[clang] [Clang] Implement CWG2918 'Consideration of constraints for address of overloaded function' (PR #127773)

Younan Zhang via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 20 04:11:10 PST 2025

@@ -13252,6 +13273,33 @@ class AddressOfFunctionResolver {
+  void EliminateLessPartialOrderingConstrainedMatches() {
+    // C++ [over.over]p5:
+    //   [...] Any given non-template function F0 is eliminated if the set
+    //   contains a second non-template function that is more
+    //   partial-ordering-constrained than F0. [...]
+    assert(Matches[0].second->getPrimaryTemplate() == nullptr &&
+           "Call EliminateAllTemplateMatches() first");
+    SmallVector<std::pair<DeclAccessPair, FunctionDecl *>, 4> Results;
+    Results.push_back(Matches[0]);
+    for (unsigned I = 1, N = Matches.size(); I < N; ++I) {
+      assert(Matches[I].second->getPrimaryTemplate() == nullptr);
+      FunctionDecl *F = getMorePartialOrderingConstrained(
+          S, Matches[I].second, Results[0].second,
+          /*IsFn1Reversed=*/false,
+          /*IsFn2Reversed=*/false);
+      if (!F) {
+        Results.push_back(Matches[I]);
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (F == Matches[I].second) {
+        Results.clear();
+        Results.push_back(Matches[I]);
+      }
+    }
+    std::swap(Matches, Results);
zyn0217 wrote:

It is supposed to work, though I haven't yet devised a test to exercise that branch. My understanding is that if there were more than one candidate that isn't more constrained than the others, we should have ruled them out earlier when checking the full address-taken expression, namely in `resolveAddressOfSingleOverloadCandidate()`, whose logic is similar to this `AddressOfFunctionResolver::EliminateLessPartialOrderingConstrainedMatches`, which is mainly used for initialization stuff purpose.

We unfortunately ended up with these separate pieces of address-of resolution logic for different scenarios such as type deduction and initialization sequence construction. While we might be doing some redundant work, from my understanding, the function in its current form aligns with the standard's intent.


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