativeInsertPos>>
+  getDefinitionOfAdjacentDecl(const Selection &Sel) {
+    if (!Sel.Index)
+      return {};
+    std::optional<Symbol> Anchor;
+    Path PrefixedTuPath = "file://" + Sel.AST->tuPath().str();
+    auto CheckCandidate = [&](Decl *Candidate) {
+      assert(Candidate != Source);
+      if (auto Func = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionDecl>(Candidate);
+          !Func || Func->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      std::optional<Symbol> CandidateSymbol;
+      Sel.Index->lookup({{getSymbolID(Candidate)}}, [&](const Symbol &S) {
+        if (S.Definition) {
+          CandidateSymbol = S;
-        unsigned Offset = Sel.AST->getSourceManager()
-                              .getDecomposedLoc(It->endLocation())
-                              .second;
-        return InsertionPoint{Klass->getEnclosingNamespaceContext(), Offset};
+      });
+      if (!CandidateSymbol)
+        return;
+      // If our definition is constrained to the same file, ignore
+      // definitions that are not located there.
+      // If our definition is not constrained to the same file, but
+      // our anchor definition is in the same file, then we also put our
+      // definition there, because that appears to be the user preference.
+      // Exception: If the existing definition is a template, then the
+      // location is likely due to technical necessity rather than preference,
+      // so ignore that definition.
+      bool CandidateSameFile =
+          PrefixedTuPath == CandidateSymbol->Definition.FileURI;
+      if (SameFile && !CandidateSameFile)
+        return;
+      if (!SameFile && CandidateSameFile) {
+        if (Candidate->isTemplateDecl())
+          return;
+        SameFile = true;
-      return error(
-          "failed to determine insertion location: no end of class found");
+      Anchor = *CandidateSymbol;
+    };
+    // Try to find adjacent function declarations.
+    // Determine the closest one by alternatingly going "up" and "down"
+    // from our function in increasing steps.
+    const DeclContext *ParentContext = Source->getParent();
+    const auto SourceIt = llvm::find_if(
+        ParentContext->decls(), [this](const Decl *D) { return D == Source; });
+    if (SourceIt == ParentContext->decls_end())
+      return {};
+    const int Preceding = std::distance(ParentContext->decls_begin(), SourceIt);
+    const int Following =
+        std::distance(SourceIt, ParentContext->decls_end()) - 1;
+    for (int Offset = 1; Offset <= Preceding || Offset <= Following; ++Offset) {
+      if (Offset <= Preceding)
+        CheckCandidate(
+            *std::next(ParentContext->decls_begin(), Preceding - Offset));
+      if (Anchor)
+        return std::make_pair(*Anchor, RelativeInsertPos::After);
+      if (Offset <= Following)
+        CheckCandidate(*std::next(SourceIt, Offset));
+      if (Anchor)
+        return std::make_pair(*Anchor, RelativeInsertPos::Before);
+    return {};
+  }
-    auto Region = getEligiblePoints(
-        Contents, Source->getQualifiedNameAsString(), Sel.AST->getLangOpts());
+  // We don't know the actual start or end of the definition, only the position
+  // of the name. Therefore, we heuristically try to locate the last token
+  // before or in this function, respectively. Adapt as required by user code.
+  llvm::Expected<Position> getInsertionPointFromExistingDefinition(
+      const llvm::MemoryBuffer &Buffer, const Symbol &S,
+      RelativeInsertPos RelInsertPos, ParsedAST *AST) {
+    auto LspPos = indexToLSPLocation(S.Definition, AST->tuPath());
+    if (!LspPos)
+      return LspPos.takeError();
+    auto StartOffset =
+        positionToOffset(Buffer.getBuffer(), LspPos->range.start);
+    if (!StartOffset)
+      return LspPos.takeError();
+    SourceLocation InsertionLoc;
+    SourceManager &SM = AST->getSourceManager();
+    FileID F = Buffer.getBufferIdentifier() == AST->tuPath()
+                   ? SM.getMainFileID()
+                   : SM.createFileID(Buffer);
+    auto InsertBefore = [&] {
+      // Go backwards until we encounter one of the following:
+      //   - An opening brace (of a namespace).
+      //   - A closing brace (of a function definition).
+      //   - A semicolon (of a declaration).
+      // If no such token was found, then the first token in the file starts the
+      // definition.
+      auto Tokens = syntax::tokenize(syntax::FileRange(F, 0, *StartOffset), SM,
+                                     AST->getLangOpts());
+      if (Tokens.empty())
+        return;
+      for (auto I = std::rbegin(Tokens);
+           InsertionLoc.isInvalid() && I != std::rend(Tokens); ++I) {
+        switch (I->kind()) {
+        case tok::l_brace:
+        case tok::r_brace:
+        case tok::semi:
+          if (I != std::rbegin(Tokens))
+            InsertionLoc = std::prev(I)->location();
+          else
+            InsertionLoc = I->endLocation();
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (InsertionLoc.isInvalid())
+        InsertionLoc = Tokens.front().location();
+    };
-    assert(!Region.EligiblePoints.empty());
-    auto Offset = positionToOffset(Contents, Region.EligiblePoints.back());
-    if (!Offset)
-      return Offset.takeError();
+    if (RelInsertPos == RelativeInsertPos::Before) {
+      InsertBefore();
+    } else {
+      // Skip over one top-level pair of parentheses (for the parameter list)
+      // and one pair of curly braces (for the code block).
