[clang] [X86][AVX10] Disable m[no-]avx10.1 and switch m[no-]avx10.2 to alias of 512 bit options (PR #124511)

Evgenii Kudriashov via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 29 18:15:54 PST 2025

e-kud wrote:

> Let me know whether you are happy with this solution or not.

Yes, thanks, I agree, this is better. Since we disable AVX10 version completely with any of options 256 or 512 (some kind of duplication), it means that we can't partially disable it, so these options doesn't make much sense.

And some uncommon scenarios are also available e.g., to benchmark a function compiled with `avx10.2-256` in `avx10.2-512` context we need to use `__attribute__((target("no-avx10.1-512")))`. So basically `no-avx10.1-512` is an option to disable 512 bit instructions of AVX10 regardless of enabled AVX10.x


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