[clang] [Clang][Driver][Test] Created test for unsupported driver options (PR #120900)

Mészáros Gergely via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Feb 16 07:23:38 PST 2025

@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This script generates Lit regression test files that validate that options are only exposed to intended driver modes.
+The options and driver modes are parsed from Options.td, whose path should be provided on the command line.
+See clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td
+The path to the TableGen executable can optionally be provided. Otherwise, the script will search for it.
+The primary maintenance task for this script would be updating the expected return message for a driver mode if
+there are changes over time. See the instantiations of DriverData, specifically the check_str.
+1) For each option, (records of class "Option"), and for each driver, (records of class "OptionVisibility")
+    a. if the option's "Visibility" field includes the driver flavour, skip processing this option for this driver
+    b. if the option is part of an option group, (the record has the "Group" property),
+       and the group's "Visibility" field includes the driver flavour, skip processing this option for this driver
+    c. otherwise this option is not supported by this driver flavour, and this pairing is saved for testing
+2) For each unsupported pairing, generate a Lit RUN line, and a CHECK line to parse for expected output. Ex: "error: unknown argument"
+import shutil
+import os
+import json
+import subprocess
+from bisect import bisect_left
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+import argparse
+import dataclasses
+from itertools import batched
+# Strings defined in Options.td for the various driver flavours. See "OptionVisibility"
+# Lit test prefix strings
+SLASH_SLASH = "// "
+# Invalid usage of the driver options below causes unique output, so skip testing
+exceptions_sequence = [
+    "cc1",
+    "cc1as",
+class UnsupportedDriverOption:
+    """Defines an unsupported driver-option combination
+    driver: The driver string as defined by OptionVisibility in Options.td
+    option: The option object from Options.td
+    option_name: Corresponding string for an option. See "Name" for a given option in Options.td
+    prefix: String that precedes the option. Ex. "-"
+    """
+    def __init__(self, driver, option, option_name, prefix):
+        self.driver = driver
+        self.option = option
+        self.option_name = option_name
+        self.prefix = prefix
+    # For sorting
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.option_name)
+    def __lt__(self, other):
+        return len(self.option_name) > len(other.option_name)
+ at dataclass
+class DriverData:
+    """Dataclass for data specific to each driver
+    lit_cmd_prefix: The beginning string of the Lit command
+    lit_cmd_options: Strings containing additional options for this driver
+    visibility_str: The corresponding visibility string from OptionVisibility in Options.td
+    lit_cmd_end: String at the end of the Lit command
+    check_str: The string or regex to be sent to FileCheck
+    supported_sequence: List of UnsupportedDriverOption objects for supported options
+                        that are Kind *JOINED*, as defined in Options.td
+    test_option_sequence: A list of all the prefix-option pairs that will be tested for this driver
+    """
+    lit_cmd_prefix: str
+    lit_cmd_options: str
+    visibility_str: str
+    lit_cmd_end: str = " - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-COUNT-"
+    check_str: str = "{{(unknown argument|n?N?o such file or directory)}}"
+    supported_sequence: list[UnsupportedDriverOption] = dataclasses.field(
+        default_factory=list
+    )
+    test_option_sequence: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
+def find_groups(options_dictionary, option):
+    """Find the groups for a given option
+    Note that groups can themselves be part of groups, hence the recursion
+    For example, considering option "C", it has the following 'Group' list as defined by Options.td:
+      "Group": {
+        "def": "Preprocessor_Group",
+        "kind": "def",
+        "printable": "Preprocessor_Group"
+      },
+    Preprocessor_Group is itself part of CompileOnly_Group, so option C would be part of both groups
+      "Group": {
+        "def": "CompileOnly_Group",
+        "kind": "def",
+        "printable": "CompileOnly_Group"
+      },
+    options_dictionary: The converted Python dictionary from the Options.td json string
+    option: The option object from Options.td
+    Return: A set including the group found for the option
+    """
+    group_list = options_dictionary[option]["Group"]
+    if group_list is None:
+        return None
+    found_group = group_list["def"]
+    group_set = {found_group}
+    sub_group_set = find_groups(options_dictionary, found_group)
+    if sub_group_set is None:
+        return group_set
+    else:
+        group_set.update(sub_group_set)
+        return group_set
+def get_visibility(option):
+    """Get a list of drivers that a given option is exposed to
+    option: The option object from Options.td
+    Return: Set that contains the visibilities of the given option
+    """
+    visibility_set = set(())
+    # Check for the option's explicit visibility
+    for visibility in options_dictionary[option]["Visibility"]:
+        if visibility is not None:
+            visibility_set.add(visibility["def"])
+    # Check for the option's group's visibility
+    group_set = find_groups(options_dictionary, option)
+    if group_set is not None:
+        for group_name in group_set:
+            for visibility in options_dictionary[group_name]["Visibility"]:
+                visibility_set.add(visibility["def"])
+    return visibility_set
+def get_lit_test_note(test_visibility):
+    """Return the note to be included at the start of the Lit test file
+    test_visibility: Any VISIBILITY_* variable. VISIBILITY_FLANG will return the .f90 formatted test note.