+      // If that fails, insert before the function instead.
+      auto Tokens = syntax::tokenize(
+          syntax::FileRange(F, *StartOffset, Buffer.getBuffer().size()), SM,
+          AST->getLangOpts());
+      bool SkippedParams = false;
+      int OpenParens = 0;
+      int OpenBraces = 0;
+      std::optional<syntax::Token> Tok;
+      for (const auto &T : Tokens) {
+        tok::TokenKind StartKind = SkippedParams ? tok::l_brace : tok::l_paren;
+        tok::TokenKind EndKind = SkippedParams ? tok::r_brace : tok::r_paren;
+        int &Count = SkippedParams ? OpenBraces : OpenParens;
+        if (T.kind() == StartKind) {
+          ++Count;
+        } else if (T.kind() == EndKind) {
+          if (--Count == 0) {
+            if (SkippedParams) {
+              Tok = T;
+              break;
+            }
+            SkippedParams = true;
+          } else if (Count < 0) {
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (Tok)
+        InsertionLoc = Tok->endLocation();
+      else
+        InsertBefore();
+    }
-    auto TargetContext =
-        findContextForNS(Region.EnclosingNamespace, Source->getDeclContext());
-    if (!TargetContext)
-      return error("define outline: couldn't find a context for target");
+    return InsertionLoc.isValid() ? sourceLocToPosition(SM, InsertionLoc)
+                                  : Position();
+  }
-    return InsertionPoint{*TargetContext, *Offset};
+  // Returns the most natural insertion point in this file.
+  // This is a fallback for when we failed to find an existing definition to
+  // place the new one next to. It only considers namespace proximity.
+  llvm::Expected<InsertionPoint> getInsertionPointInMainFile(ParsedAST *AST) {
+    // If the definition goes to the same file and there is a namespace,
+    // we should (and, in the case of anonymous namespaces, need to)
+    // put the definition into the original namespace block.
+    auto *Klass = Source->getDeclContext()->getOuterLexicalRecordContext();
+    if (!Klass)
+      return error("moving to same file not supported for free functions");
+    const SourceLocation EndLoc = Klass->getBraceRange().getEnd();
+    const auto &TokBuf = AST->getTokens();
+    auto Tokens = TokBuf.expandedTokens();
+    auto It = llvm::lower_bound(
+        Tokens, EndLoc, [](const syntax::Token &Tok, SourceLocation EndLoc) {
+          return Tok.location() < EndLoc;
+        });
+    while (It != Tokens.end()) {
+      if (It->kind() != tok::semi) {
+        ++It;
+        continue;
+      }
+      unsigned Offset =
+          AST->getSourceManager().getDecomposedLoc(It->endLocation()).second;
+      return InsertionPoint{Klass->getEnclosingNamespaceContext(), Offset};
+    }
+    return error(
+        "failed to determine insertion location: no end of class found");
diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/tweaks/DefineOutlineTests.cpp b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/tweaks/DefineOutlineTests.cpp
index b5f09f9b14604..9340255543421 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/tweaks/DefineOutlineTests.cpp
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/tweaks/DefineOutlineTests.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
 #include "TestFS.h"
+#include "TestIndex.h"
 #include "TweakTesting.h"
+#include "index/MemIndex.h"
 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -447,9 +449,27 @@ inline T Foo<T>::bar(const T& t, const U& u) { return {}; }
 TEST_F(DefineOutlineTest, InCppFile) {
   FileName = "Test.cpp";
+  const auto MakePos = [](uint32_t Line, uint32_t Col) {
+    SymbolLocation::Position Pos;
+    Pos.setLine(Line);
+    Pos.setColumn(Col);
+    return Pos;
+  };
+  struct SymbolSpec {
+    StringRef NamespaceName;
+    StringRef ClassName;
+    StringRef FuncName;
+    SymbolLocation::Position DeclStart;
+    SymbolLocation::Position DeclEnd;
+    SymbolLocation::Position DefStart;
+    SymbolLocation::Position DefEnd;
+  };
+  using SymbolSpecs = std::vector<SymbolSpec>;
   struct {
     llvm::StringRef Test;
     llvm::StringRef ExpectedSource;
+    SymbolSpecs Definitions;
   } Cases[] = {
@@ -470,10 +490,163 @@ TEST_F(DefineOutlineTest, InCppFile) {
+      // Criterion 1: Distance
+      {
+          R"cpp(
+            struct Foo {
+                void ignored1();     // Too far away
+                void ignored2();     // No definition
+                void ignored3() {}   // Defined inline
+                void fo^o() {}
+                void neighbor();
+            };
+            void Foo::ignored1() {}
+            void Foo::neighbor() {}
+        )cpp",
+          R"cpp(
+            struct Foo {
+                void ignored1();     // Too far away
+                void ignored2();     // No definition
+                void ignored3() {}   // Defined inline
