[clang] 3bd3e06 - Bump version to 21.0.0git (#124870)
via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 28 19:48:52 PST 2025
Author: Tom Stellard
Date: 2025-01-28T19:48:43-08:00
New Revision: 3bd3e06f3fe418e24af65457877f40cee0544f9d
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/3bd3e06f3fe418e24af65457877f40cee0544f9d
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/3bd3e06f3fe418e24af65457877f40cee0544f9d.diff
LOG: Bump version to 21.0.0git (#124870)
Also clear the release notes.
diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst b/clang-tools-extra/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
index cc5f64a3f9fa32..727c7622426c84 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -43,21 +43,12 @@ infrastructure are described first, followed by tool-specific sections.
Major New Features
-- The ``clang-pseudo`` tool is incomplete and does not have active maintainers,
- so it has been removed. See
- `the RFC <https://discourse.llvm.org/t/removing-pseudo-parser/71131/>`_ for
- more details.
Improvements to clangd
Inlay hints
-- Added `DefaultArguments` Inlay Hints option.
@@ -73,16 +64,9 @@ Hover
Code completion
-- Added completion for C++20 keywords.
Code actions
-- Added `Swap operands` tweak for certain binary operators.
-- Improved the extract-to-function code action to allow extracting statements
- with overloaded operators like ``<<`` of ``std::ostream``.
Signature help
@@ -95,326 +79,30 @@ Objective-C
-- The DefineOutline tweak now handles member functions of class templates.
Improvements to clang-doc
Improvements to clang-query
-- Added `set enable-profile true/false` command for basic matcher profiling.
Improvements to clang-tidy
-- Improved :program:`clang-tidy-
diff .py` script. Add the `-only-check-in-db`
- option to exclude files not present in the compilation database, avoiding
- false-negative results.
-- Improved :program:`run-clang-tidy.py` script. Fixed minor shutdown noise
- happening on certain platforms when interrupting the script.
-- Improved :program:`clang-tidy`:
- - add support for `--verify-config` flag to check the configuration options of
- the `Clang Static Analyzer Checks <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/analyzer/checkers.html>`_.
- - accept parameters file in command line.
- - fix incorrect configuration file path resolving when file paths contain ``..``.
- - remove global options for most of checks. All options are changed to local
- options except `IncludeStyle`, `StrictMode` and `IgnoreMacros`. Global scoped
- `StrictMode` and `IgnoreMacros` are deprecated and will be removed in further
- releases.
-.. csv-table::
- :header: "Check", "Options removed from global option"
- :doc:`bugprone-reserved-identifier <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/reserved-identifier>`, AggressiveDependentMemberLookup
- :doc:`bugprone-unchecked-optional-access <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/unchecked-optional-access>`, IgnoreSmartPointerDereference
- :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init <clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/pro-type-member-init>`, UseAssignment
- :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-rvalue-reference-param-not-moved <clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/rvalue-reference-param-not-moved>`, AllowPartialMove; IgnoreUnnamedParams; IgnoreNonDeducedTemplateTypes
- :doc:`misc-include-cleaner <clang-tidy/checks/misc/include-cleaner>`, IgnoreHeaders; DeduplicateFindings
- :doc:`performance-inefficient-vector-operation <clang-tidy/checks/performance/inefficient-vector-operation>`, EnableProto
- :doc:`readability-identifier-naming <clang-tidy/checks/readability/identifier-naming>`, AggressiveDependentMemberLookup
- :doc:`readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name <clang-tidy/checks/readability/inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name>`, Strict
- :doc:`readability-redundant-access-specifiers <clang-tidy/checks/readability/redundant-access-specifiers>`, CheckFirstDeclaration
- :doc:`readability-redundant-casting <clang-tidy/checks/readability/redundant-casting>`, IgnoreTypeAliases
New checks
-- New :doc:`bugprone-bitwise-pointer-cast
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/bitwise-pointer-cast>` check.
- Warns about code that tries to cast between pointers by means of
- ``std::bit_cast`` or ``memcpy``.
-- New :doc:`bugprone-incorrect-enable-shared-from-this
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/incorrect-enable-shared-from-this>` check.
- Detect classes or structs that do not publicly inherit from
- ``std::enable_shared_from_this``, because unintended behavior will
- otherwise occur when calling ``shared_from_this``.
-- New :doc:`bugprone-nondeterministic-pointer-iteration-order
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/nondeterministic-pointer-iteration-order>`
- check.
- Finds nondeterministic usages of pointers in unordered containers.
-- New :doc:`bugprone-tagged-union-member-count
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/tagged-union-member-count>` check.
- Gives warnings for tagged unions, where the number of tags is
diff erent from the number of data members inside the union.
-- New :doc:`modernize-use-integer-sign-comparison
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-integer-sign-comparison>` check.
- Replace comparisons between signed and unsigned integers with their safe
- C++20 ``std::cmp_*`` alternative, if available.
-- New :doc:`portability-template-virtual-member-function
- <clang-tidy/checks/portability/template-virtual-member-function>` check.
- Finds cases when an uninstantiated virtual member function in a template class
- causes cross-compiler incompatibility.
New check aliases
-- New alias :doc:`cert-arr39-c <clang-tidy/checks/cert/arr39-c>` to
- :doc:`bugprone-sizeof-expression
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/sizeof-expression>` was added.
Changes in existing checks
-- Improved :doc:`altera-id-dependent-backward-branch
- <clang-tidy/checks/altera/id-dependent-backward-branch>` check by fixing
- crashes from invalid code.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-branch-clone
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/branch-clone>` check to improve detection of
- branch clones by now detecting duplicate inner and outer if statements.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-casting-through-void
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/casting-through-void>` check to suggest replacing
- the offending code with ``reinterpret_cast``, to more clearly express intent.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-dangling-handle
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/dangling-handle>` check to treat ``std::span`` as a
- handle class.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-exception-escape
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/exception-escape>` by fixing false positives
- when a consteval function with throw statements.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-forwarding-reference-overload
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/forwarding-reference-overload>` check by fixing
- a crash when determining if an ``enable_if[_t]`` was found.
-- Improve :doc:`bugprone-narrowing-conversions
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/narrowing-conversions>` to avoid incorrect check
- results when floating point type is not ``float``, ``double`` and
- ``long double``.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-optional-value-conversion
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/optional-value-conversion>` to support detecting
- conversion directly by ``std::make_unique`` and ``std::make_shared``.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-posix-return
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/posix-return>` check to support integer literals
- as LHS and posix call as RHS of comparison.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-return-const-ref-from-parameter
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/return-const-ref-from-parameter>` check to
- diagnose potential dangling references when returning a ``const &`` parameter
- by using the conditional operator ``cond ? var1 : var2`` and fixing false
- positives for functions which contain lambda and ignore parameters
- with ``[[clang::lifetimebound]]`` attribute.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-sizeof-expression
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/sizeof-expression>` check to find suspicious
- usages of ``sizeof()``, ``alignof()``, and ``offsetof()`` when adding or
- subtracting from a pointer directly or when used to scale a numeric value and
- fix false positive when sizeof expression with template types.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-throw-keyword-missing
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/throw-keyword-missing>` by fixing a false positive
- when using non-static member initializers and a constructor.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-unchecked-optional-access
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/unchecked-optional-access>` to support
- ``bsl::optional`` and ``bdlb::NullableValue`` from
- <https://github.com/bloomberg/bde>_.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-unhandled-self-assignment
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/unhandled-self-assignment>` check by fixing smart
- pointer check against std::unique_ptr type.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-unsafe-functions
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/unsafe-functions>` check to allow specifying
- additional functions to match.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-unused-local-non-trivial-variable
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/unused-local-non-trivial-variable>` check to avoid
- false positives when using name-independent variables after C++26.
-- Improved :doc:`bugprone-use-after-move
- <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/use-after-move>` to avoid triggering on
- ``reset()`` calls on moved-from ``std::optional`` and ``std::any`` objects,
- similarly to smart pointers.
-- Improved :doc:`cert-flp30-c <clang-tidy/checks/cert/flp30-c>` check to
- fix false positive that floating point variable is only used in increment
- expression.
-- Improved :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-avoid-const-or-ref-data-members
- <clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/avoid-const-or-ref-data-members>` check to
- avoid false positives when detecting a templated class with inheritance.
-- Improved :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-init-variables
- <clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/init-variables>` check by fixing the
- insertion location for function pointers.
-- Improved :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer
- <clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/prefer-member-initializer>` check to
- avoid false positive when member initialization depends on a structured
- binding variable.
-- Fixed :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-union-access
- <clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/pro-type-union-access>` check to
- report a location even when the member location is not valid.
-- Improved :doc:`misc-definitions-in-headers
- <clang-tidy/checks/misc/definitions-in-headers>` check by rewording the
- diagnostic note that suggests adding ``inline``.
-- Improved :doc:`misc-redundant-expression
- <clang-tidy/checks/misc/redundant-expression>` check by extending the
- checker to detect floating point and integer literals in redundant
- expressions.
-- Improved :doc:`misc-unconventional-assign-operator
- <clang-tidy/checks/misc/unconventional-assign-operator>` check to avoid
- false positive for C++23 deducing this.
-- Improved :doc:`misc-use-internal-linkage
- <clang-tidy/checks/misc/use-internal-linkage>` check to insert ``static``
- keyword before type qualifiers such as ``const`` and ``volatile``. Also, fix
- false positives for function declaration without body, C++20 consteval
- functions, C++20 export declarations, and global scoped
- overloaded ``operator new`` and ``operator delete``.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-avoid-c-arrays
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/avoid-c-arrays>` check to suggest using
- ``std::span`` as a replacement for parameters of incomplete C array type in
- C++20 and ``std::array`` or ``std::vector`` before C++20.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-loop-convert
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/loop-convert>` check to fix false positive when
- using loop variable in initializer of lambda capture.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-min-max-use-initializer-list
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/min-max-use-initializer-list>` check by fixing
- a false positive when only an implicit conversion happened inside an
- initializer list.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-raw-string-literal
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/raw-string-literal>` check to fix incorrect
- fix-it when the string contains a user-defined suffix.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-designated-initializers
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-designated-initializers>` check to fix a
- crash when a class is declared but not defined.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-integer-sign-comparison
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-integer-sign-comparison>` check to
- add an option ``EnableQtSupport``, that makes C++17 ``q20::cmp_*`` alternative
- available for Qt-based applications.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-nullptr
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-nullptr>` check to also recognize
- ``NULL``/``__null`` (but not ``0``) when used with a templated type.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-starts-ends-with
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-starts-ends-with>` check to handle two new
- cases from ``rfind`` and ``compare`` to ``ends_with``, and one new case from
- ``substr`` to ``starts_with``, and a small adjustment to the diagnostic message.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-std-format
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-std-format>` check to support replacing
- member function calls too and to only expand macros starting with ``PRI``
- and ``__PRI`` from ``<inttypes.h>`` in the format string.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-std-print
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-std-print>` check to support replacing
- member function calls too and to only expand macros starting with ``PRI``
- and ``__PRI`` from ``<inttypes.h>`` in the format string.
-- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-using
- <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-using>` check by not expanding macros.
-- Improved :doc:`performance-avoid-endl
- <clang-tidy/checks/performance/avoid-endl>` check to use ``std::endl`` as
- placeholder when lexer cannot get source text.
-- Improved :doc:`performance-move-const-arg
- <clang-tidy/checks/performance/move-const-arg>` check to fix a crash when
- an argument type is declared but not defined.
-- Improved :doc:`performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization
- <clang-tidy/checks/performance/unnecessary-copy-initialization>` check
- to consider static member functions the same way as free functions.
-- Improved :doc:`readability-container-contains
- <clang-tidy/checks/readability/container-contains>` check to let it work on
- any class that has a ``contains`` method. Fix some false negatives in the
- ``find()`` case.
-- Improved :doc:`readability-enum-initial-value
- <clang-tidy/checks/readability/enum-initial-value>` check by only issuing
- diagnostics for the definition of an ``enum``, by not emitting a redundant
- file path for anonymous enums in the diagnostic, and by fixing a typo in the
- diagnostic.
-- Improved :doc:`readability-identifier-naming
- <clang-tidy/checks/readability/identifier-naming>` check to
- validate ``namespace`` aliases.
-- Improved :doc:`readability-implicit-bool-conversion
- <clang-tidy/checks/readability/implicit-bool-conversion>` check
- by adding the option `UseUpperCaseLiteralSuffix` to select the
- case of the literal suffix in fixes and fixing false positive for implicit
- conversion of comparison result in C23.
-- Improved :doc:`readability-redundant-casting
- <clang-tidy/checks/readability/redundant-casting>` check
- by addressing a false positive in aggregate initialization through
- parenthesized list.
-- Improved :doc:`readability-redundant-smartptr-get
- <clang-tidy/checks/readability/redundant-smartptr-get>` check to
- remove ``->``, when redundant ``get()`` is removed.
-- Improved :doc:`readability-use-std-min-max
- <clang-tidy/checks/readability/use-std-min-max>` check to use correct template
- type in ``std::min`` and ``std::max`` when operand is integer literal.
Removed checks
-- The :doc:`bugprone-narrowing-conversions <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/narrowing-conversions>`
- check is no longer an alias of :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions
- <clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/narrowing-conversions>`. Instead,
- :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions
- <clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/narrowing-conversions>` is now an alias
- of :doc:`bugprone-narrowing-conversions <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/narrowing-conversions>`.
Improvements to include-fixer
diff --git a/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst b/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
index d8a94703bd9c57..7fafe2807bd388 100644
--- a/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -33,227 +33,16 @@ latest release, please see the `Clang Web Site <https://clang.llvm.org>`_ or the
Potentially Breaking Changes
-These changes are ones which we think may surprise users when upgrading to
-Clang |release| because of the opportunity they pose for disruption to existing
-code bases.
-- The ``le32`` and ``le64`` targets have been removed.
-- ``clang -m32`` defaults to ``-mcpu=v9`` on SPARC Linux now. Distros
- still supporting SPARC V8 CPUs need to specify ``-mcpu=v8`` with a
- `config file
- <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#configuration-files>`_.
-- The ``clang-rename`` tool has been removed.
-- Removed support for RenderScript targets. This technology is
- `officially deprecated <https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/renderscript/compute>`_
- and users are encouraged to
- `migrate to Vulkan <https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/renderscript/migrate>`_
- or other options.
