[clang] [analyzer] Limit Store by region-store-binding-limit (PR #127602)

Balázs Benics via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 19 03:00:06 PST 2025

@@ -176,31 +177,59 @@ class RegionBindingsRef : public llvm::ImmutableMapRef<const MemRegion *,
   // however that would have made the manager needlessly stateful.
   bool IsMainAnalysis;
+  unsigned BindingsLeft;
+  unsigned bindingsLeft() const { return BindingsLeft; }
+  bool hasExhaustedBindingLimit() const { return BindingsLeft == 0; }
+  RegionBindingsRef escapeValue(SVal V) const {
+    assert(EscapedValuesDuringBind);
+    EscapedValuesDuringBind->push_back(V);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  RegionBindingsRef escapeValues(nonloc::CompoundVal::iterator Begin,
+                                 nonloc::CompoundVal::iterator End) const {
+    for (SVal V : llvm::make_range(Begin, End))
+      escapeValue(V);
+    return *this;
+  }
   typedef llvm::ImmutableMapRef<const MemRegion *, ClusterBindings>
   RegionBindingsRef(ClusterBindings::Factory &CBFactory,
+                    SmallVectorImpl<SVal> *EscapedValuesDuringBind,
                     const RegionBindings::TreeTy *T,
-                    RegionBindings::TreeTy::Factory *F,
-                    bool IsMainAnalysis)
-      : llvm::ImmutableMapRef<const MemRegion *, ClusterBindings>(T, F),
-        CBFactory(&CBFactory), IsMainAnalysis(IsMainAnalysis) {}
-  RegionBindingsRef(const ParentTy &P,
-                    ClusterBindings::Factory &CBFactory,
-                    bool IsMainAnalysis)
-      : llvm::ImmutableMapRef<const MemRegion *, ClusterBindings>(P),
-        CBFactory(&CBFactory), IsMainAnalysis(IsMainAnalysis) {}
+                    RegionBindings::TreeTy::Factory *F, bool IsMainAnalysis,
+                    unsigned BindingsLeft)
+      : RegionBindingsRef(ParentTy(T, F), CBFactory, EscapedValuesDuringBind,
+                          IsMainAnalysis, BindingsLeft) {}
+  RegionBindingsRef(const ParentTy &P, ClusterBindings::Factory &CBFactory,
+                    SmallVectorImpl<SVal> *EscapedValuesDuringBind,
+                    bool IsMainAnalysis, unsigned BindingsLeft)
+      : ParentTy(P), CBFactory(&CBFactory),
+        EscapedValuesDuringBind(EscapedValuesDuringBind),
+        IsMainAnalysis(IsMainAnalysis), BindingsLeft(BindingsLeft) {}
+  RegionBindingsRef add(key_type_ref K, data_type_ref D,
balazs-benics-sonarsource wrote:

> the real types were hidden behind the meaningless aliases key_type_ref and data_type_ref.)

Yes, I've desugared the param types now. Also renamed `add` and friends to bring some meaning to their names. I hope it clarified what was missing.


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