+                void foo() ;
+                void neighbor();
+            };
+            void Foo::ignored1() {}
+            void Foo::foo() {}
+void Foo::neighbor() {}
+        )cpp",
+          SymbolSpecs{{"", "Foo", "ignored3", MakePos(4, 21), MakePos(4, 29),
+                       MakePos(4, 21), MakePos(4, 29)},
+                      {"", "Foo", "ignored1", MakePos(2, 21), MakePos(2, 29),
+                       MakePos(8, 22), MakePos(8, 30)},
+                      {"", "Foo", "neighbor", MakePos(6, 21), MakePos(6, 29),
+                       MakePos(9, 22), MakePos(9, 30)}}},
+      // Criterion 2: Prefer preceding
+      {
+          R"cpp(
+            struct Foo {
+                void neighbor();
+                void fo^o() {}
+                void ignored();
+            };
+            void Foo::neighbor() {}
+            void Foo::ignored() {}
+        )cpp",
+          R"cpp(
+            struct Foo {
+                void neighbor();
+                void foo() ;
+                void ignored();
+            };
+            void Foo::neighbor() {}void Foo::foo() {}
+            void Foo::ignored() {}
+        )cpp",
+          SymbolSpecs{{"", "Foo", "ignored", MakePos(4, 21), MakePos(4, 28),
+                       MakePos(7, 22), MakePos(7, 29)},
+                      {"", "Foo", "neighbor", MakePos(2, 22), MakePos(2, 29),
+                       MakePos(6, 22), MakePos(6, 30)}}},
+      // Like above, but with a namespace
+      {
+          R"cpp(
+            namespace NS {
+            struct Foo {
+                void neighbor();
+                void fo^o() {}
+                void ignored();
+            };
+            void Foo::neighbor() {}
+            void Foo::ignored() {}
+            }
+        )cpp",
+          R"cpp(
+            namespace NS {
+            struct Foo {
+                void neighbor();
+                void foo() ;
+                void ignored();
+            };
+            void Foo::neighbor() {}void Foo::foo() {}
+            void Foo::ignored() {}
+            }
+        )cpp",
+          SymbolSpecs{{"NS", "Foo", "ignored", MakePos(5, 21), MakePos(5, 29),
+                       MakePos(8, 22), MakePos(8, 30)},
+                      {"NS", "Foo", "neighbor", MakePos(3, 21), MakePos(3, 29),
+                       MakePos(7, 22), MakePos(7, 30)}}},
+      // Like above, but there is no namespace at the definition site
+      {
+          R"cpp(
+            namespace NS {
+            struct Foo {
+                void neighbor();
+                void fo^o() {}
+                void ignored();
+            };
+            }
+            void NS::Foo::neighbor() {}
+            void NS::Foo::ignored() {}
+        )cpp",
+          R"cpp(
+            namespace NS {
+            struct Foo {
+                void neighbor();
+                void foo() ;
+                void ignored();
+            };
+            }
+            void NS::Foo::neighbor() {}void NS::Foo::foo() {}
+            void NS::Foo::ignored() {}
+        )cpp",
+          SymbolSpecs{{"NS", "Foo", "ignored", MakePos(5, 21), MakePos(5, 29),
+                       MakePos(9, 26), MakePos(9, 33)},
+                      {"NS", "Foo", "neighbor", MakePos(3, 21), MakePos(3, 29),
+                       MakePos(8, 26), MakePos(8, 34)}}},
+  };
+  const std::string URI =
+#ifdef _WIN32
+      "file://C:\\clangd-test/"
+      "file:///clangd-test/"
+      + FileName.str();
+  std::string FullNamespace;
+  const auto BuildIndex = [&](const SymbolSpecs &Specs) {
+    SymbolSlab::Builder Slab;
+    for (const auto &S : Specs) {
+      std::string USRFormat;
+      if (!S.NamespaceName.empty())
+        USRFormat += "@N@" + S.NamespaceName.str();
+      if (!S.ClassName.empty())
+        USRFormat += "@S@" + S.ClassName.str();
+      USRFormat += "@F@\\0#";
+      Symbol Sym = sym(S.FuncName, index::SymbolKind::Function, USRFormat);
+      Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI = URI.data();
+      Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.Start = S.DeclStart;
+      Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.End = S.DeclEnd;
+      Sym.Definition.FileURI = Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI;
+      Sym.Definition.Start = S.DefStart;
+      Sym.Definition.End = S.DefEnd;
+      if (!S.NamespaceName.empty()) {
+        FullNamespace = S.NamespaceName.str() + "::";
+        Sym.Scope = FullNamespace;
+      }
+      Slab.insert(Sym);
+    }
+    return MemIndex::build(std::move(Slab).build(), RefSlab(), RelationSlab());
   for (const auto &Case : Cases) {
+    Index = BuildIndex(Case.Definitions);
     EXPECT_EQ(apply(Case.Test, nullptr), Case.ExpectedSource);

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