[clang] [clang][Sema] Fix initialization of `NonTypeTemplateParmDecl`... (PR #121768)

Matheus Izvekov via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 20 05:08:36 PST 2025

Alejandro =?utf-8?q?Álvarez_Ayllón?=,
Alejandro =?utf-8?q?Álvarez_Ayllón?=,
Alejandro =?utf-8?q?Álvarez_Ayllón?=,
Alejandro =?utf-8?q?Álvarez_Ayllón?=,
Alejandro =?utf-8?q?Álvarez_Ayllón?=,
Alejandro =?utf-8?q?Álvarez_Ayllón?=,
Alejandro =?utf-8?q?Álvarez_Ayllón?=,
Alejandro =?utf-8?q?Álvarez_Ayllón?Message-ID:
In-Reply-To: <llvm.org/llvm/llvm-project/pull/121768 at github.com>

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// RUN: rm -rf %t
+// RUN: split-file %s %t
+// RUN: cd %t
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 mod.cppm -emit-module-interface -o mod.pcm -fallow-pcm-with-compiler-errors -verify
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 main.cpp -fmodule-file=mod=mod.pcm -verify -fallow-pcm-with-compiler-errors -fsyntax-only -ast-dump-all | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 mod.cppm -emit-reduced-module-interface -o mod.pcm -fallow-pcm-with-compiler-errors -verify
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 main.cpp -fmodule-file=mod=mod.pcm -verify -fallow-pcm-with-compiler-errors -fsyntax-only -ast-dump-all | FileCheck %s
+//--- mod.cppm
+export module mod;
+template <typename T, auto Q>
+concept ReferenceOf = Q;
+// expected-error at +2 {{unknown type name 'AngleIsInvalidNow'}}
+// expected-error at +1 {{constexpr variable 'angle' must be initialized by a constant expression}}
+constexpr struct angle {AngleIsInvalidNow e;} angle;
+// expected-error at +1 {{non-type template argument is not a constant expression}}
+template<ReferenceOf<angle> auto R, typename Rep> requires requires(Rep v) {cos(v);}
+auto cos(const Rep& q);
+// expected-error at +1 {{non-type template argument is not a constant expression}}
+template<ReferenceOf<angle> auto R, typename Rep> requires requires(Rep v) {tan(v);}
+auto tan(const Rep& q);
+//--- main.cpp
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+import mod;
+// CHECK:      |-FunctionTemplateDecl {{.*}} <line:11:1, line:12:22> col:6 imported in mod hidden invalid cos
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |-NonTypeTemplateParmDecl {{.*}} <line:11:10, col:34> col:34 imported in mod hidden referenced invalid 'ReferenceOf<angle> auto' depth 0 index 0 R
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |-TemplateTypeParmDecl {{.*}} <col:37, col:46> col:46 imported in mod hidden referenced typename depth 0 index 1 Rep
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |-RequiresExpr {{.*}} <col:60, col:84> 'bool'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | |-ParmVarDecl {{.*}} <col:69, col:73> col:73 imported in mod hidden referenced v 'Rep'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | `-SimpleRequirement {{.*}} dependent
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |   `-CallExpr {{.*}} <col:77, col:82> '<dependent type>'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |     |-UnresolvedLookupExpr {{.*}} <col:77> '<overloaded function type>' lvalue (ADL) = 'cos' empty
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |     `-DeclRefExpr {{.*}} <col:81> 'Rep' lvalue ParmVar {{.*}} 'v' 'Rep' non_odr_use_unevaluated
+// CHECK-NEXT: | `-FunctionDecl {{.*}} <line:12:1, col:22> col:6 imported in mod hidden cos 'auto (const Rep &)'
+// CHECK-NEXT: |   `-ParmVarDecl {{.*}} <col:10, col:21> col:21 imported in mod hidden q 'const Rep &'
+// CHECK:      |-FunctionTemplateDecl {{.*}} <line:15:1, line:16:22> col:6 imported in mod hidden invalid tan
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |-NonTypeTemplateParmDecl {{.*}} <line:15:10, col:34> col:34 imported in mod hidden referenced invalid 'ReferenceOf<angle> auto' depth 0 index 0 R
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |-TemplateTypeParmDecl {{.*}} <col:37, col:46> col:46 imported in mod hidden referenced typename depth 0 index 1 Rep
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |-RequiresExpr {{.*}} <col:60, col:84> 'bool'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | |-ParmVarDecl {{.*}} <col:69, col:73> col:73 imported in mod hidden referenced v 'Rep'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | `-SimpleRequirement {{.*}} dependent
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |   `-CallExpr {{.*}} <col:77, col:82> '<dependent type>'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |     |-UnresolvedLookupExpr {{.*}} <col:77> '<overloaded function type>' lvalue (ADL) = 'tan' empty
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |     `-DeclRefExpr {{.*}} <col:81> 'Rep' lvalue ParmVar {{.*}} 'v' 'Rep' non_odr_use_unevaluated
+// CHECK-NEXT: | `-FunctionDecl {{.*}} <line:16:1, col:22> col:6 imported in mod hidden tan 'auto (const Rep &)'
+// CHECK-NEXT: |   `-ParmVarDecl {{.*}} <col:10, col:21> col:21 imported in mod hidden q 'const Rep &'
mizvekov wrote:

Please filter out line numbers on the AST dump match, otherwise this makes these tests hard to update. 


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