[clang] c08b80e - [Clang] Remove the PackExpansion restrictions for rewrite substitution (#126206)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 13 23:25:56 PST 2025

Author: Younan Zhang
Date: 2025-02-14T15:25:52+08:00
New Revision: c08b80eb525a6e6a34d74634bf5181f11ed12984

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c08b80eb525a6e6a34d74634bf5181f11ed12984
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c08b80eb525a6e6a34d74634bf5181f11ed12984.diff

LOG: [Clang] Remove the PackExpansion restrictions for rewrite substitution (#126206)

When substituting for rewrite purposes, as in rebuilding constraints for
a synthesized deduction guide, it assumed that packs were in
PackExpansion* form, such that the instantiator could extract a pattern.
For type aliases CTAD, while rebuilding their associated constraints,
this might not be the case because we'll call
`TransformTemplateArgument()` for the alias template arguments, where
there might be cases e.g. a non-pack expansion type into a pack
expansion, so the assumption wouldn't hold.
This patch fixes that by making it treat the non-pack expansions as
direct patterns when rewriting.

Fixes #124715




diff  --git a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplate.cpp b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplate.cpp
index 9e68972b33f0a..38fa3ff3ab5b4 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplate.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplate.cpp
@@ -4905,7 +4905,7 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateTypeArgument(
   default: {
-    // We allow instantiateing a template with template argument packs when
+    // We allow instantiating a template with template argument packs when
     // building deduction guides.
     if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Pack &&
         CodeSynthesisContexts.back().Kind ==

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp
index d9a47ca3daa20..d1a45af6ca58f 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp
@@ -1466,6 +1466,18 @@ namespace {
+    static TemplateArgument
+    getTemplateArgumentPackPatternForRewrite(const TemplateArgument &TA) {
+      if (TA.getKind() != TemplateArgument::Pack)
+        return TA;
+      assert(TA.pack_size() == 1 &&
+             "unexpected pack arguments in template rewrite");
+      TemplateArgument Arg = *TA.pack_begin();
+      if (Arg.isPackExpansion())
+        Arg = Arg.getPackExpansionPattern();
+      return Arg;
+    }
     /// Transform the given declaration by instantiating a reference to
     /// this declaration.
     Decl *TransformDecl(SourceLocation Loc, Decl *D);
@@ -1627,7 +1639,7 @@ namespace {
           TemplateArgumentLoc Input = SemaRef.getTrivialTemplateArgumentLoc(
               pack, QualType(), SourceLocation{});
           TemplateArgumentLoc Output;
-          if (SemaRef.SubstTemplateArgument(Input, TemplateArgs, Output))
+          if (TransformTemplateArgument(Input, Output, Uneval))
             return true; // fails
@@ -2040,11 +2052,7 @@ TemplateName TemplateInstantiator::TransformTemplateName(
       if (TemplateArgs.isRewrite()) {
         // We're rewriting the template parameter as a reference to another
         // template parameter.
-        if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Pack) {
-          assert(Arg.pack_size() == 1 && Arg.pack_begin()->isPackExpansion() &&
-                 "unexpected pack arguments in template rewrite");
-          Arg = Arg.pack_begin()->getPackExpansionPattern();
-        }
+        Arg = getTemplateArgumentPackPatternForRewrite(Arg);
         assert(Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Template &&
                "unexpected nontype template argument kind in template rewrite");
         return Arg.getAsTemplate();
@@ -2125,11 +2133,7 @@ TemplateInstantiator::TransformTemplateParmRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *E,
   if (TemplateArgs.isRewrite()) {
     // We're rewriting the template parameter as a reference to another
     // template parameter.
-    if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Pack) {
-      assert(Arg.pack_size() == 1 && Arg.pack_begin()->isPackExpansion() &&
-             "unexpected pack arguments in template rewrite");
-      Arg = Arg.pack_begin()->getPackExpansionPattern();
-    }
+    Arg = getTemplateArgumentPackPatternForRewrite(Arg);
     assert(Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Expression &&
            "unexpected nontype template argument kind in template rewrite");
     // FIXME: This can lead to the same subexpression appearing multiple times
@@ -2591,11 +2595,7 @@ TemplateInstantiator::TransformTemplateTypeParmType(TypeLocBuilder &TLB,
     if (TemplateArgs.isRewrite()) {
       // We're rewriting the template parameter as a reference to another
       // template parameter.
-      if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Pack) {
-        assert(Arg.pack_size() == 1 && Arg.pack_begin()->isPackExpansion() &&
-               "unexpected pack arguments in template rewrite");
-        Arg = Arg.pack_begin()->getPackExpansionPattern();
-      }
+      Arg = getTemplateArgumentPackPatternForRewrite(Arg);
       assert(Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Type &&
              "unexpected nontype template argument kind in template rewrite");
       QualType NewT = Arg.getAsType();

diff  --git a/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-ctad-alias.cpp b/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-ctad-alias.cpp
index b1631f7822ce0..f39a4cee518ce 100644
--- a/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-ctad-alias.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-ctad-alias.cpp
@@ -156,3 +156,49 @@ ATemplatedClass2 test2(list);
 // CHECK-NEXT: |-TypeTraitExpr {{.*}} 'bool' __is_deducible
 } // namespace GH90209
+namespace GH124715 {
+template <class T, class... Args>
+concept invocable = true;
+template <class T, class... Args> struct Struct {
+  template <class U>
+    requires invocable<U, Args...>
+  Struct(U, Args...) {}
+template <class...> struct Packs {};
+template <class Lambda, class... Args>
+Struct(Lambda lambda, Args... args) -> Struct<Lambda, Args...>;
+template <class T, class... Ts> using Alias = Struct<T, Packs<Ts...>>;
+void foo() {
+  Alias([](int) {}, Packs<int>());
+// CHECK:      |-FunctionTemplateDecl {{.*}} implicit <deduction guide for Alias>
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |-TemplateTypeParmDecl {{.*}} class depth 0 index 0 T
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |-TemplateTypeParmDecl {{.*}} class depth 0 index 1 ... Ts
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |-TemplateTypeParmDecl {{.*}} class depth 0 index 2 U
+// CHECK-NEXT: | |-BinaryOperator {{.*}} 'bool' '&&'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | |-ConceptSpecializationExpr {{.*}} 'bool' Concept {{.*}} 'invocable'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |-ImplicitConceptSpecializationDecl {{.*}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | | |-TemplateArgument type 'type-parameter-0-2'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | | | `-TemplateTypeParmType {{.*}} 'type-parameter-0-2' dependent depth 0 index 2
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | | `-TemplateArgument pack '<Packs<type-parameter-0-1...>>'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |   `-TemplateArgument type 'Packs<type-parameter-0-1...>'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |     `-TemplateSpecializationType {{.*}} 'Packs<type-parameter-0-1...>' dependent
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |       |-name: 'GH124715::Packs'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |       | `-ClassTemplateDecl {{.*}} Packs
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |       `-TemplateArgument pack '<type-parameter-0-1...>'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |         `-TemplateArgument type 'type-parameter-0-1...'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |           `-PackExpansionType {{.*}} 'type-parameter-0-1...' dependent
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |             `-TemplateTypeParmType {{.*}} 'type-parameter-0-1' dependent contains_unexpanded_pack depth 0 index 1 pack
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |-TemplateArgument {{.*}} type 'U':'type-parameter-0-2'
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | | `-TemplateTypeParmType {{.*}} 'U' dependent depth 0 index 2
+// CHECK-NEXT: | | | |   `-TemplateTypeParm {{.*}} 'U'
+} // namespace GH124715


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