[libclc] [libclc] Move sign to the CLC builtins library (PR #115699)

Matt Arsenault via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 6 05:12:59 PST 2025

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// TYPE sign(TYPE x) {
+//   if (isnan(x)) {
+//     return 0.0F;
+//   }
+//   if (x > 0.0F) {
+//     return 1.0F;
+//   }
+//   if (x < 0.0F) {
+//     return -1.0F;
+//   }
+//   return x; /* -0.0 or +0.0 */
+// }
+  __CLC_BIT_INTN x_isnan = __clc_isnan(x);
+  __CLC_BIT_INTN x_isgreater_zero = x > __CLC_FP_LIT(0.0);
+  __CLC_BIT_INTN x_isless_zero = x < __CLC_FP_LIT(0.0);
+  __CLC_GENTYPE sel0 = __clc_select(x, __CLC_FP_LIT(1.0), x_isgreater_zero);
+  __CLC_GENTYPE sel1 = __clc_select(sel0, __CLC_FP_LIT(-1.0), x_isless_zero);
+  __CLC_GENTYPE sel2 = __clc_select(sel1, __CLC_FP_LIT(0.0), x_isnan);
+  return sel2;
arsenm wrote:

That blurb uses an explicit + or - in front of all the other 0s, but omits it there. I would also expect it to take the sign bit of the nan. This is also what rocm device libs does 


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