[clang] [Clang] Clean up fetching the offloading toolchain (PR #125095)

Joseph Huber via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 3 11:43:19 PST 2025

@@ -6601,6 +6573,72 @@ std::string Driver::GetClPchPath(Compilation &C, StringRef BaseName) const {
   return std::string(Output);
+const ToolChain &Driver::getOffloadToolChain(
+    const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, const Action::OffloadKind Kind,
+    const llvm::Triple &Target, const llvm::Triple &AuxTarget) const {
+  auto &TC = ToolChains[Target.str() + "/" + AuxTarget.str()];
+  auto &HostTC = ToolChains[AuxTarget.str()];
+  assert(HostTC && "Host toolchain for offloading doesn't exit?");
+  if (!TC) {
+    // Detect the toolchain based off of the target operating system.
+    switch (Target.getOS()) {
+    case llvm::Triple::CUDA:
+      TC = std::make_unique<toolchains::CudaToolChain>(*this, Target, *HostTC,
+                                                       Args);
+      break;
+    case llvm::Triple::AMDHSA:
+      if (Kind == Action::OFK_HIP)
+        TC = std::make_unique<toolchains::HIPAMDToolChain>(*this, Target,
+                                                           *HostTC, Args);
+      else if (Kind == Action::OFK_OpenMP)
+        TC = std::make_unique<toolchains::AMDGPUOpenMPToolChain>(*this, Target,
+                                                                 *HostTC, Args);
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!TC) {
+    // Detect the toolchain based off of the target architecture if that failed.
+    switch (Target.getArch()) {
+    case llvm::Triple::spir:
+    case llvm::Triple::spir64:
+    case llvm::Triple::spirv:
+    case llvm::Triple::spirv32:
+    case llvm::Triple::spirv64:
+      switch (Kind) {
+      case Action::OFK_SYCL:
+        TC = std::make_unique<toolchains::SYCLToolChain>(*this, Target, *HostTC,
+                                                         Args);
+        break;
+      case Action::OFK_HIP:
+        TC = std::make_unique<toolchains::HIPSPVToolChain>(*this, Target,
+                                                           *HostTC, Args);
+        break;
+      case Action::OFK_OpenMP:
+        TC = std::make_unique<toolchains::SPIRVOpenMPToolChain>(*this, Target,
+                                                                *HostTC, Args);
+        break;
+      case Action::OFK_Cuda:
+        TC = std::make_unique<toolchains::CudaToolChain>(*this, Target, *HostTC,
+                                                         Args);
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  // If all else fails, just look up the normal toolchain for the target.
+  if (!TC)
jhuber6 wrote:

Question, should this utility try to diagnose bad uses? Since it returns a reference it should likely be on the caller right.


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