-- Clang now emits distinct type-based alias analysis tags for incompatible
- pointers by default, enabling more powerful alias analysis when accessing
- pointer types. This change may silently change code behavior for code
- containing strict-aliasing violations. The new default behavior can be
- disabled using ``-fno-pointer-tbaa``.
-- Clang will now more aggressively use undefined behavior on pointer addition
- overflow for optimization purposes. For example, a check like
- ``ptr + unsigned_offset < ptr`` will now optimize to ``false``, because
- ``ptr + unsigned_offset`` will cause undefined behavior if it overflows (or
- advances past the end of the object).
- Previously, ``ptr + unsigned_offset < ptr`` was optimized (by both Clang and
- GCC) to ``(ssize_t)unsigned_offset < 0``. This also results in an incorrect
- overflow check, but in a way that is less apparent when only testing with
- pointers in the low half of the address space.
- To avoid pointer addition overflow, it is necessary to perform the addition
- on integers, for example using
- ``(uintptr_t)ptr + unsigned_offset < (uintptr_t)ptr``. Sometimes, it is also
- possible to rewrite checks by only comparing the offset. For example,
- ``ptr + offset < end_ptr && ptr + offset >= ptr`` can be written as
- ``offset < (uintptr_t)(end_ptr - ptr)``.
- Undefined behavior due to pointer addition overflow can be reliably detected
- using ``-fsanitize=pointer-overflow``. It is also possible to use
- ``-fno-strict-overflow`` to opt-in to a language dialect where signed integer
- and pointer overflow are well-defined. Since Clang 20, it is also possible
- to use ``-fwrapv-pointer`` to only make pointer overflow well-defined, while
- not affecting the behavior of signed integer overflow.
-- The ``-fwrapv`` flag now only makes signed integer overflow well-defined,
- without affecting pointer overflow, which is controlled by a new
- ``-fwrapv-pointer`` flag. The ``-fno-strict-overflow`` flag now implies
- both ``-fwrapv`` and ``-fwrapv-pointer`` and as such retains its old meaning.
- The new behavior matches GCC.
C/C++ Language Potentially Breaking Changes
-- Clang now rejects ``_Complex _BitInt`` types.
C++ Specific Potentially Breaking Changes
-- The type trait builtin ``__is_nullptr`` has been removed, since it has very
- few users and can be written as ``__is_same(__remove_cv(T), decltype(nullptr))``,
- which GCC supports as well.
-- The type trait builtin ``__is_referenceable`` has been deprecated, since it has
- very few users and all the type traits that could benefit from it in the
- standard library already have their own bespoke builtins. It will be removed in
- Clang 21.
-- Clang will now correctly diagnose as ill-formed a constant expression where an
- enum without a fixed underlying type is set to a value outside the range of
- the enumeration's values.
- .. code-block:: c++
- enum E { Zero, One, Two, Three, Four };
- constexpr E Val1 = (E)3; // Ok
- constexpr E Val2 = (E)7; // Ok
- constexpr E Val3 = (E)8; // Now ill-formed, out of the range [0, 7]
- constexpr E Val4 = (E)-1; // Now ill-formed, out of the range [0, 7]
- Since Clang 16, it has been possible to suppress the diagnostic via
- `-Wno-enum-constexpr-conversion`, to allow for a transition period for users.
- Now, in Clang 20, **it is no longer possible to suppress the diagnostic**.
-- Extraneous template headers are now ill-formed by default.
- This error can be disable with ``-Wno-error=extraneous-template-head``.
- .. code-block:: c++
- template <> // error: extraneous template head
- template <typename T>
- void f();
-- During constant evaluation, comparisons between
diff erent evaluations of the
- same string literal are now correctly treated as non-constant, and comparisons
- between string literals that cannot possibly overlap in memory are now treated
- as constant. This updates Clang to match the anticipated direction of open core
- issue `CWG2765 <http://wg21.link/CWG2765>`, but is subject to change once that
- issue is resolved.
- .. code-block:: c++
- constexpr const char *f() { return "hello"; }
- constexpr const char *g() { return "world"; }
- // Used to evaluate to false, now error: non-constant comparison.
- constexpr bool a = f() == f();
- // Might evaluate to true or false, as before.
- bool at_runtime() { return f() == f(); }
- // Was error, now evaluates to false.
- constexpr bool b = f() == g();
-- Clang will now correctly not consider pointers to non classes for covariance
- and disallow changing return type to a type that doesn't have the same or less cv-qualifications.
- .. code-block:: c++
- struct A {
- virtual const int *f() const;
- virtual const std::string *g() const;
- };
- struct B : A {
- // Return type has less cv-qualification but doesn't point to a class.
- // Error will be generated.
- int *f() const override;
- // Return type doesn't have more cv-qualification also not the same or
- // less cv-qualification.
- // Error will be generated.
- volatile std::string *g() const override;
- };
-- The warning ``-Wdeprecated-literal-operator`` is now on by default, as this is
- something that WG21 has shown interest in removing from the language. The
- result is that anyone who is compiling with ``-Werror`` should see this
- diagnostic. To fix this diagnostic, simply removing the space character from
- between the ``operator""`` and the user defined literal name will make the
- source no longer deprecated. This is consistent with `CWG2521 <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2521.html>_`.
- .. code-block:: c++
- // Now diagnoses by default.
- unsigned operator"" _udl_name(unsigned long long);
- // Fixed version:
- unsigned operator""_udl_name(unsigned long long);
-- Clang will now produce an error diagnostic when ``[[clang::lifetimebound]]`` is
- applied on a parameter or an implicit object parameter of a function that
- returns void. This was previously ignored and had no effect. (#GH107556)
- .. code-block:: c++
- // Now diagnoses with an error.
- void f(int& i [[clang::lifetimebound]]);
-- Clang will now produce an error diagnostic when ``[[clang::lifetimebound]]``
- is applied on a type (instead of a function parameter or an implicit object
- parameter); this includes the case when the attribute is specified for an
- unnamed function parameter. These were previously ignored and had no effect.
- (#GH118281)
- .. code-block:: c++
- // Now diagnoses with an error.
- int* [[clang::lifetimebound]] x;
- // Now diagnoses with an error.
- void f(int* [[clang::lifetimebound]] i);
- // Now diagnoses with an error.
- void g(int* [[clang::lifetimebound]]);
-- Clang now rejects all field accesses on null pointers in constant expressions. The following code
- used to work but will now be rejected:
- .. code-block:: c++
- struct S { int a; int b; };
- constexpr const int *p = &((S*)nullptr)->b;
- Previously, this code was erroneously accepted.
-- Clang will now consider the implicitly deleted destructor of a union or
- a non-union class without virtual base class to be ``constexpr`` in C++20
- mode (Clang 19 only did so in C++23 mode but the standard specification for
- this changed in C++20). (#GH85550)
- .. code-block:: c++
- struct NonLiteral {
- NonLiteral() {}
- ~NonLiteral() {}
- };
- template <class T>
- struct Opt {
- union {
- char c;
- T data;
- };
- bool engaged = false;
- constexpr Opt() {}
- constexpr ~Opt() {
- if (engaged)
- data.~T();
- }
- };
- // Previously only accepted in C++23 and later, now also accepted in C++20.
- consteval void foo() { Opt<NonLiteral>{}; }
ABI Changes in This Version
-- Fixed Microsoft name mangling of placeholder, auto and decltype(auto), return types for MSVC 1920+. This change resolves incompatibilities with code compiled by MSVC 1920+ but will introduce incompatibilities with code compiled by earlier versions of Clang unless such code is built with the compiler option -fms-compatibility-version=19.14 to imitate the MSVC 1914 mangling behavior.
-- Fixed the Itanium mangling of the construction vtable name. This change will introduce incompatibilities with code compiled by Clang 19 and earlier versions, unless the -fclang-abi-compat=19 option is used. (#GH108015)
-- Mangle member-like friend function templates as members of the enclosing class. (#GH110247, #GH110503)
AST Dumping Potentially Breaking Changes
@@ -262,606 +51,58 @@ Clang Frontend Potentially Breaking Changes
Clang Python Bindings Potentially Breaking Changes
-- Parts of the interface returning string results will now return
- the empty string ``""`` when no result is available, instead of ``None``.
-- Calling a property on the ``CompletionChunk`` or ``CompletionString`` class
- statically now leads to an error, instead of returning a ``CachedProperty`` object
- that is used internally. Properties are only available on instances.
-- For a single-line ``SourceRange`` and a ``SourceLocation`` in the same line,
- but after the end of the ``SourceRange``, ``SourceRange.__contains__``
- used to incorrectly return ``True``. (#GH22617), (#GH52827)
What's New in Clang |release|?
-Some of the major new features and improvements to Clang are listed
-here. Generic improvements to Clang as a whole or to its underlying
-infrastructure are described first, followed by language-specific
-sections with improvements to Clang's support for those languages.
C++ Language Changes
-- Allow single element access of GCC vector/ext_vector_type object to be
- constant expression. Supports the `V.xyzw` syntax and other tidbits
- as seen in OpenCL. Selecting multiple elements is left as a future work.
-- Implement `CWG1815 <https://wg21.link/CWG1815>`_. Support lifetime extension
- of temporary created by aggregate initialization using a default member
- initializer.
-- Accept C++26 user-defined ``static_assert`` messages in C++11 as an extension.
-- Add ``__builtin_elementwise_popcount`` builtin for integer types only.
-- Add ``__builtin_elementwise_fmod`` builtin for floating point types only.
-- Add ``__builtin_elementwise_minimum`` and ``__builtin_elementwise_maximum``
- builtin for floating point types only.
-- The builtin type alias ``__builtin_common_type`` has been added to improve the
- performance of ``std::common_type``.
C++2c Feature Support
-- Add ``__builtin_is_virtual_base_of`` intrinsic, which supports
- `P2985R0 A type trait for detecting virtual base classes <https://wg21.link/p2985r0>`_
-- Implemented `P2893R3 Variadic Friends <https://wg21.link/P2893>`_
-- Implemented `P2747R2 constexpr placement new <https://wg21.link/P2747R2>`_.
-- Added the ``__builtin_is_within_lifetime`` builtin, which supports
- `P2641R4 Checking if a union alternative is active <https://wg21.link/p2641r4>`_
-- Implemented `P3176R1 The Oxford variadic comma <https://wg21.link/P3176R1>`_
C++23 Feature Support
-- Removed the restriction to literal types in constexpr functions in C++23 mode.
-- Extend lifetime of temporaries in mem-default-init for P2718R0. Clang now fully
- supports `P2718R0 Lifetime extension in range-based for loops <https://wg21.link/P2718R0>`_.
-- ``__cpp_explicit_this_parameter`` is now defined. (#GH82780)
-- Add ``__builtin_is_implicit_lifetime`` intrinsic, which supports
- `P2674R1 A trait for implicit lifetime types <https://wg21.link/p2674r1>`_
-- Add support for `P2280R4 Using unknown pointers and references in constant expressions <https://wg21.link/P2280R4>`_. (#GH63139)
C++20 Feature Support
-- Implemented module level lookup for C++20 modules. (#GH90154)
C++17 Feature Support
-- The implementation of the relaxed template template argument matching rules is
- more complete and reliable, and should provide more accurate diagnostics.
- This implements:
- - `P3310R5: Solving issues introduced by relaxed template template parameter matching <https://wg21.link/p3310r5>`_.
- - `P3579R0: Fix matching of non-type template parameters when matching template template parameters <https://wg21.link/p3579r0>`_.
Resolutions to C++ Defect Reports
-- Allow calling initializer list constructors from initializer lists with
- a single element of the same type instead of always copying.
- (`CWG2137: List-initialization from object of same type <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2137.html>`)
-- Speculative resolution for CWG2311 implemented so that the implementation of CWG2137 doesn't remove
- previous cases where guaranteed copy elision was done. Given a prvalue ``e`` of class type
- ``T``, ``T{e}`` will try to resolve an initializer list constructor and will use it if successful.
- Otherwise, if there is no initializer list constructor, the copy will be elided as if it was ``T(e)``.
- (`CWG2311: Missed case for guaranteed copy elision <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2311.html>`)
-- Casts from a bit-field to an integral type is now not considered narrowing if the
- width of the bit-field means that all potential values are in the range
- of the target type, even if the type of the bit-field is larger.
- (`CWG2627: Bit-fields and narrowing conversions <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2627.html>`_)
-- ``nullptr`` is now promoted to ``void*`` when passed to a C-style variadic function.
- (`CWG722: Can nullptr be passed to an ellipsis? <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/722.html>`_)
-- Allow ``void{}`` as a prvalue of type ``void``.
- (`CWG2351: void{} <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2351.html>`_).
-- Clang now has improved resolution to CWG2398, allowing class templates to have
- default arguments deduced when partial ordering, and better backwards compatibility
- in overload resolution.
-- Clang now allows comparing unequal object pointers that have been cast to ``void *``
- in constant expressions. These comparisons always worked in non-constant expressions.
- (`CWG2749: Treatment of "pointer to void" for relational comparisons <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2749.html>`_).
-- Reject explicit object parameters with type ``void`` (``this void``).
- (`CWG2915: Explicit object parameters of type void <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2915.html>`_).
-- Clang now allows trailing requires clause on explicit deduction guides.
- (`CWG2707: Deduction guides cannot have a trailing requires-clause <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2707.html>`_).
-- Respect constructor constraints during CTAD.
- (`CWG2628: Implicit deduction guides should propagate constraints <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2628.html>`_).
-- Clang now diagnoses a space in the first production of a ``literal-operator-id``
- by default.
- (`CWG2521: User-defined literals and reserved identifiers <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2521.html>`_).
-- Fix name lookup for a dependent base class that is the current instantiation.
- (`CWG591: When a dependent base class is the current instantiation <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/591.html>`_).
-- Clang now allows calling explicit object member functions directly with prvalues
- instead of always materializing a temporary, meaning by-value explicit object parameters
- do not need to move from a temporary.
- (`CWG2813: Class member access with prvalues <https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/2813.html>`_).
C Language Changes
-- Extend clang's ``<limits.h>`` to define ``LONG_LONG_*`` macros for Android's bionic.
-- Macro ``__STDC_NO_THREADS__`` is no longer necessary for MSVC 2022 1939 and later.