+    All other will return the .c formatted test note
+    """
+    test_prefix = EXCLAMATION if test_visibility == VISIBILITY_FLANG else SLASH_SLASH
+    return (
+        f"{test_prefix}NOTE: This lit test was automatically generated to validate "
+        "unintentionally exposed arguments to various driver flavours.\n"
+        f"{test_prefix}NOTE: To make changes, see llvm-project/clang/utils/generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py"
+        + " from which it was generated.\n"
+        f"{test_prefix}NOTE: Regenerate this Lit test with the following:\n"
+        f"{test_prefix}NOTE: python generate_unsupported_in_drivermode.py "
+        + "llvm-project/clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td --llvm-bin llvm-project/build/bin --llvm-tblgen llvm-tblgen\n\n"
+    )
+def write_lit_test(test_path, test_visibility, unsupported_list):
+    """Write the Lit tests to file
+    test_path: File write path
+    test_visibility: VISIBILITY_DEFAULT or VISIBILITY_FLANG, which indicates whether to write
+    to the main Lit test file or flang Lit test file respectively
+    unsupported_list: List of UnsupportedDriverOption objects
+    """
+    # If each option is tested with its own run line, the Lit tests become quite large. Instead, test options in batches
+    try:
+        with open(test_path, "w") as lit_file:
+            lit_file.write(get_lit_test_note(test_visibility))
+            batch_size = 100
+            for visibility, driver_data in driver_data_dict.items():
+                is_flang_pair = (
+                    visibility == VISIBILITY_FLANG or visibility == VISIBILITY_FC1
+                )
+                if (test_visibility == VISIBILITY_FLANG and not is_flang_pair) or (
+                    test_visibility == VISIBILITY_DEFAULT and is_flang_pair
+                ):
+                    continue
+                comment_str = EXCLAMATION if is_flang_pair else SLASH_SLASH
+                last_batch_size = 0
+                unflattened_option_data = list(
+                    batched(driver_data.test_option_sequence, batch_size)
+                )
+                for batch in unflattened_option_data:
+                    # Example run line: // RUN: not --crash %clang -cc1 -A -x c++ - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CC1Option %s
+                    run_cmd = (
+                        f"{comment_str}RUN: not " + driver_data.lit_cmd_prefix
+                    )  # "// RUN: not --crash %clang -cc1 "
+                    for option_str in batch:
+                        run_cmd += option_str + " "  # "-A"
+                    run_cmd += (
+                        driver_data.lit_cmd_options  # "-x c++"
+                        + driver_data.lit_cmd_end  # " - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck  -check-prefix=CC1OptionCHECK-COUNT-"
+                        + str(len(batch))  # 100
+                        + " %s\n\n"  # " %s"
+                    )
+                    lit_file.write(run_cmd)
+                    last_batch_size = len(batch)
+                # CHECK statements. Instead of writing custom CHECK statements for each RUN line, create two statements
+                # per driver. One statement for a full batch, and a second for a partial batch.
