[clang] [nfc][analyzer] Add MemSpace trait to program state (PR #123003)

DonĂ¡t Nagy via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 28 07:19:44 PST 2025

https://github.com/NagyDonat commented:

Thanks for the updates!

I added some inline remarks, but overall I'm satisfied with the state of this PR and I hope that it can be merged soon.

However, I became a bit uncertain about the plans for follow-up changes, because it seems that there are several locations where the difference between "inherently in `<memory space X>`" and "originally in UnknownSpace, but we deduced that it's in `<memory space X>`" is significant. (I'm not entirely certain about this, because e.g. the schematics and applications of "deducing a memory space" are not yet fixed. This might deserve some additional thinking.)

Previously I strongly supported the idea that in the future we should store the `MemSpace` in a single location, as a state trait -- but if the inherent/acquired difference turns out to be relevant, then perhaps we should "stop after this PR" and stabilize this "hybrid representation" of memory spaces.


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