-- Exposed the the ``__nullptr`` keyword as an alias for ``nullptr`` in all C language modes.
C2y Feature Support
-- Updated conformance for `N3298 <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3298.htm>`_
- which adds the ``i`` and ``j`` suffixes for the creation of a ``_Complex``
- constant value. Clang has always supported these suffixes as a GNU extension,
- so ``-Wgnu-imaginary-constant`` no longer has effect in C modes, as this is
- now a C2y extension in C. ``-Wgnu-imaginary-constant`` still applies in C++
- modes.
-- Clang updated conformance for `N3370 <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3370.htm>`_
- case range expressions. This feature was previously supported by Clang as a
- GNU extension, so ``-Wgnu-case-range`` no longer has effect in C modes, as
- this is now a C2y extension in C. ``-Wgnu-case-range`` still applies in C++
- modes.
-- Clang implemented support for `N3344 <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3344.pdf>`_
- which disallows a ``void`` parameter from having a qualifier or storage class
- specifier. Note that ``register void`` was previously accepted in all C
- language modes but is now rejected (all of the other qualifiers and storage
- class specifiers were previously rejected).
-- Updated conformance for `N3364 <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3364.pdf>`_
- on floating-point translation-time initialization with signaling NaN. This
- paper adopts Clang's existing practice, so there were no changes to compiler
- behavior.
-- Implemented support for `N3341 <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3341.pdf>`_
- which makes empty structure and union objects implementation-defined in C.
- ``-Wgnu-empty-struct`` will be emitted in C23 and earlier modes because the
- behavior is a conforming GNU extension in those modes, but will no longer
- have an effect in C2y mode.
-- Updated conformance for `N3342 <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3342.pdf>`_
- which made qualified function types implementation-defined rather than
- undefined. Clang has always accepted ``const`` and ``volatile`` qualified
- function types by ignoring the qualifiers.
-- Updated conformance for `N3346 <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3346.pdf>`_
- which changes some undefined behavior around initialization to instead be
- constraint violations. This paper adopts Clang's existing practice, so there
- were no changes to compiler behavior.
C23 Feature Support
-- Clang now supports `N3029 <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3029.htm>`_ Improved Normal Enumerations.
-- Clang now officially supports `N3030 <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3030.htm>`_ Enhancements to Enumerations. Clang already supported it as an extension, so there were no changes to compiler behavior.
-- Fixed the value of ``BOOL_WIDTH`` in ``<limits.h>`` to return ``1``
- explicitly, as mandated by the standard. Fixes #GH117348
Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release
-- The floating point comparison builtins (``__builtin_isgreater``,
- ``__builtin_isgreaterequal``, ``__builtin_isless``, etc.) and
- ``__builtin_signbit`` can now be used in constant expressions.
-- Plugins can now define custom attributes that apply to statements
- as well as declarations.
-- ``__builtin_abs`` function can now be used in constant expressions.
-- The new builtin ``__builtin_counted_by_ref`` was added. In contexts where the
- programmer needs access to the ``counted_by`` attribute's field, but it's not
- available --- e.g. in macros. For instance, it can be used to automatically
- set the counter during allocation in the Linux kernel:
- .. code-block:: c
- /* A simplified version of Linux allocation macros */
- #define alloc(PTR, FAM, COUNT) ({ \
- sizeof_t __ignored_assignment; \
- typeof(P) __p; \
- size_t __size = sizeof(*P) + sizeof(*P->FAM) * COUNT; \
- __p = malloc(__size); \
- *_Generic( \
- __builtin_counted_by_ref(__p->FAM), \
- void *: &__ignored_assignment, \
- default: __builtin_counted_by_ref(__p->FAM)) = COUNT; \
- __p; \
- })
- The flexible array member (FAM) can now be accessed immediately without causing
- issues with the sanitizer because the counter is automatically set.
-- The following builtins can now be used in constant expressions: ``__builtin_reduce_add``,
- ``__builtin_reduce_mul``, ``__builtin_reduce_and``, ``__builtin_reduce_or``,
- ``__builtin_reduce_xor``, ``__builtin_elementwise_popcount``,
- ``__builtin_elementwise_bitreverse``, ``__builtin_elementwise_add_sat``,
- ``__builtin_elementwise_sub_sat``, ``__builtin_reduce_min`` (For integral element type),
- ``__builtin_reduce_max`` (For integral element type).
-- The builtin macros ``__INT8_C``, ``__INT16_C``, ``__INT32_C``, ``__INT64_C``,
- ``__INTMAX_C``, ``__UINT8_C``, ``__UINT16_C``, ``__UINT32_C``, ``__UINT64_C``
- and ``__UINTMAX_C`` have been introduced to ease the implementaton of section
- 7.18.4 of ISO/IEC 9899:1999. These macros are also defined by GCC and should
- be used instead of others that expand and paste the suffixes provided by
- ``__INT8_C_SUFFIX__``, ``__INT16_C_SUFFIX__``, ``__INT32_C_SUFFIX__``,
- ``__INT64_C_SUFFIX__``, ``__INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__``, ``__UINT8_C_SUFFIX__``,
- ``__UINT16_C_SUFFIX__``, ``__UINT32_C_SUFFIX__``, ``__UINT64_C_SUFFIX__`` and
- ``__UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__``. Pasting suffixes after the expansion of their
- respective macros is unsafe, as users can define the suffixes as macros.
-- Clang now rejects ``_BitInt`` matrix element types if the bit width is less than ``CHAR_WIDTH`` or
- not a power of two, matching preexisting behaviour for vector types.
-- Matrix types (a Clang extension) can now be used in pseudo-destructor expressions,
- which allows them to be stored in STL containers.
-- In the ``-ftime-report`` output, the new "Clang time report" group replaces
- the old "Clang front-end time report" and includes "Front end", "LLVM IR
- generation", "Optimizer", and "Machine code generation".
New Compiler Flags
-- The ``-fc++-static-destructors={all,thread-local,none}`` flag was
- added to control which C++ variables have static destructors
- registered: all (the default) does so for all variables, thread-local
- only for thread-local variables, and none (which corresponds to the
- existing ``-fno-c++-static-destructors`` flag) skips all static
- destructors registration.
-- The ``-fextend-variable-liveness`` flag has been added to allow for improved
- debugging of optimized code. Using ``-fextend-variable-liveness`` will cause
- Clang to generate code that tries to preserve the liveness of source variables
- through optimizations, meaning that variables will typically be visible in a
- debugger more often. The flag has two levels: ``-fextend-variable-liveness``,
- or ``-fextend-variable-liveness=all``, extends the liveness of all user
- variables and the ``this`` pointer. Alternatively
- ``-fextend-variable-liveness=this`` has the same behaviour but applies only to
- the ``this`` variable in C++ class member functions, meaning its effect is a
- strict subset of ``-fextend-variable-liveness``. Note that this flag modifies
- the results of optimizations that Clang performs, which will result in reduced
- performance in generated code; however, this feature will not extend the
- liveness of some variables in cases where doing so would likely have a severe
- impact on generated code performance.
-- The ``-Warray-compare`` warning has been added to warn about array comparison
- on versions older than C++20.
-- The ``-Warray-compare-cxx26`` warning has been added to warn about array comparison
- starting from C++26, this warning is enabled as an error by default.
-- clang-cl and clang-dxc now support ``-fdiagnostics-color=[auto|never|always]``
- in addition to ``-f[no-]color-diagnostics``.
-- The new ``-fwrapv-pointer`` flag opts-in to a language dialect where pointer
- overflow is well-defined. The ``-fwrapv`` flag previously implied
- ``-fwrapv-pointer`` as well, but no longer does. ``-fno-strict-overflow``
- implies ``-fwrapv -fwrapv-pointer``. The flags now match GCC.
Deprecated Compiler Flags
-- ``-fheinous-gnu-extensions`` is deprecated; it is now equivalent to
- specifying ``-Wno-error=invalid-gnu-asm-cast`` and may be removed in the
- future.
Modified Compiler Flags
-- The ``-ffp-model`` option has been updated to enable a more limited set of
- optimizations when the ``fast`` argument is used and to accept a new argument,
- ``aggressive``. The behavior of ``-ffp-model=aggressive`` is equivalent
- to the previous behavior of ``-ffp-model=fast``. The updated
- ``-ffp-model=fast`` behavior no longer assumes finite math only and uses
- the ``promoted`` algorithm for complex division when possible rather than the
- less basic (limited range) algorithm.
-- The ``-fveclib`` option has been updated to enable ``-fno-math-errno`` for
- ``-fveclib=ArmPL`` and ``-fveclib=SLEEF``. This gives Clang more opportunities
- to utilize these vector libraries. The behavior for all other vector function
- libraries remains unchanged.
-- The ``-Wnontrivial-memcall`` warning has been added to warn about
- passing non-trivially-copyable destination parameter to ``memcpy``,
- ``memset`` and similar functions for which it is a documented undefined
- behavior. It is implied by ``-Wnontrivial-memaccess``
-- Added ``-fmodules-reduced-bmi`` flag corresponding to
- ``-fexperimental-modules-reduced-bmi`` flag. The ``-fmodules-reduced-bmi`` flag
- is intended to be enabled by default in the future.
Removed Compiler Flags
-- The compiler flag `-Wenum-constexpr-conversion` (and the `Wno-`, `Wno-error-`
- derivatives) is now removed, since it's no longer possible to suppress the
- diagnostic (see above). Users can expect an `unknown warning` diagnostic if
- it's still in use.
Attribute Changes in Clang
-- The ``swift_attr`` can now be applied to types. To make it possible to use imported APIs
- in Swift safely there has to be a way to annotate individual parameters and result types
- with relevant attributes that indicate that e.g. a block is called on a particular actor
- or it accepts a Sendable or global-actor (i.e. ``@MainActor``) isolated parameter.
- For example:
- .. code-block:: objc
- @interface MyService
- -(void) handle: (void (^ __attribute__((swift_attr("@Sendable"))))(id)) handler;
- @end
-- Clang now disallows more than one ``__attribute__((ownership_returns(class, idx)))`` with
diff erent class names attached to one function.
-- Introduced a new format attribute ``__attribute__((format(syslog, 1, 2)))`` from OpenBSD.
-- The ``hybrid_patchable`` attribute is now supported on ARM64EC targets. It can be used to specify
- that a function requires an additional x86-64 thunk, which may be patched at runtime.
-- The attribute ``[[clang::no_specializations]]`` has been added to warn
- users that a specific template shouldn't be specialized. This is useful for
- e.g. standard library type traits, where adding a specialization results in
- undefined behaviour.
-- ``[[clang::lifetimebound]]`` is now explicitly disallowed on explicit object member functions
- where they were previously silently ignored.
-- Clang now automatically adds ``[[clang::lifetimebound]]`` to the parameters of
- ``std::span, std::string_view`` constructors, this enables Clang to capture
- more cases where the returned reference outlives the object.
- (#GH100567)
-- Clang now correctly diagnoses the use of ``btf_type_tag`` in C++ and ignores
- it; this attribute is a C-only attribute, and caused crashes with template
- instantiation by accidentally allowing it in C++ in some circumstances.
- (#GH106864)
-- Introduced a new attribute ``[[clang::coro_await_elidable]]`` on coroutine return types
- to express elideability at call sites where the coroutine is invoked under a safe elide context.
-- Introduced a new attribute ``[[clang::coro_await_elidable_argument]]`` on function parameters
- to propagate safe elide context to arguments if such function is also under a safe elide context.
-- The documentation of the ``[[clang::musttail]]`` attribute was updated to
- note that the lifetimes of all local variables end before the call. This does
- not change the behaviour of the compiler, as this was true for previous
- versions.
-- Fix a bug where clang doesn't automatically apply the ``[[gsl::Owner]]`` or
- ``[[gsl::Pointer]]`` to STL explicit template specialization decls. (#GH109442)
-- Clang now supports ``[[clang::lifetime_capture_by(X)]]``. Similar to lifetimebound, this can be
- used to specify when a reference to a function parameter is captured by another capturing entity ``X``.
-- The ``target_version`` attribute is now only supported for AArch64 and RISC-V architectures.
-- Clang now permits the usage of the placement new operator in ``[[msvc::constexpr]]``
- context outside of the std namespace. (#GH74924)
-- Clang now disallows the use of attributes after the namespace name. (#GH121407)
Improvements to Clang's diagnostics
-- Some template related diagnostics have been improved.
- .. code-block:: c++
- void foo() { template <typename> int i; } // error: templates can only be declared in namespace or class scope
- struct S {
- template <typename> int i; // error: non-static data member 'i' cannot be declared as a template
- };
-- Clang now has improved diagnostics for functions with explicit 'this' parameters. Fixes #GH97878
-- Clang now diagnoses dangling references to fields of temporary objects. Fixes #GH81589.
-- Clang now diagnoses undefined behavior in constant expressions more consistently. This includes invalid shifts, and signed overflow in arithmetic.
-- -Wdangling-assignment-gsl is enabled by default.
-- Clang now always preserves the template arguments as written used
- to specialize template type aliases.
-- Clang now diagnoses the use of ``main`` in an ``extern`` context as invalid according to [basic.start.main] p3. Fixes #GH101512.
-- Clang now diagnoses when the result of a [[nodiscard]] function is discarded after being cast in C. Fixes #GH104391.
-- Clang now properly explains the reason a template template argument failed to
- match a template template parameter, in terms of the C++17 relaxed matching rules
- instead of the old ones.
-- Don't emit duplicated dangling diagnostics. (#GH93386).
-- Improved diagnostic when trying to befriend a concept. (#GH45182).
-- Added the ``-Winvalid-gnu-asm-cast`` diagnostic group to control warnings
- about use of "noop" casts for lvalues (a GNU extension). This diagnostic is
- a warning which defaults to being an error, is enabled by default, and is
- also controlled by the now-deprecated ``-fheinous-gnu-extensions`` flag.
-- Added the ``-Wdecls-in-multiple-modules`` option to assist users to identify
- multiple declarations in
diff erent modules, which is the major reason of the slow
- compilation speed with modules. This warning is disabled by default and it needs
- to be explicitly enabled or by ``-Weverything``.
-- Improved diagnostic when trying to overload a function in an ``extern "C"`` context. (#GH80235)
-- Clang now respects lifetimebound attribute for the assignment operator parameter. (#GH106372).
