[clang] [lldb] [NFC] changes to AArch64 ACLE types definitions (PR #125063)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 30 06:46:46 PST 2025

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Tomas Matheson (tmatheson-arm)


- Rename AArch64SVEACLETypes.def to AArch64Types.def
- Remove string literals from the macro calls
- Rename macros so that the hierarchy makes sense


Patch is 47.44 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/125063.diff

27 Files Affected:

- (modified) clang/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h (+2-3) 
- (modified) clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h (+2-2) 
- (modified) clang/include/clang/AST/TypeProperties.td (+2-2) 
- (removed) clang/include/clang/Basic/AArch64SVEACLETypes.def (-216) 
- (added) clang/include/clang/Basic/AArch64Types.def (+216) 
- (modified) clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTBitCodes.h (+2-2) 
- (modified) clang/include/module.modulemap (+1-1) 
- (modified) clang/lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp (+15-16) 
- (modified) clang/lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp (+3-3) 
- (modified) clang/lib/AST/ExprConstant.cpp (+2-3) 
- (modified) clang/lib/AST/ItaniumMangle.cpp (+10-10) 
- (modified) clang/lib/AST/MicrosoftMangle.cpp (+2-3) 
- (modified) clang/lib/AST/NSAPI.cpp (+2-3) 
- (modified) clang/lib/AST/PrintfFormatString.cpp (+2-3) 
- (modified) clang/lib/AST/Type.cpp (+8-9) 
- (modified) clang/lib/AST/TypeLoc.cpp (+2-3) 
- (modified) clang/lib/CodeGen/CGDebugInfo.cpp (+2-2) 
- (modified) clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenTypes.cpp (+2-2) 
- (modified) clang/lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp (+2-3) 
- (modified) clang/lib/CodeGen/Targets/AArch64.cpp (+2-2) 
- (modified) clang/lib/Index/USRGeneration.cpp (+5-4) 
- (modified) clang/lib/Sema/Sema.cpp (+3-3) 
- (modified) clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp (+4-6) 
- (modified) clang/lib/Serialization/ASTCommon.cpp (+4-4) 
- (modified) clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp (+5-5) 
- (modified) clang/tools/libclang/CIndex.cpp (+2-2) 
- (modified) lldb/source/Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.cpp (+2-2) 

diff --git a/clang/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h b/clang/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
index 4e9b961688d559..4583b2cc2fa1af 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
@@ -1202,9 +1202,8 @@ class ASTContext : public RefCountedBase<ASTContext> {
 #define EXT_OPAQUE_TYPE(ExtType, Id, Ext) \
   CanQualType Id##Ty;
 #include "clang/Basic/OpenCLExtensionTypes.def"
-#define SVE_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId) \
-  CanQualType SingletonId;
-#include "clang/Basic/AArch64SVEACLETypes.def"
+#define AARCH64_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId) CanQualType SingletonId;
+#include "clang/Basic/AArch64Types.def"
 #define PPC_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, Id, Size) \
   CanQualType Id##Ty;
 #include "clang/Basic/PPCTypes.def"
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h b/clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h
index 3457d524c63aaa..9e853c11c97c6a 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h
@@ -3041,8 +3041,8 @@ class BuiltinType : public Type {
 #define EXT_OPAQUE_TYPE(ExtType, Id, Ext) Id,
 #include "clang/Basic/OpenCLExtensionTypes.def"
 // SVE Types
-#define SVE_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId) Id,
-#include "clang/Basic/AArch64SVEACLETypes.def"
+#define AARCH64_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId) Id,
+#include "clang/Basic/AArch64Types.def"
 // PPC MMA Types
 #define PPC_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, Id, Size) Id,
 #include "clang/Basic/PPCTypes.def"
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/AST/TypeProperties.td b/clang/include/clang/AST/TypeProperties.td
index 6f1a76bd18fb50..6fe8635ea79962 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/AST/TypeProperties.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/AST/TypeProperties.td
@@ -884,9 +884,9 @@ let Class = BuiltinType in {
       case BuiltinType::ID: return ctx.ID##Ty;
 #include "clang/Basic/OpenCLExtensionTypes.def"
       case BuiltinType::ID: return ctx.SINGLETON_ID;
-#include "clang/Basic/AArch64SVEACLETypes.def"
+#include "clang/Basic/AArch64Types.def"
       case BuiltinType::ID: return ctx.ID##Ty;
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/AArch64SVEACLETypes.def b/clang/include/clang/Basic/AArch64SVEACLETypes.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 063cac1f4a58ee..00000000000000
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/AArch64SVEACLETypes.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-//===-- AArch64SVEACLETypes.def - Metadata about SVE types ------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-//  This file defines various SVE builtin types.  The macros are:
-//    SVE_TYPE:
-//    - (Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId)
-//    A builtin type that has not been covered by any other #define. Defining
-//    this macro covers all the builtin types.
