[clang-tools-extra] 1a7e79b - [clang-doc] Make `--repository` change the HTML output (#122566)
via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 6 11:26:21 PST 2025
Author: Paul Kirth
Date: 2025-02-06T11:26:17-08:00
New Revision: 1a7e79b85dfbce32ccab6b4fb7fc3b1906f1d997
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1a7e79b85dfbce32ccab6b4fb7fc3b1906f1d997
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1a7e79b85dfbce32ccab6b4fb7fc3b1906f1d997.diff
LOG: [clang-doc] Make `--repository` change the HTML output (#122566)
The current check in writeFileDefinition() is incorrect, and prevents us
from ever emitting the URL from the clang-doc tool. The unit tests do
test this, but call the API directly circumventing the check.
This is the first step towards addressing #59814.
diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/clang-doc/HTMLGenerator.cpp b/clang-tools-extra/clang-doc/HTMLGenerator.cpp
index a6ebc007278db40..18a0de826630c33 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/clang-doc/HTMLGenerator.cpp
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/clang-doc/HTMLGenerator.cpp
@@ -494,18 +494,31 @@ genReferencesBlock(const std::vector<Reference> &References,
static std::unique_ptr<TagNode>
writeFileDefinition(const Location &L,
std::optional<StringRef> RepositoryUrl = std::nullopt) {
- if (!L.IsFileInRootDir || !RepositoryUrl)
+ if (!L.IsFileInRootDir && !RepositoryUrl)
return std::make_unique<TagNode>(
HTMLTag::TAG_P, "Defined at line " + std::to_string(L.LineNumber) +
" of file " + L.Filename);
SmallString<128> FileURL(*RepositoryUrl);
- llvm::sys::path::append(FileURL, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix, L.Filename);
+ llvm::sys::path::append(
+ FileURL, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix,
+ // If we're on Windows, the file name will be in the wrong format, and
+ // append won't convert the full path being appended to the correct
+ // format, so we need to do that here.
+ llvm::sys::path::convert_to_slash(
+ L.Filename,
+ // The style here is the current style of the path, not the one we're
+ // targeting. If the string is already in the posix style, it will do
+ // nothing.
+ llvm::sys::path::Style::windows));
auto Node = std::make_unique<TagNode>(HTMLTag::TAG_P);
Node->Children.emplace_back(std::make_unique<TextNode>("Defined at line "));
auto LocNumberNode =
std::make_unique<TagNode>(HTMLTag::TAG_A, std::to_string(L.LineNumber));
// The links to a specific line in the source code use the github /
// googlesource notation so it won't work for all hosting pages.
+ // FIXME: we probably should have a configuration setting for line number
+ // rendering in the HTML. For example, GitHub uses #L22, while googlesource
+ // uses #22 for line numbers.
"href", (FileURL + "#" + std::to_string(L.LineNumber)).str());
diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/test/clang-doc/Inputs/basic-project/src/Circle.cpp b/clang-tools-extra/test/clang-doc/Inputs/basic-project/src/Circle.cpp
index 823384a4d97e868..3ddb2fd9ff563ee 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/test/clang-doc/Inputs/basic-project/src/Circle.cpp
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/test/clang-doc/Inputs/basic-project/src/Circle.cpp
@@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ double Circle::area() const {
double Circle::perimeter() const {
return 3.141 * radius_;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/test/clang-doc/basic-project.test b/clang-tools-extra/test/clang-doc/basic-project.test
index b6b43bb82bb15db..1f5ba8bdc0703d7 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/test/clang-doc/basic-project.test
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/test/clang-doc/basic-project.test
@@ -54,130 +54,183 @@
-// HTML-SHAPE: <h1>class Shape</h1>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p>Defined at line 8 of file {{.*}}Shape.h</p>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p> Abstract base class for shapes.</p>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p> Provides a common interface for
diff erent types of shapes.</p>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">area</h3>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p>public double area()</p>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p> Calculates the area of the shape.</p>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">perimeter</h3>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p>public double perimeter()</p>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p> Calculates the perimeter of the shape.</p>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <div>return</div>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p> double The perimeter of the shape.</p>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">~Shape</h3>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p>public void ~Shape()</p>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p>Defined at line 13 of file {{.*}}Shape.h</p>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-SHAPE: <p> Virtual destructor.</p>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <h1>class Shape</h1>
+// HTML-SHAPE-NEXT: Defined at line
+// HTML-SHAPE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./include/Shape.h#8">8</a>
+// HTML-SHAPE-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-SHAPE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./include/Shape.h">Shape.h</a>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <p> Abstract base class for shapes.</p>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <p> Provides a common interface for
diff erent types of shapes.</p>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">area</h3>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <p>public double area()</p>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <p> Calculates the area of the shape.</p>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">perimeter</h3>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <p>public double perimeter()</p>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <p> Calculates the perimeter of the shape.</p>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <div>return</div>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <p> double The perimeter of the shape.</p>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">~Shape</h3>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <p>public void ~Shape()</p>
+// HTML-SHAPE: Defined at line
+// HTML-SHAPE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./include/Shape.h#13">13</a>
+// HTML-SHAPE-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-SHAPE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./include/Shape.h">Shape.h</a>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-SHAPE: <p> Virtual destructor.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <h1>class Calculator</h1>
-// HTML-CALC: <p>Defined at line 8 of file {{.*}}Calculator.h</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-CALC: <p> A simple calculator class.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <p> Provides basic arithmetic operations.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2>
-// HTML-CALC: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">add</h3>
-// HTML-CALC: <p>public int add(int a, int b)</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <p>Defined at line 3 of file {{.*}}Calculator.cpp</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-CALC: <p> Adds two integers.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <div>return</div>
