[clang-tools-extra] [clang-tidy] Filter out googletest TUs in bugprone-unchecked-optional-access (PR #115051)
Jan Voung via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 24 08:14:30 PST 2025
jvoung wrote:
> It would be better to use `GtestCmp` if you really want clang-tidy support gtest in this check. Here is an unfinished example which can match
> ```
> TEST(a, b) {
> std::optional<int> a;
> if (v) {
> a = 1;
> }
> ASSERT_NE(a, std::nullopt);
> a.value();
> }
> ```
> ```c++
> using namespace ast_matchers;
> auto HasOptionalCallDescendant = hasDescendant(callExpr(callee(cxxMethodDecl(
> ofClass(UncheckedOptionalAccessModel::optionalClassDecl())))));
> Finder->addMatcher(
> decl(anyOf(functionDecl(
> unless(isExpansionInSystemHeader()),
> // FIXME: Remove the filter below when lambdas are
> // well supported by the check.
> unless(hasDeclContext(cxxRecordDecl(isLambda()))),
> hasBody(allOf(
> HasOptionalCallDescendant,
> unless(hasDescendant(gtestAssert(
> GtestCmp::Ne,
> expr(hasType(qualType(hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType(
> recordType(hasDeclaration(
> UncheckedOptionalAccessModel::
> optionalClassDecl())))))),
> anything())))))),
> cxxConstructorDecl(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(
> withInitializer(HasOptionalCallDescendant)))))
> .bind(FuncID),
> this);
> ```
Sorry I missed this comment earlier!
I think doing "unless( ... gtestAssert... GtestCmp...)" for filtering this way would be more complex for not much gain, over the current filtering. Is the concern accuracy?
regarding complexity: there are many forms to check if the optional has a value, so doing filters this way (with "unless") we would need to enumerate all of them (gtestExpect, gtestExpectThat, gtestAssertThat, a to-be-added gtestExpectTrue, gtestAssertTrue, might need GtestCmp::Eq as well as Ne, like ASSERT_EQ(a.has_value(), true)). Similarly if we want to filter out catch2.
At that point we may as well handle the matcher + transfer functions to "see through" the macros in the checker itself rather than filtering here in a simple way (but then see prioritization concern).
regarding accuracy: I've run a large scale experiment across our monorepo, and the current method seems accurate w.r.t. filtering test files, test utilities, test base classes, fakes, mock classes, etc. Only 0.4% of the diffs didn't have "test/Test/TEST/..." etc in the path for file name (as a rough check). Among that 0.4% some really were test-only libraries that were less obviously test-only from the file name (golden_generator, sampler, fake, mock, benchmark, etc.), and some were timeout diffs.
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