-//    - (Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId)
-//    A builtin type that has not been covered by any other #define. Defining
-//    this macro covers the named subset of builtin types.
-//    - (Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, IsSigned)
-//    Defining the macro covers the integer vector types.
-//    - (Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF)
-//    Defining the macro covers the floating point vector types.
-//    - (Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, NF)
-//    Defining the macro covers the boolean vector types.
-// where:
-//  - Name is the name of the builtin type.
-//  - MangledName is the mangled name of the builtin type.
-//  - BuiltinType::Id is the enumerator defining the type.
-//  - Context.SingletonId is the global singleton of this type.
-//  - ElKind enumerates the type of the elements.
-//  - NumEls enumerates the number of the elements.
-//  - ElBits is the size of one element in bits.
-//  - NF enumerates the number of vectors whereby 1 implies a single vector,
-//    with other values implying a struct of NF "NumEls x NumEls" vectors.
-//  - IsSigned is true for vectors of signed integer elements and
-//    for vectors of floating-point elements.
-//  - IsFP is true for vectors of floating-point elements.
-//  - IsBF true for vector of brain float elements.
-#define SVE_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId) \
-  SVE_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)
-#define SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_DETAILS(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, IsSigned, IsFP, IsBF) \
-  SVE_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId)
-#define SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_BFLOAT(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF) \
-  SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_DETAILS(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, false, false, true)
-#define SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF) \
-  SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_DETAILS(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, false, true, false)
-#define SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, IsSigned) \
-  SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_DETAILS(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, IsSigned, false, false)
-#define SVE_PREDICATE_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId) \
-  SVE_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)
-#define SVE_PREDICATE_TYPE_ALL(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, NF) \
-  SVE_PREDICATE_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId)
-#define SVE_OPAQUE_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId) \
-  SVE_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)
-#define AARCH64_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId) \
-  SVE_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)
-#define AARCH64_VECTOR_TYPE_MFLOAT(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF) \
-  AARCH64_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId)
-//===- Vector point types -----------------------------------------------===//
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__SVInt8_t",  "__SVInt8_t",  SveInt8,  SveInt8Ty, 16,  8, 1, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__SVInt16_t", "__SVInt16_t", SveInt16, SveInt16Ty, 8, 16, 1, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__SVInt32_t", "__SVInt32_t", SveInt32, SveInt32Ty, 4, 32, 1, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__SVInt64_t", "__SVInt64_t", SveInt64, SveInt64Ty, 2, 64, 1, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__SVUint8_t",  "__SVUint8_t",  SveUint8,  SveUint8Ty, 16, 8, 1, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__SVUint16_t", "__SVUint16_t", SveUint16, SveUint16Ty, 8, 16, 1, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__SVUint32_t", "__SVUint32_t", SveUint32, SveUint32Ty, 4, 32, 1, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__SVUint64_t", "__SVUint64_t", SveUint64, SveUint64Ty, 2, 64, 1, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__SVFloat16_t", "__SVFloat16_t", SveFloat16, SveFloat16Ty, 8, 16, 1)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__SVFloat32_t", "__SVFloat32_t", SveFloat32, SveFloat32Ty, 4, 32, 1)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__SVFloat64_t", "__SVFloat64_t", SveFloat64, SveFloat64Ty, 2, 64, 1)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_BFLOAT("__SVBfloat16_t", "__SVBfloat16_t", SveBFloat16, SveBFloat16Ty, 8, 16, 1)
-// This is a 8 bits opaque type.