+                check_cmd_start = (
+                    comment_str + visibility + "CHECK-COUNT-"
+                )  # //CC1OptionCHECK-COUNT-
+                check_cmd_end = (
+                    ": " + driver_data.check_str + "\n"
+                )  # ": {{(unknown argument|n?N?o such file or directory)}}"
+                check_cmd_full_batch = (
+                    check_cmd_start + str(batch_size) + check_cmd_end
+                )  # "//CC1OptionCHECK-COUNT-100: {{(unknown argument|n?N?o such file or directory)}}"
+                check_cmd_partial_batch = (
+                    check_cmd_start + str(last_batch_size) + check_cmd_end + "\n"
+                )  # "//CC1OptionCHECK-COUNT-22: {{(unknown argument|n?N?o such file or directory)}}"
+                lit_file.write(check_cmd_full_batch + check_cmd_partial_batch)
+    except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, OSError):
+        raise IOError(f"Error opening {test_path}. Exiting")
+    else:
+        lit_file.close()
+def validate_file(path):
+    if not os.path.isfile(path):
+        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"Invalid file provided: {path}")
+    return path
+# List of driver flavours
+driver_sequence = []
+# List of unsupported driver-option pairs
+unsupported_sequence = []
+# List of driver-option pairs that will be skipped due to overlapping supported and unsupported option names.
+# See later comments for detail
+skipped_sequence = []
+# Parse arguments
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description="This script generates Lit regression test files that validate that options are only exposed to "
+    "intended driver modes. "
+    "The options and driver modes are parsed from Options.td."
+    "<path>/Options.td",
+    type=validate_file,
+    help="Path to Options.td file. Typically found under clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td",
+    "--llvm-bin",
+    help="llvm build tree bin directory path. Must be specified with --llvm-tblgen. Default path: llvm-project/build/bin",
+    "--llvm-tblgen",
+    help="LLVM TableGen executable. If not included with --llvm-bin, the script will search for the llvm-tblgen executable",
+args = vars(parser.parse_args())
+tablegen = ""
+arg_llvm_bin = args["llvm_bin"]
+arg_llvm_tblgen = args["llvm_tblgen"]
+if arg_llvm_bin is None or arg_llvm_tblgen is None:
+    tablegen = shutil.which("llvm-tblgen")
+    tablegen = arg_llvm_bin + "/" + arg_llvm_tblgen
+# Run TableGen to convert Options.td to json
+options_json_str = subprocess.run(
+    [
+        tablegen,
+        "-I",
+        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../llvm/include"),
+        args["<path>/Options.td"],
+        "-dump-json",
+    ],
+    stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+options_dictionary = json.loads(options_json_str.stdout.decode("utf-8"))
+# Establish the dataclass objects for each driver
+driver_cc1as = DriverData(
+    "%clang -cc1as ",
+    "",
+    f" - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix={VISIBILITY_CC1AS}CHECK-COUNT-",
+driver_cc1 = DriverData(
+    "%clang -cc1 ",
+    " -x c++",
+    f" - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix={VISIBILITY_CC1}CHECK-COUNT-",
+driver_cl = DriverData(
+    "%clang_cl ",
+    " -### /c /WX -Werror",
+    f" 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix={VISIBILITY_CL}CHECK-COUNT-",
+    "{{(unknown argument ignored in|no such file or directory|argument unused during compilation)}}",
+driver_dxc = DriverData(
+    "%clang_dxc ",
+    " -### /T lib_6_7",
+    f" 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix={VISIBILITY_DXC}CHECK-COUNT-",
+    "{{(unknown argument|no such file or directory|argument unused during compilation)}}",
+driver_default = DriverData(
+    "%clang ",
+    " -### -x c++ -c",
+    f" - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix={VISIBILITY_DEFAULT}CHECK-COUNT-",
