[clang] [clang] Add dump() support for lvalue APValues (PR #124476)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Jan 26 11:20:36 PST 2025

Timm =?utf-8?q?Bäder?= <tbaeder at redhat.com>
In-Reply-To: <llvm.org/llvm/llvm-project/pull/124476 at github.com>

@@ -710,10 +710,39 @@ void TextNodeDumper::Visit(const APValue &Value, QualType Ty) {
          << GetApproxValue(Value.getComplexFloatImag()) << 'i';
-  case APValue::LValue:
+  case APValue::LValue: {
-    OS << "LValue <todo>";
+    OS << "LValue Base=";
+    APValue::LValueBase B = Value.getLValueBase();
+    if (B.isNull())
+      OS << "null";
+    else if (const auto *BE = B.dyn_cast<const Expr *>()) {
+      OS << BE->getStmtClassName() << ' ';
+      dumpPointer(BE);
+    } else {
+      const auto *VDB = B.get<const ValueDecl *>();
+      OS << VDB->getDeclKindName() << "Decl";
+      dumpPointer(VDB);
+    }
+    OS << ", Null=" << Value.isNullPointer()
+       << ", Offset=" << Value.getLValueOffset().getQuantity()
+       << ", HasPath=" << Value.hasLValuePath();
+    if (Value.hasLValuePath()) {
+      OS << ", PathLength=" << Value.getLValuePath().size();
+      OS << ", Path=(";
+      bool First = true;
+      for (const auto &PathEntry : Value.getLValuePath()) {
+        // We're printing all entries as array indices because don't have the
+        // type information here to do anything else.
+        OS << PathEntry.getAsArrayIndex();
+        if (First && Value.getLValuePath().size() > 1)
+          OS << ", ";
+        First = false;
cor3ntin wrote:

Can you use `ListSeparator` here?


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