-- The lifetimebound and GSL analysis in clang are coherent, allowing clang to
- detect more use-after-free bugs. (#GH100549).
-- Clang now diagnoses dangling cases where a gsl-pointer is constructed from a gsl-owner object inside a container (#GH100384).
-- Clang now warns for u8 character literals used in C23 with ``-Wpre-c23-compat`` instead of ``-Wpre-c++17-compat``.
-- Clang now diagnose when importing module implementation partition units in module interface units.
-- Don't emit bogus dangling diagnostics when ``[[gsl::Owner]]`` and `[[clang::lifetimebound]]` are used together (#GH108272).
-- Don't emit bogus dignostic about an undefined behavior on ``reinterpret_cast<T>`` for non-instantiated template functions without sufficient knowledge whether it can actually lead to undefined behavior for ``T`` (#GH109430).
-- The ``-Wreturn-stack-address`` warning now also warns about addresses of
- local variables passed to function calls using the ``[[clang::musttail]]``
- attribute.
-- Clang now diagnoses cases where a dangling ``GSLOwner<GSLPointer>`` object is constructed, e.g. ``std::vector<string_view> v = {std::string()};`` (#GH100526).
-- Clang now diagnoses when a ``requires`` expression has a local parameter of void type, aligning with the function parameter (#GH109831).
-- Clang now emits a diagnostic note at the class declaration when the method definition does not match any declaration (#GH110638).
-- Clang now omits warnings for extra parentheses in fold expressions with single expansion (#GH101863).
-- The warning for an unsupported type for a named register variable is now phrased ``unsupported type for named register variable``,
- instead of ``bad type for named register variable``. This makes it clear that the type is not supported at all, rather than being
- suboptimal in some way the error fails to mention (#GH111550).
-- Clang now emits a ``-Wdepredcated-literal-operator`` diagnostic, even if the
- name was a reserved name, which we improperly allowed to suppress the
- diagnostic.
-- Clang now diagnoses ``[[deprecated]]`` attribute usage on local variables (#GH90073).
-- Fix false positives when `[[gsl::Owner/Pointer]]` and `[[clang::lifetimebound]]` are used together.
-- Improved diagnostic message for ``__builtin_bit_cast`` size mismatch (#GH115870).
-- Clang now omits shadow warnings for enum constants in separate class scopes (#GH62588).
-- When diagnosing an unused return value of a type declared ``[[nodiscard]]``, the type
- itself is now included in the diagnostic.
-- Clang will now prefer the ``[[nodiscard]]`` declaration on function declarations over ``[[nodiscard]]``
- declaration on the return type of a function. Previously, when both have a ``[[nodiscard]]`` declaration attached,
- the one on the return type would be preferred. This may affect the generated warning message:
- .. code-block:: c++
- struct [[nodiscard("Reason 1")]] S {};
- [[nodiscard("Reason 2")]] S getS();
- void use()
- {
- getS(); // Now diagnoses "Reason 2", previously diagnoses "Reason 1"
- }
-- Clang now diagnoses ``= delete("reason")`` extension warnings only in pedantic mode rather than on by default. (#GH109311).
-- Clang now diagnoses missing return value in functions containing ``if consteval`` (#GH116485).
-- Clang now correctly recognises code after a call to a ``[[noreturn]]`` constructor
- as unreachable (#GH63009).
-- Clang now omits shadowing warnings for parameter names in explicit object member functions (#GH95707).
-- Improved error recovery for function call arguments with trailing commas (#GH100921).
-- For an rvalue reference bound to a temporary struct with an integer member, Clang will detect constant integer overflow
- in the initializer for the integer member (#GH46755).
-- Fixed a false negative ``-Wunused-private-field`` diagnostic when a defaulted comparison operator is defined out of class (#GH116961).
-- Clang now diagnoses dangling references for C++20's parenthesized aggregate initialization (#101957).
-- Fixed a bug where Clang would not emit ``-Wunused-private-field`` warnings when an unrelated class
- defined a defaulted comparison operator (#GH116270).
- .. code-block:: c++
- class A {
- private:
- int a; // warning: private field 'a' is not used, no diagnostic previously
- };
- class C {
- bool operator==(const C&) = default;
- };
-- Clang now emits `-Wdangling-capture` diangostic when a STL container captures a dangling reference.
- .. code-block:: c++
- void test() {
- std::vector<std::string_view> views;
- views.push_back(std::string("123")); // warning
- }
-- Clang now emits a ``-Wtautological-compare`` diagnostic when a check for
- pointer addition overflow is always true or false, because overflow would
- be undefined behavior.
- .. code-block:: c++
- bool incorrect_overflow_check(const char *ptr, size_t index) {
- return ptr + index < ptr; // warning
- }
-- Clang now emits a ``-Wvarargs`` diagnostic when the second argument
- to ``va_arg`` is of array type, which is an undefined behavior (#GH119360).
- .. code-block:: c++
- void test() {
- va_list va;
- va_arg(va, int[10]); // warning
- }
-- Fix -Wdangling false positives on conditional operators (#120206).
-- Clang now diagnoses unused private fields with the ``[[warn_unused]]`` attribute (#GH62472).
-- Fixed a bug where Clang hung on an unsupported optional scope specifier ``::`` when parsing
- Objective-C. Clang now emits a diagnostic message instead of hanging.
-- The :doc:`ThreadSafetyAnalysis` now supports passing scoped capabilities into functions:
- an attribute on the scoped capability parameter indicates both the expected associated capabilities and,
- like in the case of attributes on the function declaration itself, their state before and after the call.
- .. code-block:: c++
- #include "mutex.h"
- Mutex mu1, mu2;
- int a GUARDED_BY(mu1);
- void require(MutexLocker& scope REQUIRES(mu1)) {
- scope.Unlock();
- a = 0; // Warning! Requires mu1.
- scope.Lock();
- }
- void testParameter() {
- MutexLocker scope(&mu1), scope2(&mu2);
- require(scope2); // Warning! Mutex managed by 'scope2' is 'mu2' instead of 'mu1'
- require(scope); // OK.
- scope.Unlock();
- require(scope); // Warning! Requires mu1.
- }
-- Diagnose invalid declarators in the declaration of constructors and destructors (#GH121706).
-- Fix false positives warning for non-std functions with name `infinity` (#123231).
-- Clang now emits a ``-Wignored-qualifiers`` diagnostic when a base class includes cv-qualifiers (#GH55474).
-- Clang now diagnoses the use of attribute names reserved by the C++ standard (#GH92196).
Improvements to Clang's time-trace
@@ -871,376 +112,59 @@ Improvements to Coverage Mapping
Bug Fixes in This Version
-- Fixed the definition of ``ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT`` in ``<stdatomic.h>`` so it can
- be used in C++.
-- Fixed a failed assertion when checking required literal types in C context. (#GH101304).
-- Fixed a crash when trying to transform a dependent address space type. Fixes #GH101685.
-- Fixed a crash when diagnosing format strings and encountering an empty
- delimited escape sequence (e.g., ``"\o{}"``). #GH102218
-- Fixed a crash using ``__array_rank`` on 64-bit targets. (#GH113044).
-- The warning emitted for an unsupported register variable type now points to
- the unsupported type instead of the ``register`` keyword (#GH109776).
-- Fixed a crash when emit ctor for global variant with flexible array init (#GH113187).
-- Fixed a crash when GNU statement expression contains invalid statement (#GH113468).
-- Fixed a crash when passing the variable length array type to ``va_arg`` (#GH119360).
-- Fixed a failed assertion when using ``__attribute__((noderef))`` on an
- ``_Atomic``-qualified type (#GH116124).
-- No longer incorrectly diagnosing use of a deleted destructor when the
- selected overload of ``operator delete`` for that type is a destroying delete
- (#GH46818).
-- No longer return ``false`` for ``noexcept`` expressions involving a
- ``delete`` which resolves to a destroying delete but the type of the object
- being deleted has a potentially throwing destructor (#GH118660).
Bug Fixes to Compiler Builtins
-- Fix crash when atomic builtins are called with pointer to zero-size struct (#GH90330)
-- Clang now allows pointee types of atomic builtin arguments to be complete template types
- that was not instantiated elsewhere.
-- ``__noop`` can now be used in a constant expression. (#GH102064)
-- Fix ``__has_builtin`` incorrectly returning ``false`` for some C++ type traits. (#GH111477)
-- Fix ``__builtin_source_location`` incorrectly returning wrong column for method chains. (#GH119129)
Bug Fixes to Attribute Support
Bug Fixes to C++ Support
-- Fixed a crash when an expression with a dependent ``__typeof__`` type is used as the operand of a unary operator. (#GH97646)
-- Fixed incorrect pack expansion of init-capture references in requires expresssions.
-- Fixed a failed assertion when checking invalid delete operator declaration. (#GH96191)
-- Fix a crash when checking destructor reference with an invalid initializer. (#GH97230)
-- Clang now correctly parses potentially declarative nested-name-specifiers in pointer-to-member declarators.
-- Fix a crash when checking the initializer of an object that was initialized
- with a string literal. (#GH82167)
-- Fix a crash when matching template template parameters with templates which have
- parameters of
diff erent class type. (#GH101394)
-- Clang now correctly recognizes the correct context for parameter
- substitutions in concepts, so it doesn't incorrectly complain of missing
- module imports in those situations. (#GH60336)
-- Fix init-capture packs having a size of one before being instantiated. (#GH63677)
-- Clang now preserves the unexpanded flag in a lambda transform used for pack expansion. (#GH56852), (#GH85667),
- (#GH99877), (#GH122417).
-- Fixed a bug when diagnosing ambiguous explicit specializations of constrained member functions.
-- Fixed an assertion failure when selecting a function from an overload set that includes a
- specialization of a conversion function template.
-- Correctly diagnose attempts to use a concept name in its own definition;
- A concept name is introduced to its scope sooner to match the C++ standard. (#GH55875)
-- Properly reject defaulted relational operators with invalid types for explicit object parameters,
- e.g., ``bool operator==(this int, const Foo&)`` (#GH100329), and rvalue reference parameters.
-- Properly reject defaulted copy/move assignment operators that have a non-reference explicit object parameter.
-- Clang now properly handles the order of attributes in `extern` blocks. (#GH101990).
-- Fixed an assertion failure by preventing null explicit object arguments from being deduced. (#GH102025).
-- Correctly check constraints of explicit instantiations of member functions. (#GH46029)
-- When performing partial ordering of function templates, clang now checks that
- the deduction was consistent. Fixes (#GH18291).
-- Fixes to several issues in partial ordering of template template parameters, which
- were documented in the test suite.
-- Fixed an assertion failure about a constraint of a friend function template references to a value with greater
- template depth than the friend function template. (#GH98258)
-- Clang now rebuilds the template parameters of out-of-line declarations and specializations in the context
- of the current instantiation in all cases.
-- Fix evaluation of the index of dependent pack indexing expressions/types specifiers (#GH105900)
-- Correctly handle subexpressions of an immediate invocation in the presence of implicit casts. (#GH105558)
-- Clang now correctly handles direct-list-initialization of a structured bindings from an array. (#GH31813)
-- Mangle placeholders for deduced types as a template-prefix, such that mangling
- of template template parameters uses the correct production. (#GH106182)
-- Fixed an assertion failure when converting vectors to int/float with invalid expressions. (#GH105486)
-- Template parameter names are considered in the name lookup of out-of-line class template
- specialization right before its declaration context. (#GH64082)
-- Fixed a constraint comparison bug for friend declarations. (#GH78101)
-- Fix handling of ``_`` as the name of a lambda's init capture variable. (#GH107024)
-- Fix an issue with dependent source location expressions (#GH106428), (#GH81155), (#GH80210), (#GH85373)
-- Fixed a bug in the substitution of empty pack indexing types. (#GH105903)
-- Clang no longer tries to capture non-odr used default arguments of template parameters of generic lambdas (#GH107048)
-- Fixed a bug where defaulted comparison operators would remove ``const`` from base classes. (#GH102588)
-- Fix a crash when using ``source_location`` in the trailing return type of a lambda expression. (#GH67134)
-- A follow-up fix was added for (#GH61460), as the previous fix was not entirely correct. (#GH86361), (#GH112352)
-- Fixed a crash in the typo correction of an invalid CTAD guide. (#GH107887)
-- Fixed a crash when clang tries to substitute parameter pack while retaining the parameter
- pack. (#GH63819), (#GH107560)
-- Fix a crash when a static assert declaration has an invalid close location. (#GH108687)
-- Avoided a redundant friend declaration instantiation under a certain ``consteval`` context. (#GH107175)
-- Fixed an assertion failure in debug mode, and potential crashes in release mode, when
- diagnosing a failed cast caused indirectly by a failed implicit conversion to the type of the constructor parameter.
-- Fixed an assertion failure by adjusting integral to boolean vector conversions (#GH108326)
-- Fixed a crash when mixture of designated and non-designated initializers in union. (#GH113855)
-- Fixed an issue deducing non-type template arguments of reference type. (#GH73460)
-- Fixed an issue in constraint evaluation, where type constraints on the lambda expression
- containing outer unexpanded parameters were not correctly expanded. (#GH101754)
-- Fixes crashes with function template member specializations, and increases
- conformance of explicit instantiation behaviour with MSVC. (#GH111266)
-- Fixed a bug in constraint expression comparison where the ``sizeof...`` expression was not handled properly
- in certain friend declarations. (#GH93099)
-- Clang now instantiates the correct lambda call operator when a lambda's class type is
- merged across modules. (#GH110401)
-- Fix a crash when parsing a pseudo destructor involving an invalid type. (#GH111460)
-- Fixed an assertion failure when invoking recovery call expressions with explicit attributes
- and undeclared templates. (#GH107047), (#GH49093)
-- Clang no longer crashes when a lambda contains an invalid block declaration that contains an unexpanded
- parameter pack. (#GH109148)
-- Fixed overload handling for object parameters with top-level cv-qualifiers in explicit member functions (#GH100394)
-- Fixed a bug in lambda captures where ``constexpr`` class-type objects were not properly considered ODR-used in
- certain situations. (#GH47400), (#GH90896)
-- Fix erroneous templated array size calculation leading to crashes in generated code. (#GH41441)
-- During the lookup for a base class name, non-type names are ignored. (#GH16855)
-- Fix a crash when recovering an invalid expression involving an explicit object member conversion operator. (#GH112559)
-- Clang incorrectly considered a class with an anonymous union member to not be
- const-default-constructible even if a union member has a default member initializer.