+    "{{(unknown argument|unsupported option|argument unused|no such file or directory)}}",
+driver_fc1 = DriverData(
+    "%clang --driver-mode=flang -fc1 ",
+    "",
+    f" - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix={VISIBILITY_FC1}CHECK-COUNT-",
+    "{{(unknown argument|no such file or directory|does not exist)}}",
+driver_flang = DriverData(
+    "%clang --driver-mode=flang ",
+    " -### -x c++ -c",
+    f" - < /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix={VISIBILITY_FLANG}CHECK-COUNT-",
+    "{{unknown argument|unsupported option|argument unused during compilation|invalid argument|no such file or directory}}",
+driver_data_dict = {
+    VISIBILITY_CC1AS: driver_cc1as,
+    VISIBILITY_CC1: driver_cc1,
+    VISIBILITY_CL: driver_cl,
+    VISIBILITY_DXC: driver_dxc,
+    VISIBILITY_DEFAULT: driver_default,
+    VISIBILITY_FC1: driver_fc1,
+    VISIBILITY_FLANG: driver_flang,
+# Gather list of driver flavours
+for visibility in options_dictionary["!instanceof"]["OptionVisibility"]:
+    driver_sequence.append(visibility)
+# Iterate the options list and find which drivers shouldn't be visible to each option
+for option in options_dictionary["!instanceof"]["Option"]:
+    kind = options_dictionary[option]["Kind"]["def"]
+    tmp_visibility_set = set(())
+    option_name = options_dictionary[option]["Name"]
+    # There are a few conditions that make an option unsuitable to test in this script
+    # Options of kind KIND_INPUT & KIND_UNKNOWN don't apply to this test. For example,
+    # Option "INPUT" with name "<input>".
+    if (
+        option in exceptions_sequence
+        or options_dictionary[option]["Name"] is None
+        or kind == "KIND_INPUT"
+        or kind == "KIND_UNKNOWN"
+    ):
+        continue
+    # Get the correct option prefix
+    prefixes = options_dictionary[option]["Prefixes"]
+    prefix = ""
+    if prefixes is not None and len(prefixes) > 0:
+        # Assuming the first prefix is the preferred prefix
+        prefix = prefixes[0]
+    tmp_visibility_set.update(get_visibility(option))
+    # Check visibility of direct and indirect aliases
+    # A given option may list only one "primary" alias, but that alias
+    # may be listed by other options as well, hence indirect aliases
+    alias_sequence = options_dictionary["!instanceof"]["Alias"]
+    if options_dictionary[option]["Alias"] is not None:
+        primary_alias = options_dictionary[option]["Alias"]["def"]
+        tmp_visibility_set.update(get_visibility(primary_alias))
+        for alias in alias_sequence:
+            if options_dictionary[alias]["Alias"]["def"] == primary_alias:
+                tmp_visibility_set.update(get_visibility(alias))
+    for alias in alias_sequence:
+        if options_dictionary[alias]["Alias"]["def"] == option:
+            tmp_visibility_set.update(get_visibility(alias))
+    # *JOINED* options that are supported need to be saved for checking
+    # which options cannot be validated with this script
+    is_option_kind_joined = "JOINED" in kind
+    # Append to the unsupported list, and the various supported lists
+    for driver in driver_sequence:
+        if driver not in tmp_visibility_set:
+            unsupported_sequence.append(
+                UnsupportedDriverOption(driver, option, option_name, prefix)
+            )
+        elif is_option_kind_joined:
+            driver_data_dict[driver].supported_sequence.append(
+                UnsupportedDriverOption(driver, option, option_name, prefix)
+            )
+# Sort the supported lists for the next block
+for visibility, driver_data in driver_data_dict.items():
+    driver_data.supported_sequence.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
Maetveis wrote:

for driver_data in driver_data_dict:
    driver_data.supported_sequence.sort(key=len, reverse=True)

`visibility` is not used.


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