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__SVMfloat8_t", "__SVMfloat8_t",  SveMFloat8, SveMFloat8Ty, 16, 8, 1, false)
-// x2
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint8x2_t",  "svint8x2_t",  SveInt8x2,  SveInt8x2Ty, 16, 8, 2, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint16x2_t", "svint16x2_t", SveInt16x2, SveInt16x2Ty, 8, 16, 2, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint32x2_t", "svint32x2_t", SveInt32x2, SveInt32x2Ty, 4, 32, 2, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint64x2_t", "svint64x2_t", SveInt64x2, SveInt64x2Ty, 2, 64, 2, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint8x2_t",  "svuint8x2_t",  SveUint8x2,  SveUint8x2Ty, 16 , 8, 2, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint16x2_t", "svuint16x2_t", SveUint16x2, SveUint16x2Ty, 8, 16, 2, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint32x2_t", "svuint32x2_t", SveUint32x2, SveUint32x2Ty, 4, 32, 2, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint64x2_t", "svuint64x2_t", SveUint64x2, SveUint64x2Ty, 2, 64, 2, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__clang_svfloat16x2_t", "svfloat16x2_t", SveFloat16x2, SveFloat16x2Ty, 8, 16, 2)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__clang_svfloat32x2_t", "svfloat32x2_t", SveFloat32x2, SveFloat32x2Ty, 4, 32, 2)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__clang_svfloat64x2_t", "svfloat64x2_t", SveFloat64x2, SveFloat64x2Ty, 2, 64, 2)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_BFLOAT("__clang_svbfloat16x2_t", "svbfloat16x2_t", SveBFloat16x2, SveBFloat16x2Ty, 8, 16, 2)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svmfloat8x2_t", "svmfloat8x2_t", SveMFloat8x2, SveMFloat8x2Ty, 16, 8, 2, false)
-// x3
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint8x3_t",  "svint8x3_t",  SveInt8x3,  SveInt8x3Ty, 16,  8, 3, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint16x3_t", "svint16x3_t", SveInt16x3, SveInt16x3Ty, 8, 16, 3, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint32x3_t", "svint32x3_t", SveInt32x3, SveInt32x3Ty, 4, 32, 3, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint64x3_t", "svint64x3_t", SveInt64x3, SveInt64x3Ty, 2, 64, 3, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint8x3_t",  "svuint8x3_t",  SveUint8x3,  SveUint8x3Ty, 16,  8, 3, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint16x3_t", "svuint16x3_t", SveUint16x3, SveUint16x3Ty, 8, 16, 3, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint32x3_t", "svuint32x3_t", SveUint32x3, SveUint32x3Ty, 4, 32, 3, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint64x3_t", "svuint64x3_t", SveUint64x3, SveUint64x3Ty, 2, 64, 3, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__clang_svfloat16x3_t", "svfloat16x3_t", SveFloat16x3, SveFloat16x3Ty, 8, 16, 3)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__clang_svfloat32x3_t", "svfloat32x3_t", SveFloat32x3, SveFloat32x3Ty, 4, 32, 3)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__clang_svfloat64x3_t", "svfloat64x3_t", SveFloat64x3, SveFloat64x3Ty, 2, 64, 3)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_BFLOAT("__clang_svbfloat16x3_t", "svbfloat16x3_t", SveBFloat16x3, SveBFloat16x3Ty, 8, 16, 3)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svmfloat8x3_t", "svmfloat8x3_t", SveMFloat8x3, SveMFloat8x3Ty, 16, 8, 3, false)
-// x4