- (#GH95854).
-- Fixed an assertion failure when evaluating an invalid expression in an array initializer. (#GH112140)
-- Fixed an assertion failure in range calculations for conditional throw expressions. (#GH111854)
-- Clang now correctly ignores previous partial specializations of member templates explicitly specialized for
- an implicitly instantiated class template specialization. (#GH51051)
-- Fixed an assertion failure caused by invalid enum forward declarations. (#GH112208)
-- Name independent data members were not correctly initialized from default member initializers. (#GH114069)
-- Fixed expression transformation for ``[[assume(...)]]``, allowing using pack indexing expressions within the
- assumption if they also occur inside of a dependent lambda. (#GH114787)
-- Lambdas now capture function types without considering top-level const qualifiers. (#GH84961)
-- Clang now uses valid deduced type locations when diagnosing functions with trailing return type
- missing placeholder return type. (#GH78694)
-- Fixed a bug where bounds of partially expanded pack indexing expressions were checked too early. (#GH116105)
-- Fixed an assertion failure caused by using ``consteval`` in condition in consumed analyses. (#GH117385)
-- Fixed an assertion failure caused by invalid default argument substitutions in non-defining
- friend declarations. (#GH113324)
-- Fix a crash caused by incorrect argument position in merging deduced template arguments. (#GH113659)
-- Fixed a parser crash when using pack indexing as a nested name specifier. (#GH119072)
-- Fixed a null pointer dereference issue when heuristically computing ``sizeof...(pack)`` expressions. (#GH81436)
-- Fixed an assertion failure caused by mangled names with invalid identifiers. (#GH112205)
-- Fixed an incorrect lambda scope of generic lambdas that caused Clang to crash when computing potential lambda
- captures at the end of a full expression. (#GH115931)
-- Clang no longer rejects deleting a pointer of incomplete enumeration type. (#GH99278)
-- Fixed recognition of ``std::initializer_list`` when it's surrounded with ``extern "C++"`` and exported
- out of a module (which is the case e.g. in MSVC's implementation of ``std`` module). (#GH118218)
-- Fixed a pack expansion issue in checking unexpanded parameter sizes. (#GH17042)
-- Fixed a bug where captured structured bindings were modifiable inside non-mutable lambda (#GH95081)
-- Passing incomplete types to ``__is_base_of`` and other builtin type traits for which the corresponding
- standard type trait mandates a complete type is now a hard (non-sfinae-friendly) error
- (`LWG3929 <https://wg21.link/LWG3929>`__.) (#GH121278)
-- Clang now identifies unexpanded parameter packs within the type constraint on a non-type template parameter. (#GH88866)
-- Fixed an issue while resolving type of expression indexing into a pack of values of non-dependent type (#GH121242)
-- Fixed a crash when __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ or __FUNCSIG__ (clang-cl) appears in the trailing return type of the lambda (#GH121274)
-- Fixed a crash caused by the incorrect construction of template arguments for CTAD alias guides when type
- constraints are applied. (#GH122134)
-- Fixed canonicalization of pack indexing types - Clang did not always recognized identical pack indexing. (#GH123033)
-- Fixed a nested lambda substitution issue for constraint evaluation. (#GH123441)
-- Fixed various false diagnostics related to the use of immediate functions. (#GH123472)
-- Fix immediate escalation not propagating through inherited constructors. (#GH112677)
-- Fixed assertions or false compiler diagnostics in the case of C++ modules for
- lambda functions or inline friend functions defined inside templates (#GH122493).
-- Fix template argument checking so that converted template arguments are
- converted again. This fixes some issues with partial ordering involving
- template template parameters with non-type template parameters.
-- Fix nondeduced mismatch with nullptr template arguments.
-- Clang now rejects declaring an alias template with the same name as its template parameter. (#GH123423)
-- Fixed the rejection of valid code when referencing an enumerator of an unscoped enum member with a prior declaration. (#GH124405)
-- Fixed immediate escalation of non-dependent expressions. (#GH123405)
-- Fix type of expression when calling a template which returns an ``__array_rank`` querying a type depending on a
- template parameter. Now, such expression can be used with ``static_assert`` and ``constexpr``. (#GH123498)
-- Correctly determine the implicit constexprness of lambdas in dependent contexts. (#GH97958) (#GH114234)
-- Fix that some dependent immediate expressions did not cause immediate escalation (#GH119046)
Bug Fixes to AST Handling
-- Fixed a crash that occurred when dividing by zero in complex integer division. (#GH55390).
-- Fixed a bug in ``ASTContext::getRawCommentForAnyRedecl()`` where the function could
- sometimes incorrectly return null even if a comment was present. (#GH108145)
-- Clang now correctly parses the argument of the ``relates``, ``related``, ``relatesalso``,
- and ``relatedalso`` comment commands.
-- Clang now uses the location of the begin of the member expression for ``CallExpr``
- involving deduced ``this``. (#GH116928)
-- Fixed printout of AST that uses pack indexing expression. (#GH116486)
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Miscellaneous Clang Crashes Fixed
-- Fixed a crash in C due to incorrect lookup that members in nested anonymous struct/union
- can be found as ordinary identifiers in struct/union definition. (#GH31295)
-- Fixed a crash caused by long chains of ``sizeof`` and other similar operators
- that can be followed by a non-parenthesized expression. (#GH45061)
-- Fixed an crash when compiling ``#pragma STDC FP_CONTRACT DEFAULT`` with
- ``-ffp-contract=fast-honor-pragmas``. (#GH104830)
-- Fixed a crash when function has more than 65536 parameters.
- Now a diagnostic is emitted. (#GH35741)
-- Fixed ``-ast-dump`` crashes on codes involving ``concept`` with ``-ast-dump-decl-types``. (#GH94928)
-- Fixed internal assertion firing when a declaration in the implicit global
- module is found through ADL. (GH#109879)
-- Fixed a crash when an unscoped enumeration declared by an opaque-enum-declaration within a class template
- with a dependent underlying type is subject to integral promotion. (#GH117960)
OpenACC Specific Changes
Target Specific Changes
-- Clang now implements the Solaris-specific mangling of ``std::tm`` as
- ``tm``, same for ``std::div_t``, ``std::ldiv_t``, and
- ``std::lconv``, for Solaris ABI compatibility. (#GH33114)
AMDGPU Support
-- Initial support for gfx950
-- Added headers ``gpuintrin.h`` and ``amdgpuintrin.h`` that contains common
- definitions for GPU builtin functions. This header can be included for OpenMP,
- CUDA, HIP, OpenCL, and C/C++.
NVPTX Support
-- Added headers ``gpuintrin.h`` and ``nvptxintrin.h`` that contains common
- definitions for GPU builtin functions. This header can be included for OpenMP,
- CUDA, HIP, OpenCL, and C/C++.
X86 Support
-- The MMX vector intrinsic functions from ``*mmintrin.h`` which
- operate on `__m64` vectors, such as ``_mm_add_pi8``, have been
- reimplemented to use the SSE2 instruction-set and XMM registers
- unconditionally. These intrinsics are therefore *no longer
- supported* if MMX is enabled without SSE2 -- either from targeting
- CPUs from the Pentium-MMX through the Pentium 3, or explicitly via
- passing arguments such as ``-mmmx -mno-sse2``. MMX assembly code
- remains supported without requiring SSE2, including inside
- inline-assembly.
-- The compiler builtins such as ``__builtin_ia32_paddb`` which
- formerly implemented the above MMX intrinsic functions have been
- removed. Any uses of these removed functions should migrate to the
- functions defined by the ``*mmintrin.h`` headers. A mapping can be
- found in the file ``clang/www/builtins.py``.
-- Support ISA of ``AVX10.2``.
- * Supported MINMAX intrinsics of ``*_(mask(z)))_minmax(ne)_p[s|d|h|bh]`` and
- ``*_(mask(z)))_minmax_s[s|d|h]``.
-- Supported intrinsics for ``SM4 and AVX10.2``.
- * Supported SM4 intrinsics of ``_mm512_sm4key4_epi32`` and
- ``_mm512_sm4rnds4_epi32``.
-- All intrinsics in adcintrin.h can now be used in constant expressions.
-- All intrinsics in adxintrin.h can now be used in constant expressions.
-- All intrinsics in lzcntintrin.h can now be used in constant expressions.
-- All intrinsics in bmiintrin.h can now be used in constant expressions.
-- All intrinsics in bmi2intrin.h can now be used in constant expressions.
-- All intrinsics in tbmintrin.h can now be used in constant expressions.
-- Supported intrinsics for ``MOVRS AND AVX10.2``.
- * Supported intrinsics of ``_mm(256|512)_(mask(z))_loadrs_epi(8|16|32|64)``.
-- Support ISA of ``AMX-FP8``.
-- Support ISA of ``AMX-TRANSPOSE``.
-- Support ISA of ``AMX-MOVRS``.
-- Support ISA of ``AMX-AVX512``.
-- Support ISA of ``AMX-TF32``.
-- Support ISA of ``MOVRS``.
-- Supported ``-march/tune=diamondrapids``
Arm and AArch64 Support
-- Implementation of SVE2.1 and SME2.1 in accordance with the Arm C Language
- Extensions (ACLE) is now available.
-- In the ARM Target, the frame pointer (FP) of a leaf function can be retained
- by using the ``-fno-omit-frame-pointer`` option. If you want to eliminate the FP
- in leaf functions after enabling ``-fno-omit-frame-pointer``, you can do so by adding
- the ``-momit-leaf-frame-pointer`` option.
-- SME keyword attributes which apply to function types are now represented in the
- mangling of the type. This means that ``void foo(void (*f)() __arm_streaming);``
- now has a
diff erent mangling from ``void foo(void (*f)());``.
-- The ``__arm_agnostic`` keyword attribute was added to let users describe
- a function that preserves SME state enabled by PSTATE.ZA without having to share
- this state with its callers and without making the assumption that this state
- exists.
-- Support has been added for the following processors (-mcpu identifiers in parenthesis):
- For AArch64:
- * FUJITSU-MONAKA (fujitsu-monaka)
Android Support
Windows Support
-- clang-cl now supports ``/std:c++23preview`` which enables C++23 features.
-- Clang no longer allows references inside a union when emulating MSVC 1900+ even if `fms-extensions` is enabled.
- Starting with VS2015, MSVC 1900, this Microsoft extension is no longer allowed and always results in an error.
- Clang now follows the MSVC behavior in this scenario.
- When `-fms-compatibility-version=18.00` or prior is set on the command line this Microsoft extension is still
- allowed as VS2013 and prior allow it.
-- Clang now supports the ``#pragma clang section`` directive for COFF targets.
LoongArch Support
-- Types of parameters and return value of ``__builtin_lsx_vorn_v`` and ``__builtin_lasx_xvorn_v``
- are changed from ``signed char`` to ``unsigned char``. (#GH114514)
-- ``-mrelax`` and ``-mno-relax`` are supported now on LoongArch that can be used
- to enable / disable the linker relaxation optimization. (#GH123587)
-- Fine-grained la64v1.1 options are added including ``-m{no-,}frecipe``, ``-m{no-,}lam-bh``,
- ``-m{no-,}ld-seq-sa``, ``-m{no-,}div32``, ``-m{no-,}lamcas`` and ``-m{no-,}scq``.
-- Two options ``-m{no-,}annotate-tablejump`` are added to enable / disable
- annotating table jump instruction to correlate it with the jump table. (#GH102411)
-- FreeBSD support is added for LoongArch64 and has been tested by building kernel-toolchain. (#GH119191)
RISC-V Support
-- The option ``-mcmodel=large`` for the large code model is supported.
-- Bump RVV intrinsic to version 1.0, the spec: https://github.com/riscv-non-isa/rvv-intrinsic-doc/releases/tag/v1.0.0-rc4
CUDA/HIP Language Changes
-- Fixed a bug about overriding a constexpr pure-virtual member function with a non-constexpr virtual member function which causes compilation failure when including standard C++ header `format`.
-- Added initial support for version 3 of the compressed offload bundle format, which uses 64-bit fields for Total File Size and Uncompressed Binary Size. This enables support for files larger than 4GB. The support is currently experimental and can be enabled by setting the environment variable `COMPRESSED_BUNDLE_FORMAT_VERSION=3`.
CUDA Support
-- Clang now supports CUDA SDK up to 12.6
-- Added support for sm_100
-- Added support for `__grid_constant__` attribute.
-- CUDA now uses the new offloading driver by default. The new driver supports
- device-side LTO, interoperability with OpenMP and other languages, and native ``-fgpu-rdc``
- support with static libraries. The old behavior can be returned using the
- ``--no-offload-new-driver`` flag. The binary format is no longer compatible
- with the NVIDIA compiler's RDC-mode support. More information can be found at:
- https://clang.llvm.org/docs/OffloadingDesign.html
AIX Support
@@ -1251,277 +175,58 @@ NetBSD Support
WebAssembly Support
-The default target CPU, "generic", now enables the `-mnontrapping-fptoint`
-and `-mbulk-memory` flags, which correspond to the [Bulk Memory Operations]
-and [Non-trapping float-to-int Conversions] language features, which are
-[widely implemented in engines].
-A new Lime1 target CPU is added, -mcpu=lime1. This CPU follows the definition of
-the Lime1 CPU [here], and enables -mmultivalue, -mmutable-globals,
--mcall-indirect-overlong, -msign-ext, -mbulk-memory-opt, -mnontrapping-fptoint,
-and -mextended-const.
-[Bulk Memory Operations]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/bulk-memory-operations/blob/master/proposals/bulk-memory-operations/Overview.md
-[Non-trapping float-to-int Conversions]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/blob/master/proposals/nontrapping-float-to-int-conversion/Overview.md
-[widely implemented in engines]: https://webassembly.org/features/
-[here]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/tool-conventions/blob/main/Lime.md#lime1
AVR Support
-- Reject C/C++ compilation for avr1 devices which have no SRAM.
DWARF Support in Clang
Floating Point Support in Clang
-- Add ``__builtin_elementwise_atan2`` builtin for floating point types only.
