[clang] 53ea5ff - [mutation analyzer] support mutation analysis for pointee (#118593)

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 21 23:58:51 PST 2025

Author: Congcong Cai
Date: 2025-01-22T15:58:48+08:00
New Revision: 53ea5ffcb38d428e446d357f310e9c28957eaec7

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/53ea5ffcb38d428e446d357f310e9c28957eaec7
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/53ea5ffcb38d428e446d357f310e9c28957eaec7.diff

LOG: [mutation analyzer] support mutation analysis for pointee (#118593)

This patch wants to add mutation analyzer for pointee object.




diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/ExprMutationAnalyzer.h b/clang/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/ExprMutationAnalyzer.h
index 7442f4aad531b7..3344959072c221 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/ExprMutationAnalyzer.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/ExprMutationAnalyzer.h
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ class ExprMutationAnalyzer {
     const Stmt *findReferenceMutation(const Expr *Exp);
     const Stmt *findFunctionArgMutation(const Expr *Exp);
+    const Stmt *findPointeeValueMutation(const Expr *Exp);
+    const Stmt *findPointeeMemberMutation(const Expr *Exp);
+    const Stmt *findPointeeToNonConst(const Expr *Exp);
     const Stmt &Stm;
     ASTContext &Context;
     Memoized &Memorized;

