[clang] [TBAA] Don't emit pointer-tbaa for void pointers. (PR #122116)

Florian Hahn via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 30 10:16:44 PST 2025

@@ -2489,6 +2489,81 @@ are listed below.
     $ clang -fuse-ld=lld -Oz -Wl,--icf=safe -fcodegen-data-use code.cc
+Strict Aliasing
+The C and C++ standards require accesses to objects in memory to use l-values of
+an appropriate type for the object. This is called *strict aliasing* or
+*type-based alias analysis*. Strict aliasing enhances a variety of powerful
+memory optimizations, including reordering, combining, and eliminating memory
+accesses. These optimizations can lead to unexpected behavior in code that
+violates the strict aliasing rules. For example:
+.. code-block:: c++
+    void advance(size_t *index, double *data) {
+      double value = data[*index];
+      /* Clang may assume that this store does not change the contents of `data`. */
+      *index += 1;
+      /* Clang may assume that this store does not change the contents of `index`. */
+      data[*index] = value;
+      /* Either of these facts may create significant optimization opportunities
+       if Clang is able to inline this function. */
+  }
+Strict aliasing can be explicitly enabled with ``-fstrict-aliasing`` and
+disabled with ``-fno-strict-aliasing``. ``clang-cl`` defaults to
+``-fno-strict-aliasing``; see :ref:`Strict aliasing in clang-cl.
+<clang_cl_strict_aliasing>`. Otherwise, Clang defaults to ``-fstrict-aliasing``.
+C and C++ specify slightly different rules for strict aliasing. To improve
+language interoperability, Clang allows two types to alias if either language
+would permit it. This includes applying the C++ similar types rule to C,
+allowing ``int **`` to alias ``int const * const *``. Clang also relaxes the
+standard aliasing rules in the following ways:
+* All integer types of the same size are permitted to alias each other,
+  including signed and unsigned types.
+* ``void*`` is permitted to alias any pointer type, ``void**`` is permitted to
+  alias any pointer to pointer type, and so on.
fhahn wrote:

Done that and I think those listed here are the ones deliberately chosen to relax.

There are a number of cases where we don't emit TBAA currently or the nodes we emit are weaker than necessary(around unions, variable length arrays) due to limitations of what we can express safely in the metadata at the moment.


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