[clang] [analyzer] Limit Store by region-store-binding-limit (PR #127602)

Balázs Benics via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 20 04:24:07 PST 2025

balazs-benics-sonarsource wrote:

> As I thought a bit more about the reorganization that I suggested, I realized that it can be summarized as **we should synchronize adding the default `Unknown` binding and calling `escapeValue`** -- because they correspond to the two end-points of the same "_this_ value is stored at _this_ memory region" connection which wasn't properly recorded.
> Of course there is some asymmetry in that `escapeValue` must escape each value individually (or perhaps in a loop with `escapeValues`), but the default binding to `Unknown` region is (if I understand correctly) a proper stand-in for _all_ the connections from that side. This could be simply handled as "`if (`there is no default `Unknown` binding`) {` create one `}`" -- but if this happens to cause performance issues, then a boolean `didCreateDefaultUnknownBinding` can be used to cache the result.

AFAIK it's not possible (or rather would be ugly) to tie "adding the default unknown binding" to `escapeValues`, because there may be multiple `escapeValues` call in the recursive callstack, while popping the frames until we leave the virtual `.*Bind.*` API. 

For example, while binding a compound val like this: `{{{a,b}, {c,d}}, {e}, {f,g}}`, we may give up at `c`, which means, while leaving the method handling the bind of `{c,d}`, will react to `hasExhaustedBindingLimit()`, and escape only `d`. Then the parent frame of the recursive descent would conclude that it finished binding `{c,d}`, and return. Same goes for its parent: `{{a,b}, {c,d}}`, but then it checks `hasExhaustedBindingLimit()` and escapes `{e}` and `{f,g}`.

If we didn't add the default binding Unknown earlier, at this point it would be difficult to recover the memory region to the specific element from which the escapes happened, aka. the memregion of the access pattern to `c` - unless we of course store that MemRegion in some side storage, and employ some RAII technique to ensure that it's bound in the end.
I don't think it is worth this complexity.

I think I'm finished, I looked at everything again, and I still believe it's as good as it gets.
I'm happy to be challenged, but I don't think I'd spend too much time on this.
Feel free to directly push to this branch to demonstrate what you would propose.


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