-// HTML-CALC: <p> int The sum of a and b.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">subtract</h3>
-// HTML-CALC: <p>public int subtract(int a, int b)</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <p>Defined at line 7 of file {{.*}}Calculator.cpp</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-CALC: <p> Subtracts the second integer from the first.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <div>return</div>
-// HTML-CALC: <p> int The result of a - b.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">multiply</h3>
-// HTML-CALC: <p>public int multiply(int a, int b)</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <p>Defined at line 11 of file {{.*}}Calculator.cpp</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-CALC: <p> Multiplies two integers.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <div>return</div>
-// HTML-CALC: <p> int The product of a and b.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">divide</h3>
-// HTML-CALC: <p>public double divide(int a, int b)</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <p>Defined at line 15 of file {{.*}}Calculator.cpp</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-CALC: <p> Divides the first integer by the second.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <div>return</div>
-// HTML-CALC: <p> double The result of a / b.</p>
-// HTML-CALC: <div>throw</div>
-// HTML-CALC: <p>if b is zero.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <h1>class Calculator</h1>
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: Defined at line
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./include/Calculator.h#8">8</a>
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./include/Calculator.h">Calculator.h</a>
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: </p>
+// HTML-CALC: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-CALC: <p> A simple calculator class.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <p> Provides basic arithmetic operations.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2>
+// HTML-CALC: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">add</h3>
+// HTML-CALC: <p>public int add(int a, int b)</p>
+// HTML-CALC: Defined at line
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Calculator.cpp#3">3</a>
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Calculator.cpp">Calculator.cpp</a>
+// HTML-CALC: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-CALC: <p> Adds two integers.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <div>return</div>
+// HTML-CALC: <p> int The sum of a and b.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">subtract</h3>
+// HTML-CALC: <p>public int subtract(int a, int b)</p>
+// HTML-CALC: Defined at line
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Calculator.cpp#7">7</a>
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Calculator.cpp">Calculator.cpp</a>
+// HTML-CALC: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-CALC: <p> Subtracts the second integer from the first.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <div>return</div>
+// HTML-CALC: <p> int The result of a - b.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">multiply</h3>
+// HTML-CALC: <p>public int multiply(int a, int b)</p>
+// HTML-CALC: Defined at line
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Calculator.cpp#11">11</a>
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Calculator.cpp">Calculator.cpp</a>
+// HTML-CALC: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-CALC: <p> Multiplies two integers.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <div>return</div>
+// HTML-CALC: <p> int The product of a and b.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">divide</h3>
+// HTML-CALC: <p>public double divide(int a, int b)</p>
+// HTML-CALC: Defined at line
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Calculator.cpp#15">15</a>
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-CALC-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Calculator.cpp">Calculator.cpp</a>
+// HTML-CALC: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-CALC: <p> Divides the first integer by the second.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <div>return</div>
+// HTML-CALC: <p> double The result of a / b.</p>
+// HTML-CALC: <div>throw</div>
+// HTML-CALC: <p>if b is zero.</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h1>class Rectangle</h1>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p>Defined at line 10 of file {{.*}}Rectangle.h</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Represents a rectangle with a given width and height.</p
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: Inherits from
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <a href="Shape.html">Shape</a>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h2 id="Members">Members</h2>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Width of the rectangle.</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>private double width_</div>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Height of the rectangle.</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>private double height_</div>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">Rectangle</h3>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p>public void Rectangle(double width, double height)</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p>Defined at line 3 of file {{.*}}Rectangle.cpp</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Constructs a new Rectangle object.</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">area</h3>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p>public double area()</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p>Defined at line 6 of file {{.*}}Rectangle.cpp</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Calculates the area of the rectangle.</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>return</div>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> double The area of the rectangle.</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">perimeter</h3>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p>public double perimeter()</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p>Defined at line 10 of file {{.*}}Rectangle.cpp</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Calculates the perimeter of the rectangle.</p>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>return</div>
-// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> double The perimeter of the rectangle.</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h1>class Rectangle</h1>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE-NEXT: Defined at line
+// HTML-RECTANGLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./include/Rectangle.h#10">10</a>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./include/Rectangle.h">Rectangle.h</a>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Represents a rectangle with a given width and height.</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: Inherits from
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <a href="Shape.html">Shape</a>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h2 id="Members">Members</h2>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Width of the rectangle.</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>private double width_</div>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Height of the rectangle.</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>private double height_</div>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">Rectangle</h3>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p>public void Rectangle(double width, double height)</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: Defined at line
