[clang] 6cc7ca0 - [Clang] Fix cross-lane scan when given divergent lanes (#127703)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 19 14:47:03 PST 2025

Author: Joseph Huber
Date: 2025-02-19T16:46:59-06:00
New Revision: 6cc7ca084a5bbb7ccf606cab12065604453dde59

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6cc7ca084a5bbb7ccf606cab12065604453dde59
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6cc7ca084a5bbb7ccf606cab12065604453dde59.diff

LOG: [Clang] Fix cross-lane scan when given divergent lanes (#127703)

The scan operation implemented here only works if there are contiguous
ones in the executation mask that can be used to propagate the result.
There are two solutions to this, one is to enter 'whole-wave-mode' and
forcibly turn them back on, or to do this serially. This implementation
does the latter because it's more portable, but checks to see if the
parallel fast-path is applicable.

Needs to be backported for correct behavior and because it fixes a
failing libc test.




diff  --git a/clang/lib/Headers/gpuintrin.h b/clang/lib/Headers/gpuintrin.h
index 11c87e85cd497..efdc3d94ac0b3 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Headers/gpuintrin.h
+++ b/clang/lib/Headers/gpuintrin.h
@@ -150,35 +150,33 @@ __gpu_shuffle_idx_f64(uint64_t __lane_mask, uint32_t __idx, double __x,
                             __builtin_bit_cast(uint64_t, __x), __width));
-// Gets the sum of all lanes inside the warp or wavefront.
-#define __DO_LANE_SUM(__type, __suffix)                                        \
-  _DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS static __inline__ __type __gpu_lane_sum_##__suffix(        \
-      uint64_t __lane_mask, __type __x) {                                      \
-    for (uint32_t __step = __gpu_num_lanes() / 2; __step > 0; __step /= 2) {   \
-      uint32_t __index = __step + __gpu_lane_id();                             \
-      __x += __gpu_shuffle_idx_##__suffix(__lane_mask, __index, __x,           \
-                                          __gpu_num_lanes());                  \
-    }                                                                          \
-    return __gpu_read_first_lane_##__suffix(__lane_mask, __x);                 \
-  }
-__DO_LANE_SUM(uint32_t, u32); // uint32_t __gpu_lane_sum_u32(m, x)
-__DO_LANE_SUM(uint64_t, u64); // uint64_t __gpu_lane_sum_u64(m, x)
-__DO_LANE_SUM(float, f32);    // float __gpu_lane_sum_f32(m, x)
-__DO_LANE_SUM(double, f64);   // double __gpu_lane_sum_f64(m, x)
-#undef __DO_LANE_SUM
 // Gets the accumulator scan of the threads in the warp or wavefront.
 #define __DO_LANE_SCAN(__type, __bitmask_type, __suffix)                       \
   _DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS static __inline__ uint32_t __gpu_lane_scan_##__suffix(     \
       uint64_t __lane_mask, uint32_t __x) {                                    \
-    for (uint32_t __step = 1; __step < __gpu_num_lanes(); __step *= 2) {       \
-      uint32_t __index = __gpu_lane_id() - __step;                             \
-      __bitmask_type bitmask = __gpu_lane_id() >= __step;                      \
-      __x += __builtin_bit_cast(                                               \
-          __type, -bitmask & __builtin_bit_cast(__bitmask_type,                \
-                                                __gpu_shuffle_idx_##__suffix(  \
-                                                    __lane_mask, __index, __x, \
-                                                    __gpu_num_lanes())));      \
+    uint64_t __first = __lane_mask >> __builtin_ctzll(__lane_mask);            \
+    bool __divergent = __gpu_read_first_lane_##__suffix(                       \
+        __lane_mask, __first & (__first + 1));                                 \
+    if (__divergent) {                                                         \
+      __type __accum = 0;                                                      \
+      for (uint64_t __mask = __lane_mask; __mask; __mask &= __mask - 1) {      \
+        __type __index = __builtin_ctzll(__mask);                              \
+        __type __tmp = __gpu_shuffle_idx_##__suffix(__lane_mask, __index, __x, \
+                                                    __gpu_num_lanes());        \
+        __x = __gpu_lane_id() == __index ? __accum + __tmp : __x;              \
+        __accum += __tmp;                                                      \
+      }                                                                        \
+    } else {                                                                   \
+      for (uint32_t __step = 1; __step < __gpu_num_lanes(); __step *= 2) {     \
+        uint32_t __index = __gpu_lane_id() - __step;                           \
+        __bitmask_type bitmask = __gpu_lane_id() >= __step;                    \
+        __x += __builtin_bit_cast(                                             \
+            __type,                                                            \
+            -bitmask & __builtin_bit_cast(__bitmask_type,                      \
+                                          __gpu_shuffle_idx_##__suffix(        \
+                                              __lane_mask, __index, __x,       \
+                                              __gpu_num_lanes())));            \
+      }                                                                        \
     }                                                                          \
     return __x;                                                                \
@@ -188,6 +186,32 @@ __DO_LANE_SCAN(float, uint32_t, f32);    // float __gpu_lane_scan_f32(m, x)
 __DO_LANE_SCAN(double, uint64_t, f64);   // double __gpu_lane_scan_f64(m, x)
 #undef __DO_LANE_SCAN
+// Gets the sum of all lanes inside the warp or wavefront.
+#define __DO_LANE_SUM(__type, __suffix)                                        \
+  _DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS static __inline__ __type __gpu_lane_sum_##__suffix(        \
+      uint64_t __lane_mask, __type __x) {                                      \
+    uint64_t __first = __lane_mask >> __builtin_ctzll(__lane_mask);            \
+    bool __divergent = __gpu_read_first_lane_##__suffix(                       \
+        __lane_mask, __first & (__first + 1));                                 \
+    if (__divergent) {                                                         \
+      return __gpu_shuffle_idx_##__suffix(                                     \
+          __lane_mask, 63 - __builtin_clzll(__lane_mask),                      \
+          __gpu_lane_scan_##__suffix(__lane_mask, __x), __gpu_num_lanes());    \
+    } else {                                                                   \
+      for (uint32_t __step = 1; __step < __gpu_num_lanes(); __step *= 2) {     \
+        uint32_t __index = __step + __gpu_lane_id();                           \
+        __x += __gpu_shuffle_idx_##__suffix(__lane_mask, __index, __x,         \
+                                            __gpu_num_lanes());                \
+      }                                                                        \
+      return __gpu_read_first_lane_##__suffix(__lane_mask, __x);               \
+    }                                                                          \
+  }
+__DO_LANE_SUM(uint32_t, u32); // uint32_t __gpu_lane_sum_u32(m, x)
+__DO_LANE_SUM(uint64_t, u64); // uint64_t __gpu_lane_sum_u64(m, x)
+__DO_LANE_SUM(float, f32);    // float __gpu_lane_sum_f32(m, x)
+__DO_LANE_SUM(double, f64);   // double __gpu_lane_sum_f64(m, x)
+#undef __DO_LANE_SUM
 _Pragma("omp end declare variant");
 _Pragma("omp end declare target");