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint8x4_t",  "svint8x4_t",  SveInt8x4,  SveInt8x4Ty, 16,  8, 4, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint16x4_t", "svint16x4_t", SveInt16x4, SveInt16x4Ty, 8, 16, 4, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint32x4_t", "svint32x4_t", SveInt32x4, SveInt32x4Ty, 4, 32, 4, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svint64x4_t", "svint64x4_t", SveInt64x4, SveInt64x4Ty, 2, 64, 4, true)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint8x4_t",  "svuint8x4_t",  SveUint8x4,  SveUint8x4Ty, 16,  8, 4, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint16x4_t", "svuint16x4_t", SveUint16x4, SveUint16x4Ty, 8, 16, 4, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint32x4_t", "svuint32x4_t", SveUint32x4, SveUint32x4Ty, 4, 32, 4, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svuint64x4_t", "svuint64x4_t", SveUint64x4, SveUint64x4Ty, 2, 64, 4, false)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__clang_svfloat16x4_t", "svfloat16x4_t", SveFloat16x4, SveFloat16x4Ty, 8, 16, 4)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__clang_svfloat32x4_t", "svfloat32x4_t", SveFloat32x4, SveFloat32x4Ty, 4, 32, 4)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT("__clang_svfloat64x4_t", "svfloat64x4_t", SveFloat64x4, SveFloat64x4Ty, 2, 64, 4)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_BFLOAT("__clang_svbfloat16x4_t", "svbfloat16x4_t", SveBFloat16x4, SveBFloat16x4Ty, 8, 16, 4)
-SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT("__clang_svmfloat8x4_t", "svmfloat8x4_t", SveMFloat8x4, SveMFloat8x4Ty, 16, 8, 4, false)
-SVE_PREDICATE_TYPE_ALL("__SVBool_t", "__SVBool_t", SveBool, SveBoolTy, 16, 1)
-SVE_PREDICATE_TYPE_ALL("__clang_svboolx2_t", "svboolx2_t", SveBoolx2, SveBoolx2Ty, 16, 2)
-SVE_PREDICATE_TYPE_ALL("__clang_svboolx4_t", "svboolx4_t", SveBoolx4, SveBoolx4Ty, 16, 4)
-SVE_OPAQUE_TYPE("__SVCount_t", "__SVCount_t", SveCount, SveCountTy)
-AARCH64_VECTOR_TYPE_MFLOAT("__mfp8", "__mfp8", MFloat8, MFloat8Ty, 1, 8, 1)
-AARCH64_VECTOR_TYPE_MFLOAT("__MFloat8x8_t", "__MFloat8x8_t", MFloat8x8, MFloat8x8Ty, 8, 8, 1)
-AARCH64_VECTOR_TYPE_MFLOAT("__MFloat8x16_t", "__MFloat8x16_t", MFloat8x16, MFloat8x16Ty, 16, 8, 1)
-#undef SVE_TYPE
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/AArch64Types.def b/clang/include/clang/Basic/AArch64Types.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..c7e2384f62cc35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/AArch64Types.def
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+//===-- AArch64SVEACLETypes.def - Metadata about SVE types ------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+//  This file defines various SVE builtin types.  The macros are:
+//    AARCH64_TYPE:
+//    - (Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId)
+//    A builtin type that has not been covered by any other #define. Defining
+//    this macro covers all the builtin types.
+//    - (Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId)
+//    A builtin type that has not been covered by any other #define. Defining
+//    this macro covers the named subset of builtin types.
+//    - (Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, IsSigned)
+//    Defining the macro covers the integer vector types.
+//    - (Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF)
+//    Defining the macro covers the floating point vector types.
+//    - (Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, NF)
+//    Defining the macro covers the boolean vector types.
+// where:
+//  - Name is the name of the builtin type.
+//  - MangledName is the mangled name of the builtin type.
+//  - BuiltinType::Id is the enumerator defining the type.
+//  - Context.SingletonId is the global singleton of this type.
+//  - ElKind enumerates the type of the elements.
+//  - NumEls enumerates the number of the elements.
+//  - ElBits is the size of one element in bits.
+//  - NF enumerates the number of vectors whereby 1 implies a single vector,
+//    with other values implying a struct of NF "NumEls x NumEls" vectors.
+//  - IsSigned is true for vectors of signed integer elements and
+//    for vectors of floating-point elements.
+//  - IsFP is true for vectors of floating-point elements.
+//  - IsBF true for vector of brain float elements.