+// HTML-RECTANGLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Rectangle.cpp#3">3</a>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Rectangle.cpp">Rectangle.cpp</a>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Constructs a new Rectangle object.</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">area</h3>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p>public double area()</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: Defined at line
+// HTML-RECTANGLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Rectangle.cpp#6">6</a>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Rectangle.cpp">Rectangle.cpp</a>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Calculates the area of the rectangle.</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>return</div>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> double The area of the rectangle.</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">perimeter</h3>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p>public double perimeter()</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: Defined at line
+// HTML-RECTANGLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Rectangle.cpp#10">10</a>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Rectangle.cpp">Rectangle.cpp</a>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> Calculates the perimeter of the rectangle.</p>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <div>return</div>
+// HTML-RECTANGLE: <p> double The perimeter of the rectangle.</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <h1>class Circle</h1>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>Defined at line 10 of file {{.*}}Circle.h</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Circle class derived from Shape.</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Represents a circle with a given radius.</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: Inherits from
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <a href="Shape.html">Shape</a>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: </p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <h2 id="Members">Members</h2>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Radius of the circle.</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>private double radius_</div>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">Circle</h3>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>public void Circle(double radius)</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>Defined at line 3 of file {{.*}}Circle.cpp</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Constructs a new Circle object.</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">area</h3>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>public double area()</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>Defined at line 5 of file {{.*}}Circle.cpp</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Calculates the area of the circle.</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>return</div>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> double The area of the circle.</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">perimeter</h3>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>public double perimeter()</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>Defined at line 9 of file {{.*}}Circle.cpp</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>brief</div>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Calculates the perimeter of the circle.</p>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>return</div>
-// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> double The perimeter of the circle.</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <h1>class Circle</h1>
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: Defined at line
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./include/Circle.h#10">10</a>
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./include/Circle.h">Circle.h</a>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Circle class derived from Shape.</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Represents a circle with a given radius.</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: Inherits from
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <a href="Shape.html">Shape</a>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: </p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <h2 id="Members">Members</h2>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Radius of the circle.</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>private double radius_</div>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">Circle</h3>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>public void Circle(double radius)</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: Defined at line
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Circle.cpp#3">3</a>
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Circle.cpp">Circle.cpp</a>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Constructs a new Circle object.</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">area</h3>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>public double area()</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: Defined at line
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Circle.cpp#5">5</a>
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Circle.cpp">Circle.cpp</a>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Calculates the area of the circle.</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>return</div>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> double The area of the circle.</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <h3 id="{{([0-9A-F]{40})}}">perimeter</h3>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p>public double perimeter()</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: Defined at line
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Circle.cpp#9">9</a>
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: of file
+// HTML-CIRCLE-NEXT: <a href="https://repository.com/./src/Circle.cpp">Circle.cpp</a>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>brief</div>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> Calculates the perimeter of the circle.</p>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <div>return</div>
+// HTML-CIRCLE: <p> double The perimeter of the circle.</p>
// MD-CALC: # class Calculator
// MD-CALC: *Defined at .{{[\/]}}include{{[\/]}}Calculator.h#8*
diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/unittests/clang-doc/HTMLGeneratorTest.cpp b/clang-tools-extra/unittests/clang-doc/HTMLGeneratorTest.cpp
index dfd31e657871451..97afa12cab6d322 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/unittests/clang-doc/HTMLGeneratorTest.cpp
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/unittests/clang-doc/HTMLGeneratorTest.cpp
@@ -319,7 +319,12 @@ TEST(HTMLGeneratorTest, emitFunctionHTML) {
<a href="path/to/int.html">int</a>
- <p>Defined at line 10 of file dir/test.cpp</p>
+ <p>
+ Defined at line
+ <a href="https://www.repository.com/dir/test.cpp#10">10</a>
+ of file
+ <a href="https://www.repository.com/dir/test.cpp">test.cpp</a>
+ </p>
<div id="sidebar-right" class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-2 sidebar sidebar-offcanvas-right"></div>
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