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Headers/nvptxintrin.h b/clang/lib/Headers/nvptxintrin.h
index f857a87b5f4c7..29d0adcabc82f 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Headers/nvptxintrin.h
+++ b/clang/lib/Headers/nvptxintrin.h
@@ -155,8 +155,11 @@ _DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS static __inline__ void __gpu_sync_lane(uint64_t __lane_mask) {
 _DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS static __inline__ uint32_t
 __gpu_shuffle_idx_u32(uint64_t __lane_mask, uint32_t __idx, uint32_t __x,
                       uint32_t __width) {
+  // Mask out inactive lanes to match AMDGPU behavior.
   uint32_t __mask = (uint32_t)__lane_mask;
-  return __nvvm_shfl_sync_idx_i32(__mask, __x, __idx,
+  bool __bitmask = (1ull << __idx) & __lane_mask;
+  return -__bitmask &
+         __nvvm_shfl_sync_idx_i32(__mask, __x, __idx,
                                   ((__gpu_num_lanes() - __width) << 8u) | 0x1f);

diff  --git a/libc/test/integration/src/__support/GPU/scan_reduce.cpp b/libc/test/integration/src/__support/GPU/scan_reduce.cpp
index bc621c3300cbe..1d50e1f99bf31 100644
--- a/libc/test/integration/src/__support/GPU/scan_reduce.cpp
+++ b/libc/test/integration/src/__support/GPU/scan_reduce.cpp
@@ -53,10 +53,59 @@ static void test_scan() {
   EXPECT_EQ(z, gpu::get_lane_id() % 2 ? gpu::get_lane_id() / 2 + 1 : 0);
+static uint32_t random(uint64_t *rand_next) {
+  uint64_t x = *rand_next;
+  x ^= x >> 12;
+  x ^= x << 25;
+  x ^= x >> 27;
+  *rand_next = x;
+  return static_cast<uint32_t>((x * 0x2545F4914F6CDD1Dul) >> 32);
+// Scan operations can break down under thread divergence, make sure that the
+// function works under some random divergence. We do this by trivially
+// implementing a scan with shared scratch memory and then comparing the
+// results.
+static void test_scan_divergent() {
+  static uint32_t input[64] = {0};
+  static uint32_t result[64] = {0};
+  uint64_t state = gpu::processor_clock() + __gpu_lane_id();
+  for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
+    uint64_t lanemask = gpu::get_lane_mask();
+    if (random(&state) & (1ull << gpu::get_lane_id())) {
+      uint64_t divergent = gpu::get_lane_mask();
+      uint32_t value = random(&state) % 256;
+      input[gpu::get_lane_id()] = value;
+      if (gpu::is_first_lane(divergent)) {
+        uint32_t accumulator = 0;
+        for (uint32_t lane = 0; lane < gpu::get_lane_size(); ++lane) {
+          uint32_t tmp = input[lane];
+          result[lane] = tmp + accumulator;
+          accumulator += tmp;
+        }
+      }
+      gpu::sync_lane(divergent);
+      uint32_t scan = gpu::scan(divergent, value);
+      EXPECT_EQ(scan, result[gpu::get_lane_id()]);
+    }
+    if (gpu::is_first_lane(lanemask))
+      __builtin_memset(input, 0, sizeof(input));
+    gpu::sync_lane(lanemask);
+  }
 TEST_MAIN(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
+  if (gpu::get_thread_id() >= gpu::get_lane_size())
+    return 0;
+  test_scan_divergent();
   return 0;


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