Fixed Point Support in Clang
AST Matchers
-- Fixed an issue with the `hasName` and `hasAnyName` matcher when matching
- inline namespaces with an enclosing namespace of the same name.
-- Fixed an ordering issue with the `hasOperands` matcher occurring when setting a
- binding in the first matcher and using it in the second matcher.
-- Fixed a crash when traverse lambda expr with invalid captures. (#GH106444)
-- Fixed ``isInstantiated`` and ``isInTemplateInstantiation`` to also match for variable templates. (#GH110666)
-- Ensure ``hasName`` matches template specializations across inline namespaces,
- making `matchesNodeFullSlow` and `matchesNodeFullFast` consistent.
-- Improved the performance of the ``getExpansionLocOfMacro`` by tracking already processed macros during recursion.
-- Add ``exportDecl`` matcher to match export declaration.
-- Ensure ``hasType`` and ``hasDeclaration`` match Objective-C interface declarations.
-- Ensure ``pointee`` matches Objective-C pointer types.
-- Add ``dependentScopeDeclRefExpr`` matcher to match expressions that refer to dependent scope declarations.
-- Add ``dependentNameType`` matcher to match a dependent name type.
-- Add ``dependentTemplateSpecializationType`` matcher to match a dependent template specialization type.
-- Add ``hasDependentName`` matcher to match the dependent name of a DependentScopeDeclRefExpr or DependentNameType.
-- Adds ``BreakBinaryOperations`` option.
-- Adds ``TemplateNames`` option.
-- Adds ``AlignFunctionDeclarations`` option to ``AlignConsecutiveDeclarations``.
-- Adds ``IndentOnly`` suboption to ``ReflowComments`` to fix the indentation of
- multi-line comments without touching their contents, renames ``false`` to
- ``Never``, and ``true`` to ``Always``.
-- Adds ``RemoveEmptyLinesInUnwrappedLines`` option.
-- Adds ``KeepFormFeed`` option and set it to ``true`` for ``GNU`` style.
-- Adds ``AllowShortNamespacesOnASingleLine`` option.
-- Adds ``VariableTemplates`` option.
-- Adds support for bash globstar in ``.clang-format-ignore``.
-- Adds ``WrapNamespaceBodyWithEmptyLines`` option.
-- Adds the ``IndentExportBlock`` option.
-- Adds ``PenaltyBreakBeforeMemberAccess`` option.
-- Add ``clang_isBeforeInTranslationUnit``. Given two source locations, it determines
- whether the first one comes strictly before the second in the source code.
-- Add ``clang_getTypePrettyPrinted``. It allows controlling the PrintingPolicy used
- to pretty-print a type.
-- Added ``clang_visitCXXBaseClasses``, which allows visiting the base classes
- of a class.
-- Added ``clang_getOffsetOfBase``, which allows computing the offset of a base
- class in a class's layout.
Code Completion
-- Use ``HeuristicResolver`` (upstreamed from clangd) to improve code completion results
- in dependent code
Static Analyzer
New features
-- Now CSA models `__builtin_*_overflow` functions. (#GH102602)
-- MallocChecker now checks for ``ownership_returns(class, idx)`` and ``ownership_takes(class, idx)``
- attributes with class names
diff erent from "malloc". Clang static analyzer now reports an error
- if class of allocation and deallocation function mismatches.
- `Documentation <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/analyzer/checkers.html#unix-mismatcheddeallocator-c-c>`__.
-- Function effects, e.g. the ``nonblocking`` and ``nonallocating`` "performance constraint"
- attributes, are now verified. For example, for functions declared with the ``nonblocking``
- attribute, the compiler can generate warnings about the use of any language features, or calls to
- other functions, which may block.
-- Introduced ``-warning-suppression-mappings`` flag to control diagnostic
- suppressions per file. See `documentation <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/WarningSuppressionMappings.html>_` for details.
Crash and bug fixes
-- In loops where the loop condition is opaque (i.e. the analyzer cannot
- determine whether it's true or false), the analyzer will no longer assume
- execution paths that perform more that two iterations. These unjustified
- assumptions caused false positive reports (e.g. 100+ out-of-bounds reports in
- the FFMPEG codebase) in loops where the programmer intended only two or three
- steps but the analyzer wasn't able to understand that the loop is limited.
-- Improved the handling of the ``ownership_returns`` attribute. Now, Clang reports an
- error if the attribute is attached to a function that returns a non-pointer value.
- Fixes (#GH99501)
Moved checkers
-- The checker ``alpha.core.IdenticalExpr`` was deleted because it was
- duplicated in the clang-tidy checkers ``misc-redundant-expression`` and
- ``bugprone-branch-clone``.
-- The checker ``alpha.security.MallocOverflow`` was deleted because it was
- badly implemented and its aggressive logic produced too many false positives.
- To detect too large arguments passed to malloc, consider using the checker
- ``alpha.taint.TaintedAlloc``.
-- The checkers ``alpha.nondeterministic.PointerSorting`` and
- ``alpha.nondeterministic.PointerIteration`` were moved to a new bugprone
- checker named ``bugprone-nondeterministic-pointer-iteration-order``. The
- original checkers were implemented only using AST matching and make more
- sense as a single clang-tidy check.
-- The checker ``alpha.unix.Chroot`` was modernized, improved and moved to
- ``unix.Chroot``. Testing was done on open source projects that use chroot(),
- and false issues addressed in the improvements based on real use cases. Open
- source projects used for testing include nsjail, lxroot, dive and ruri.
- This checker conforms to SEI Cert C recommendation `POS05-C. Limit access to
- files by creating a jail
- <https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/POS05-C.+Limit+access+to+files+by+creating+a+jail>`_.
- Fixes (#GH34697).
- (#GH117791) [Documentation](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/analyzer/checkers.html#unix-chroot-c).
.. _release-notes-sanitizers:
-- Introduced Realtime Sanitizer, activated by using the -fsanitize=realtime
- flag. This sanitizer detects unsafe system library calls, such as memory
- allocations and mutex locks. If any such function is called during invocation
- of a function marked with the ``[[clang::nonblocking]]`` attribute, an error
- is printed to the console and the process exits non-zero.
-- Added the ``-fsanitize-undefined-ignore-overflow-pattern`` flag which can be
- used to disable specific overflow-dependent code patterns. The supported
- patterns are: ``add-signed-overflow-test``, ``add-unsigned-overflow-test``,
- ``negated-unsigned-const``, and ``unsigned-post-decr-while``. The sanitizer
- instrumentation can be toggled off for all available patterns by specifying
- ``all``. Conversely, you may disable all exclusions with ``none`` which is
- the default.
- .. code-block:: c++
- /// specified with ``-fsanitize-undefined-ignore-overflow-pattern=add-unsigned-overflow-test``
- int common_overflow_check_pattern(unsigned base, unsigned offset) {
- if (base + offset < base) { /* ... */ } // The pattern of `a + b < a`, and other re-orderings, won't be instrumented
- }
- /// specified with ``-fsanitize-undefined-ignore-overflow-pattern=add-signed-overflow-test``
- int common_overflow_check_pattern_signed(signed int base, signed int offset) {
- if (base + offset < base) { /* ... */ } // The pattern of `a + b < a`, and other re-orderings, won't be instrumented
- }
- /// specified with ``-fsanitize-undefined-ignore-overflow-pattern=negated-unsigned-const``
- void negation_overflow() {
- unsigned long foo = -1UL; // No longer causes a negation overflow warning
- unsigned long bar = -2UL; // and so on...
- }
- /// specified with ``-fsanitize-undefined-ignore-overflow-pattern=unsigned-post-decr-while``
- void while_post_decrement() {
- unsigned char count = 16;
- while (count--) { /* ... */ } // No longer causes unsigned-integer-overflow sanitizer to trip
- }
- Many existing projects have a large amount of these code patterns present.
- This new flag should allow those projects to enable integer sanitizers with
- less noise.
-- ``-fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow``, ``-fsanitize=unsigned-integer-overflow``,
- ``-fsanitize=implicit-signed-integer-truncation``, ``-fsanitize=implicit-unsigned-integer-truncation``,
- ``-fsanitize=enum`` now properly support the
- "type" prefix within `Sanitizer Special Case Lists (SSCL)
- <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/SanitizerSpecialCaseList.html>`_. See that link
- for examples.
-- Introduced an experimental Type Sanitizer, activated by using the
- ``-fsanitize=type`` flag. This sanitizer detects violations of C/C++ type-based
- aliasing rules.
-- Implemented ``-f[no-]sanitize-trap=local-bounds``, and ``-f[no-]sanitize-recover=local-bounds``.
-- ``-fsanitize-merge`` (default) and ``-fno-sanitize-merge`` have been added for
- fine-grained, unified control of which UBSan checks can potentially be merged
- by the compiler (for example,
- ``-fno-sanitize-merge=bool,enum,array-bounds,local-bounds``).
-- Changed ``-fsanitize=pointer-overflow`` to no longer report ``NULL + 0`` as
- undefined behavior in C, in line with
- `N3322 <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3322.pdf>`_,
- and matching the previous behavior for C++.
- ``NULL + non_zero`` continues to be reported as undefined behavior.
Python Binding Changes
-- Fixed an issue that led to crashes when calling ``Type.get_exception_specification_kind``.
-- Added ``Cursor.pretty_printed``, a binding for ``clang_getCursorPrettyPrinted``,
- and related functions, which allow changing the formatting of pretty-printed code.
-- Added ``Cursor.is_anonymous_record_decl``, a binding for
- ``clang_Cursor_isAnonymousRecordDecl``, which allows checking if a
- declaration is an anonymous union or anonymous struct.
-- Added ``Type.pretty_printed`, a binding for ``clang_getTypePrettyPrinted``,
- which allows changing the formatting of pretty-printed types.
-- Added ``Cursor.is_virtual_base``, a binding for ``clang_isVirtualBase``,
- which checks whether a base class is virtual.
-- Added ``Type.get_bases``, a binding for ``clang_visitCXXBaseClasses``, which
- allows visiting the base classes of a class.
-- Added ``Cursor.get_base_offsetof``, a binding for ``clang_getOffsetOfBase``,
- which allows computing the offset of a base class in a class's layout.
OpenMP Support
-- Added support for 'omp assume' directive.
-- Added support for 'omp scope' directive.
-- Added support for allocator-modifier in 'allocate' clause.
-- Changed the OpenMP DeviceRTL to use 'generic' IR. The
- ``LIBOMPTARGET_DEVICE_ARCHITECTURES`` CMake argument is now unused and will
- always build support for AMDGPU and NVPTX targets.
-- Added support for combined masked constructs 'omp parallel masked taskloop',
- 'omp parallel masked taskloop simd','omp masked taskloop' and 'omp masked taskloop simd' directive.
-- Added support for align-modifier in 'allocate' clause.
-- Improve the handling of mapping array-section for struct containing nested structs with user defined mappers
-- `num_teams` and `thead_limit` now accept multiple expressions when it is used
- along in ``target teams ompx_bare`` construct. This allows the target region
- to be launched with multi-dim grid on GPUs.
Additional Information
diff --git a/cmake/Modules/LLVMVersion.cmake b/cmake/Modules/LLVMVersion.cmake
index 897dd963bd9ab6..f14aae172f077d 100644
--- a/cmake/Modules/LLVMVersion.cmake
+++ b/cmake/Modules/LLVMVersion.cmake
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LLVM Version number information
diff --git a/libcxx/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst b/libcxx/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
index 47042c4af1649d..c4170fa4b1275f 100644
--- a/libcxx/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ b/libcxx/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-.. include:: ReleaseNotes/20.rst
+.. include:: ReleaseNotes/21.rst
.. Make sure to reference the non-live release notes in a toctree to avoid Sphinx errors.
.. toctree::
+ ReleaseNotes/20
.. The release notes are in versioned files, but we make sure to keep publishing
diff --git a/libcxx/docs/ReleaseNotes/21.rst b/libcxx/docs/ReleaseNotes/21.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..e746244b653d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcxx/docs/ReleaseNotes/21.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Libc++ 21.0.0 (In-Progress) Release Notes
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+ :depth: 2
+Written by the `Libc++ Team <https://libcxx.llvm.org>`_
+.. warning::
+ These are in-progress notes for the upcoming libc++ 20.0.0 release.
+ Release notes for previous releases can be found on
+ `the Download Page <https://releases.llvm.org/download.html>`_.
+This document contains the release notes for the libc++ C++ Standard Library,
+part of the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, release 20.0.0. Here we describe the
+status of libc++ in some detail, including major improvements from the previous
+release and new feature work. For the general LLVM release notes, see `the LLVM
+documentation <https://llvm.org/docs/ReleaseNotes.html>`_. All LLVM releases may
+be downloaded from the `LLVM releases web site <https://llvm.org/releases/>`_.
+For more information about libc++, please see the `Libc++ Web Site
+<https://libcxx.llvm.org>`_ or the `LLVM Web Site <https://llvm.org>`_.
+Note that if you are reading this file from a Git checkout or the
+main Libc++ web page, this document applies to the *next* release, not
+the current one. To see the release notes for a specific release, please
+see the `releases page <https://llvm.org/releases/>`_.
+What's New in Libc++ 21.0.0?
+Implemented Papers
+Improvements and New Features
+Deprecations and Removals
+Upcoming Deprecations and Removals
+LLVM 22
+ABI Affecting Changes
+Build System Changes
diff --git a/libcxx/include/__config b/libcxx/include/__config
index 30b2d147dc5634..1c6dd8f36c32f2 100644
--- a/libcxx/include/__config
+++ b/libcxx/include/__config
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
// _LIBCPP_VERSION represents the version of libc++, which matches the version of LLVM.
// Given a LLVM release LLVM XX.YY.ZZ (e.g. LLVM 17.0.1 == 17.00.01), _LIBCPP_VERSION is
// defined to XXYYZZ.
-# define _LIBCPP_VERSION 200000
+# define _LIBCPP_VERSION 210000
# define _LIBCPP_CONCAT_IMPL(_X, _Y) _X##_Y
diff --git a/lld/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst b/lld/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
index e13b0cf0678ce7..6f60efd87c975b 100644
--- a/lld/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ b/lld/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -26,73 +26,14 @@ Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release
ELF Improvements
-* ``-z nosectionheader`` has been implemented to omit the section header table.
- The operation is similar to ``llvm-objcopy --strip-sections``.