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp b/clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
index cefe64409c9776..d7b44149d0fc4b 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@
 #include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ExprMutationAnalyzer.h"
 #include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
 #include "clang/AST/OperationKinds.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
 #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
 #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersMacros.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
 namespace clang {
@@ -22,7 +24,6 @@ using namespace ast_matchers;
 //  - ConditionalOperator
 //  - BinaryConditionalOperator
 static bool canExprResolveTo(const Expr *Source, const Expr *Target) {
   const auto IgnoreDerivedToBase = [](const Expr *E, auto Matcher) {
     if (Matcher(E))
       return true;
@@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ static bool canExprResolveTo(const Expr *Source, const Expr *Target) {
 namespace {
+AST_MATCHER(Type, isDependentType) { return Node.isDependentType(); }
 AST_MATCHER_P(LambdaExpr, hasCaptureInit, const Expr *, E) {
   return llvm::is_contained(Node.capture_inits(), E);
@@ -99,6 +102,59 @@ AST_MATCHER_P(Stmt, canResolveToExpr, const Stmt *, Inner) {
   return canExprResolveTo(Exp, Target);
+// use class member to store data can reduce stack usage to avoid stack overflow
+// when recursive call.
+class ExprPointeeResolve {
+  const Expr *T;
+  bool resolveExpr(const Expr *E) {
+    if (E == nullptr)
+      return false;
+    if (E == T)
+      return true;
+    if (const auto *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(E)) {
+      if (BO->isAdditiveOp())
+        return (resolveExpr(BO->getLHS()) || resolveExpr(BO->getRHS()));
+      if (BO->isCommaOp())
+        return resolveExpr(BO->getRHS());
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (const auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(E))
+      return resolveExpr(PE->getSubExpr());
+    if (const auto *ICE = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(E)) {
+      // only implicit cast needs to be treated as resolvable.
+      // explicit cast will be checked in `findPointeeToNonConst`
+      const CastKind kind = ICE->getCastKind();
+      if (kind == CK_LValueToRValue || kind == CK_DerivedToBase ||
+          kind == CK_UncheckedDerivedToBase)
+        return resolveExpr(ICE->getSubExpr());
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (const auto *ACE = dyn_cast<AbstractConditionalOperator>(E))
+      return resolve(ACE->getTrueExpr()) || resolve(ACE->getFalseExpr());
+    return false;
+  }
+  ExprPointeeResolve(const Expr *T) : T(T) {}
+  bool resolve(const Expr *S) { return resolveExpr(S); }
+AST_MATCHER_P(Stmt, canResolveToExprPointee, const Stmt *, T) {
+  auto *Exp = dyn_cast<Expr>(&Node);
+  if (!Exp)
+    return true;
+  auto *Target = dyn_cast<Expr>(T);
+  if (!Target)
+    return false;
+  return ExprPointeeResolve{Target}.resolve(Exp);
 // Similar to 'hasAnyArgument', but does not work because 'InitListExpr' does
 // not have the 'arguments()' method.
 AST_MATCHER_P(InitListExpr, hasAnyInit, ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Expr>,
@@ -208,7 +264,14 @@ const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::Analyzer::findMutation(const Decl *Dec) {
 const Stmt *
 ExprMutationAnalyzer::Analyzer::findPointeeMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
-  return findMutationMemoized(Exp, {/*TODO*/}, Memorized.PointeeResults);
+  return findMutationMemoized(
+      Exp,
+      {
+          &ExprMutationAnalyzer::Analyzer::findPointeeValueMutation,
+          &ExprMutationAnalyzer::Analyzer::findPointeeMemberMutation,
+          &ExprMutationAnalyzer::Analyzer::findPointeeToNonConst,
+      },
+      Memorized.PointeeResults);
 const Stmt *
@@ -377,7 +440,8 @@ ExprMutationAnalyzer::Analyzer::findDirectMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
