[clang] [Clang] allow restrict qualifier for array types with pointer types as element types (PR #120896)

Aaron Ballman via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 31 07:05:41 PST 2025

@@ -9,20 +9,20 @@ typedef int (*T)[2];
 restrict T x;
 typedef int *S[2];
-restrict S y; // expected-error {{restrict requires a pointer or reference ('S' (aka 'int *[2]') is invalid)}}
+restrict S y;
AaronBallman wrote:

Can you also add a test for multidimensional arrays, like:
typedef int *S[2][2];
restrict S y;
and (this should already work because it's adding the restrict to a pointer to an array):
typedef int (*S)[2];
restrict S y;
and finally, can you add some type verification tests like (for each of the test cases):
static_assert(_Generic(typeof(y), int * restrict[2]: 1, default : 0));


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