- (`#101286 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/101286>`_)
-* ``--randomize-section-padding=<seed>`` is introduced to insert random padding
- between input sections and at the start of each segment. This can be used to
- control measurement bias in A/B experiments.
- (`#117653 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/117653>`_)
-* The reproduce tarball created with ``--reproduce=`` now excludes directories
- specified in the ``--dependency-file`` argument (used by Ninja). This
- resolves an error where non-existent directories could cause issues when
- invoking ``ld.lld @response.txt``.
-* ``--symbol-ordering-file=`` and call graph profile can now be used together.
-* When ``--call-graph-ordering-file=`` is specified, ``.llvm.call-graph-profile``
- sections in relocatable files are no longer used.
-* ``--lto-basic-block-sections=labels`` is deprecated in favor of
- ``--lto-basic-block-address-map``.
- (`#110697 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/110697>`_)
-* In non-relocatable links, a ``.note.GNU-stack`` section with the
- ``SHF_EXECINSTR`` flag is now rejected unless ``-z execstack`` is specified.
- (`#124068 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/124068>`_)
-* In relocatable links, the ``sh_entsize`` member of a ``SHF_MERGE`` section
- with relocations is now respected in the output.
-* Quoted names can now be used in output section phdr, memory region names,
- ``OVERLAY``, the LHS of ``--defsym``, and ``INSERT AFTER``.
-* Section ``CLASS`` linker script syntax binds input sections to named classes,
- which are referenced later one or more times. This provides access to the
- automatic spilling mechanism of `--enable-non-contiguous-regions` without
- globally changing the semantics of section matching. It also independently
- increases the expressive power of linker scripts.
- (`#95323 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/95323>`_)
-* ``INCLUDE`` cycle detection has been fixed. A linker script can now be
- included twice.
-* The ``archivename:`` syntax when matching input sections is now supported.
- (`#119293 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/119293>`_)
-* To support Arm v6-M, short thunks using B.w are no longer generated.
- (`#118111 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/118111>`_)
-* For AArch64, BTI-aware long branch thunks can now be created to a destination
- function without a BTI instruction.
- (`#108989 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/108989>`_)
- (`#116402 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/116402>`_)
-* Relocations related to GOT and TLSDESC for the AArch64 Pointer Authentication ABI
- are now supported.
-* Supported relocation types for x86-64 target:
- * ``R_X86_64_CODE_4_GOTPCRELX`` (`#109783 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/109783>`_) (`#116737 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/116737>`_)
- * ``R_X86_64_CODE_4_GOTTPOFF`` (`#116634 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/116634>`_)
- * ``R_X86_64_CODE_4_GOTPC32_TLSDESC`` (`#116909 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/116909>`_)
- * ``R_X86_64_CODE_6_GOTTPOFF`` (`#117675 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/117675>`_)
-* Supported relocation types for LoongArch target: ``R_LARCH_TLS_{LD,GD,DESC}_PCREL20_S2``.
- (`#100105 <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/100105>`_)
Breaking changes
-* Removed support for the (deprecated) `R_RISCV_RVC_LUI` relocation. This
- was a binutils-internal relocation used during relaxation, and was not
- emitted by compilers/assemblers.
COFF Improvements
-* ``/includeglob`` has been implemented to match the behavior of ``--undefined-glob`` available for ELF.
-* ``/lldsavetemps`` allows saving select intermediate LTO compilation results (e.g. resolution, preopt, promote, internalize, import, opt, precodegen, prelink, combinedindex).
-* ``/machine:arm64ec`` support completed, enabling the linking of ARM64EC images.
-* COFF weak anti-dependency alias symbols are now supported.
MinGW Improvements
-* ``--undefined-glob`` is now supported by translating into the ``/includeglob`` flag.
MachO Improvements
diff --git a/llvm/docs/ReleaseNotes.md b/llvm/docs/ReleaseNotes.md
index e0acb8f48c5b94..48d2ef1b4d1c5b 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/ReleaseNotes.md
+++ b/llvm/docs/ReleaseNotes.md
@@ -42,17 +42,6 @@ point (e.g. maybe you would like to give an example of the
functionality, or simply have a lot to talk about), see the comment below
for adding a new subsection. -->
-* Added a new IRNormalizer pass which aims to transform LLVM modules into
- a normal form by reordering and renaming instructions while preserving the
- same semantics. The normalizer makes it easier to spot semantic
diff erences
- when
diff ing two modules which have undergone
diff erent passes.
-* The SPIR-V backend is now an official LLVM target, providing OpenCL and SYCL
- conformance and establishing a foundation for broader applicability to other
- APIs, including Vulkan, GLSL, and HLSL. This backend aims to offer a unified
- approach for diverse compute and graphics workloads, providing a robust
- alternative to the Khronos SPIR-V LLVM Translator.
* ...
<!-- If you would like to document a larger change, then you can add a
@@ -67,112 +56,27 @@ Makes programs 10x faster by doing Special New Thing.
Changes to the LLVM IR
-* Types are no longer allowed to be recursive.
-* The `x86_mmx` IR type has been removed. It will be translated to
- the standard vector type `<1 x i64>` in bitcode upgrade.
-* Renamed `llvm.experimental.stepvector` intrinsic to `llvm.stepvector`.
-* Added `usub_cond` and `usub_sat` operations to `atomicrmw`.
-* Introduced `noalias.addrspace` metadata.
-* Remove the following intrinsics which can be replaced with a `bitcast`:
- * `llvm.nvvm.bitcast.f2i`
- * `llvm.nvvm.bitcast.i2f`
- * `llvm.nvvm.bitcast.d2ll`
- * `llvm.nvvm.bitcast.ll2d`
-* Remove the following intrinsics which can be replaced with a funnel-shift:
- * `llvm.nvvm.rotate.b32`
- * `llvm.nvvm.rotate.right.b64`
- * `llvm.nvvm.rotate.b64`
-* Remove the following intrinsics which can be replaced with an
- `addrspacecast`:
- * `llvm.nvvm.ptr.gen.to.global`
- * `llvm.nvvm.ptr.gen.to.shared`
- * `llvm.nvvm.ptr.gen.to.constant`
- * `llvm.nvvm.ptr.gen.to.local`
- * `llvm.nvvm.ptr.global.to.gen`
- * `llvm.nvvm.ptr.shared.to.gen`
- * `llvm.nvvm.ptr.constant.to.gen`
- * `llvm.nvvm.ptr.local.to.gen`
-* Remove the following intrinsics which can be relaced with a load from
- addrspace(1) with an !invariant.load metadata
- * `llvm.nvvm.ldg.global.i`
- * `llvm.nvvm.ldg.global.f`
- * `llvm.nvvm.ldg.global.p`
-* Operand bundle values can now be metadata strings.
-* Fast math flags are now permitted on `fptrunc` and `fpext`.
Changes to LLVM infrastructure
Changes to building LLVM
-* Raised the minimum MSVC version to Visual Studio 2019 16.8.
-* Deprecated support for building compiler-rt with `LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS`.
- Users should instead use `LLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES`, either through the
- runtimes or the bootstrapping build.
-* Deprecated support for building libc with `LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS`.
- Users should instead use `LLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES`, either through the
- runtimes or the bootstrapping build.
Changes to TableGen
Changes to Interprocedural Optimizations
-* Added RelLookupTableConverterPass to LTO post-link pass pipeline.
Changes to the AArch64 Backend
-* `.balign N, 0`, `.p2align N, 0`, `.align N, 0` in code sections will now fill
- the required alignment space with a sequence of `0x0` bytes (the requested
- fill value) rather than NOPs.
-* Assembler/disassembler support has been added for Armv9.6-A (2024)
- architecture extensions.
-* Added support for the FUJITSU-MONAKA CPU.
Changes to the AMDGPU Backend
-* Removed `llvm.amdgcn.flat.atomic.fadd` and
- `llvm.amdgcn.global.atomic.fadd` intrinsics. Users should use the
- {ref}`atomicrmw <i_atomicrmw>` instruction with `fadd` and
- addrspace(0) or addrspace(1) instead.
Changes to the ARM Backend
-* `.balign N, 0`, `.p2align N, 0`, `.align N, 0` in code sections will now fill
- the required alignment space with a sequence of `0x0` bytes (the requested
- fill value) rather than NOPs.
-* The default behavior for frame pointers in leaf functions has been updated.
- When the `-fno-omit-frame-pointer` option is specified, `FPKeepKindStr` is
- set to `-mframe-pointer=all`, meaning the frame pointer (FP) is now retained
- in leaf functions by default. To eliminate the frame pointer in leaf functions,
- you must explicitly use the `-momit-leaf-frame-pointer` option.
-* When using the `MOVT` or `MOVW` instructions, the Assembler will now check to
- ensure that any addend that is used is within a 16-bit signed value range. If the
- addend falls outside of this range, the LLVM backend will emit an error like so
- `Relocation Not In Range`.
Changes to the AVR Backend
@@ -185,192 +89,24 @@ Changes to the Hexagon Backend
Changes to the LoongArch Backend
-* [Incorrect GOT usage](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/117099) for `non-dso_local` function calls in large code model is fixed.
-* A [gprof support issue](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/121103) is fixed.
-* A [SDAG hang issue](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/107355) caused by `ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS` is fixed.
-* A [compiler crash issue](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/118301) when converting `half` to `i32` is fixed.
-* Almost all of `la64v1.1` instructions can now be generated. The full list is
- `frecipe.s`, `frecipe.d`, `frsqrte.s`, `frsqrte.d`, `vfrecipe.s`, `vfrecipe.d`,
- `vfrsqrte.s`, `vfrsqrte.d`, `xvfrecipe.s`, `xvfrecipe.d`, `xvfrsqrte.s`,
- `xvfrsqrte.d`, `sc.q`, `amcas.b`, `amcas.h`, `amcas.w`, `amcas.d`, `amcas_db.b`,
- `amcas_db.h`, `amcas_db.w`, `amcas_db.d`, `amswap.b`, `amswap.h`, `amswap_db.b`,
- `amswap_db.h`, `amadd.b`, `amadd.h`, `amadd_db.b`, `amadd_db.h`. Optionally
- generate instructions `dbar 0x700`, `div.w`, `div.wu`, `mod.w` and `mod.wu`
- when related target features are enabled. `llacq.w`, `screl.w`, `llacq.d` and
- `screl.d` cannot be generated yet.
-* An llc option called `-loongarch-annotate-tablejump` is added to annotate
- table jump instruction in the `.discard.tablejump_annotate` section. A typical
- user of these annotations is the `objtool` in Linux kernel.
-* The default cpu in `MCSubtargetInfo` is changed from `la464` to `generic-la64`.
- In addition, the `lsx` feature is added to `generic-la64`.
-* CFI instructions now allow register names and aliases, previously only numbers
- were allowed.
-* `RuntimeDyld` now supports LoongArch, which means that programs relying on
- `MCJIT` can now work.
-* `.balign N, 0`, `.p2align N, 0`, `.align N, 0` in code sections will now fill
- the required alignment space with a sequence of `0x0` bytes (the requested
- fill value) rather than NOPs.
-* `%ld_pcrel_20`, `%gd_pcrel_20` and `%desc_pcrel_20` operand modifiers are
- supported by assembler.
-* A machine function pass called `LoongArch Merge Base Offset` is added to merge
- the offset of address calculation into the offset field of instructions in a
- global address lowering sequence.
-* The `LoopDataPrefetch` pass can now work on LoongArch, but it is disabled by
- default due to the bad effect on Fortran benchmarks.
-* Enable alias analysis by default.
-* Avoid indirect branch jumps using the `$ra` register.
-* Other optimizations.
Changes to the MIPS Backend
Changes to the PowerPC Backend
-* The Linux `ppc64` LLC default cpu is updated from `ppc` to `ppc64`.
-* The AIX LLC default cpu is updated from `generic` to `pwr7`.
Changes to the RISC-V Backend
-* `.balign N, 0`, `.p2align N, 0`, `.align N, 0` in code sections will now fill
- the required alignment space with a sequence of `0x0` bytes (the requested
- fill value) rather than NOPs.
-* Added Syntacore SCR4 and SCR5 CPUs: `-mcpu=syntacore-scr4/5-rv32/64`
-* `-mcpu=sifive-p470` was added.
-* Added Hazard3 CPU as taped out for RP2350: `-mcpu=rp2350-hazard3` (32-bit
- only).
-* Fixed length vector support using RVV instructions now requires VLEN>=64. This
- means Zve32x and Zve32f will also require Zvl64b. The prior support was
- largely untested.
-* The `Zvbc32e` and `Zvkgs` extensions are now supported experimentally.
-* Added `Smctr`, `Ssctr` and `Svvptc` extensions.
-* `-mcpu=syntacore-scr7` was added.
-* `-mcpu=tt-ascalon-d8` was added.
-* `-mcpu=mips-p8700` was added.
-* `-mcpu=sifive-p550` was added.
-* The `Zacas` extension is no longer marked as experimental.
-* Added Smdbltrp, Ssdbltrp extensions to -march.
-* The `Smmpm`, `Smnpm`, `Ssnpm`, `Supm`, and `Sspm` pointer masking extensions
- are no longer marked as experimental.
-* The `Sha` extension is now supported.
-* The RVA23U64, RVA23S64, RVB23U64, and RVB23S64 profiles are no longer marked
- as experimental.
-* `.insn <length>, <raw encoding>` can be used to assemble 48- and 64-bit
- instructions from raw integer values.
-* `.insn [<length>,] <raw encoding>` now accepts absolute expressions for both
- expressions, so that they can be computed from constants and absolute symbols.
-* The following new inline assembly constraints and modifiers are accepted:
- * `cr` constraint meaning an RVC-encoding compatible GPR (`x8`-`x15`)
- * `cf` constraint meaning an RVC-encoding compatible FPR (`f8`-`f15`)
- * `R` constraint meaning an even-odd GPR pair (prints as the even register,
- but both registers in the pair are considered live).
- * `cR` constraint meaning an RVC-encoding compatible even-odd GPR Pair (prints
- as an even register between `x8` and `x14`, but both registers in the pair
- are considered live).
- * `N` modifer meaning print the register encoding (0-31) rather than the name.
-* `f` and `cf` inline assembly constraints, when using F-/D-/H-in-X extensions,
- will use the relevant GPR rather than FPR. This makes inline assembly portable
- between e.g. F and Zfinx code.