   // references.
   const auto NonConstRefParam = forEachArgumentWithParamType(
-            memberExpr(hasObjectExpression(canResolveToExpr(Exp)))),
+            memberExpr(
+                hasObjectExpression(ignoringImpCasts(canResolveToExpr(Exp))))),
   const auto NotInstantiated = unless(hasDeclaration(isInstantiated()));
@@ -643,6 +707,83 @@ ExprMutationAnalyzer::Analyzer::findFunctionArgMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
   return nullptr;
+const Stmt *
+ExprMutationAnalyzer::Analyzer::findPointeeValueMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+  const auto Matches = match(
+      stmt(forEachDescendant(
+          expr(anyOf(
+                   // deref by *
+                   unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("*"),
+                                 hasUnaryOperand(canResolveToExprPointee(Exp))),
+                   // deref by []
+                   arraySubscriptExpr(hasBase(canResolveToExprPointee(Exp)))))
+              .bind(NodeID<Expr>::value))),
+      Stm, Context);
+  return findExprMutation(Matches);
+const Stmt *
+ExprMutationAnalyzer::Analyzer::findPointeeMemberMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+  const Stmt *MemberCallExpr = selectFirst<Stmt>(
+      "stmt", match(stmt(forEachDescendant(
+                        cxxMemberCallExpr(on(canResolveToExprPointee(Exp)),
+                                          unless(isConstCallee()))
+                            .bind("stmt"))),
+                    Stm, Context));
+  if (MemberCallExpr)
+    return MemberCallExpr;
+  const auto Matches =
+      match(stmt(forEachDescendant(
+                memberExpr(hasObjectExpression(canResolveToExprPointee(Exp)))
+                    .bind(NodeID<Expr>::value))),
+            Stm, Context);
+  return findExprMutation(Matches);
+const Stmt *
+ExprMutationAnalyzer::Analyzer::findPointeeToNonConst(const Expr *Exp) {
+  const auto NonConstPointerOrDependentType =
+      type(anyOf(nonConstPointerType(), isDependentType()));
+  // assign
+  const auto InitToNonConst =
+      varDecl(hasType(NonConstPointerOrDependentType),
+              hasInitializer(expr(canResolveToExprPointee(Exp)).bind("stmt")));
+  const auto AssignToNonConst =
+      binaryOperation(hasOperatorName("="),
+                      hasLHS(expr(hasType(NonConstPointerOrDependentType))),
+                      hasRHS(canResolveToExprPointee(Exp)));
+  // arguments like
+  const auto ArgOfInstantiationDependent = allOf(
+      hasAnyArgument(canResolveToExprPointee(Exp)), isInstantiationDependent());
+  const auto ArgOfNonConstParameter = forEachArgumentWithParamType(
+      canResolveToExprPointee(Exp), NonConstPointerOrDependentType);
+  const auto CallLikeMatcher =
+      anyOf(ArgOfNonConstParameter, ArgOfInstantiationDependent);
+  const auto PassAsNonConstArg =
+      expr(anyOf(cxxUnresolvedConstructExpr(ArgOfInstantiationDependent),
+                 cxxConstructExpr(CallLikeMatcher), callExpr(CallLikeMatcher),
+                 parenListExpr(has(canResolveToExprPointee(Exp))),
+                 initListExpr(hasAnyInit(canResolveToExprPointee(Exp)))));
+  // cast
+  const auto CastToNonConst =
+      explicitCastExpr(hasSourceExpression(canResolveToExprPointee(Exp)),
+                       hasDestinationType(NonConstPointerOrDependentType));
+  // capture
+  // FIXME: false positive if the pointee does not change in lambda
+  const auto CaptureNoConst = lambdaExpr(hasCaptureInit(Exp));
+  const auto Matches =
+      match(stmt(anyOf(forEachDescendant(
+                           stmt(anyOf(AssignToNonConst, PassAsNonConstArg,
+                                      CastToNonConst, CaptureNoConst))
+                               .bind("stmt")),
+                       forEachDescendant(InitToNonConst))),
+            Stm, Context);
+  return selectFirst<Stmt>("stmt", Matches);
     const FunctionDecl &Func, ASTContext &Context,
     ExprMutationAnalyzer::Memoized &Memorized)