+#define SVE_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId) \
+  AARCH64_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)
+#define SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_DETAILS(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, IsSigned, IsFP, IsBF) \
+  SVE_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId)
+#define SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_BFLOAT(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF) \
+  SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_DETAILS(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, false, false, true)
+#define SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF) \
+  SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_DETAILS(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, false, true, false)
+#define SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, IsSigned) \
+  SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_DETAILS(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF, IsSigned, false, false)
+#define SVE_PREDICATE_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId) \
+  AARCH64_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)
+#define SVE_PREDICATE_TYPE_ALL(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, NF) \
+  SVE_PREDICATE_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId)
+#define SVE_OPAQUE_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId) \
+  AARCH64_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)
+#define NEON_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId) \
+  AARCH64_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)
+#define NEON_VECTOR_TYPE_MFLOAT(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId, NumEls, ElBits, NF) \
+  NEON_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, MangledName, Id, SingletonId)
+//===- Vector point types -----------------------------------------------===//
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__SVInt8_t,  __SVInt8_t,  SveInt8,  SveInt8Ty, 16,  8, 1, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__SVInt16_t, __SVInt16_t, SveInt16, SveInt16Ty, 8, 16, 1, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__SVInt32_t, __SVInt32_t, SveInt32, SveInt32Ty, 4, 32, 1, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__SVInt64_t, __SVInt64_t, SveInt64, SveInt64Ty, 2, 64, 1, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__SVUint8_t,  __SVUint8_t,  SveUint8,  SveUint8Ty, 16, 8, 1, false)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__SVUint16_t, __SVUint16_t, SveUint16, SveUint16Ty, 8, 16, 1, false)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__SVUint32_t, __SVUint32_t, SveUint32, SveUint32Ty, 4, 32, 1, false)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__SVUint64_t, __SVUint64_t, SveUint64, SveUint64Ty, 2, 64, 1, false)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT(__SVFloat16_t, __SVFloat16_t, SveFloat16, SveFloat16Ty, 8, 16, 1)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT(__SVFloat32_t, __SVFloat32_t, SveFloat32, SveFloat32Ty, 4, 32, 1)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT(__SVFloat64_t, __SVFloat64_t, SveFloat64, SveFloat64Ty, 2, 64, 1)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_BFLOAT(__SVBfloat16_t, __SVBfloat16_t, SveBFloat16, SveBFloat16Ty, 8, 16, 1)
+// This is a 8 bits opaque type.
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__SVMfloat8_t, __SVMfloat8_t,  SveMFloat8, SveMFloat8Ty, 16, 8, 1, false)
+// x2
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svint8x2_t,  svint8x2_t,  SveInt8x2,  SveInt8x2Ty, 16, 8, 2, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svint16x2_t, svint16x2_t, SveInt16x2, SveInt16x2Ty, 8, 16, 2, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svint32x2_t, svint32x2_t, SveInt32x2, SveInt32x2Ty, 4, 32, 2, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svint64x2_t, svint64x2_t, SveInt64x2, SveInt64x2Ty, 2, 64, 2, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svuint8x2_t,  svuint8x2_t,  SveUint8x2,  SveUint8x2Ty, 16 , 8, 2, false)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svuint16x2_t, svuint16x2_t, SveUint16x2, SveUint16x2Ty, 8, 16, 2, false)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svuint32x2_t, svuint32x2_t, SveUint32x2, SveUint32x2Ty, 4, 32, 2, false)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svuint64x2_t, svuint64x2_t, SveUint64x2, SveUint64x2Ty, 2, 64, 2, false)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT(__clang_svfloat16x2_t, svfloat16x2_t, SveFloat16x2, SveFloat16x2Ty, 8, 16, 2)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT(__clang_svfloat32x2_t, svfloat32x2_t, SveFloat32x2, SveFloat32x2Ty, 4, 32, 2)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT(__clang_svfloat64x2_t, svfloat64x2_t, SveFloat64x2, SveFloat64x2Ty, 2, 64, 2)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_BFLOAT(__clang_svbfloat16x2_t, svbfloat16x2_t, SveBFloat16x2, SveBFloat16x2Ty, 8, 16, 2)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svmfloat8x2_t, svmfloat8x2_t, SveMFloat8x2, SveMFloat8x2Ty, 16, 8, 2, false)
+// x3
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svint8x3_t,  svint8x3_t,  SveInt8x3,  SveInt8x3Ty, 16,  8, 3, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svint16x3_t, svint16x3_t, SveInt16x3, SveInt16x3Ty, 8, 16, 3, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svint32x3_t, svint32x3_t, SveInt32x3, SveInt32x3Ty, 4, 32, 3, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svint64x3_t, svint64x3_t, SveInt64x3, SveInt64x3Ty, 2, 64, 3, true)
+SVE_VECTOR_TYPE_INT(__clang_svuint8x3_t,  svuint8x3_t,  SveUint8x3,  SveUint8x3Ty, 16,  8, 3, false)




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