-* Adds experimental assembler support for the Qualcomm uC 'Xqcicsr` (CSR)
- extension.
-* Adds experimental assembler support for the Qualcomm uC 'Xqcisls` (Scaled Load Store)
- extension.
-* Adds experimental assembler support for the Qualcomm uC 'Xqcia` (Arithmetic)
- extension.
-* Adds experimental assembler support for the Qualcomm uC 'Xqciac` (Load-Store Address Calculation)
- extension.
-* Adds experimental assembler support for the Qualcomm uC 'Xqcics` (Conditonal Select)
- extension.
-* Adds experimental assembler support for the Qualcomm uC 'Xqcilsm` (Load Store Multiple)
- extension.
-* Adds experimental assembler support for the Qualcomm uC 'Xqcicli` (Conditional Load Immediate)
- extension.
-* Adds experimental assembler support for the Qualcomm uC 'Xqcicm` (Conditonal Move)
- extension.
-* Adds experimental assembler support for the Qualcomm uC 'Xqciint` (Interrupts)
- extension.
-* Adds experimental assembler support for the Qualcomm uC 'Xqcilo` (Large Offset Load Store)
- extension.
-* Added ``Sdext`` and ``Sdtrig`` extensions.
Changes to the WebAssembly Backend
-* The default target CPU, "generic", now enables the `-mnontrapping-fptoint`
- and `-mbulk-memory` flags, which correspond to the [Bulk Memory Operations]
- and [Non-trapping float-to-int Conversions] language features, which are
- [widely implemented in engines].
-* A new Lime1 target CPU is added, `-mcpu=lime1`. This CPU follows the
- definition of the Lime1 CPU [here], and enables `-mmultivalue`,
- `-mmutable-globals`, `-mcall-indirect-overlong`, `-msign-ext`,
- `-mbulk-memory-opt`, `-mnontrapping-fptoint`, and `-mextended-const`.
-* Support for the new standardized [Exception Handling] proposal is added.
- The [legacy Exception Handling] proposal is still supported, and turned on by
- the newly added `-wasm-use-legacy-eh` option. Given that major web browsers
- still default to the legacy EH proposal, this option is turned on by default
- for the moment.
-[Bulk Memory Operations]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/bulk-memory-operations/blob/master/proposals/bulk-memory-operations/Overview.md
-[Non-trapping float-to-int Conversions]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/blob/master/proposals/nontrapping-float-to-int-conversion/Overview.md
-[Exception Handling]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/exception-handling/blob/main/proposals/exception-handling/Exceptions.md
-[legacy Exception Handling]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/exception-handling/blob/main/proposals/exception-handling/legacy/Exceptions.md
-[widely implemented in engines]: https://webassembly.org/features/
-[here]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/tool-conventions/blob/main/Lime.md#lime1
Changes to the Windows Target
Changes to the X86 Backend
-* `.balign N, 0x90`, `.p2align N, 0x90`, and `.align N, 0x90` in code sections
- now fill the required alignment space with repeating `0x90` bytes, rather than
- using optimised NOP filling. Optimised NOP filling fills the space with NOP
- instructions of various widths, not just those that use the `0x90` byte
- encoding. To use optimised NOP filling in a code section, leave off the
- "fillval" argument, i.e. `.balign N`, `.p2align N` or `.align N` respectively.
-* Due to the removal of the `x86_mmx` IR type, functions with
- `x86_mmx` arguments or return values will use a
diff erent,
- incompatible, calling convention ABI. Such functions are not
- generally seen in the wild (Clang never generates them!), so this is
- not expected to result in real-world compatibility problems.
-* Support ISA of `AVX10.2-256` and `AVX10.2-512`.
-* Supported instructions of `MOVRS AND AVX10.2`
-* Supported ISA of `SM4(EVEX)`.
-* Supported ISA of `MSR_IMM`.
-* Supported ``-mcpu=diamondrapids``
-* Supported emitting relocation types for x86-64 target:
- * `R_X86_64_CODE_4_GOTPCRELX`
- * `R_X86_64_CODE_4_GOTTPOFF`
- * `R_X86_64_CODE_4_GOTPC32_TLSDESC`
- * `R_X86_64_CODE_6_GOTTPOFF`
Changes to the OCaml bindings
@@ -380,54 +116,6 @@ Changes to the Python bindings
Changes to the C API
-* The following symbols are deleted due to the removal of the `x86_mmx` IR type:
- * `LLVMX86_MMXTypeKind`
- * `LLVMX86MMXTypeInContext`
- * `LLVMX86MMXType`
- * The following functions are added to further support non-null-terminated strings:
- * `LLVMGetNamedFunctionWithLength`
- * `LLVMGetNamedGlobalWithLength`
-* The following functions are added to access the `LLVMContextRef` associated
- with `LLVMValueRef` and `LLVMBuilderRef` objects:
- * `LLVMGetValueContext`
- * `LLVMGetBuilderContext`
-* The new pass manager can now be invoked with a custom alias analysis pipeline, using
- the `LLVMPassBuilderOptionsSetAAPipeline` function.
-* It is now also possible to run the new pass manager on a single function, by calling
- `LLVMRunPassesOnFunction` instead of `LLVMRunPasses`.
-* Support for creating instructions with custom synchronization scopes has been added:
- * `LLVMGetSyncScopeID` to map a synchronization scope name to an ID.
- * `LLVMBuildFenceSyncScope`, `LLVMBuildAtomicRMWSyncScope` and
- `LLVMBuildAtomicCmpXchgSyncScope` versions of the existing builder functions
- with an additional synchronization scope ID parameter.
- * `LLVMGetAtomicSyncScopeID` and `LLVMSetAtomicSyncScopeID` to get and set the
- synchronization scope of any atomic instruction.
- * `LLVMIsAtomic` to check if an instruction is atomic, for use with the above functions.
- Because of backwards compatibility, `LLVMIsAtomicSingleThread` and
- `LLVMSetAtomicSingleThread` continue to work with any instruction type.
-* The `LLVMSetPersonalityFn` and `LLVMSetInitializer` APIs now support clearing the
- personality function and initializer respectively by passing a null pointer.
-* The following functions are added to allow iterating over debug records attached to
- instructions:
- * `LLVMGetFirstDbgRecord`
- * `LLVMGetLastDbgRecord`
- * `LLVMGetNextDbgRecord`
- * `LLVMGetPreviousDbgRecord`
-* Added `LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpUSubCond` and `LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpUSubSat` to `LLVMAtomicRMWBinOp` enum for AtomicRMW instructions.
Changes to the CodeGen infrastructure
@@ -440,156 +128,9 @@ Changes to the Debug Info
Changes to the LLVM tools
-* llvm-objcopy now supports the following options for Mach-O:
- `--globalize-symbol`, `--globalize-symbols`,
- `--keep-global-symbol`, `--keep-global-symbols`,
- `--localize-symbol`, `--localize-symbols`,
- `--skip-symbol`, `--skip-symbols`.
Changes to LLDB
-* It is now recommended that LLDB be built with Python >= 3.8, but no changes
- have been made to the supported Python versions. The next release, LLDB 21,
- will require Python >= 3.8.
-* LLDB now supports inline diagnostics for the expression evaluator and command line parser.
- Old:
- ```
- (lldb) p a+b
- error: <user expression 0>:1:1: use of undeclared identifier 'a'
- 1 | a+b
- | ^
- error: <user expression 0>:1:3: use of undeclared identifier 'b'
- 1 | a+b
- | ^
- ```
- New:
- ```
- (lldb) p a+b
- ˄ ˄
- │ ╰─ error: use of undeclared identifier 'b'
- ╰─ error: use of undeclared identifier 'a'
- ```
-* Program stdout/stderr redirection will now open the file with O_TRUNC flag, make sure to truncate the file if path already exists.
- * eg. `settings set target.output-path/target.error-path <path/to/file>`
-* A new setting `target.launch-working-dir` can be used to set a persistent cwd that is used by default by `process launch` and `run`.
-* LLDB now parses shared libraries in parallel, resulting in an average 2x speedup when attaching (only available on Darwin platforms) and launching (available on all platforms).
-* It is now possible to implement lldb commands in Python that use lldb's native command-line parser. In particular, that allows per-option/argument completion,
- with all the basic completers automatically supported and auto-generated help.
- The command template file in `lldb/examples/python/cmdtemplate.py` has been updated to show how to use this.
-* Breakpoints on "inlined call sites" are now supported. Previous to this fix, breakpoints on source lines that only contained inlined call sites would be
- moved to the next source line, causing you to miss the inlined executions.
-* On the command line, LLDB now limits tab completions to your terminal width to avoid wrapping.
- Old:
- ```
- Available completions:
- _regexp-attach -- Attach to process by ID or name.
- _regexp-break -- Set a breakpoint using one of several shorthand
- formats.
- _regexp-bt -- Show backtrace of the current thread's call sta
- ck. Any numeric argument displays at most that many frames. The argument 'al
- l' displays all threads. Use 'settings set frame-format' to customize the pr
- inting of individual frames and 'settings set thread-format' to customize th
- e thread header. Frame recognizers may filter thelist. Use 'thread backtrace
- -u (--unfiltered)' to see them all.
- _regexp-display -- Evaluate an expression at every stop (see 'help
- target stop-hook'.)
- ```
- New:
- ```
- Available completions:
- _regexp-attach -- Attach to process by ID or name.
- _regexp-break -- Set a breakpoint using one of several shorth...
- _regexp-bt -- Show backtrace of the current thread's call ...
- _regexp-display -- Evaluate an expression at every stop (see 'h...
- ```
-* DWARF indexing speed (for binaries not using the `debug_names` index) increased
- by [30-60%](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/118657).
-* The `frame diagnose` now works on ELF-based systems. After a crash, LLDB will
- try to determine the likely cause of the signal, matching Darwin behavior.
- This feature requires using a new `lldb-server` version and (like Darwin) only
- works on x86 binaries.
- ```
- * thread #1, name = 'a.out', stop reason = signal SIGSEGV: address not mapped to object (fault address=0x4)
- frame #0: 0x00005555555551aa a.out`GetSum(f=0x0000555555558018) at main.c:21:37
- 18 }
- 19
- 20 int GetSum(struct Foo *f) {
- -> 21 return SumTwoIntegers(f->a, f->b->d ? 0 : 1);
- 22 }
- 23
- 24 int main() {
- Likely cause: f->b->d accessed 0x4
- ```
-* Minidumps generated by LLDB now support:
- * 64 bit memory (due to 64b support, Minidumps are now paged to disk while being written).
- * Capturing of TLS variables.
- * Multiple signals or exceptions, including breakpoints.
-* [New Core File API](https://lldb.llvm.org/python_api/lldb.SBSaveCoreOptions.html). This gives greater control on the data captured into the core file, relative to the existing `process save-core` styles.
-* When opening ELF core files, LLDB will print additional information about the
- signal that killed the process and the disassembly view will display actual
- (relocated) targets of the jump instructions instead of raw offsets encoded in
- the instruction. This matches existing behavior for live processes.
- Old:
- ```
- * thread #1: tid = 329384, 0x0000000000401262, name = 'a.out', stop reason = signal SIGSEGV
- 0x7f1e3193e0a7 <+23>: ja 0xfe100 ; <+112>
- ```
- New:
- ```
- * thread #1: tid = 329384, 0x0000000000401262, name = 'a.out', stop reason = SIGSEGV: address not mapped to object (fault address=0x0)
- 0x7f1e3193e0a7 <+23>: ja 0x7f1e3193e100 ; <+112>
- ```
-* `lldb-server` now listens to a single port for gdbserver connections and provides
- that port to the connection handler processes. This means that only 2 ports need
- to be opened in the firewall (one for the `lldb-server` platform, one for gdbserver connections).
- In addition, due to this work, `lldb-server` now works on Windows in the server mode.
-* LLDB can now read the `fpmr` register from AArch64 Linux processes and core
- files.
-* Support was added for debugging AArch64 Linux programs that use the
- Guarded Control Stack extension (GCS). This includes live processes and core
- files.
-* LLDB now supports execution of user expressions for non-trivial cases for LoongArch and RISC-V targets, like function calls, when some code needs to be executed on the target.
-* LLDB now supports optionally enabled/disabled register sets (particularly floating point registers) for RISC-V 64. This happens for targets like `RV64IMAC` or `RV64IMACV`,
- that have no floating point registers. The change is applied to native debugging and core-file usage.
-* LLDB now supports [core-file for LoongArch](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/112296).
-* LLDB now supports [hardware breakpoint and watchpoint for LoongArch](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/118770).
-* LLDB now supports [vector registers for LoongArch](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/120664) when debugging a live process.
-* Incorrect floating-point register DWARF numbers for LoongArch were [fixed](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/120391).
Changes to BOLT
diff --git a/llvm/utils/gn/secondary/llvm/version.gni b/llvm/utils/gn/secondary/llvm/version.gni
index e0107cdeae76de..2b1a9076afe4ae 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/gn/secondary/llvm/version.gni
+++ b/llvm/utils/gn/secondary/llvm/version.gni
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-llvm_version_major = 20
+llvm_version_major = 21
llvm_version_minor = 0
llvm_version_patch = 0
llvm_version = "$llvm_version_major.$llvm_version_minor.$llvm_version_patch"
diff --git a/llvm/utils/lit/lit/__init__.py b/llvm/utils/lit/lit/__init__.py
index ea56d192fb3942..b5aa8edc03dc73 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/lit/lit/__init__.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/lit/lit/__init__.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
__author__ = "Daniel Dunbar"
__email__ = "daniel at minormatter.com"
-__versioninfo__ = (20, 0, 0)
+__versioninfo__ = (21, 0, 0)
__version__ = ".".join(str(v) for v in __versioninfo__) + "dev"
__all__ = []
diff --git a/openmp/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst b/openmp/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
index cfdc77b71890f2..6c1a46caf1d812 100644
--- a/openmp/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ b/openmp/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-OpenMP 20.0.0 Release Notes
+OpenMP 21.0.0 Release Notes
diff --git a/pstl/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst b/pstl/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
index 941b029ecd674c..a0b375134f78db 100644
--- a/pstl/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ b/pstl/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-PSTL 20.0.0 (In-Progress) Release Notes
+PSTL 21.0.0 (In-Progress) Release Notes
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