diff  --git a/clang/unittests/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzerTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzerTest.cpp
index 137baab53301ae..cc277d56b37a2c 100644
--- a/clang/unittests/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzerTest.cpp
+++ b/clang/unittests/Analysis/ExprMutationAnalyzerTest.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include <cassert>
 #include <cctype>
 namespace clang {
@@ -1609,4 +1610,398 @@ TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ReproduceFailureMinimal) {
       match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST11->getASTContext());
   EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results11, AST11.get()));
+static bool isPointeeMutated(const SmallVectorImpl<BoundNodes> &Results,
+                             ASTUnit *AST) {
+  const auto *const S = selectFirst<Stmt>("stmt", Results);
+  const auto *const E = selectFirst<Expr>("expr", Results);
+  assert(S && E);
+  TraversalKindScope RAII(AST->getASTContext(), TK_AsIs);
+  return ExprMutationAnalyzer(*S, AST->getASTContext()).isPointeeMutated(E);
+static bool isDeclPointeeMutated(const SmallVectorImpl<BoundNodes> &Results,
+                                 ASTUnit *AST) {
+  const auto *const S = selectFirst<Stmt>("stmt", Results);
+  const auto *const D = selectFirst<Decl>("decl", Results);
+  assert(S && D);
+  TraversalKindScope RAII(AST->getASTContext(), TK_AsIs);
+  return ExprMutationAnalyzer(*S, AST->getASTContext()).isPointeeMutated(D);
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByAssign) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "void f() { int* x = nullptr; int b = *x; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "void f() { int* x = nullptr; *x = 100; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "void f() { int* x = nullptr; (*x)++; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-unused-value"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByMember) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "struct A { int v; }; void f() { A* x = nullptr; int b = x->v; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "struct A { int v; }; void f() { A* x = nullptr; x->v = 1; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "struct A { int v; }; void f() { A* x = nullptr; x->v++; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-unused-value"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByMethod) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "struct A { int v; void foo(); };"
+                             "void f() { A* x = nullptr; x->foo(); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "struct A { int v; void foo() const; };"
+                             "void f() { A* x = nullptr; x->foo(); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByOperatorOverload) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "struct A { int v; int operator++(); };"
+                             "void f() { A* x = nullptr; x->operator++(); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "struct A { int v; int operator++() const; };"
+                             "void f() { A* x = nullptr; x->operator++(); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByInitToNonConst) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "void f() { int* x = nullptr; int const* b = x; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "void f() { int* x = nullptr; int* b = x; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "void f() { int* x = nullptr; int* const b = x; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByAssignToNonConst) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "void f() { int* x = nullptr; int const* b; b = x; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "void f() { int* x = nullptr; int* b; b = x; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByPassAsArgument) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "void b(int const*); void f() { int* x = nullptr; b(x); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "void b(int *); void f() { int* x = nullptr; b(x); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByPassAsArgumentInConstruct) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "struct A { A(int const*); };"
+                             "void f() { int *x; A a{x}; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "struct A { A(int const*); };"
+                             "void f() { int *x; A a(x); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "struct A { A(int const*); };"
+                             "void f() { int *x; A a = x; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "struct A { A(int *); };"
+                             "void f() { int *x; A a{x}; }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+     PointeeMutatedByPassAsArgumentInTemplateConstruct) {
+  const std::string Code = "template<class T> void f() { int *x; new T(x); }";
+  auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-fno-delayed-template-parsing"});
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByPassAsArgumentInInitList) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "namespace std {"
+        "template<class T>"
+        "struct initializer_list{ T const* begin; T const* end; };"
+        "}"
+        "void f() { int *x; std::initializer_list<int*> a{x, x, x}; }";
+    auto AST =
+        buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-fno-delayed-template-parsing"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByThis) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "struct A { void m() const; }; void f() { A* x = nullptr; x->m(); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "struct A { void m(); }; void f() { A* x = nullptr; x->m(); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByExplicitCastToNonConst) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "void f() { int* x = nullptr; static_cast<int const*>(x); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-everything"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "void f() { int* x = nullptr; static_cast<int*>(x); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-everything"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByConstCastToNonConst) {
+  // const_cast to non-const even treat as mutated.
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "void f() { int* x = nullptr; const_cast<int const*>(x); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-everything"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code =
+        "void f() { int* x = nullptr; const_cast<int*>(x); }";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-everything"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByUnresolvedCall) {
+  const std::string Code =
+      "template <class T> struct S;"
+      "template <class T> void f() { S<T> s; int* x = nullptr; s.m(x); }";
+  auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(
+      Code, {"-fno-delayed-template-parsing", "-Wno-everything"});
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByAssignToUnknownType) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "template <class T> void f() {"
+                             "  int* x = nullptr;"
+                             "  T t = x;"
+                             "}";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(
+        Code, {"-fno-delayed-template-parsing", "-Wno-everything"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = "template <class T> void f() {"
+                             "  int* x = nullptr;"
+                             "  typename T::t t = x;"
+                             "}";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(
+        Code, {"-fno-delayed-template-parsing", "-Wno-everything"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByLambdaCapture) {
+  const std::string Code = R"(
+      void f() {
+        int* x;
+        [x] () { *x = 1; };
+      })";
+  auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-everything"});
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(isDeclPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByLambdaCaptureInit) {
+  const std::string Code = R"(
+      void f() {
+        int* x;
+        [t = x] () { *t = 1; };
+      })";
+  auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-everything"});
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(isDeclPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByPointerArithmeticAdd) {
+  {
+    const std::string Code = R"(
+      void f() {
+        int* x;
+        int* y = x + 1;
+      })";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-everything"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+  {
+    const std::string Code = R"(
+      void f() {
+        int* x;
+        x + 1;
+      })";
+    auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-everything"});
+    auto Results =
+        match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  }
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByPointerArithmeticSubElement) {
+  const std::string Code = R"(
+      void f() {
+        int* x;
+        int* y = &x[1];
+      })";
+  auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-everything"});
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, PointeeMutatedByConditionOperator) {
+  const std::string Code = R"(
+      void f() {
+        int* x;
+        int* y = 1 ? nullptr : x;
+      })";
+  auto AST = buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, {"-Wno-everything"});
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(isPointeeMutated(Results, AST.get()));
 } // namespace clang


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