[clang] [SYCL] AST support for SYCL kernel entry point functions. (PR #122379)

Erich Keane via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 22 06:25:19 PST 2025

erichkeane wrote:

No idea why I can't respond to the individual threads but...

>The coding standards don't specify to add a comment there and a brief survey of other headers in this directory indicates considerable inconsistency (72 out of 123 .h files have them). I guess that is over 50% so I'll add it.

It kinda does?  Clang-format is supposed to be adding those and coding standard is that we're supposed to be clang-format clean.  That said, I've got no idea why it didn't try to add it here, I've definitely seen it do so before.


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